1,730 research outputs found

    Infrared radiometer for measuring thermophysical properties of wind tunnel models

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    An infrared radiometer is described which was developed to measure temperature rises of wind tunnel models undergoing transient heating over a temperature range of -17.8 C to 260 C. This radiometer interfaces directly with a system which measures the effective thermophysical property square root of rho ck. It has an output temperature fluctuation of 0.26 C at low temperatures and 0.07 C at high temperatures, and the output frequency response of the radiometer is from dc to 400 hertz

    Occurrence of Atrazine and Degradates as Contaminants of Subsurface Drainage and Shallow Groundwater

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    Atrazine is a commonly used herbicide in corn (Zea mays L.) growing areas of the USA. Because of its heavy usage, moderate persistence, and mobility in soil, monitoring of atrazine movement under field conditions is essential to assess its potential to contaminate groundwater. Concentrations of atrazine, deisopropylatrazine (DIA), and deethylatrazine (DEA) were measured in subsurface drainage and shallow groundwater beneath continuous, no-till corn. Water samples were collected from the subsurface drain (tile) outlets and suction lysimeters in the growing seasons of 1990 and 1991, and analyzed for atrazine and two principle degradates using solid-phase extraction and HPLC. In 1990, atrazine concentration ranged from 1.3 to 5.1 ”g L−1 in tile-drain water and from 0.5 to 20.5 ”g L−1 in lysimeter water. In general, concentrations of parent and degradates in solution were atrazine \u3e DEA \u3e DIA. Lesser levels of atrazine were measured in 1991 from Plots 2 and 4; however, greater concentrations of atrazine (6.0–8.4 ”g L−1) were measured from Plot 5. Throughout the two growing seasons, atrazine concentration in Plot 5 tile-drain water was greater than that of Plots 2 and 4, suggesting a preferential movement of atrazine. Concentrations of DIA and DEA ranged from 0.1 to 2.2 and 0.9 to 3.2 ”g L−1, respectively, indicating that the degradation products by themselves or in combination with parent atrazine can exceed the maximum contaminant level (mcl) of 3 ”g L−1 even though atrazine by itself may be \u3c3 ”g L−1. The deethylatrazineto-atrazine ratio (DAR) is an indicator of residence time in soil during transport of atrazine to groundwater. In Plots 2 and 4, DAR values for tile-drain water ranged from 0.43 to 2.70 and 0.50 to 2.66, respectively. By comparison, a DAR of 0.38 to 0.60 was observed in Plot 5, suggesting less residence time in the soil

    Manganese superoxide dismutase Ala-9Val polymorphism and risk of breast cancer in a population-based case–control study of African Americans and whites

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    INTRODUCTION: A polymorphism in the manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) gene, Ala-9Val, has been examined in association with breast cancer risk in several epidemiologic studies. Results suggest that the Ala allele increases the risk of breast cancer and modifies the effects of environmental exposures that produce oxidative damage to DNA. METHODS: We examined the role of the MnSOD Ala-9Val polymorphism in a population-based case–control study of invasive and in situ breast cancer in North Carolina. Genotypes were evaluated for 2025 cases (760 African Americans and 1265 whites) and for 1812 controls (677 African Americans and 1135 whites). RESULTS: The odds ratio for MnSOD Ala/Ala versus any MnSOD Val genotypes was not elevated in African Americans (odds ratio = 0.9, 95% confidence interval = 0.7–1.2) or in whites (odds ratio = 1.0, 95% confidence interval = 0.8–1.2). Greater than additive joint effects were observed for the Ala/Ala genotype and smoking, radiation to the chest, and occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. Antagonism was observed between the Ala/Ala genotype and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. CONCLUSIONS: The MnSOD genotype may contribute to an increased risk of breast cancer in the presence of specific environmental exposures. These results provide further evidence for the importance of reactive oxygen species and of oxidative DNA damage in the etiology of breast cancer

    Using self-definition to predict the influence of procedural justice on organizational, interpersonal, and job/task-oriented citizenship behaviors

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    An integrative self-definition model is proposed to improve our understanding of how procedural justice affects different outcome modalities in organizational behavior. Specifically, it is examined whether the strength of different levels of self-definition (collective, relational, and individual) each uniquely interact with procedural justice to predict organizational, interpersonal, and job/task-oriented citizenship behaviors, respectively. Results from experimental and (both single and multisource) field data consistently revealed stronger procedural justice effects (1) on organizational-oriented citizenship behavior among those who define themselves strongly in terms of organizational characteristics, (2) on interpersonal-oriented citizenship behavior among those who define themselves strongly in terms of their interpersonal relationships, and (3) on job/task-oriented citizenship behavior among those who define themselves weakly in terms of their distinctiveness or uniqueness. We discuss the relevance of these results with respect to how employees can be motivated most effectively in organizational settings

    Characterisation of the genomic landscape of CRLF2-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Deregulated expression of the type I cytokine receptor, CRLF2, is observed in 5–15% of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL). We aimed to determine the clinical and genetic landscape of those with IGH-CRLF2 or P2RY8-CRLF2 (CRLF2-r) using multiple genomic approaches. Clinical and demographic features of CRLF2-r patients were characteristic of B-ALL. Patients with IGH-CRLF2 were older (14 y vs. 4 y, P < .001), while the incidence of CRLF2-r among Down syndrome patients was high (50/161, 31%). CRLF2-r co-occurred with primary chromosomal rearrangements but the majority (111/161, 69%) had B-other ALL. Copy number alteration (CNA) profiles were similar to B-other ALL, although CRLF2-r patients harbored higher frequencies of IKZF1 (60/138, 43% vs. 77/1351, 24%) and BTG1 deletions (20/138, 15% vs. 3/1351, 1%). There were significant differences in CNA profiles between IGH-CRLF2 and P2RY8-CRLF2 patients: IKZF1 (25/35, 71% vs. 36/108, 33%, P < .001), BTG1 (11/35, 31% vs. 10/108, 9%, P =.004), and ADD3 deletions (9/19, 47% vs. 5/38, 13%, P =.008). A novel gene fusion, USP9X-DDX3X, was discovered in 10/54 (19%) of patients. Pathway analysis of the mutational profile revealed novel involvement for focal adhesion. Although the functional relevance of many of these abnormalities are unknown, they likely activate additional pathways, which may represent novel therapeutic targets
