1,817 research outputs found

    Diálogos sobre la perspectiva sociopolítica de la educación matemática: base para diálogos futuros

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    Pretendemos dar a conocer algunos de los productos de los diálogos en los que hemos sido partícipes y que permiten, de cierta manera, caracterizar algunos de los elementos relevantes en esta perspectiva, tales como: Cultura, política, sujeto, poder, entre otras. Quienes intentamos transcribir estas ideas somos cuatro investigadores en educación matemática: dos estudiantes de maestría (Dolly y Martha) quienes abordan un trabajo de investigación asesorado por dos estudiantes de doctorado (Francisco y Aldo) quienes le apostamos al enfoque socio político de la educación matemática. Esperando que sea otra puesta en común que nos permita dialogar en torno a lo que conocemos como Educación Matemática Crítica. Así, nuestras conclusiones no puede ser otras que algunas preguntas en las que aún esperamos continuar viajando

    Diferenciación geográfica en caracteres de la morfología craneana en el roedor subterráneo Ctenomys australis (RODENTIA: CTENOMYIDAE)

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    En este trabajo se evalúa la existencia de diferenciación morfológica asociada a variación geográ¬fica en el roedor subterráneo Ctenomys australis, el cual se distribuye en la primera franja de dunas costeras entre las localidades de Necochea y Punta Alta, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Utilizando Análisis de Función Discriminante (AFD), se evalúa si la variación geográfica es congruente con un modelo de aislamiento por distancia y se lo compara con el patrón de diferenciación reportado a partir de marcadores moleculares como el ADNmt (supuestamente neutral) y las aloenzimas. Se espera que la variación morfológica a nivel geo¬gráfico sea explicada, en gran medida, por los efectos de la deriva, contribuida por tasas de migración bajas y el propio aislamiento entre localidades. Esta predicción general de aislamiento por distancia no descarta la presencia de otras fuentes de variación morfológica, como aquella de origen adaptativo (adaptación local) y la inducida ambientalmente. En principio, se observó un patrón de aislamiento por distancia tanto en las distancias cuadradas de Mahalanobis y las alozímicas, que estuvieron correlacionadas con las distancias geográficas entre localidades. Además, se observó que gran parte de la variación fenotípica, como la variación relacionada a la morfología del cráneo o la variación aloenzimática, podría presentar una asociación con diferentes componen¬tes de adaptación local y/o variación ambientalmente inducida, en forma paralela con la señal de expansión demográfica reciente detectada previamente en el ADNmt. Esto abre la posibilidad a que parte de la variación morfológica se encuentre sujeta a selección y guarde relación con procesos de adaptación local, manteniendo tasas evolutivas relativamente rápidas en comparación al genoma mitocondrial, que retiene una fuerte impronta de la historia demográfica.Fil: Mora, Matias Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentina;Fil: Kittlein, Marcelo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras;Fil: Vassallo, Aldo Ivan. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras;Fil: Mapelli, Fernando Javier. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras

    Evolution of morphological adaptations for digging in living and extinct ctenomyid and octodontid rodents

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    To examine the evolution of burrowing specializations in the sister families Octodontidae and Ctenomyidae (Rodentia: Caviomorpha), we produced a synthetic phylogeny (supertree), combining both molecular and morphological phylogenies, and including both fossil and extant genera. We mapped morphological specializations of the digging apparatus onto our phylogenetic hypothesis and attempted to match morphological diversity with information on the ecology and behaviour of octodontoid taxa. Burrowing for sheltering and rearing is the rule among octodontids and ctenomyids, and adaptations for digging have been known from the Early Pliocene onward. However, only a few taxa have evolved fully subterranean habits. Scratch-digging is widespread among both semifossorial and fully subterranean lineages, and morphological changes associated with scratch-digging are not restricted to subterranean lineages. By contrast, various adaptations for chisel-tooth digging are restricted to some subterranean lineages and are combined differently in the octodontid Spalacopus, the fossil ctenomyid Eucelophorus, and some living Ctenomys. Some octodontid taxa are able to dig complex burrows in spite of having no substantial changes in musculoskeletal attributes. Hence, we suggest that, during the early evolution of those branches giving rise to fully subterranean ctenomyids and octodontids, a change in behaviour probably preceded the origin of structural adaptations.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Evolution of morphological adaptations for digging in living and extinct ctenomyid and octodontid rodents

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    To examine the evolution of burrowing specializations in the sister families Octodontidae and Ctenomyidae (Rodentia: Caviomorpha), we produced a synthetic phylogeny (supertree), combining both molecular and morphological phylogenies, and including both fossil and extant genera. We mapped morphological specializations of the digging apparatus onto our phylogenetic hypothesis and attempted to match morphological diversity with information on the ecology and behaviour of octodontoid taxa. Burrowing for sheltering and rearing is the rule among octodontids and ctenomyids, and adaptations for digging have been known from the Early Pliocene onward. However, only a few taxa have evolved fully subterranean habits. Scratch-digging is widespread among both semifossorial and fully subterranean lineages, and morphological changes associated with scratch-digging are not restricted to subterranean lineages. By contrast, various adaptations for chisel-tooth digging are restricted to some subterranean lineages and are combined differently in the octodontid Spalacopus, the fossil ctenomyid Eucelophorus, and some living Ctenomys. Some octodontid taxa are able to dig complex burrows in spite of having no substantial changes in musculoskeletal attributes. Hence, we suggest that, during the early evolution of those branches giving rise to fully subterranean ctenomyids and octodontids, a change in behaviour probably preceded the origin of structural adaptations.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurial Approach for Business Intelligence in Strategic Technologies: Bio-Mems

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    We propose a knowledge-based entrepreneurial (KBE) approach for business intelligence in strategic technologies at industrial sectors. The KBE approach is at the convergence of business intelligence and knowledge management and is used for advising users in business decisions and potential risks. Our approach comprises both a technology roadmap model as well as a knowledge-based entrepreneurial portal for various technologies. We use the Biological-Micro-Electrical-and- Mechanical-Systems industry (Bio-MEMS) to illustrate the approach. The technology roadmap model identifies the main actors, defines their roles and specifies the issues to be addressed. It handles information about main products, market trends, companies, research centers, application domains, products, standardization, and intellectual properties issues. The portal provides knowledge about the main actors through automation facilities based on digital libraries, searching and knowledge extraction from databases, data-ware houses and the Web. We explain how the KBE is helping Bio-MEMS users in business analysis

    Fabrication and Characterization of Bioactive Gelatin–Alginate–Bioactive Glass Composite Coatings on Porous Titanium Substrates

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    In this research work, the fabrication of biphasic composite implants has been investigated. Porous, commercially available pure Ti (50 vol % porosity and pore distributions of 100–200, 250–355, and 355–500 μm) has been used as a cortical bone replacement, while different composites based on a polymer blend (gelatin and alginate) and bioactive glass (BG) 45S5 have been applied as a soft layer for cartilage tissues. The microstructure, degradation rates, biofunctionality, and wear behavior of the different composites were analyzed to find the best possible coating. Experiments demonstrated the best micromechanical balance for the substrate containing 200–355 μm size range distribution. In addition, although the coating prepared from alginate presented a lower mass loss, the composite containing 50% alginate and 50% gelatin showed a higher elastic recovery, which entails that this type of coating could replicate the functions of the soft tissue in areas of the joints. Therefore, results revealed that the combinations of porous commercially pure Ti and composites prepared from alginate/gelatin/45S5 BG are candidates for the fabrication of biphasic implants not only for the treatment of osteochondral defects but also potentially for any other diseases affecting simultaneously hard and soft tissues

    Design and simulation of an energy homeostaticity system for electric and thermal power management in a building with smart microgrid

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    Nowadays, microgrids are gaining importance in electric power generation and distribution environments due to their flexibility, versatility, scalability and the possibility of supplying ancillary services when connected to the grid. They allow for the customization of electric supply for very different types of consumers. Therefore, a new control model for power and energy management based on homeostaticity of electric power systems (EPS) is presented, which has been already analyzed and approved by ENEL Chile in its developmental stage. ENEL, the largest electric utility in the country, is interested in incorporating smart microgrids in the electricity distribution market, as part of a worldwide policy. Such microgrids are to be installed in buildings serviced by ENEL. To demonstrate the model’s utility, a Simulink model of a real microgrid is used, which is comprised of PV generation, energy storage, an air conditioning (AC) equipment and thermal storage of the building upon which the microgrid is installed. The behavior of every element is simulated, including the dynamic thermal model of the building in order to optimize energy management and power supply versus consumption. The behavior of the whole system is analyzed under different environmental profiles and energy consumption patterns using the proposed homeostaticity system.Ministry of Education RTI2018-094917-B-I00Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica FPU16-03522,3170399,FP

    Assessment of cellulose nanofibers from bolaina blanca wood obtained at three shaft heights

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    This study evaluated cellulose nanofibers from bolaina blanca wood (Guazuma crinita) obtained at different heights of the longitudinal axis of the shaft of trees from a three-and-a-half-year-old plantation. The wood was subjected to pulping, bleaching and subsequent mechanical milling using a Changsha Samy XYQM-2L planetary ball mill to obtain cellulose nanofibers. The product was characterised using analytical techniques: scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy. Additionally, the degree of polymerisation was determined. The effect of longitudinal position on cellulose nanofibers characteristics was evaluated by comparing means using ANOVA and Kruskal–Wallis statistical tests. The yield of cellulose nanofibers production from the high, middle and basal sections was 32,1 %, 33,6 % and 31 %, respectively. The obtained cellulose nanofibers exhibited a significantly larger diameter for the high zone (84 nm) compared with the middle (75 nm) and basal (69 nm) zones; the length remained above the micrometre range. With respect to degree of polymerisation, a decrease was evidenced with respect to the increase in shaft height; the basal zone exhibited a degree of polymerisation of 300, a significantly higher value than the middle and high zones, which exhibited degree of polymerisation of 249 and 211, respectively. The product showed typical cellulose type I polymorphism and crystallinity indexes of 76 %, 93 % and 96 % for the high, middle and basal sections, respectively. Regarding the thermostability of cellulose nanofibers, the maximum degradation rate of cellulose nanofibers occurred between 335 °C and 341 °C, with cellulose nanofibers from the basal area being the most stable. The adsorption of the methylene blue dye on cellulose nanofibers was evaluated; an efficiency > 60 % was found

    Restoration of Adiponectin Pulsatility in Severely Obese Subjects After Weight Loss

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    Diurnal variations of adiponectin levels have been studied in normal-weight men and in diabetic and nondiabetic obese subjects, but no data have been reported in obese subjects after weight loss. We collected blood samples at 1-h intervals over 24 h from seven severely obese subjects before and after massive weight loss consequent to surgical operation (bilio-pancreatic diversion [BPD]) to measure adiponectin, insulin, glucose, and cortisol levels. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp (M value). Studies of diurnal variations and pulsatility of adiponectin, insulin, and cortisol were performed. The pulsatility index (PI) of adiponectin increased after BPD from 0.04 to 0.11 μg/min (P = 0.01). Insulin PI significantly increased after the operation (1.50 vs. 1.08 pmol · l–1 · min–1, P = 0.01), while cortisol PI did not significantly change. The adiponectin clearance rate changed from 0.001 ± 10−4 · min−1 before BPD to 0.004 ± 8 · 10−4 · min−1 after BPD (P = 0.03). Insulin clearance increased from 0.006 ± 6 · 10−4 · min−1 before BPD to 0.009 ± 4 · 10−4 · min−1 after BPD (P = 0.02). The M value doubled after surgery (27.08 ± 8.5 vs. 53.34 ± 9.3 μmol · kgFFM−1 · min−1; P < 0.001) becoming similar to the values currently reported for normal-weight subjects. In conclusion, in formerly severely obese subjects, weight loss paired with the reversibility of insulin resistance restores homeostatic control of the adiponectin secretion, contributing to the reduction of cardiovascular risk already described in these patients