120 research outputs found

    Nestemäisten jätteiden vastaanotto ja käsittely Tarastenjärven jätekeskuksessa : Selvitys vaihtoehtoisista menetelmistä

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    Nestemäiset jätteet ovat erilaisia loka-autoilla kuljetettavia jätteitä, jotka koostuvat nesteestä ja kiintoaineksesta. Tällaisia jätteitä ovat esimerkiksi hiekan- ja rasvanerotuskaivoista imetyt nesteet sekä teollisuudessa syntyvät jätevesilietteet. Nestemäisiä jätteitä ei ole Valtioneuvoston päätöksestä enää vuoden 2002 jälkeen saanut sijoittaa sellaisenaan kaatopaikkapenkkaan, vaan ne on tullut esikäsitellä nesteen poistamiseksi. Tähän asti nestemäiset jätteet on käsitelty Tarastenjärven jätekeskuksessa painovoimaisesti erottelemalla. Menetelmä on ollut toimiva, mutta on päivityksen tarpeessa. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena olikin tutkia erilaisia vaihtoehtoja nestemäisten jätteiden vastaanotolle sekä käsittelylle Tarastenjärven jätekeskuksessa, sekä arvioida eri vaihtoehtojen kustannuksia mikäli mahdollista. Myös tarvetta haitta-aineiden, kuten metallien ja öljyjen poistamiselle tutkittiin. Työn laatimisessa hyödynnettiin olemassa olevaa tieteellistä kirjallisuutta sekä asiantuntijahaastatteluja. Työn tilaajana toimi Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy. Selvitystyön tuloksena kävi ilmi, että yleisimmät menetelmät nesteiden ja kiinteiden ainesten erottamiseen ovat painovoimainen erottelu ja suodatus. Painovoimaiset erottelijat ovat useimmiten kiinteäseinäisiä altaita, joissa kiintoaines laskeutuu painovoimaisesti altaan pohjalle ja pinnalle jäänyt kirkastunut neste ohjataan ylivuotona jatkokäsittelyyn. Kiintoaineksen ollessa kevyempää kuin vesi, se erottuu nesteen pinnalle. Suodattimien toiminta taas perustuu puoliläpäisevään suodatusmediaan, joka päästää nesteen läpi, mutta jättää kiintoaineksen suodattimeen. Suodattimet voivat olla esimerkiksi paineistettuja tai painovoimalla toimivia. Geotuubit ovat eräänlaisia paineistettuja säkkisuodattimia, joita on käytössä myös jätekeskuksissa. Useissa käsittelymenetelmissä käytetään apuna myös saostuskemikaaleja, jotka edistävät kiintoaineksen erottumista nesteestä. Haitta-aineiden osalta helpoin ratkaisu on poistaa ne kiintoaineksen mukana ja käsitellä ne pilaantuneiden maiden kanssa jätekeskuksessa. Mikäli haitta-aineet ovat nesteessä liukoisessa muodossa, voidaan apuna käyttää saostuskemikaaleja, kuten alumiini- tai rautasuoloja. Öljyjen erottamisessa olisi mahdollista hyödyntää öljynerotuskaivoa. Kirjallisuuden sekä haastattelujen perusteella päivitetty versio painovoimaisesta erottelujärjestelmästä sekä geotuubimenetelmä vaikuttavat parhailta käytettävissä olevilta ratkaisuilta. Suurin haaste jätekeskuksen nestemäisten jätteiden käsittelyssä on kuitenkin se, että nesteiden ominaisuudet eroavat kuormittain hyvin paljon toisistaan. Tähän voitaisiin vaikuttaa jätteiden tarkemmalla lajittelulla vastaanottovaiheessa. Käsittelymenetelmää valittaessa tulee kuitenkin pohtia järjestelmän kuluja sekä hyötyjä pitkällä aikavälillä niin, että päästään parhaaseen mahdolliseen puhdistuslopputulokseen.Liquid wastes are solid-liquid mixtures such as wastes from sand and grease separation wells and industrial wastewaters. Since 2002 liquid wastes have no longer been allowed to be placed at a waste disposal site according to the decree 1049/1999 of the Finnish Council of State. Therefore liquid wastes have to be dewatered before final disposal. At the moment liquid wastes are treated at the Tarastenjärvi waste management centre with gravitational separation but the system needs updating. The aim of this study was to provide Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy with different methods of liquid waste handling as well as evaluate the costs of a new system if possible. Also the need for contaminant removal was taken into consideration. The study was carried out by literature reviews and interviewing professionals of the industry. The results showed that the most common methods of solid-liquid separation are gravitational separation and filtration. Gravitational separators are usually containers in which the solid matter is allowed to separate either by sedimentation or flotation. Filters have a semi-permeable filter media which traps the solid matter but allows the liquid to flow through. Geotubes are an example of filters that are currently being used in several waste management centres. Many separation methods also require the use of polymers or flocculants to operate effectively. When contaminants are in a settleable form they are rather easy to be removed and treated with the solid matter. If the contaminants are dissolved in the liquid it might be possible to make them settle by adding aluminium or iron sulphate. Also an oil separation well could be used to separate oils from the liquid phase. Based on the literature reviews and interviews an upgraded gravitational system or the geotube method seem to be the best options. However, more tests should be conducted to see if these methods would work in practice. The biggest challenge is that the incoming liquid waste loads at Tarastenjärvi are not homogenous which makes it difficult to choose a solution that works well for all of them. The situation could be improved with more precise classification of the waste loads and handling them separately according to their characteristics. The most important aspect is to find a long-term cost-effective solution that can provide sufficient handling of the liquid wastes

    Religion and religious education : comparing and contrasting pupils’ and teachers’ views in an English school

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    This publication builds on and develops the English findings of the qualitative study of European teenagers’ perspectives on religion and religious education (Knauth et al. 2008), part of ‘Religion in Education: A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming societies of European countries?’ (REDCo) project. It uses data gathered from 27 pupils, aged 15-16, from a school in a multicultural Northern town in England and compares those findings with data gathered from ten teachers in the humanities faculty of the same school, collected during research for the Warwick REDCo Community of Practice. Comparisons are drawn between the teachers’ and their pupils’ attitudes and values using the same structure as the European study: personal views and experiences of religion, the social dimension of religion, and religious education in school. The discussion offers an analysis of the similarities and differences in worldviews and beliefs which emerged. These include religious commitment/observance differences between the mainly Muslim-heritage pupils and their mainly non-practising Christian-heritage teachers. The research should inform the ways in which the statutory duties to promote community cohesion and equalities can be implemented in schools. It should also facilitate intercultural and interreligious understanding between teachers and the pupils from different ethnic and religious backgrounds

    But Not Both:The Exclusive Disjunction in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

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    The application of Boolean logic using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is becoming more frequent in political science but is still in its relative infancy. Boolean ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ are used to express and simplify combinations of necessary and sufficient conditions. This paper draws out a distinction overlooked by the QCA literature: the difference between inclusive- and exclusive-or (OR and XOR). It demonstrates that many scholars who have used the Boolean OR in fact mean XOR, discusses the implications of this confusion and explains the applications of XOR to QCA. Although XOR can be expressed in terms of OR and AND, explicit use of XOR has several advantages: it mirrors natural language closely, extends our understanding of equifinality and deals with mutually exclusive clusters of sufficiency conditions. XOR deserves explicit treatment within QCA because it emphasizes precisely the values that make QCA attractive to political scientists: contextualization, confounding variables, and multiple and conjunctural causation

    The influence of standards and clinical guidelines on prosthetic and orthotic service quality : a scoping review

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    OBJECTIVES: Standards and guidelines are an integral part of prosthetic and orthotic service delivery in the developed world underpinned by an assumption that they lead to improved services. Implementing them has a cost, however, and that cost needs to be justified, particularly in resource-limited environments. This scoping review thus asks the question, "What is the evidence of the impact of standards and guidelines on service delivery outcomes in prosthetics and orthotics?" MATERIALS AND METHODS: A structured search of three electronic databases (Medline, Scopus and Web of Science) followed by manual searching of title, abstract and full text, yielded 29 articles. RESULTS: Four categories of papers were identified: Descriptions and Commentaries (17 papers), Guideline Development (7), Guideline Testing (2) and Standards implementation (3). No articles were explicitly designed to assess the impact of standards and guidelines on service delivery outcomes in prosthetics and orthotics. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Studies tended to be commentaries on or descriptions of guideline development, testing or implementation of standards. The literature is not sufficiently well developed to warrant the cost and effort of a systematic review. Future primary research should seek to demonstrate whether and how guidelines and standards improve the outcomes for people that require prostheses, orthoses and other assistive devices. Implications for Rehabilitation International Standards and Clinical Guidelines are now an integral part of clinical service provision in prosthetics and orthotics in the developed world. Complying with standards and guidelines has a cost and, particularly in resource-limited environments, it should be possible to justify this in terms of the resulting benefits. This scoping review concludes that there have been no previous studies designed to directly quantify the effects of implementing standards and guidelines on service delivery

    Migration Patterns, Use of Stopover Areas, and Austral Summer Movements of Swainson\u27s Hawks

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    From 1995 to 1998, we tracked movements of adult Swainson’s Hawks (Buteo swainsoni), using satellite telemetry to characterize migration, important stopover areas, and movements in the austral summer. We tagged 46 hawks from July to September on their nesting grounds in seven U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. Swainson’s Hawks followed three basic routes south on a broad front, converged along the east coast of central Mexico, and followed a concentrated corridor to a communal area in central Argentina for the austral summer. North of 20°N, southward and northward tracks differed little for individuals from east of the continental divide but differed greatly (up to 1700 km) for individuals from west of the continental divide. Hawks left the breeding grounds mid-August to mid-October; departure dates did not differ by location, year, or sex. Southbound migration lasted 42 to 98 days, northbound migration 51 to 82 days. Southbound, 36% of the Swainson’s Hawks departed the nesting grounds nearly 3 weeks earlier than the other radio-marked hawks and made stopovers 9.0–26.0 days long in seven separate areas, mainly in the southern Great Plains, southern Arizona and New Mexico, and northcentral Mexico. The birds stayed in their nonbreeding range for 76 to 128 days. All used a core area in central Argentina within 23% of the 738 800-km2 austral summer range, where they frequently moved long distances (up to 1600 km). Conservation of Swainson’s Hawks must be an international effort that considers habitats used during nesting and non-nesting seasons, including migration stopovers

    The N-Terminal, Polybasic Region Is Critical for Prion Protein Neuroprotective Activity

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that the normal form of the prion protein, PrPC, exerts a neuroprotective activity against cellular stress or toxicity. One of the clearest examples of such activity is the ability of wild-type PrPC to suppress the spontaneous neurodegenerative phenotype of transgenic mice expressing a deleted form of PrP (Δ32–134, called F35). To define domains of PrP involved in its neuroprotective activity, we have analyzed the ability of several deletion mutants of PrP (Δ23–31, Δ23–111, and Δ23–134) to rescue the phenotype of Tg(F35) mice. Surprisingly, all of these mutants displayed greatly diminished rescue activity, although Δ23–31 PrP partially suppressed neuronal loss when expressed at very high levels. Our results pinpoint the N-terminal, polybasic domain as a critical determinant of PrPC neuroprotective activity, and suggest that identification of molecules interacting with this region will provide important clues regarding the normal function of the protein. Small molecule ligands targeting this region may also represent useful therapeutic agents for treatment of prion diseases

    Assessing Dysferlinopathy Patients Over Three Years With a New Motor Scale

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    The Jain COS Consortium.[Objective] Dysferlinopathy is a muscular dystrophy with a highly variable clinical presentation and currently unpredictable progression. This variability and unpredictability presents difficulties for prognostication and clinical trial design. The Jain Clinical Outcomes Study of Dysferlinopathy aims to establish the validity of the North Star Assessment for Limb Girdle Type Muscular Dystrophies (NSAD) scale and identify factors that influence the rate of disease progression using NSAD.[Methods] We collected a longitudinal series of functional assessments from 187 patients with dysferlinopathy over 3 years. Rasch analysis was used to develop the NSAD, a motor performance scale suitable for ambulant and nonambulant patients. Generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate the impact of patient factors on outcome trajectories.[Results] The NSAD detected significant change in clinical progression over 1 year. The steepest functional decline occurred during the first 10 years after symptom onset, with more rapid decline noted in patients who developed symptoms at a younger age (p = 0.04). The most rapidly deteriorating group over the study was patients 3 to 8 years post symptom onset at baseline.[Interpretation] The NSAD is the first validated limb girdle specific scale of motor performance, suitable for use in clinical practice and clinical trials. Longitudinal analysis showed it may be possible to identify patient factors associated with greater functional decline both across the disease course and in the short-term for clinical trial preparation. Through further work and validation in this cohort, we anticipate that a disease model incorporating functional performance will allow for more accurate prognosis for patients with dysferlinopathy. ANN NEUROL 2021;89:967–978The estimated US $4 million needed to fund this study was provided by the Jain Foundation. (www.jain-foundation.org) The Jain COS consortium would like to thank the study participants and their families for their invaluable contribution. The John Walton Centre Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre is part of the MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases (Grant number MR/K000608/1).Peer reviewe