376 research outputs found

    On the determinants and consequences of punishment goals : power, distrust, and rule compliance

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    This dissertation focuses on the determinants and consequences of leaders’ punishment goals. I investigate how and why leaders rely on certain punishment goals, and how and why leaders’ reliance on such punishment goals affects punishment effectiveness. Specifically, in this dissertation I demonstrate that—with increasing power over others—leaders rely more on punishment goals that are suboptimal in promoting rule compliance. I demonstrate that power fosters a distrustful mindset towards people, which increases reliance on deterrence—but not just deserts as a punishment goal. Using deterrence—as opposed to just deserts—as a justification for punishments, in turn, decreases people’s willingness to comply with rules because people feel distrusted by the leader. Finally, leaders' reliance on suboptimal punishment goals can be explained by their motivation to maintain power over others. Although power may thus increase leaders’ reliance on punishments to deter rule-breaking behavior, paradoxically, this may at times decrease the effectiveness of the punishment.  NWOPsycholog

    EU Ringonderzoek voedsel VII (2015) : Detectie van Salmonella in vloeibaar heel kippenei

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    In 2015, it was shown that all 36 National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) in the European Union were able to detect high and low levels of Salmonella in whole liquid chicken egg. One NRL reported positive results for two blank whole liquid egg samples, a possible explanation may be cross-contamination. In a follow-up study this laboratory scored all samples correctly and achieved the level of good performance. The laboratories detected Salmonella in all contaminated samples. In this report we present some of the conclusions of the 7th EU Interlaboratory Comparison Study of Food Samples, which was organised by the European Union Reference Laboratory for Salmonella (EURL-Salmonella). Interlaboratory comparison study obligatory for EU Member States The study was conducted in September 2015, with a follow-up study in January 2016. Participation was obligatory for all EU Member State NRLs that are responsible for the detection of Salmonella in food samples. EURL-Salmonella is part of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). The laboratories used internationally accepted analysis methods to detect the presence of Salmonella in whole liquid chicken egg samples. Each laboratory received a package with whole liquid egg samples contaminated with two different concentrations of Salmonella Enteritidis or containing no Salmonella at all. The laboratories were required to analyse the samples for the presence of Salmonella in accordance with the study protocol. Preparation of samples In this study, for the first time, liquid egg samples were used that had been artificially contaminated with a diluted culture of Salmonella at the laboratory of EURL-Salmonella. The results showed that this method of contamination, which had been used and tested in earlier studies involving food matrices (meat), animal feed and products of the primary production stage, could also be used for whole liquid eggIn 2015 waren alle 36 Nationale Referentie Laboratoria (NRL's) in de Europese Unie in staat om concentraties Salmonella in vloeibaar kippenei aan te tonen, zowel bij hoge als lage concentraties. EĂ©n NRL slaagde er niet in om alles de eerste keer goed uit te voeren, maar wel tijdens de herkansing. Dit blijkt uit het zevende voedselringonderzoek dat is georganiseerd door het referentielaboratorium van de Europese Unie voor Salmonella (EURL-Salmonella). Ringonderzoek verplicht voor Europese lidstaten Het onderzoek is in september 2015 gehouden, de herkansing was in januari 2016. Alle NRL's van de Europese lidstaten die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de opsporing van Salmonella in voedsel, zijn verplicht om aan het onderzoek deel te nemen. Het EURL-Salmonella is gevestigd bij het Nederlandse Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM). De laboratoria toonden de Salmonella-bacterie in kippenei aan met behulp van de internationaal erkende analysemethoden. Elk laboratorium kreeg een pakket toegestuurd met vloeibaar kippenei dat ofwel besmet was met Salmonella Enteritidis in twee verschillende concentraties, of geen Salmonella bevatte. De laboratoria dienden volgens een protocol te onderzoeken of de monsters Salmonella bevatten. Monsterbereiding In eerdere studies zijn voedsel (gehakt), dierlijke mest en dierenvoer op het laboratorium van het EURL-Salmonella kunstmatig besmet met een verdunde cultuur van Salmonella. In deze studie is voor het eerst vloeibaar kippenei kunstmatig besmet en is bewezen dat ook deze werkwijze geschikt isEuropean Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG-Sante

    EU Ringonderzoek voedsel-I (2006) Bacteriologische detectie van Salmonella in rundergehakt

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    De Europese Nationale Referentie Laboratoria (NRLs) voor Salmonella hebben in een ringonderzoek hoge en lage concentraties Salmonella aangetoond in rundergehakt. Hiermee hebben ze laten zien dat ze voldoen aan de gestelde eisen. De Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis (MSRV), een analysemethode die veel gebruikt wordt voor Salmonella in dierenmest, bleek de beste methode voor het aantonen van Salmonella in rundergehakt. Vijfentwintig referentielaboratoria deden in september 2006 mee aan een ringonderzoek van het Communautair Referentie Laboratorium (CRL) voor Salmonella. Doel was in eerste instantie om na te gaan of de laboratoria Salmonella in gehakt goed konden aantonen. In tweede instantie werd ook onderzocht wat de beste analysemethode was voor het aantonen van Salmonella in rundergehakt. Ieder laboratorium kreeg een pakket toegestuurd met rundergehakt en 35 gelatine capsules met melkpoeder van verschillende besmettingsniveaus Salmonella. De laboratoria moesten volgens voorschrift gehakt en capsules samenvoegen en onderzoeken op de aanwezigheid van Salmonella. Voor het onderzoek gebruikten de laboratoria drie methoden: Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya broth (RVS), Mueller Kauffmann Tetrathionaat met novobiocine (MKTTn) en Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis (MSRV). De eerste twee methoden (RVS en MKKTn) staan bekend als internationaal voorgeschreven voor de analyse van Salmonella in levensmiddelen. De derde methode (MSRV) wordt gebruikt om Salmonella in dierlijke mest aan te tonen. Met een van de levensmiddelenmethoden (MKTTn) vonden alle laboratoria in slechts 88% van de monsters Salmonella. De methode voor dierlijke mest (MSRV) bleek de beste resultaten te geven. Hiermee vonden alle laboratoria in 99% van de besmette monsters Salmonella. De levensmiddelenmethode MKTTn blijkt dus niet de meest optimale methode te zijn voor het aantonen van Salmonella in rundergehakt.The European National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Salmonella were able to detect high and low levels of Salmonella in a ring trial using minced beef as matrix, thereby reaching the level of good performance. The Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis (MSRV), a method often used for the detection of Salmonella in animal faeces, turned out to be the best method for minced beef. This was one outcome of the inter-laboratory comparison study organized by the Community Reference Laboratory (CRL) for Salmonella on the detection of Salmonella spp. in a food matrix in September 2006. The first, and most important goal, was to see if the 25 participating laboratories in this study could detect Salmonella in minced beef. The second goal was to compare the different analysis methods for the detection of Salmonella in minced beef. Each laboratory received a package containing minced beef and 35 gelatin capsules containing different levels of Salmonella. According to the instructions, the laboratories spiked the meat with the capsules and tested those samples for the presence of Salmonella. The laboratories used three methods for running this test: Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya broth (RVS), Mueller Kauffmann Tetrathionate novobiocin broth (MKTTn) and Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis (MSRV). The first two methods are internationally prescribed for the detection of Salmonella in food, while the third (MSRV) is prescribed for the detection of Salmonella in veterinary faeces. All laboratories found Salmonella in just 88% of the samples using one of the food methods (MKTTn). The method for the veterinary samples, MSRV, gave the best results, with 99% of all laboratories detecting Salmonella in the spiked samples. The MKTTn food method is therefore not the optimal medium for the detection of Salmonella in minced beef.European CommissionLegislation Veterinaire et Zootechniqu

    Bacteriophages in bathing wĂ ters: A feasibility study on the development of a method based on bacteriophages for the determination of microbiological quality of bathing waters

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    Projecte: Project report. BCR Information. EU project KINA19506ENC_001. EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Community Research. DG XII/C - Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme. Published by EU Directorate General ΧΠ - Science, Research and Development ISBN 92-828-9145-3Informe final projecte europeu aigües de bany i bacteriòfagsMethods for the detection and enumeration of somatic coliphages, F-specific RNA bacteriophages and bacteriophages infecting Bacteroides fragilis had been standardised and validated. Conditions for the preparation, transport and distribution of bacteriophage reference materials and preservation of samples had been defined. A method based on flocculation with Mg(OH2) with concentration efficiencies from about 40% was settled to concentrate phages from bathing waters. All methods were successfully implemented in routine laboratories all around the EU. Data on the occurrence of bacteriophages as compared to E. coli and Enterococci are available from diverse situations encountered in the EU. Results allow to conclude that the potential of phages for the determination of the microbiological quality of bathing waters merits to be considered since their determination is feasible and their behaviour in natural water differs from the behaviour of bacterial indicators and consequently they add valuable information
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