206 research outputs found

    Validation and Benchmarking of a Practical Free Magnetic Energy and Relative Magnetic Helicity Budget Calculation in Solar Magnetic Structures

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    In earlier works we introduced and tested a nonlinear force-free (NLFF) method designed to self-consistently calculate the free magnetic energy and the relative magnetic helicity budgets of the corona of observed solar magnetic structures. The method requires, in principle, only a single, photospheric or low-chromospheric, vector magnetogram of a quiet-Sun patch or an active region and performs calculations in the absence of three-dimensional magnetic and velocity-field information. In this work we strictly validate this method using three-dimensional coronal magnetic fields. Benchmarking employs both synthetic, three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations and nonlinear force-free field extrapolations of the active-region solar corona. We find that our time-efficient NLFF method provides budgets that differ from those of more demanding semi-analytical methods by a factor of ~3, at most. This difference is expected from the physical concept and the construction of the method. Temporal correlations show more discrepancies that, however, are soundly improved for more complex, massive active regions, reaching correlation coefficients of the order of, or exceeding, 0.9. In conclusion, we argue that our NLFF method can be reliably used for a routine and fast calculation of free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets in targeted parts of the solar magnetized corona. As explained here and in previous works, this is an asset that can lead to valuable insight into the physics and the triggering of solar eruptions.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, accepted by Solar Physic

    Validation of the magnetic energy vs. helicity scaling in solar magnetic structures

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    We assess the validity of the free magnetic energy - relative magnetic helicity diagram for solar magnetic structures. We used two different methods of calculating the free magnetic energy and the relative magnetic helicity budgets: a classical, volume-calculation nonlinear force-free (NLFF) method applied to finite coronal magnetic structures and a surface-calculation NLFF derivation that relies on a single photospheric or chromospheric vector magnetogram. Both methods were applied to two different data sets, namely synthetic active-region cases obtained by three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations and observed active-region cases, which include both eruptive and noneruptive magnetic structures. The derived energy--helicity diagram shows a consistent monotonic scaling between relative helicity and free energy with a scaling index 0.84±\pm0.05 for both data sets and calculation methods. It also confirms the segregation between noneruptive and eruptive active regions and the existence of thresholds in both free energy and relative helicity for active regions to enter eruptive territory. We consider the previously reported energy-helicity diagram of solar magnetic structures as adequately validated and envision a significant role of the uncovered scaling in future studies of solar magnetism

    An observationally-driven kinetic approach to coronal heating

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    Coronal heating through the explosive release of magnetic energy remains an open problem in solar physics. Recent hydrodynamical models attempt an investigation by placing swarms of 'nanoflares' at random sites and times in modeled one-dimensional coronal loops. We investigate the problem in three dimensions, using extrapolated coronal magnetic fields of observed solar active regions. We apply a nonlinear force-free field extrapolation above an observed photospheric magnetogram of NOAA active region (AR) 11158. We then determine the locations, energy contents, and volumes of 'unstable' areas, namely areas prone to releasing magnetic energy due to locally accumulated electric current density. Statistical distributions of these volumes and their fractal dimension are inferred, investigating also their dependence on spatial resolution. Further adopting a simple resistivity model, we infer the properties of the fractally distributed electric fields in these volumes. Next, we monitor the evolution of 10^5 particles (electrons and ions) obeying an initial Maxwellian distribution with a temperature of 10 eV, by following their trajectories and energization when subjected to the resulting electric fields. For computational convenience, the length element of the magnetic-field extrapolation is 1 arcsec, much coarser than the particles collisional mean free path in the low corona. The presence of collisions traps the bulk of the plasma around the unstable volumes, or current sheets (UCS), with only a tail of the distribution gaining substantial energy. Assuming that the distance between UCS is similar to the collisional mean free path we find that the low active-region corona is heated to 100-200 eV, corresponding to temperatures exceeding 2 MK, within tens of seconds for electrons and thousands of seconds for ions. Fractally distributed, nanoflare-triggening fragmented UCS ...Comment: accepted by A&

    Non-Supersymmetric Seiberg Duality, Orientifold QCD and Non-Critical Strings

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    We propose an electric-magnetic duality and conjecture an exact conformal window for a class of non-supersymmetric U(N_c) gauge theories with fermions in the (anti)symmetric representation of the gauge group and N_f additional scalar and fermion flavors. The duality exchanges N_c with N_f -N_c \mp 4 leaving N_f invariant, and has common features with Seiberg duality in N=1 SQCD with SU or SO/Sp gauge group. At large N the duality holds due to planar equivalence with N=1 SQCD. At finite N we embed these gauge theories in a setup with D-branes and orientifolds in a non-supersymmetric, but tachyon-free, non-critical type 0B string theory and argue in favor of the duality in terms of boundary and crosscap state monodromies as in analogous supersymmetric situations. One can verify explicitly that the resulting duals have matching global anomalies. Finally, we comment on the moduli space of these gauge theories and discuss other potential non-supersymmetric examples that could exhibit similar dualities.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figur

    Relative field line helicity of a large eruptive solar active region

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    Context. Magnetic helicity is a physical quantity of great importance in the study of astrophysical and natural plasmas. Although a density for helicity cannot be defined, a good proxy for it is field line helicity. The appropriate quantity for use in solar conditions is relative field line helicity (RFLH). Aims. This work aims to study in detail the behaviour of RFLH, for the first time, in a solar active region (AR). Methods. The target active region is the large, eruptive AR 11158. In order to compute RFLH and all other quantities of interest we use a non-linear force-free reconstruction of the AR coronal magnetic field of excelent quality. Results. We find that the photospheric morphology of RFLH is quite different than that of the magnetic field or of the electrical current, and this is not sensitive to the chosen gauge in the computation of RFLH. The value of helicity experiences a large decrease, 25% of its pre-flare value, during an X-class flare of the AR, a change that is also depicted in the photospheric morphology of RFLH. Moreover, the area of this change coincides with the area that encompasses the flux rope, the magnetic structure that later erupted. Conclusions. The use of RFLH can provide important information about the value and location of the magnetic helicity expelled from the solar atmosphere during eruptive events.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of the Solar Magnetic Field. Part III: Twist Number Method

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    We study the writhe, twist and magnetic helicity of different magnetic flux ropes, based on models of the solar coronal magnetic field structure. These include an analytical force-free Titov--D\'emoulin equilibrium solution, non force-free magnetohydrodynamic simulations, and nonlinear force-free magnetic field models. The geometrical boundary of the magnetic flux rope is determined by the quasi-separatrix layer and the bottom surface, and the axis curve of the flux rope is determined by its overall orientation. The twist is computed by the Berger--Prior formula that is suitable for arbitrary geometry and both force-free and non-force-free models. The magnetic helicity is estimated by the twist multiplied by the square of the axial magnetic flux. We compare the obtained values with those derived by a finite volume helicity estimation method. We find that the magnetic helicity obtained with the twist method agrees with the helicity carried by the purely current-carrying part of the field within uncertainties for most test cases. It is also found that the current-carrying part of the model field is relatively significant at the very location of the magnetic flux rope. This qualitatively explains the agreement between the magnetic helicity computed by the twist method and the helicity contributed purely by the current-carrying magnetic field.Comment: To be published in Ap

    Additivity of relative magnetic helicity in finite volumes

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    CONTEXT: Relative magnetic helicity is conserved by magneto-hydrodynamic evolution even in the presence of moderate resistivity. For that reason, it is often invoked as the most relevant constraint on the dynamical evolution of plasmas in complex systems, such as solar and stellar dynamos, photospheric flux emergence, solar eruptions, and relaxation processes in laboratory plasmas. However, such studies often indirectly imply that relative magnetic helicity in a given spatial domain can be algebraically split into the helicity contributions of the composing subvolumes, in other words that it is an additive quantity. A limited number of very specific applications have shown that this is not the case. AIMS: Progress in understanding the nonadditivity of relative magnetic helicity requires removal of restrictive assumptions in favor of a general formalism that can be used in both theoretical investigations and numerical applications. METHODS: We derive the analytical gauge-invariant expression for the partition of relative magnetic helicity between contiguous finite volumes, without any assumptions on either the shape of the volumes and interface, or the employed gauge. RESULTS: We prove the nonadditivity of relative magnetic helicity in finite volumes in the most general, gauge-invariant formalism, and verify this numerically. We adopt more restrictive assumptions to derive known specific approximations, which yields a unified view of the additivity issue. As an example, the case of a flux rope embedded in a potential field shows that the nonadditivity term in the partition equation is, in general, non-negligible. CONCLUSIONS: The nonadditivity of relative magnetic helicity can potentially be a serious impediment to the application of relative helicity conservation as a constraint on the complex dynamics of magnetized plasmas. The relative helicity partition formula can be applied to numerical simulations to precisely quantify the effect of nonadditivity on global helicity budgets of complex physical processes

    Magnetic Helicity Evolution and Eruptive Activity in NOAA Active Region 11158

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    Coronal mass ejections are among the Sun’s most energetic activity events yet the physical mechanisms that lead to their occurrence are not yet fully understood. They can drive major space weather impacts at Earth, so knowing why and when these ejections will occur is required for accurate space weather forecasts. In this study we use a 4 day time series of a quantity known as the helicity ratio, ∣H J ∣/∣H V ∣ (helicity of the current-carrying part of the active region field to the total relative magnetic helicity within the volume), which has been computed from nonlinear force-free field extrapolations of NOAA active region 11158. We compare the evolution of ∣H J ∣/∣H V ∣ with the activity produced in the corona of the active region and show this ratio can be used to indicate when the active region is prone to eruption. This occurs when ∣H J ∣/∣H V ∣ exceeds a value of 0.1, as suggested by previous studies. We find the helicity ratio variations to be more pronounced during times of strong flux emergence, collision and reconnection between fields of different bipoles, shearing motions, and reconfiguration of the corona through failed and successful eruptions. When flux emergence, collision, and shearing motions have lessened, the changes in helicity ratio are somewhat subtle despite the occurrence of significant eruptive activity during this time

    On the rapid TeV flaring activity of Markarian 501

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    Aims: We investigate the one-zone SSC model of TeV blazars in the presence of electron acceleration. In this picture electrons reach a maximum energy where acceleration saturates from a combination of synchrotron and inverse Compton scattering losses. Methods: We solve the spatially averaged kinetic equations which describe the simultaneous evolution of particles and photons, obtaining the multi-wavelength spectrum as a function of time. Results: We apply the model to the rapid flare of Mrk 501 of July 9, 2005 as this was observed by the MAGIC telescope and obtain the relevant parameters for the pre-flare quasi steady state and the ones during the flare. We show that a hard lag flare can be obtained with parameters which lie well within the range already accepted for this source. Especially the choice of a high value of the Doppler factor seems to be necessary.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in A&A (Letters