7,176 research outputs found

    A study of the energy content of the seismic waves P and pP

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    The energy observed in the seismic waves P and pP in a large number of earthquakes is compared, by means of two partly independent methods, with the theoretical energy calculated from a standard equation. The results are analyzed, depth of focus, distance from epicenter to observing station, geographical location of epicenter, and azimuth from station being used as variables. When compared with the theoretical ratio, the ratio of the energy in pP to the energy in P averaged over a distance range 60°-90° is observed to decrease with depth, by 0.5 on a logarithmic scale of energy between 100 and 600 km. depth of focus. The results for the two waves are compared separately with theoretical values, and the observed effect appears to be about equally due to an increase of P energy and a decrease of pP energy with depth. The theoretical formula is reëxamined to determine if permissible changes in the assumptions or numerical values can account for the results. No such changes are found; certain assumptions with respect to increased absorption of energy near the surface of the earth provide a partial qualitative explanation, but quantitatively they cannot be reconciled with data from other sources. The variation with distance between observed and calculated energies is not large enough to be treated quantitatively; slight changes in the slope of the accepted velocity vs. depth curve are tentatively suggested on the basis of it. The energy ratio pP/P compared to the theoretical ratio is significantly too large in shallow earthquakes occurring in the Aleutian region and can be attributed to pP rather than P. For shallow shocks in the New Hebrides region and very deep shocks of the Southwest Pacific there is some indication that the energy ratio is smaller than for comparable shocks elsewhere. Data on observed wave periods are given. The effect of differences between instruments is considered


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    Many firms anticipate that a cap on greenhouse gas emissions will eventually be imposed, either through an international agreement like the Kyoto protocol or through domestic policy, and have started to take voluntary actions to reduce their emissions. If agricultural producers participate in the emerging market for tradable C-credits, it must be possible to verify that actions farmers take do increase the amount of C in soils and this increase can be maintained over the length of the contract. In this paper we develop a prototype measurement and monitoring scheme for C-credits sequestered in agricultural soils and estimate its costs for the small grain-producing region of Montana using an econometric-process simulation model. Three key results emerge from the prototype framework. First, the efficiency of measurement and monitoring procedures for agricultural soil C sequestration depends on the price of C credits. Second, we find that at all price levels, costs of measuring and monitoring are largest in areas that exhibit the greatest heterogeneity in carbon values. Third, in a case study application of our prototype measurement and monitoring scheme, we find that if we assume similar error and confidence levels as forestry contracts, the upper estimate of measurement and monitoring costs associated with a contract that pays farmers per tonne of C sequestered is 3% of the value of a C-credit. This cost is small relative to the estimated net value of the contract. Thus we conclude that measurement and monitoring costs are not likely to be large enough to prevent producers from participating in a market for tradable credits.Environmental Economics and Policy,


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    Under the Kyoto protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change the United States is charged with reducing emissions of greenhouse gases to seven percent below their 1990 levels by the period 2008-2012. These reductions could be met from many industries including agriculture. In this paper, an economic simulation model is linked to an ecosystem model to quantify the economic efficiency of policies that might be used to sequester carbon (C) in agricultural soils in the Northern Plains region. Simulations with the Century ecosystem model show that long-term soil C levels associated with a crop/fallow system are less than those for grass alone, but that soil C levels for grass-clover-pasture are greater than for continuously cropped grains. The analysis shows that a CRP-style policy is found to be an inefficient means to increase soil C because the per acre payments to convert crop-land to grass-only draw land from both the crop/fallow system and the continuous cropping system, and costs typically exceed 100perMT(metricton)ofC.Incontrast,paymentstoadoptcontinuouscroppingwerefoundtoproduceincreasesinsoilCforbetween100 per MT (metric ton) of C. In contrast, payments to adopt continuous cropping were found to produce increases in soil C for between 5 to $70 depending on area and degree of targeting of the payments. The most efficient, lowest cost policy is achieved when payments are targeted to land that was previously in a crop/fallow rotation. In this range, soil C sequestration appears to be competitive with C sequestered from other sources.policy design, economic efficiency, soil carbon, sequestration, valuing soil carbon, Great Plains agriculture, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q2,


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    Under the Kyoto protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change the United States is charged with reducing emissions of greenhouse gases to seven percent below their 1990 levels by the period 2008-2012. These reductions could be met from many industries including agriculture. In this paper, an economic simulation model is linked to the CENTURY ecosystem model to quantify the economic efficiency of policies that might be used to sequester carbon (C) in agricultural soils in the Northern Great Plains region. Model outputs are combined to assess the costs of inducing changes in equilibrium levels of soil C through three types of policies. The first is a CRP-style policy that provides producers with per-acre payments for converting crop-land to permanent grass; the second is a policy that provides per-acre payments to all farmers that use continuous cropping, regardless of the land's cropping history; the third is a policy that provides per-acre payments for the use of continuous cropping only on land units that had previously been in a crop/fallow rotation. The analysis shows that a CRP-style policy is found to be an inefficient means to increase soil C resulting in costs that typically exceed 100perMT(metricton)ofC.Incontrast,paymentstoadoptcontinuouscroppingwerefoundtoproduceincreasesinsoilCforbetween100 per MT (metric ton) of C. In contrast, payments to adopt continuous cropping were found to produce increases in soil C for between 5 to $70/MT depending on the geographic area and degree of targeting of the payments. The most efficient, lowest cost policy is achieved when payments are targeted to land that was previously in a crop/fallow rotation. In this range, soil C sequestration appears to be competitive with C sequestered from other sources.policy design, economic efficiency, soil carbon, sequestration, valuing soil carbon, Great Plains agriculture, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q2,

    Appraising and enhancing a leadership in innovation model

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    Innovation is a significant contributor to effective economies worldwide. This paper aims to apprise a model of Innovation and Leadership created by Grant Mooney and Ken Dovey (Mooney & Dovey 2008). The model examines the resource of individual creativity and organisational innovation through the use of constructs and metrics. Recent developments have identified constructs that were used to appraise and enhance the model as a result of the strong correlations identified in literature and their high level of relevance. The new factors are (1) 'followership' or confidence in top leadership, and (2) 'return on investment' which measures the innovation efforts in an organisation

    Thinking beyond the hybrid:“actually-existing” cities “after neoliberalism” in Boyle <i>et al.</i>

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    In their article, ‘The spatialities of actually existing neoliberalism in Glasgow, 1977 to present’, Mark Boyle, Christopher McWilliams and Gareth Rice (2008) usefully problematise our current understanding of neoliberal urbanism. Our response is aimed at developing a sympathetic but critical approach to Boyle et al's understanding of neoliberal urbanism as illustrated by the Glasgow example. In particular, the counterposing by Boyle et al of a 'hybrid, mutant' model to a 'pure' model of neoliberalism for us misrepresents existing models of neoliberalism as a perfectly finished object rather than a roughly mottled process. That they do not identify any ‘pure’ model leads them to create a straw construct against which they can claim a more sophisticated, refined approach to the messiness of neoliberal urbanism. In contrast, we view neoliberalism as a contested and unstable response to accumulation crises at various scales of analysis

    Об устойчивости движения математического маятника, взаимодействующего со струной

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    В линейной и нелинейной постановках решена задача об устойчивости стационарных движений однозвенного маятника в гибридной модели механической системы, состоящей из горизонтально закрепленной струны, нагруженной колеблющейся сосредоточенной массой.У лінійній і нелінійній постановках розв'язано задачу про стійкість стаціонарних рухів одноланкового маятника в гібридній моделі механічної системи, яка складається з горизонтально розміщеної струни, навантаженої коливною зосередженою масою.The problem of stability of the stationary motions of a single-mass pendulum in the hybrid model of one mechanical system is solved in the linear and nonlinear statements. The mechanical system consists of a string which is horizontally disposed and loaded by an oscillating localized mass

    Ecosystem Services in Decision Making: Time to Deliver

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    Over the past decade, efforts to value and protect ecosystem services have been promoted by many as the last, best hope for making conservation mainstream – attractive and commonplace worldwide. In theory, if we can help individuals and institutions to recognize the value of nature, then this should greatly increase investments in conservation, while at the same time fostering human well-being. In practice, however, we have not yet developed the scientific basis, nor the policy and finance mechanisms, for incorporating natural capital into resource- and land-use decisions on a large scale. Here, we propose a conceptual framework and sketch out a strategic plan for delivering on the promise of ecosystem services, drawing on emerging examples from Hawai‘i. We describe key advances in the science and practice of accounting for natural capital in the decisions of individuals, communities, corporations, and governments

    Ecosystem Services in Decision Making: Time to Deliver

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    Over the past decade, efforts to value and protect ecosystem services have been promoted by many as the last, best hope for making conservation mainstream – attractive and commonplace worldwide. In theory, if we can help individuals and institutions to recognize the value of nature, then this should greatly increase investments in conservation, while at the same time fostering human well-being. In practice, however, we have not yet developed the scientific basis, nor the policy and finance mechanisms, for incorporating natural capital into resource- and land-use decisions on a large scale. Here, we propose a conceptual framework and sketch out a strategic plan for delivering on the promise of ecosystem services, drawing on emerging examples from Hawai‘i. We describe key advances in the science and practice of accounting for natural capital in the decisions of individuals, communities, corporations, and governments