52 research outputs found

    Krill vs salps: dominance shift from krill to salps is associated with higher dissolved N:P ratios

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    Pronounced atmospheric and oceanic warming along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) has resulted in abundance shifts in populations of Antarctic krill and Salpa thompsoni determined by changes in the timing of sea-ice advance, the duration of sea-ice cover and food availability. Krill and salps represent the most important macrozooplankton grazers at the WAP, but differ profoundly in their feeding biology, population dynamics and stoichiometry of excretion products with potential consequences for the relative availability of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus. Alternation of the dissolved nutrient pool due to shifts in krill and salp densities have been hypothesized but never explicitly tested by using observational data. We therefore used the Palmer LTER dataset in order to investigate whether the dominance of either grazer is related with the observed dissolved nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratios at the WAP. Across the whole sampling grid, the dominance of salps over krill was significantly correlated to higher concentrations of both N and P as well as a higher N:P ratios. Using actual long-term data, our study shows for the first time that changes in key grazer dominance may have consequences for the dynamics of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus at the WAP

    Multitrophic diversity effects depend on consumer specialization and species-specific growth and grazing rates

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    Ecosystem functioning is affected by horizontal (within trophic groups) and vertical (across trophic levels) biodiversity. Theory predicts that the effects of vertical biodiversity depend on consumer specialization. In a microcosm experiment, we investigated ciliate consumer diversity and specialization effects on algal prey biovolume, evenness and composition, and on ciliate biovolume production. The experimental data was complemented by a process-based model further analyzing the ecological mechanisms behind the observed diversity effects. Overall, increasing consumer diversity had no significant effect on prey biovolume or evenness. However, consumer specialization affected the prey community. Specialist consumers showed a stronger negative impact on prey biovolume and evenness than generalists. The model confirmed that this pattern was mainly driven by a single specialist with a high per capita grazing rate, consuming the two most productive prey species. When these were suppressed, the prey assemblage became dominated by a less productive species, consequently decreasing prey biovolume and evenness. Consumer diversity increased consumer biovolume, which was stronger for generalists than for specialists and highest in mixed combinations, indicating that consumer functional diversity, i.e. more diverse feeding strategies, increased resource use efficiency. Overall, our results indicate that consumer diversity effects on prey and consumers strongly depend on species-specific growth and grazing rates, which may be at least equally important as consumer specialization in driving consumer diversity effects across trophic levels

    Cell size as driver and sentinel of phytoplankton community structure and functioning

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    Body size is a decisive functional trait in many organisms, especially for phytoplankton, which span several orders of magnitude in cell volume. Therefore, the analysis of size as a functional trait driving speciesā€™ performance has received wide attention in aquatic ecology, amended in recent decades by studies documenting changes in phytoplankton size in response to abiotic or biotic factors in the environment. We performed a systematic literature review to provide an overarching, partially quantitative synthesis of cell size as a driver and sentinel of phytoplankton ecology. We found consistent and significant allometric relationships between cell sizes and the functional performance of phytoplankton species (cellular rates of carbon fixation, respiration and exudation as well as resource affinities, uptake and content). Size scaling became weaker, absent or even negative when addressing C- or volume-specific rates or growth. C-specific photosynthesis and population growth rate peaked at intermediate cell sizes around 100Ā Āµm3. Additionally, we found a rich literature on sizes changing in response to warming, nutrients and pollutants. Whereas small cells tended to dominate under oligotrophic and warm conditions, there are a few notable exceptions, which indicates that other environmental or biotic constraints alter this general trend. Grazing seems a likely explanation, which we reviewed to understand both how size affects edibility and how size structure changes in response to grazing. Cell size also predisposes the strength and outcome of competitive interactions between algal species. Finally, we address size in a community context, where size-abundance scaling describes community composition and thereby the biodiversity in phytoplankton assemblages. We conclude that (a) size is a highly predictive trait for phytoplankton metabolism at the cellular scale, with less strong and nonlinear implications for growth and specific metabolism and (b) size structure is a highly suitable sentinel of phytoplankton responses to changing environments. A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article

    Allelochemicals determine competition and grazing control in Alexandrium catenella

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    The production of allelochemicals by the toxigenic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella is one of the suggested mechanisms to facilitate its bloom formation and persistence by outcompeting other phototrophic protists and reducing grazing pressure. In Southern California, toxic events caused by A. catenella and paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) regularly impact coastal ecosystems; however, the trophic interactions and mechanisms promoting this species in a food web context are still not fully understood. In the present study, we combined a dynamical mathematical model with laboratory experiments to investigate potential toxic and allelochemical effects of an A. catenella strain isolated off the coast of Los Angeles, Southern California, on competitors and a common zooplankton consumer. Experiments were conducted using three toxigenic strains of A. catenella, comparing the new Californian isolate (Alex Cal) to two strains previously described from the North Sea, a lytic (Alex2) and non-lytic (Alex5) strain, testing for donor density-dependent effects on two phytoplankton species (Rhodomonas salina, Tetraselmis sp.) and on the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Bioassays revealed a steep decline in competitor and consumer populations with increasing Alex Cal concentrations, indicating an intermediate lytic activity compared to the North Sea strains (lytic Alex2 and non-lytic Alex5). The rotifer fed and grew well on the PST- toxic, but non-lytic Alex5 strain, while its survival significantly decreased with increasing concentrations of the two lytic strains Alex Cal and Alex 2, indicating that negative effects on the rotifer were mediated by allelochemicals rather than PST-toxins. Mixed culture experiments including both competitors and consumers demonstrated that the intensity of allelochemical effects not only depended on the A. catenella density but also on the target density. Negative effects on grazers were alleviated by co-occurring competitors with a lower sensitivity to allelochemicals, thus reducing harmful compounds and allowing grazing control on the dinoflagellate to come into effect again. Results from mixed culture experiments were supported by the mathematical approach used in this study which was calibrated with data from simple monoculture growth, pairwise competition and predator-prey experiments, demonstrating the applicability of this model approach to predict the outcome of more complex food web dynamics at the community level

    Effects of experimental warming on biodiversity depend on ecosystem type and local species composition

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    Climatic warming is a primary driver of change in ecosystems worldwide. Here, we synthesize responses of species richness and evenness from 187 experimental warming studies in a quantitative meta-analysis. We asked 1) whether effects of warming on diversity were detectable and consistent across terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, 2) if effects on diversity correlated with intensity, duration, and experimental unit size of temperature change manipulations, and 3) whether these experimental effects on diversity interacted with ecosystem types. Using multilevel mixed linear models and model averaging, we also tested the relative importance of variables that described uncontrolled environmental variation and attributes of experimental units. Overall, experimental warming reduced richness across ecosystems (mean log-response ratio = -0.091, 95% bootstrapped CI: -0.13, -0.05) representing an 8.9% decline relative to ambient temperature treatments. Richness did not change in response to warming in freshwater systems, but was more strongly negative in terrestrial (-11.8%) and marine (-10.5%) experiments. In contrast, warming impacts on evenness were neutral overall and in aquatic systems, but weakly negative on land (7.6%). Intensity and duration of experimental warming did not explain variation in diversity responses, but negative effects on richness were stronger in smaller experimental units, particularly in marine systems. Model-averaged parameter estimation confirmed these main effects while accounting for variation in latitude, ambient temperature at the sites of manipulations, venue (field versus lab), community trophic type, and whether experiments were open or closed to colonization. These analyses synthesize extensive experimental evidence showing declines in local richness with increased temperature, particularly in terrestrial and marine communities. However, the more variable effects of warming on evenness were better explained by the random effect of site identity, suggesting that effects on species' relative abundances were contingent on local species composition.</p

    Defining DNA-based operational taxonomic units for microbial-eukaryote ecology

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    Author Posting. Ā© The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of American Society for Microbiology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (2009): 5797-5808, doi:10.1128/AEM.00298-09.DNA sequence information has been increasingly used in ecological research on microbial eukaryotes. Sequence-based approaches have included studies of the total diversity of selected ecosystems, the autecology of ecologically relevant species, and the identification and enumeration of species of interest to human health. It is still uncommon, however, to delineate protistan species based on their genetic signatures. The reluctance to assign species-level designations based on DNA sequences is partly a consequence of the limited amount of sequence information presently available for many free-living microbial eukaryotes, and partly the problematic nature and debate surrounding the microbial species concept. Despite the difficulties inherent in assigning species names to DNA sequences, there is a growing need to attach meaning to the burgeoning amount of sequence information entering the literature, and a growing desire to apply this information in ecological studies. We describe a computer-based tool that assigns DNA sequences from environmental databases to operational taxonomic units at approximate species-level distinctions. The approach provides a practical method for ecological studies of microbial eukaryotes (primarily protists) by enabling semiautomated analysis of large numbers of samples spanning great taxonomic breadth. Derivation of the algorithm was based on an analysis of complete small subunit ribosomal RNA (18S) gene sequences and partial gene sequences obtained from GenBank for morphologically described protistan species. The program was tested using environmental 18S data sets from two oceanic ecosystems. A total of 388 operational taxonomic units were observed among 2,207 sequences obtained from samples collected in the western North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific.Support for this manuscript was provided by National Science Foundation grants MCB-0732066, MCB-0703159 and OCE-0550829 and a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

    Interactive effects of salinity, temperature and food web configuration on performance and harmfulness of the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo

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    The cosmopolitan raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo commonly forms harmful algal blooms (HABs) in diverse estuaries discharging into Algoa Bay, South Africa, potentially leading to hypoxia, fish kills and a decline in key primary consumers. Despite the high environmental variability in these estuaries, little is known about how abiotic factors such as temperature and salinity constrain bloom formation and harmfulness of H. akashiwo. The present study therefore investigates growth, competition, and grazing interactions of H. akashiwo in laboratory experiments in response to two naturally relevant levels of salinity (15, 30) and temperature (16, 22Ā°C), respectively. Experiments were set up with the naturally co-occurring dinoflagellate competitor Heterocapsa rotundata and two estuarine microzooplankton consumers, i.e., nauplii of the copepod Acartia tonsa and the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. In monoculture, H. akashiwo growth was promoted at high temperature ā€“ low salinity conditions, while H. rotundata thrived under low temperature ā€“ high salinity conditions. In polyculture, H. akashiwo dominated at high temperature irrespective of the salinity regime, while at low temperature, it only dominated at low salinity and was suppressed by H. rotundata at high salinity. Grazing assays revealed highly negative effects of H. akashiwo on copepod nauplii survival and growth as well as mucus-induced immobilization, especially at high temperatures in combination with low salinity, while the estuarine adapted rotifers showed highest mortalities at the higher salinity level. The presence of H. rotundata significantly alleviated the harmful effects of H. akashiwo on both grazers, and the selectively feeding copepod nauplii actively avoided H. akashiwo when non-harmful prey was present. Overall, this study demonstrates that population dynamics and harmful effects of H. akashiwo are interactively determined by both abiotic conditions and food web configuration, implying competitor and consumer specific tolerances to the abiotic environment and their susceptibility to the harmful alga H. akashiwo
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