3,595 research outputs found

    MMMMM! It Smells Like Fall

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    Non-fiction by Kay Moor

    Do Honors Programs Make a Difference during the First Year of College? The Development of Critical Thinking Skills and Exposure to Good Practices in Undergraduate Education

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    This longitudinal study analyzed pretest-posttest data to 1) examine the influence of honors programs on first-year college students\u27 critical thinking skills, 2) to determine whether students in honors programs receive more exposure to good practices in undergraduate education than their non-honors peers, and 3) to assess the effect of good practices on critical thinking. The quasi-experimental study also investigated whether the influence of honors programs on critical thinking skills varied in direction and magnitude for male versus female students and White versus students of color. To replicate an earlier study conducted by Seifert et al. (2007), the current study utilized data from a recent national study, the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education. In order to fulfill this purpose, five research questions were addressed using descriptive statistics analysis and Ordinary Least Squared multiple regression. The current study included 1,824 first-year college students from 21 institutions that offered an honors program during the first-year of college. The treatment group (honors students) consisted of 306 students, whereas the control group (non-honors students) consisted of 1,518 students. The findings indicate that honors programs did not have a statistically significant effect on honors students\u27 critical thinking or their exposure to good practices in undergraduate education. Furthermore, the effect of honors program participation did not differ in direction or magnitude for male versus female students and White versus students of color

    Intersex in the Age of Queer Bioethics: Recommendations on the Fundamentals of Ovotestes Interventions for Intersex Youth

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    Queer Bioethics and the inventory of its potential populations include a wide range of queer subjects: lesbian parents, HIV-positive gay and bisexuals, transgender youth, and non-cisgendered individuals, to name a few. With the ethical dilemmas and ethical duties couched inside of a Queer Bioethics in mind, this article will consider one of the field’s most enduring citizens: the intersex child. More specifically, the figure of the intersex child with ovotesticular non-normativity will be scrutinized on ethical and clinical planes – a major aspect of queer bioethics is, after all, clinical ethics for queer populations. Ovotesticular conditions will be covered at length; we discuss different variations in addition to narrowing the topic to those with 46,XX and ambiguous genitalia, specifically those 75% diagnosed under the age of 20, and speak on issues related to this population. We will also briefly discuss the population of the 20% diagnosed under the age of 5 years old. Interventions will be discussed in all realms of intersex conditions – specifically ovotestes. We will conclude with a principalist approach to ethical topics such as autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence, weighing these principles equally and ultimately erring on the side of autonomy within pediatric ethics where possible.Queer-bioeettistĂ€ tarkastelua voi soveltaa joukkoon erilaisia queer-positioita: esimerkiksi lesbovanhempiin, HIV-positiivisiin homo- ja bi-miehiin, transsukupuolisiin nuoriin ja sukupuoleltaan moninaisiin henkilöihin. TĂ€ssĂ€ artikkelissa tarkastelemme intersukupuolisen lapsen positioita eettisten ongelmien ja velvollisuuksien keskiössĂ€ queer-bioeettisesti orientoituneesta nĂ€kökulmasta. Intersukupuolisuuden muodoista keskitymme ovotestikulaariseen epĂ€normatiivisuuteen, jota kĂ€sittelemme sekĂ€ eettisellĂ€ ettĂ€ kliinisellĂ€ tasolla – onhan erĂ€s queer-bioetiikan tarkoituksista luoda queer-vĂ€estöt kattavaa eettistĂ€ ohjeistusta lÀÀketieteen kliiniseen työhön. Aluksi tarkastelemme ovotestikulaarisuuden eri muotoja. Seuraavaksi keskitymme intersukupuolisuuden 46,XX-muotoihin, joissa henkilön sukupuoli on ulkoisten sukuelinten perusteella epĂ€selvĂ€. Keskitymme erityisesti kysymyksiin, jotka koskevat 75 % intersukupuolisista henkilöistĂ€, jotka saavat diagnoosin alle kaksikymmentĂ€vuotiaina. Sivuamme myös ongelmia, jotka koskevat sitĂ€ 20 % henkilöistĂ€, jotka diagnosoidaan viisivuotiaana. Tarkastelemme intersukupuolisuuteen – ja erityisesti ovotestikulaarisuuteen – liittyviĂ€ kĂ€ytĂ€nteitĂ€. Lopuksi esitĂ€mme autonomian, hyvĂ€n tekemisen ja pahan tekemisen periaatteisiin nojaavan eettisen tarkastelun mallin sekĂ€ punnitsemme nĂ€itĂ€ periaatteita suhteessa intersukupuolisuuden kliiniseen hoitotyöhön. PÀÀdymme suosittamaan autonomiaa lastenlÀÀketieteen etiikan ohjenuoraksi silloin, kun se on mahdollista

    Using response surfaces to estimate impacts of climate change on flood peaks: assessment of uncertainty

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    The potential impacts of climate change are an increasing focus of research and ever-larger climate projection ensembles are available, making standard impact assessments more onerous. An alternative way of estimating impacts involves response surfaces, which present the change in a given indicator for a large number of plausible climatic changes defined on a regular sensitivity domain. Sets of climate change projections can then be overlaid on the response surface and impacts estimated from the nearest corresponding points of the sensitivity domain, providing a powerful method for fast impact estimation for multiple projections and locations. However, the effect of assumptions necessary for initial response surface development must be assessed. This paper assesses the uncertainty introduced by use of a sensitivity framework for estimating changes in 20-year return period flood peaks in Britain. This sensitivity domain involves mean annual and seasonal precipitation changes, and a number of simplifications were necessary for consistency and to reduce dimensionality. The effect of these is investigated for nine catchments across Britain, representing nine typical response surfaces (response types), using three sets of climate projections. The results show that catchments can have different causes of uncertainty, and some catchments have an overall higher level of uncertainty than others. These differences are compatible with the underlying climatological and hydrological differences between the response types, giving confidence in generalisation of the results. This enables the development of uncertainty allowances by response type, to be used alongside the response surfaces to provide more robust impact estimates

    Uses and Perceptions of Online Learning Components in Hybrid Courses by Full-time Business Instructors at Comprehensive and Regional Public Universities in Oklahoma

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    This was a descriptive study utilizing literature synthesis, online survey methodology, and quantitative data techniques to describe best practices in using online learning components in hybrid business courses and the perceived importance and actual use of these components by full-time business instructors at comprehensive and regional public universities in Oklahoma. Ten of the state's 12 institutions participated in the study. Best practices and model theory formed the theoretical underpinnings for the study. The best practices literature revealed that the compelling advantage of hybrid courses was to facilitate interaction both within and outside the traditional classroom to maximize learning. The principles of interaction and six basic guidelines for using online components in hybrid courses identified in the literature were codified graphically in a proposed Moore Gray Hybrid Course model developed from the study. The study also found that the technology skill level and age of business faculty members wSchool of Teaching and Curriculum Leadershi
