256 research outputs found

    Different contexts and trends: Latina immigrant fertility in the US and Spain

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    This article provides the first cross-national assessment of Latina immigrant fertility trends. Specifically, we compare Ecuadorian women in Spain (EiS) to Mexican women in the United States (MiUS). We focus on these two groups because they (1) have similar socio-economic profiles and (2) are the largest Latina subgroups in their respective host countries. We show that since 2001, the fertility rate of EiS has declined substantially more than the fertility rate of MiUS has. Drawing on census and administrative data in both countries, we assess four factors that might explain this difference: economic cycles, linguistic affinity, labor market participation, and education. We argue that labor market and education factors can best help to explain Latina fertility patterns. We conclude by discussing the findings with regard to contemporary arguments about Latino culture and immigrant fertility, and by describing the study's policy implications

    Approach to the potential production of giant reed in surplus saline lands of Spain

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    Growing energy crops on marginal land has been promoted as a way of ensuring that biomass production involves an acceptable and sustainable use of land. Saline and saline-prone agricultural lands represent an opportunity for growing energy crops avoiding the displacement of food production and contributing to restoration of degraded land. Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) is a perennial grass that has been proposed as a promising energy crop for lignocellulosic biomass production while its tolerance to salinity has been proved. In this work, the identification of surplus saline lands that could be irrigated with saline waters for growing tolerant-energy crops (giant reed) in the mainland of Spain and the assessment of the agronomically attainable yield in these limiting growing conditions were undertaken. To this purpose, a GIS analysis was conducted using geodatabases related to saline areas, agro-climatic conditions, irrigation water requirements, agricultural land availability, restrictions regarding the range of electrical conductivity tolerated by the crop, competition with agro-food crops and irrigation water provisions. According to the approach developed, the irrigated and saline agricultural area available and suitable for biomass production from giant reed amounted up to 34 412 ha. The agronomically attainable yield in these limiting conditions was estimated at 12.7 – 22.2 t dm ha−1 yr−1 and the potential production of lignocellulosic biomass, 597 338 t dm yr−1. The methodology followed in this study can be applied to other target regions; it allows the identification of this type of marginal lands, where salinity-tolerant plant species could be grown for bioenergy purposes, avoiding competition with agro-food crops, and where soil restoration measurements should be undertaken

    El nacionalismo cultural mexicano y sus contradicciones en la película Vámonos con Pancho Villa

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    El presente artículo pretende revisar uno de los hitos fundamentales del nacionalismo revolucionario mexicano de los años 30 del pasado siglo, la película Vámonos con Pancho Villa, dirigida por Fernando de Fuentes en 1936, en la que se dieron cita algunos de los más representativos exponentes de la cultura mexicana del momento, en las tareas de guión, música o dirección. Esta película fue concebida como un proyecto subvencionado por el Estado para exaltar los valores en los que se había fundado tanto la Revolución mexicana  como la propia legitimidad del gobierno en el poder, pero una reflexión atenta sobre la novela que dio origen a la producción cinematográfica, como sobre la propia cinta, su guión o su banda sonora original, así como la propia trayectoria y logros personales de los artistas involucrados en el proyecto, nos revelan una tensiones y contradicciones que ponen en entredicho la solvencia ideológica del discurso oficial revolucionario.Abstract:This article aims to review one of the milestones of Mexican revolutionary nationalism of the 30s of last century, the movie Vámonos con Pancho Villa, directed by Fernando de Fuentes in 1936, in which some of the most representative exponents of Mexican culture of the momento gathered, in the work of the script, music or filmmaking. This film was conceived as a project subsidized by the state to promote the values in which they had founded both the Mexican Revolution as the legitimacy of the government in power, but careful reflection on the novel that gave birth to film production, as on the tape itself, its script or its original soundtrack as well as the personal trajectory and achievements of the artists involved in the project, show us tensions and contradictions which call into question the solvency of the revolutionary ideological official discourse

    Universidad sostenible o universidad ecológica. Los retos de la educación superior frente a la crisis ambiental

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    This text presents some notes about the recent evolution of the university, the crises it faces due to the challenges posed to the institution by the global deregulation of educational services, by democratizing social pressures, and the demands for a reform that is up to the task with the current environmental crisis that the planet is suffering. Said reform can be understood from the perspective of sustainability, so that it perpetuates the hegemonic models of education and subjectivity, or as a truly ecological and emancipatory epistemological and institutional reform. El texto presenta algunos apuntes acerca de la evolución reciente de la universidad y las crisis que enfrenta ante los retos que plantean a la institución la desregulación mundial de los servicios educativos, las presiones sociales democratizadoras y las demandas de una reforma que esté a la altura de la actual crisis ambiental que sufre el planeta. Dicha reforma puede ser entendida desde el enfoque de la sostenibilidad, que perpetúa los modelos de educación y subjetividad hegemónicos, o desde una reforma epistemológica e institucional verdaderamente ecológica y emancipadora

    Algunos apuntes sobre la contribución del pensamiento de Edgar Morin para un Nuevo Humanismo y unas Nuevas Humanidades

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    En este texto se pretende interpretar buena parte del trabajo de Edgar Morin como una apuesta encaminada a repensar, sobre las ruinas de la filosofía de la sospecha, las condiciones de posibilidad del sujeto y de su responsabilidad en la construcción de su futuro. Sería este un Nuevo humanismo que responde a los desafíos de la globalización desde un pensamiento ecologizado arraigado en sus determinaciones bio-ecológicas y se construye sobre los restos de las propuestas ya a todas luces insuficientes del reduccionismo dualista cartesiano de la ciencia clásica y de la moda deconstructiva deslegitimadora de toda fundación paradigmática.In this text we intend to interpret a good part of Edgar Morin’s work as an attempt to rethink, on the ruins of the philosophy of suspicion, the conditions of possibility of the subject and his responsibility in the construction of his future. This would be a New Humanism that responds to the challenges of globalization from an ecologized thought rooted in its bio-ecological determinations and is built on the remains of the already clearly insufficient proposals of the Cartesian dualistic reductionism of classical science and of the deconstructive fashion that delegitimizes all paradigmatic foundations

    Servidumbre voluntaria y gubernamentalidad

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    Este trabajo se pretende introducir una propuesta de interpretación del texto clásico de Étienne de la Boéie sobre la servidumbre voluntaria desde la perspectiva que sobre el Estado y el poder desarrolla Foucault a finales de los años setenta a partir del concepto de gubernamentalidad. El estudio comparativo de estos dos autores, infrecuente en la bibliografía en español, puede enriquecer no solo la comprensión desde una perspectiva diferente de la emergencia del Estado moderno, las relaciones de poder que instaura y su pervivencia, sino también iluminar críticamente la proliferación en nuestros días de complejos dispositivos de subjetivación que producen voluntad de servir

    PTL: A Model Transformation Language based on Logic Programming

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    In this paper we present a model transformation language based on logic programming. The language, called PTL (Prolog based Transformation Language), can be considered as a hybrid language in which ATL (Atlas Transformation Language)-style rules are combined with logic rules for defining transformations. ATL-style rules are used to define mappings from source models to target models while logic rules are used as helpers. The implementation of PTL is based on the encoding of the ATL-style rules by Prolog rules. Thus, PTL makes use of Prolog as a transformation engine. We have provided a declarative semantics to PTL and proved the semantics equivalent to the encoded program. We have studied an encoding of OCL (Object Constraint Language) with Prolog goals in order to map ATL to PTL. Thus a subset of PTL can be considered equivalent to a subset of ATL. The proposed language can be also used for model validation, that is, for checking constraints on models and transformations. We have equipped our language with debugging and tracing capabilities which help developers to detect programming errors in PTL rules. Additionally, we have developed an Eclipse plugin for editing PTL programs, as well as for debugging, tracing and validation. Finally, we have evaluated the language with several transformation examples as well as tested the performance with large models

    Low Power Implementation of Trivium Stream Cipher

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    This paper describes a low power hardware implementation of the Trivium stream cipher based on shift register parallelization techniques. The de-sign was simulated with Modelsim, and synthesized with Synopsys in three CMOS technologies with different gate lengths: 180nm, 130nm and 90 nm. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the suitability of this technique and compare the power consumption and the core area of the low power and standard implemen-tations. The results show that the application of the technique reduces power consumption by more than 20% with only a slight penalty in area and operating frequency.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-03674info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP5/01867Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2010-16870/MI

    Metodologia orientada a la elección de FPGAs con prioridad en el consumo de potencia

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    En este trabajo se presenta una metodología de diseño orientada a explorar el cada vez más amplio conjunto de FPGAs con el fin de seleccionar la mejor opción. Los parámetros que se utilizan para realizar la exploración son los recursos consumidos, la frecuencia de operación y el consumo de potencia. Sobre este último parámetro, el más difícil de medir, se hace un especial énfasis. Se exploran dos fabricantes (Altera y Xilinx), dos familias diferentes de cada fabricante y dos subfamilias dentro de cada familia, una de la gama alta y otra de la gama baja. Esta exploración se ha realizado implementando dos circuitos que realizan la operación división de números de 64 bits usando dos algoritmos con plena vigencia.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-65105/MICEspaña, Junta de Andalucía TIC-360