748 research outputs found
O desenvolvimento do comércio no Noroeste a partir da conquista. O caso de Bracara Augusta
Neste estudo apresentam-se os dados atá à data conhecidos sobre a evolução económica e comercial da cidade romana de Bracara Augusta, nas suas primeiras décadas de vida. De modo a conhecermos melhor esses momentos procurámos contextualizar estratigraficamente alguns dos vestÃgios materiais recuperados em escavações realizadas no âmbito do projeto de «Salvamento de Bracara Augusta». Complementámos este estudo com recentes achados encontrados na orla costeira do conventus Bracaraugustanus, em Esposende, testemunho da importância económica da cidade, estrategicamente fundada por Augusto na parte sul da Galaecia.IIn this study we present the data so far known about the economic and commercial evolution of the Roman city of Bracara Augusta in its first decades of existence. In order to know these times better we have tried to stratigraphically contextualize some of the material remains recovered under the project Salvamento de Bracara Augusta. We have complemented this study with recent findings recovered on the coastline of the conventus Bracaraugustanus, in Esposende, which are a testimony of the economic importance of the city, strategically founded by Augustus in the south of Galaecia
Potes meleiros e colmenas em cerâmica: una tradicâo milenar
Neste estudo apresenta-se uma breve resenha sobre a importância do mel na antiguidade e destaca-se a existência de contentores destinados ao seu armazenamento. Tendo em conta a maior antiguidade destes contentores recolhidos na PenÃnsula (datáveis, pelo menos, a partir de c. de 600 a.C.), a sua persitência ao longo dos tempos, e a existência de paralelos etnográficos ainda hoje documentados, admitimos tratar-se de uma tradicâo com origem da PenÃnsula.Destaca-se, ainda, a importância dos mellaria na economia do mundo antigo e realça-se a identificacâo de colmeias em cerâmica na regiao de Valência e de uma inédita recolhida em Bracara Augusta, uma cidade romana localizada no extremo ocidente da PenÃnsula. Por fim, faz-se uma breve alusao à importância do mel em épocas posteriores ao perÃodo romano
NotÃcia sobre vaso grego destinado ao transporte e conservação de mel
Nos últimos anos temos vindo a dar a conhecer a existência de potes para o transporte de mel usados desde épocas muito recuadas da humanidade. Na notÃcia que agora apresentámos revela-se a existência de um vaso grego, de produção italiota, proveniente de Tarcentum (nordeste de Itália), agora conservado no Museu da Universidade de Michigan, muito provavelmentedestinado ao transporte deste produto. Propõe-se, ainda, que este tipo de contentores possa remontar à s primeiras civilizações, com origem na Mesopotâmia.In recent years we have been making known the existence of pots for the transportation of honey used since early epochs of humankind. In this paper we reveal the existence of a Greek vase of Italiote production from Tarcentum (northeast Italy), which is now part of the collection of theMichigan University Museum and was very probably used to transport this product. We also put forward that these type of containers can go back to the earliest civilizations, namely from Mesopotamia
News about a greek vase used to transport and conserve honey
Honey, with its different traits and uses, was a commercialized good, on par with other important foodstuffs. The first evidence of containers to transport honey date to the Bronze Age, as is recorded on Egyptian frescos of the fifteenth dynasty (middle of the second millennium BC) and on some Mycenae Linear B tablets (second half of the 2nd millennium BC). Other types of containers used to transport honey are referenced in papyrus of the Ptolemaic era1. The containers recovered by archaeology are of roman and Byzantine time. Identifying them is possible due to the inscriptions (sgrafitto and tituli picti), mostly present on amphorae forms used to transport wine
South Gaulish terra sigillata found in Bracara Augusta (North Portugal)
Bracara Augusta, just like other nuclear cities of the Roman world, played an important role in the inter-provincial trade as an importer and redistributor centre of nourishing and manufactured goods. Regarding the supply of Gaulish terra sigillata, apart from some fragments from Montans and a Drag. 45 form fragment from Lezoux, the productions are from La Graufesenque.Bracara Augusta, assim como outras cidades nucleares do mundo romano, desempenhou um papel importante no comércio interprovincial como centro importador e redistribuidor de produtos alimentares e manufaturados. Quanto ao fornecimento de terra sigillata gálica, para além de alguns fragmentos de Montans e um fragmento Drag. 45 de Lezoux, as produções são de La Graufesenqueinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Merging traditional livelihood activities with new employment opportunities brought by ecotourism to Iona national park, Angola: rethinking social sustainability
Ecotourism activities and investment projects have been consistently increasing worldwide over
the last few decades. In this process, ecotourism has contributed to fight poverty, to create local
employment opportunities and to promote nature conservation. However, there are also plenty
examples of nature-base tourism destinations where ecotourism principles have been distorted
and negative impacts are on the rise. Therefore, studies that provide a deep understanding of
the roots and consequences of those both positive and negative impacts are needed to achieve
new higher tourism quality standards, to foster a sound local development and to promote an
integrated and sustainable national growth. To obtain information useful to contribute specific
recommendations aimed at linking tourism employers and job seekers, we have conducted a
survey addressing locals’ demographic characteristics and their engagement in traditional
livelihood activities. Data gathered from 202 respondents showed that in the largest villages
traditional livelihood activities, excepting pastoralism, tend to have little expression while the
same activities seem to play a key role in some small communities. Striking differences were
found between nomadic or semi-nomadic people and people who have been assimilated into the
western civilization and also have more sedentary life styles. Using this information and taking
in consideration some new employment opportunities brought nature-based tourism to the Iona
National Park, we have identified specific demographic profiles more suited for part-time and full-time jobs
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