1,764 research outputs found

    Can we measure hospital quality from physicians' choices?

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    In this paper, we propose an alternative methodology for ranking hospitals based on the choices of Medical School graduates over hospital training vacancies. Our methodology is therefore a revealed preference approach. Our methodology for measuring relative hospital quality has the following desirable properties: a) robust to manipulation from hospital administrators; b) conditional on having enough observations, it allows for differences in quality across specialties within a hospital; c) inexpensive in terms of data requirements, d) not subject to selection bias from patients nor hospital screening of patients; and e) unlike other rankings based on experts' evaluations, it does not require physicians to provide a complete ranking of all hospitals. We apply our methodology to the Spanish case and find, among other results, the following: First, the probability of choosing the best hospital relative to the worst hospital is statistically significantly different from zero. Second, physicians value proximity and nearby hospitals are seen as more substitutable. Third, observable time-invariant city characteristics are unrelated to results. Finally, our estimates for physicians' hospital valuations are significantly correlated to more traditional hospital quality measures

    A methodology to measure hospital quality using physicians' choices over training vacancies

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    In this paper, we propose an alternative methodology to rank hospitals based on the choices of Medical Schools graduates over training vacancies. We argue that our measure of relative hospital quality has the following desirable properties: a) robustness to manipulation from the hospital's administrators; b) comprehensiveness in the scope of the services analyzed; c) inexpensive in terms of data requirements, and d) not subject to selection biases. Accurate measures of health provider quality are needed in order to establish incentive mechanisms, to assess the need for quality improvement, or simply to increase market transparency and competition. Public report cards in certain US states and the NHS ranking system in the UK are two attempts at constructing quality rankings of health care providers. Although the need for such rankings is widely recognized, the criticisms at these attempts reveal the difficulties involved in this task. Most criticisms alert to the inadequate risk-adjustment and the potential for perverse consequences such as patient selection. The recent literature, using sophisticated econometric models is capable of controlling for case-mix, hospital and patient selection, and measurement error. The detailed data needed for these evaluations is, however, often unavailable to researchers. In those countries, such as Spain, where there is neither public hospital rankings nor public data on hospital output measures such as mortality rates our methodology is a valid alternative. We develop this methodology for the Spanish case. In a follow-up paper we will present results using Spanish data. In Spain graduates choose hospital training vacancies in a sequential manner that depends on their average grade. Our framework relies on three assumptions. First, high quality hospitals provide high quality training. Second, graduates are well informed decision makers who are well qualified to assess hospital quality. Third, they prefer to choose a high quality vacancy rather than a low quality one ceteris paribus. If these assumptions hold, then the first physicians to choose are likely to grab the best vacancies while the ones who choose last are stuck with the worst available. Thus, it is possible to infer from physicans' choices quality differentials amongst hospitals. We model the physician's decision as a nested-logit a la McFadden. Unlike in standard applications of McFadden's model, in our application the choice set is not constant across physicians but it shrinks along the sequential hospital choice proces


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    In this paper, we propose an alternative methodology to rank hospitals based on the choices of Medical Schools graduates over training vacancies. We argue that our measure of relative hospital quality has the following desirable properties: a) robustness to manipulation from the hospital’s administrators; b) comprehensiveness in the scope of the services analyzed; c) inexpensive in terms of data requirements, and d) not subject to selection biases. Accurate measures of health provider quality are needed in order to establish incentive mechanisms, to assess the need for quality improvement, or simply to increase market transparency and competition. Public report cards in certain US states and the NHS ranking system in the UK are two attempts at constructing quality rankings of health care providers. Although the need for such rankings is widely recognized, the criticisms at these attempts reveal the difficulties involved in this task. Most criticisms alert to the inadequate risk-adjustment and the potential for perverse consequences such as patient selection. The recent literature, using sophisticated econometric models is capable of controlling for case-mix, hospital and patient selection, and measurement error. The detailed data needed for these evaluations is, however, often unavailable to researchers. In those countries, such as Spain, where there is neither public hospital rankings nor public data on hospital output measures such as mortality rates our methodology is a valid alternative. We develop this methodology for the Spanish case. In a follow-up paper we will present results using Spanish data. In Spain graduates choose hospital training vacancies in a sequential manner that depends on their average grade. Our framework relies on three assumptions. First, high quality hospitals provide high quality training. Second, graduates are well informed decision makers who are well qualified to assess hospital quality. Third, they prefer to choose a high quality vacancy rather than a low quality one ceteris paribus. If these assumptions hold, then the first physicians to choose are likely to grab the best vacancies while the ones who choose last are stuck with the worst available. Thus, it is possible to infer from physicans’ choices quality differentials amongst hospitals. We model the physician’s decision as a nested-logit a la McFadden. Unlike in standard applications of McFadden’s model, in our application the choice set is not constant across physicians but it shrinks along the sequential hospital choice process

    Dairy buffalo behaviour and welfare from calving to milking

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    This review integrates recent scientific findings on the behaviour and welfare of buffalo dams during calving and the subsequent milking phase. These issues are discussed in relation to the level of welfare that buffalo dams and calves experience under different production systems. Key aspects are addressed including welfare issues related to dystocic parturitions and uterine prolapses, the formation of a selective dam-calf bonding, the habituation of inexperienced animals to the milking routine and the appropriate relationship to be developed with stock-people. All these aspects are also discussed in relation to farm profitability, in terms of calf vitality and milk production, and safety of the personnel involved in farm operations

    A Novel UML-Based Methodology for Modeling Adventure-Based Educational Games

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    In the last years, the growth of serious games has been continuous. This kind of games have been successfully exploited in different areas, so they have been designed with extremely varied features according to the particular necessities of their ‘serious’ purpose. One of the most prolific application areas is the education (educational serious games). Besides, one of the genres that probably better suits to this type of games is the adventure, given the relevance of the narrative in this genre. However, in spite of the powerful tool that this kind of video games has proved to be in the classroom, a few methodological efforts have been conducted in order to involve pedagogues or educators in the design loop of these games or, one step further, include students in the co-design process to promote learning through design as a context. With this main objective, this paper presents a set of metamodels that could facilitate the conceptual design of this type of games. To this end, a complete graphical notation based on the UML standard (with adaptations) is defined for representing the components of this type of games; having in mind to improve the collaboration between the team of pedagogues/students and the technical team during the design process. Finally, the design diagrams defined during the production of a specific serious game, titled Uranus, are illustrated, in order to show the feasibility of the proposal. In addition, a validation experience was conducted with pedagogues and computer engineering students in order to test the value of the proposed graphic notation to design educational games

    The Welfare of Fighting Dogs: Wounds, Neurobiology of Pain, Legal Aspects and the Potential Role of the Veterinary Profession

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    Throughout history it has been common to practice activities which significantly impact on animal welfare. Animal fighting, including dogfighting, is a prime example where animals often require veterinary care, either to treat wounds and fractures or to manage pain associated with tissue and where death may even result. Amongst the detrimental health effects arising are the sensory alterations that these injuries cause, which not only include acute or chronic pain but can also trigger a greater sensitivity to other harmful (hyperalgesia) or even innocuous stimuli (allodynia). These neurobiological aspects are often ignored and the erroneous assumption made that the breeds engaged in organized fighting have a high pain threshold or, at least, they present reduced or delayed responses to painful stimuli. However, it is now widely recognized that the damage these dogs suffer is not only physical but psychological, emotional, and sensory. Due to the impact fighting has on canine welfare, it is necessary to propose solution strategies, especially educational ones, i.e., educating people and training veterinarians, the latter potentially playing a key role in alerting people to all dog welfare issues. Therefore, the aim of this review is to describe the risk factors associated with dogfighting generally (dog temperament, age, sex, nutrition, testosterone levels, environment, isolation conditions, socialization, education, or training). A neurobiological approach to this topic is taken to discuss the impact on dog pain and emotion. Finally, a general discussion of the format of guidelines and laws that seek to sanction them is presented. The role that veterinarians can play in advancing dog welfare, rehabilitating dogs, and educating the public is also considered

    Clinical Experiences and Mechanism of Action with the Use of Oxytocin Injection at Parturition in Domestic Animals: Effect on the Myometrium and Fetuses

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    Oxytocin is a key hormone for parturition and maternal traits in animals. During the peripartum period, the levels of endogenous oxytocin dictate physiological events such as myometrial contractions, prostaglandin production with the subsequent increase in oxytocin receptors, and the promotion of lactation when administered immediately after birth. While this hormone has some benefits regarding these aspects, the exogenous administration of oxytocin has been shown to have detrimental effects on the fetus, such as asphyxia, meconium staining, ruptured umbilical cords, and more dystocia cases in females. This review aims to analyze the main effects of oxytocin on myometrial activity during parturition, and its potential favorable and negative administration effects reflected in the fetus health of domestic animals. In conclusion, it is convenient to know oxytocin’s different effects as well as the adequate doses and the proper moment to administrate it, as it can reduce labor duration, but it can also increase dystocia

    Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence of Edema in Chronic Chagasic Cardiomyopathy

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    The persistence of inflammatory processes in the myocardium in varying degrees of chronic Chagas heart disease has been poorly investigated. We hypothesized that edema could occur in patients with chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy and corresponds to the persistence of inflammatory processes in the myocardium. Eighty-two Chagas disease (CD) seropositive patients (64.6% females; age = 58.9 ± 9.9) without ischemic heart disease or conditions that cause myocardial fibrosis and dilation were considered. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) and T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of edema were obtained and represented using a 17-segment model. Patients were divided into three clinical groups according to the left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) as G1 (EF > 60%; ), G2 (35% > EF  35% (). Deteriorations of the LV and RV systolic functions were positively correlated (; ) without evidence of LGE in the RV. Edema can be found in patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy in the chronic stage. In later stages of cardiac dilation with low LVEF, the LGE pattern involves subendocardium and mid locations. Deteriorations of RV and LV are positively correlated without evidence of fibrosis in the RV

    Placer, transformación y tratamiento: uso de las medicinas alternativas para problemas emocionales en la Ciudad de México

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    Se presenta un análisis del uso de las medicinas alternativas para la atención de problemas emocionales. La información se obtuvo de 36 entrevistas de investigación social realizadas en la Ciudad de México, se analizó mediante la categorización de significados, y bajo un modelo propuesto por Bishop et al. (2008). Las prácticas y recursos fueron utilizadas como tratamiento complementario, alternativo o convencional, también como experiencias placenteras y procedimientos de transformación personal. Con los tres primeros tipos de uso se atendieron padecimientos específicos; como "experiencias placenteras", se buscó obtener bienestar psicológico; y con la última modalidad, se obtuvo orientación para intervenir adecuadamente en alguna situación problemática. La categorización de Bishop et al. (2008) resultó útil para integrar prácticas que aún cuando son ampliamente usadas y cuentan con legitimidad social, se ignoran en el campo de la salud. Con estas prácticas se pretende ampliar el repertorio de recursos de cuidado y satisfacer necesidades que los servicios formales no cubren

    Neonatal infrared thermography images in the hypothermic ruminant model: Anatomical-morphological-physiological aspects and mechanisms for thermoregulation

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    Hypothermia is one factor associated with mortality in newborn ruminants due to the drastic temperature change upon exposure to the extrauterine environment in the first hours after birth. Ruminants are precocial whose mechanisms for generating heat or preventing heat loss involve genetic characteristics, the degree of neurodevelopment at birth and environmental aspects. These elements combine to form a more efficient mechanism than those found in altricial species. Although the degree of neurodevelopment is an important advantage for these species, their greater mobility helps them to search for the udder and consume colostrum after birth. However, anatomical differences such as the distribution of adipose tissue or the presence of type II muscle fibers could lead to the understanding that these species use their energy resources more efficiently for heat production. The introduction of unconventional ruminant species, such as the water buffalo, has led to rethinking other characteristics like the skin thickness or the coat type that could intervene in the thermoregulation capacity of the newborn. Implementing tools to analyze species-specific characteristics that help prevent a critical decline in temperature is deemed a fundamental strategy for avoiding the adverse effects of a compromised thermoregulatory function. Although thermography is a non-invasive method to assess superficial temperature in several non-human animal species, in newborn ruminants there is limited information about its application, making it necessary to discuss the usefulness of this tool. This review aims to analyze the effects of hypothermia in newborn ruminants, their thermoregulation mechanisms that compensate for this condition, and the application of infrared thermography (IRT) to identify cases with hypothermia