7 research outputs found

    Detailing an e-Learning course on software engineering and architecture using BPMN

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    We have employed BPMN diagrams to expose the foreseen teaching and learning activities of participants in an e-learning course under planning. This provided clarification of the teaching and learning actions, revealing to the educational planning team aspects which were not explicit in the lecturer’s plan, such as: the level of effort for the teacher as well as for the student; specific moments when there is a need to provide feedback and motivation. We believe that this exercise constitutes a rich and helpful contribution in planning and visualization efficient for other teaching teams of computer programming courses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using BPMN to identify indicators for teacher intervention in support of self-regulation and co-regulation of learning in asynchronous e-learning

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    We used BPMN diagrams to identify indicators that can assist teachers in their intervention actions to support students’ self-regulation and co-regulation in an asynchronous e-learning context. The use of BPMN modeling, by making explicit the tasks and procedures implicit in the intervention of the e-learning teacher, also exposed which data were available for developing decision-support indicators, as well as the relevant moments for carrying out interventions. Such indicators can help e-learning teachers focus their interventions to support selfregulation and co-regulation of learning, as well as enabling the creation of live data dashboards to support decision-making for those interventions, thus this process can contribute to devise better instruments for teacher intervention in support of self-regulation and co-regulation of student learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Narrative-driven immersion and students perceptions in an online software programming course

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    iLRN 2021. Online and in Virtual Reality (17 May - 10 June, 2021)Learning software programming is challenging for software engineering students. In this paper, students’ engagement in learning software engineering programming is considered under the SimProgramming approach using the OC2-RD2 narrative technique to create an immersive learning context. The objectives of this paper are twofold: presenting a narrative-driven immersive learning approach to introduce software engineering concepts and coding techniques to online undergraduate students; and analyzing the students’ feedback on this approach. Thematic analysis of the metacognitive tasks was performed on the students’ fortnightly reflections about their learning progress. Content analysis was based on interest categories, students’ perceptions, metacognitive challenges, narratives, examples and aspects to be kept or to be improved. Data from the content analysis were organized into categories, subcategories, indicators, and recording units and their categorization was peer-reviewed. The narratives were considered by the students as interesting, appealing, akin to professional reality and promoting interaction. Most students thought the approach was helpful for learning software programming.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metacognitive challenges to support self-reflection of students in online software engineering education

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    Software engineering education requires students to develop technical knowledge and advanced cognitive and behavioral skills, particularly in the transition from novice to proficient. In distance learning, the hurdles are greater because students require greater autonomy, adopting strategies of self and co-regulation of learning. Facing these challenges, the SimProgramming approach has been transposed into the context of DL: e-SimProgramming. In the second iteration of e-SimProgramming implementation (2019/2020), one adaptation was inclusion of metacognitive challenges (MC) to promote students’ self-reflection on their learning process. We explain the design of the two types of implemented MCs. We provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of: 1) evolution of MCs submission throughout the semester, identifying regularity and completion within deadlines and their relationship to student success; 2) students’ perceptions of MCs. Results show a positive correlation between high MC submission and student success, greater interest and involvement of students in type 2 MCs and positive perceptions of students about MCs.This work was financially supported by National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., and CIDTFF (UIDB/00194/2020) - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, via Stimulus of Scientific Employment – CEECIND/00986/2017 Individual Support 2017, and via project PTDC/CED-EDG/30040/2017. We would also like to thank all students and teachers who collaborated on this research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teaching and learning programming: a case study in Higher Education

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    Tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (especialidade em Tecnologia Educativa)O processo de ensino e aprendizagem de programação é uma tarefa complexa que coloca desafios importantes a docentes e discentes. Ensinar a programar exige do professor uma forte demanda de interação a fim de atender, acompanhar, mediar e avaliar individualmente os alunos e suas atividades, e escolher os caminhos mais adequados para manter a motivação, o envolvimento e o bom desempenho destes. Aprender a programar é um processo complexo pois envolve diversas singularidades do domínio da programação, exige dos estudantes a prática constante e conhecimentos e habilidades específicos tais como interpretação e resolução de problemas. Esses aspectos podem dificultar o processo, causando desmotivação e frustração de docentes e discentes, bem como a desistência e reprovação nas Unidades Curriculares. Diante do exposto, nessa pesquisa tivemos como objetivo compreender ‘como ocorre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de programação no Ensino Superior’, a fim de inventariar metodologias e ferramentas, caracterizar os fatores que influenciam na aprendizagem, explicitar os conhecimentos e habilidades necessários para aprender a programar e identificar as dificuldades enfrentadas por professores e alunos e o que estas dificuldades podem acarretar. A investigação é de natureza mista e teve como abordagem metodológica a realização de um estudo de caso único. Para tanto, selecionamos documentos e realizamos a aplicação de questionários e entrevistas a estudantes e professores de um curso superior na área de Informática no contexto brasileiro. Após a recolha de dados procedemos à análise e interpretação de conteúdo. Em seguida efetuamos a triangulação das fontes de evidências, categorizados à luz da fundamentação teórica e de acordo com os parâmetros ‘O que’, ‘Quem’, ‘Quando’, ‘Onde’, ‘Porque’, ‘Como’ e ‘Quanto’, baseados no framework 5W2H, a fim de compreender os sentidos dos dados e como eles respondem a questão central da tese. O estudo identifica contributos relacionados aos objetivos elencados, de forma que os resultados obtidos podem servir de suporte para a construção de novos conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento de estratégias que possam contribuir para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de programação.The process of teaching and learning programming is a complex task that poses important challenges to teachers and students. Teaching programming requires a strong demand for interaction from the teacher to attend, monitor, mediate, and evaluate individually the students and their activities, and to choose the most appropriate ways to maintain their motivation, involvement, and good performance. Learning to program is a complex process because it involves several singularities of the programming domain, demands from the students constant practice and specific knowledge and skills such as interpretation and problem solving. These aspects can hinder the process, causing demotivation and frustration for teachers and students, as well as dropout and failure in the Curricular Units. Considering the above, in this research we aimed to understand 'how the process of teaching and learning programming occurs in Higher Education', to inventory methodologies and tools, characterize the factors that influence learning, explain the knowledge and skills required to learn to program, and identify the difficulties faced by teachers and students and what these difficulties may entail. The research is mixed in nature and its methodological approach was a single case study. To do so, we selected documents and carried out the application of questionnaires and interviews to students and teachers of a higher education course in the area of Computer Science in the Brazilian context. After data collection we proceeded to content analysis and interpretation. Then we carried out the triangulation of the sources of evidence, categorized in the light of the theoretical foundation and according to the parameters 'What', 'Who', When', 'Where', 'Why', 'How' and 'How Much', based on the 5W2H framework, in order to understand the meanings of the data and how they answer the central question of the thesis. The study identifies contributions related to the listed objectives, so that the results obtained can serve as support for the construction of new knowledge for the development of strategies that can contribute to the process of teaching and learning programming.Agradeço à Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, pelo apoio financeiro concedido para a realização do Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, na Universidade do Minho e pela concessão da Licença para Capacitação no Exterior

    Cognitio: um processo para reuso de requisitos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado submetida ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte e Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido como parte dos requisitos necessários para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sistemas Computacionais.Devido à complexidade de se desenvolver softwares que atendam às necessidades dos stakeholders, torna-se cada vez maior a busca pelo desenvolvimento de métodos que auxiliem a Engenharia de Requisitos (ER), uma vez que esta é fator fundamental para o alcance da qualidade do software. Este trabalho está inserido no processo da ER com o intuito de possibilitar a elicitação de requisitos, através do reuso destes. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um processo para reuso de requisitos, denominado Cognitio. Esse processo apóia o desenvolvimento de software com reuso e para reuso, visando conquistar ganhos na produtividade e qualidade dos softwares gerados. Através do processo Cognitio, pretende-se motivar os stakeholders tanto para desenvolver software com reuso quanto para o reuso. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um repositório de requisitos, organizando-os com a linguagem Q7, e representando-os com o framework NFR, como o processo pode ser aplicado. Para dar apoio ao Cognitio, gerou-se a ferramenta Cognitio Tool.Due to the complexity of developing software which match stakeholders’ demands, the development of methods to support Requirement Engineering (RE) has been increasing more and more. It is, therefore, a fundamental factor in reaching software quality. This study deals with RE processing in order to promote the elicitation of requirements by reusing them. A requirement reusing process, named Cognitio, was created to support software development by and to reuse requirements. It aims at enhancing software productivity and quality, so that stakeholders feel motivated to develop software by reusing and to reuse them. A repository of requirements was done by organizing information about the requirements using Q7 language and to present, via NFR framework, how the process can be applied. In order to support Cognitio, the tool Cognitio Tool was created.N/


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    Este artigo apresenta um processo de reuso de requisitos, denominado Cognitio, o qual busca fornecer ganhos na produtividade e qualidade dos softwares gerados, de forma que os stakeholders se sintam motivados tanto para desenvolver software com reuso quanto para o reuso. Para a formação do repositório, organizamos as informações relacionadas aos requisitos através da linguagem Q7, e apresentamos através do framework NFR como o nosso processo pode ser aplicado