7 research outputs found

    Unexpected residual habitats raise hope for the survival of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis along the Occitan coast (Northwest Mediterranean Sea)

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    In 2019, the status of the Mediterranean fan mussel Pinna nobilis was elevated to ‘Critically Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List, in response to the pandemic caused by the parasite Haplosporidium pinnae. Identifying refuge habitats, free from parasites, is critical to the survival of the mussel. The distribution of P. nobilis was investigated along the Occitan coast (Northwest Mediterranean Sea) because of the presence of a unique lagoonal system that may provide potential refuges. Interviews with users and managers were conducted to identify target zones where the species was sighted. In situ surveys were carried out to define the main aggregations of fan mussels and characterize the habitat. Line transects were deployed to count and measure individuals to estimate density, abundance, and size distribution. Population densities were variable, ranging from 0.6 ± 0.2 (SE) to 70.8 ± 7.6 ind. 100 m−2, representing one of the highest densities re - ported in the Mediterranean Sea. The total abundance of individuals across the coast was extra - polated to 163 000, with 87% located in Thau and Salses-Leucate, highlighting these lagoons as essential for the survival of the species. This study also revealed the diversity of habitats colonized by P. nobilis. In the context of the pandemic, only the lagoon populations remain unaffected and provide natural refuges that have disappeared from all open-water coastal areas. However, the conditions in these lagoons could become unfavorable, leading to the collapse of the last P. nobilis populations. We therefore propose that Thau and Salses-Leucate lagoons, which harbor the largest remaining populations of P. nobilis, should be declared as conservation priorities.En prens

    Investigating population dynamics from parentage analysis in the highly endangered fan mussel Pinna nobilis

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    Understanding dispersal patterns is a major focus for conservation biology as it influences local survival and resilience in case of local disturbance, particularly for sessile species. Dispersal can be assessed through parentage analyses by estimating family structure and self-recruitment. This study documents the family structure of a pelagic spawner, Pinna nobilis, which is facing a major crisis that threatens its survival as most of its populations have been decimated by a parasite, Haplosporidium pinnae. In this context, we focused on a single population (Peyrefite, Banyuls-sur- mer, France) where 640 individuals were sampled in 2011, 2015, and 2018 and genotyped for 22 microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity was high and homogeneous among years, with mean allele numbers ranging between 13.6 and 14.8 and observed heterozygosities (Ho) between 0.7121 and 0.7331. Low, but significant, genetic differentiations were found between 2011–2015 and 2015–2018. A parentage analysis described 11 clusters, including one prevailing, and revealed that 46.9% of individuals were involved in half-sib relationships, even between years, suggesting that source populations were recurrent year after year. There were few individuals resampled between years (30 in 2015 and 14 in 2018), indicating a rapid turnover. Considering the large number of half-sib relationships but the low number of relations per individual, we conclude that P. nobilis exhibit homogeneous reproductive success. Self-recruitment was not detected, making this population highly vulnerable as replenishment only relies on connectivity from neighboring populations. In the context of the pandemic caused by H. pinnae, these results will have to be considered when choosing a location to reintroduce individuals in potential future rescue plans.En prensa

    Genetic homogeneity of the critically endangered fan mussel, Pinna nobilis, throughout lagoons of the Gulf of Lion (North‑Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    The fan mussel, Pinna nobilis, endemic to the Mediterranean Sea, is a critically endangered species facing mass mortality events in almost all of its populations, following the introduction of the parasite Haplosporidium pinnae. Such a unique pandemic in a marine organism, which spreads rapidly and with mortality rates reaching up to 100%, could lead to the potential extinction of the species. Only few regions, involving lagoon habitats, remain healthy throughout the entire Mediterranean Sea. This study describes the genetic structure of P. nobilis across the Gulf of Lion, including confined locations such as lagoons and ports. A total of 960 samples were collected among 16 sites distributed at 8 localities, and then genotyped using 22 microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity was high in all sites with mean allele numbers ranging between 10 and 14.6 and with observed heterozygosities (Ho) between 0.679 and 0.704. No genetic differentiation could be identified (FST ranging from 0.0018 to 0.0159) and the percentages of related individuals were low and similar among locations (from 1.6 to 6.5%). Consequently, all fan mussels, over the entire coastline surveyed, including those in the most geographically isolated areas, belong to a large genetically homogeneous population across the Gulf of Lion. Considering the ongoing mass mortality context, this result demonstrates that almost all of the genetic diversity of P. nobilis populations is still preserved even in isolated lagoons, which might represent a refuge habitat for the future of the species.En prensa2,92

    Wide-Geographic and Long-Term Analysis of the Role of Pathogens in the Decline of Pinna nobilis to Critically Endangered Species

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    A mass mortality event (MME) affecting the fan mussel Pinna nobilis was first detected in Spain in autumn 2016 and spread north- and eastward through the Mediterranean Sea. Various pathogens have been blamed for contributing to the MME, with emphasis in Haplosporidium pinnae, Mycobacterium sp. and Vibrio spp. In this study, samples from 762 fan mussels (necropsies from 263 individuals, mantle biopsies from 499) of various health conditions, with wide geographic and age range, taken before and during the MME spread from various environments along Mediterranean Sea, were used to assess the role of pathogens in the MME. The number of samples processed by both histological and molecular methods was 83. The most important factor playing a main role on the onset of the mass mortality of P. nobilis throughout the Mediterranean Sea was the infection by H. pinnae. It was the only non-detected pathogen before the MME while, during MME spreading, its prevalence was higher in sick and dead individuals than in asymptomatic ones, in MME-affected areas than in non-affected sites, and it was not associated with host size, infecting both juveniles and adults. Conversely, infection with mycobacteria was independent from the period (before or during MME), from the affection of the area by MME and from the host health condition, and it was associated with host size. Gram (-) bacteria neither appeared associated with MME.En prens

    Wide-Geographic and Long-Term Analysis of the Role of Pathogens in the Decline of Pinna nobilis to Critically Endangered Species

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    20 Pág.A mass mortality event (MME) affecting the fan mussel Pinna nobilis was first detected in Spain in autumn 2016 and spread north- and eastward through the Mediterranean Sea. Various pathogens have been blamed for contributing to the MME, with emphasis in Haplosporidium pinnae, Mycobacterium sp. and Vibrio spp. In this study, samples from 762 fan mussels (necropsies from 263 individuals, mantle biopsies from 499) of various health conditions, with wide geographic and age range, taken before and during the MME spread from various environments along Mediterranean Sea, were used to assess the role of pathogens in the MME. The number of samples processed by both histological and molecular methods was 83. The most important factor playing a main role on the onset of the mass mortality of P. nobilis throughout the Mediterranean Sea was the infection by H. pinnae. It was the only non-detected pathogen before the MME while, during MME spreading, its prevalence was higher in sick and dead individuals than in asymptomatic ones, in MME-affected areas than in non-affected sites, and it was not associated with host size, infecting both juveniles and adults. Conversely, infection with mycobacteria was independent from the period (before or during MME), from the affection of the area by MME and from the host health condition, and it was associated with host size. Gram (-) bacteria neither appeared associated with MME.This work was funded by: DG Pesca i Medi Mari (GOIB),EsMarEs (order IEO by MITECO, Spanish government), Life UFE IP-PAF INTEMARES (LIFE15 IPE ES 012) “Gestión integrada, innovadora y participativa de la Red Natura 2000 en el medio marino español,” the research project “Estado de conservación del bivalvo amenazado Pinna nobilis en el PNAC” (OAPN 024/2010), the project RECONNECT (MIS 5017160) of the Programme Interreg V-B “Balkan-Mediterranean 2014–2020.” MTES (French Government), DREAL (Direction Régionale Environnement Aménagement Logement) and Région Occitanie (France) for funding research and monitoring of Pinna.GC and PP were contracted under the INIA-CCAA cooperative research programme for postdoctoral incorporation from the Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (DOC INIA 8/2013 and 15/2015). MV-L was supported by a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación postdoctoral contract (ICJI-2016-29329, MICIU Programme). ML-S and EÁ were supported by a Personal Técnico de Apoyo contract MINECO programme (PTA2015-11709-I and PTA2015-10829- I, respectively). CP and GS were supported by the project RECONNECT (MIS 5017160) financed by the Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg V-B “Balkan-Mediterranean 2014–2020” and co-funded by the European Union and national funds of the participating countries. CP was supported by Sorbonne University.Peer reviewe

    RNA-Seq comparative study reveals molecular effectors linked to the resistance of Pinna nobilis to Haplosporidium pinnae parasite

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    International audienceAbstract With the intensification of maritime traffic, recently emerged infectious diseases have become major drivers in the decline and extinction of species. Since 2016, mass mortality events have decimated the endemic Mediterranean Sea bivalve Pinna nobilis, affecting ca. 100% of individuals. These events have largely been driven by Haplosporidium pinnae ’s infection, an invasive species which was likely introduced by shipping. While monitoring wild populations of P. nobilis , we observed individuals that survived such a mass mortality event during the summer of 2018 (France). We considered these individuals resistant, as they did not show any symptoms of the disease, while the rest of the population in the area was devastated. Furthermore, the parasite was not detected when we conducted a PCR amplification of a species-specific fragment of the small subunit ribosomal DNA. In parallel, the transcriptomic analysis showed evidence of some parasite RNA indicating that the resistant individuals had been exposed to the parasite without proliferating. To understand the underlying mechanisms of resistance in these individuals, we compared their gene expression with that of susceptible individuals. We performed de novo transcriptome assembly and annotated the expressed genes. A comparison of the transcriptomes in resistant and susceptible individuals highlighted a gene expression signature of the resistant phenotype. We found significant differential expressions of genes involved in immunity and cell architecture. This data provides the first insights into how individuals escape the pathogenicity associated with infection

    Wide-Geographic and Long-Term Analysis of the Role of Pathogens in the Decline of Pinna nobilis to Critically Endangered Species

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    A mass mortality event (MME) affecting the fan mussel Pinna nobilis was first detected in Spain in autumn 2016 and spread north- and eastward through the Mediterranean Sea. Various pathogens have been blamed for contributing to the MME, with emphasis in Haplosporidium pinnae, Mycobacterium sp. and Vibrio spp. In this study, samples from 762 fan mussels (necropsies from 263 individuals, mantle biopsies from 499) of various health conditions, with wide geographic and age range, taken before and during the MME spread from various environments along Mediterranean Sea, were used to assess the role of pathogens in the MME. The number of samples processed by both histological and molecular methods was 83. The most important factor playing a main role on the onset of the mass mortality of P. nobilis throughout the Mediterranean Sea was the infection by H. pinnae. It was the only non-detected pathogen before the MME while, during MME spreading, its prevalence was higher in sick and dead individuals than in asymptomatic ones, in MME-affected areas than in non-affected sites, and it was not associated with host size, infecting both juveniles and adults. Conversely, infection with mycobacteria was independent from the period (before or during MME), from the affection of the area by MME and from the host health condition, and it was associated with host size. Gram (-) bacteria neither appeared associated with MME.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio