1,911 research outputs found

    A proposed approach to reformation of the socioreligious situation in modern India

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1937. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Physical studies of Limulus coagulogen, the coagulin gel and coagulin gel formation

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    The blood of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus gels upon contact with gram negative bacterial endotoxin. Such contact induces the discrete proteolytic cleavage of a single protein, coagulogen. The product, coagulin, then assembles into a highly turbid gel. An investigation of the gelation and the physical properties of coagulogen and coagulin is described here. Except where noted, polymerization was induced by limited trypsinolysis of coagulogen. Analytical centrifugation demonstrates that coagulogen only weakly self-associates. Fluorescence quenching indicates that the single tryptophan of coagulogen lies near the surface of the protein. The effective charge of coagulogen at pH 8, measured by equilibrium electrophoresis, is +1.0. Electron microscopy reveals the gel to consist of a network of long, branching, intermeshed fibers about 10 to 20 nanometers wide. Centrifugation studies show that coagulin gels depolymerize to monomeric coagulin in 6 molar guanidine hydrochloride, but not in other commonly used denaturants. Gelation follows the removal of guanidine hydrochloride. Guanidine hydrochloride has modest effects on the fluorescence or sedimentation of coagulogen. Thus, depolymerization probably does not require gross structural changes in coagulin. It appears that a combination of ionic interactions, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions holds coagulin monomers together in the gel, with no one type of interaction dominating gel stability. During gelation, changes in turbidity lag changes in the wavelength dependence, suggesting a sudden appearance of the gel phase. At sufficient concentration, coagulin monomers may form protofibrils that laterally associate into branching, interlacing fibers, creating the gel. An apparent monomer-gel equilibrium follows. At fifteen degrees celsius, an apparent first order rate constant of 0.055 per minute was found for the association of monomer with the gel. The critical concentration at that temperature was too small to measure. During gelation, neither coagulogen, nor at least one of two expected intermediates leading to coagulin, participates in gelation. Reactions of coagulogen with chymotrypsin suggest that the other intermediate can gel, and suggests that no part of coagulogen need be freed for gelation to proceed. Thus, a decrease in osmotic pressure could accompany chymotrypsin-induced gelation. The increase in entropy that appears to drive gelation would have to overcome this osmotic effect

    Niche Differentiating Mechanisms in Two Sympatric Species of Swallows

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    The present study considers certain aspects of the ecologies of cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and bam swallows (Hirundo rustica) in an area of overlap, where both species are found nesting together and foraging over the same fields. Careful attention was given to foraging flight patterns, foraging elevations, and food consumed by each species in an effort to determine whether or not there is any evidence of competition for food resources. Aggressive interactions between the species were recorded, and the general timing of their nesting cycles was noted

    Simulating multiple merger pathways to the central kinematics of early-type galaxies

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    Two-dimensional integral field surveys such as ATLAS^3D are producing rich observational data sets yielding insights into galaxy formation. These new kinematic observations have highlighted the need to understand the evolutionary mechanisms leading to a spectrum of fast-rotators and slow-rotators in early-type galaxies. We address the formation of slow and fast rotators through a series of controlled, comprehensive hydrodynamical simulations sampling idealized galaxy merger scenarios constructed from model spiral galaxies. Idealized and controlled simulations of this sort complement the more 'realistic' cosmological simulations by isolating and analyzing the effects of specific parameters, as we do in this paper. We recreate minor and major binary mergers, binary merger trees with multiple progenitors, and multiple sequential mergers. Within each of these categories of formation history, we correlate progenitor gas fraction, mass ratio, orbital pericenter, orbital ellipticity, and spin with remnant kinematic properties. We create kinematic profiles of these 95 simulations comparable to ATLAS^3D data. By constructing remnant profiles of the projected specific angular momentum (lambda_R = / , triaxiality, and measuring the incidences of kinematic twists and kinematically decoupled cores, we distinguish between varying formation scenarios. We find that binary mergers nearly always form fast rotators. Slow rotators can be formed from zero initial angular momentum configurations and gas-poor mergers, but are not as round as the ATLAS^3D galaxies. Remnants of binary merger trees are triaxial slow rotators. Sequential mergers form round slow rotators that most resemble the ATLAS^3D rotators.Comment: MNRAS, in press, 12 pages, 15 figure

    The Effectiveness of Measures to Increase Appellate Court Efficiency and Decision Output

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    This Article will examine the effectiveness of measures commonly employed to increase appellate court productivity. Part I of the Article sets forth some common design problems and explains how the research technique employed in the present study avoids these problems by using a multiple time-series research design. Part II applies this design to state court data. Part II also describes the dependent variable, the number of appeals decided per judge, used in the regression analysis. Part III discusses the results of that analysis-the impact of each change listed above on judicial productivity. The Article, although not advocating the adoption of the discussed efficiency measures, concludes that the failure to enact any type of efficiency measure will cause appellate courts to fall behind in the handling of their caseloads

    Geochemical-geophysical investigations, Fairbanks district

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    Trace element distribution in a subarctic valley in the Cleary Hill area of the Fairbanks gold district has been studied. Zinc and arsenic have been found excellent pathfinder elements for auriferous deposits. Methods of analysis for copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, silver and arsenic as well as heavy metals are discussed. The University of Alaska method #2 has been improved, Terrain, slope, and frozen ground have little effect upon the distribution of trace elements associated with the Cleary H i l l vein. A new method for the determination of zinc using dilute acid is proposed. Analysis of geochemical data by trend surface procedures proved effective for localization of anomalies

    The Educational Encounter-Storytelling of Successful African American and Latino Immigrant Male High School Graduates

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    The purpose of this study was to study the academic and professional success of African American and Latino Immigrant Males and how to understand how this success can be useful in helping young African American and Latino Immigrant young men attain similar levels of success. This study aimed at learning of any challenges or barriers these young men faced throughout their high school journey. Through individual interviews, the researchers tried to learn about commonalities among the participants in regards to challenges, motivators, and any other factors that helped them achieve the academic success throughout their high school career and that led to them becoming professional members of society. By triangulating the data collected through the individual interviews with survey results, the researchers were able to identify common themes among the participants. The first phase of the study consisted of advertising the study throughout various locations in the Palm Beach County to select a group of participants that met the characteristics needed to participate in this research. The participants had to be African American or Latino Immigrant Males, high school graduation, and currently employed. After the selection of the participants, individual interviews were recorded and transcribed. The second phase of this study, consisted of identifying common themes from the individual interviews to develop a Likert Scale Survey (LSS). The participants were emailed the LSS and given ample time to respond. The LSS results, provided rankings on a scale from 1 to 10 on the themes from least influential (1) to most influential (10). The LSS results, identified role models and positive home environment as two of the most influential aspects throughout their high school journey that played a role in their success. However, other themes not as influential throughout high school for these participants was extracurricular activities, positive school environment, low socioeconomic status, access to high level courses, and self (intrinsic)-motivation

    Activity-Dependent β-Adrenergic Modulation of Low Frequency Stimulation Induced LTP in the Hippocampal CA1 Region

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    Abstractβ-Adrenergic receptor activation has a central role in the enhancement of memory formation that occurs during heightened states of emotional arousal. Although β-adrenergic receptor activation may enhance memory formation by modulating long-term potentiation (LTP), a candidate synaptic mechanism involved in memory formation, the cellular basis of this modulation is not fully understood. Here, we report that, in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, β-adrenergic receptor activation selectively enables the induction of LTP during long trains of 5 Hz synaptic stimulation. Protein phosphatase inhibitors mimic the effects of β-adrenergic receptor activation on 5 Hz stimulation–induced LTP, suggesting that activation of noradrenergic systems during emotional arousal may enhance memory formation by inhibiting protein phosphatases that normally oppose the induction of LTP