17 research outputs found

    Perianal Pediatric Crohn Disease Is Associated With a Distinct Phenotype and Greater Inflammatory Burden

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    Objectives: Data on the outcomes of children with perianal Crohn disease (pCD) are limited, although its presence is often used for justifying early use of biologics. We aimed to assess whether pCD in children is associated with more severe outcomes as found in adults. Methods: Data were extracted from the ImageKids database, a prospective, multicenter, longitudinal cohort study. The study enrolled 246 children at disease onset or thereafter. All patients underwent comprehensive clinical, endoscopic, and radiologic evaluation at enrollment;98 children had repeat evaluation at 18 months. Results: Of the 234 included patients (mean age 14.2 +/- 2.4 years;131 [56%] boys), 57 (24%) had perianal findings, whereas only 21 (9%) had fistulizing perianal disease. Children with pCD had reduced weight and height z scores compared with non-pCD patients (-0.9 vs -0.35, P = 0.03 and -0.68 vs -0.23, respectively;P = 0.04), higher weighted pediatric CD activity index (32 [interquartile range 16-50] vs 20 [8-37];P = 0.004), lower serum albumin (3.6 +/- 0.7 vs 4.5 +/- 0.8, P = 0.016), and higher magnetic resonance enterography global inflammatory score (P = 0.04). Children with pCD had more rectal (57% vs 38%, P = 0.04), and jejunal involvement (31% vs 11% P = 0.003) and a higher prevalence of granulomas (64% vs 23%, P = 0.0001). Magnetic resonance enterography-based damage scores did not differ between groups. Patients with skin tags/fissures only, had similar clinical, endoscopic, and radiologic characteristics as patients with no perianal findings. Conclusions: Pediatric patients with pCD with fistulizing disease have distinct phenotypic features and a predisposition to a greater inflammatory burden

    Microbiota Transplantation in Day-Old Broiler Chickens Ameliorates Necrotic Enteritis via Modulation of the Intestinal Microbiota and Host Immune Responses

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    A microbiota transplant (MT) originating from mature adult chicken ceca and propagated in bioreactors was administered to day-old broiler chicks to ascertain the degree to which, and how, the MT affects Clostridium perfringens (Cp)-incited necrotic enteritis (NE). Using a stress predisposition model of NE, birds administered the MT and challenged with Cp showed fewer necrotic lesions, and exhibited a substantially higher α- and β-diversity of bacteria in their jejunum and ceca. Birds challenged with Cp and not administered the MT showed decreased Lactobacillus and increased Clostridium sensu strico 1 in the jejunum. In ceca, Megamonas, a genus containing butyrate-producing bacteria, was only present in birds administered the MT, and densities of this genus were increased in birds challenged with Cp. Metabolite profiles in cecal digesta were altered in birds administered the MT and challenged with the pathogen; 59 metabolites were differentially abundant following MT treatment, and the relative levels of short chain fatty acids, butyrate, valerate, and propionate, were decreased in birds with NE. Birds administered the MT and challenged with Cp showed evidence of enhanced restoration of intestinal barrier functions, including elevated mRNA of MUC2B, MUC13, and TJP1. Likewise, birds administered the MT exhibited higher mRNA of IL2, IL17A, and IL22 at 2-days post-inoculation with Cp, indicating that these birds were better immunologically equipped to respond to pathogen challenge. Collectively, study findings demonstrated that administering a MT containing a diverse mixture of microorganisms to day-old birds ameliorated NE in broilers by increasing bacterial diversity and promoting positive immune responses

    Hybrid open and endovascular repair of a blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury in a 7 year old boy

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    We describe a 7-year-old boy who sustained a blunt thoracic aortic injury following a rollover motor vehicle crash where the vehicle fell 200 feet down an embankment. The chest x-ray on arrival showed widening of the superior mediastinum, a left-sided hemothorax, and first rib fracture. The screening CTA of the chest revealed bilateral pulmonary contusions, a large left hemothorax, and evidence of aortic injury with active contrast extravasation. The patient was intubated due to respiratory distress and had a left chest tube placed. The patient became hypotensive with greater than 1.5 L of blood from the chest tube, so a resuscitative thoracotomy was performed. Bleeding was controlled with a sponge stick initially and definitively with a Satinsky vascular clamp. Next the patient was transported to the hybrid OR at the adjacent adult hospital with an open chest for endovascular graft placement. The patient was admitted to the PICU post-operatively, transferred to the floor on POD 4, and discharged home on POD 9. Aortic injury after blunt trauma in pre-adolescent children is uncommon and often fatal. Endovascular repair of traumatic thoracic aortic injury in adults is currently the standard of care, but there is a paucity of clinical data to guide management of these types of injuries in pediatric patients

    Combinatorial Glycomic Analyses to Direct CAZyme Discovery for the Tailored Degradation of Canola Meal Non-Starch Dietary Polysaccharides

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    Canola meal (CM), the protein-rich by-product of canola oil extraction, has shown promise as an alternative feedstuff and protein supplement in poultry diets, yet its use has been limited due to the abundance of plant cell wall fibre, specifically non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) and lignin. The addition of exogenous enzymes to promote the digestion of CM NSP in chickens has potential to increase the metabolizable energy of CM. We isolated chicken cecal bacteria from a continuous-flow mini-bioreactor system and selected for those with the ability to metabolize CM NSP. Of 100 isolates identified, Bacteroides spp. and Enterococcus spp. were the most common species with these capabilities. To identify enzymes specifically for the digestion of CM NSP, we used a combination of glycomics techniques, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay characterization of the plant cell wall fractions, glycosidic linkage analysis (methylation-GC-MS analysis) of CM NSP and their fractions, bacterial growth profiles using minimal media supplemented with CM NSP, and the sequencing and de novo annotation of bacterial genomes of high-efficiency CM NSP utilizing bacteria. The SACCHARIS pipeline was used to select plant cell wall active enzymes for recombinant production and characterization. This approach represents a multidisciplinary innovation platform to bioprospect endogenous CAZymes from the intestinal microbiota of herbivorous and omnivorous animals which is adaptable to a variety of applications and dietary polysaccharides

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