91 research outputs found

    Series Introduction: Multiligand receptors and human disease

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    Benzo-fused Lactams from a Diversity-oriented Synthesis (DOS) Library as Inhibitors of Scavenger Receptor BI (SR-BI)-mediated Lipid Uptake

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    We report a new series of 8-membered benzo-fused lactams that inhibit cellular lipid uptake from HDL particles mediated by Scavenger Receptor, Class B, Type I (SR-BI). The series was identified via a high-throughput screen of the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (NIH MLSMR), measuring the transfer of the fluorescent lipid DiI from HDL particles to CHO cells overexpressing SR-BI. The series is part of a previously reported diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS) library prepared via a build-couple-pair approach. Detailed structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies were performed with a selection of the original library, as well as additional analogs prepared via solution phase synthesis. These studies demonstrate that the orientation of the substituents on the aliphatic ring have a critical effect on activity. Additionally, a lipophilic group is required at the western end of the molecule, and a northern hydroxyl group and a southern sulfonamide substituent also proved to be optimal. Compound 2p was found to possess a superior combination of potency (av IC50 = 0.10 μM) and solubility (79 μM in PBS), and it was designated as probe ML312

    Discovery of Bisamide-heterocycles as Inhibitors of Scavenger Receptor BI (SR-BI)-mediated Lipid Uptake

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    A new series of potent inhibitors of cellular lipid uptake from HDL particles mediated by scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) was identified. The series was identified via a high-throughput screen of the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (NIH MLSMR) that measured the transfer of the fluorescent lipid DiI from HDL particles to CHO cells overexpressing SR-BI. The series is characterized by a linear peptidomimetic scaffold with two adjacent amide groups, as well as an aryl-substituted heterocycle. Analogs of the initial hit were rapidly prepared via Ugi 4-component reaction, and select enantiopure compounds were prepared via a stepwise sequence. Structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies suggest an oxygenated arene is preferred at the western end of the molecule, as well as highly lipophilic substituents on the central and eastern nitrogens. Compound 5e, with (R)-stereochemistry at the central carbon, was designated as probe ML279. Mechanistic studies indicate that ML279 stabilizes the interaction of HDL particles with SR-BI, and its effect is reversible. It shows good potency (IC50 = 17 nM), is non-toxic, plasma stable, and has improved solubility over our alternative probe ML278

    Indolinyl-Thiazole Based Inhibitors of Scavenger Receptor-BI (SR-BI)-Mediated Lipid Transport

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    A potent class of indolinyl-thiazole based inhibitors of cellular lipid uptake mediated by scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) was identified via a high-throughput screen of the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (NIH MLSMR) in an assay measuring the uptake of the fluorescent lipid DiI from HDL particles. This class of compounds is represented by ML278 (17–11), a potent (average IC50 = 6 nM) and reversible inhibitor of lipid uptake via SR-BI. ML278 is a plasma-stable, noncytotoxic probe that exhibits moderate metabolic stability, thus displaying improved properties for in vitro and in vivo studies. Strikingly, ML278 and previously described inhibitors of lipid transport share the property of increasing the binding of HDL to SR-BI, rather than blocking it, suggesting there may be similarities in their mechanisms of action

    Loss of cardiac microRNA-mediated regulation leads to dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure

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    Rationale: Heart failure is a deadly and devastating disease that places immense costs on an aging society. To develop therapies aimed at rescuing the failing heart, it is important to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying cardiomyocyte structure and function. Objective: microRNAs are important regulators of gene expression, and we sought to define the global contributions made by microRNAs toward maintaining cardiomyocyte integrity. Methods and Results: First, we performed deep sequencing analysis to catalog the miRNA population in the adult heart. Second, we genetically deleted, in cardiac myocytes, an essential component of the machinery that is required to generate miRNAs. Deep sequencing of miRNAs from the heart revealed the enrichment of a small number of microRNAs with one, miR-1, accounting for 40% of all microRNAs. Cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of dgcr8, a gene required for microRNA biogenesis, revealed a fully penetrant phenotype that begins with left ventricular malfunction progressing to a dilated cardiomyopathy and premature lethality. Conclusions: These observations reveal a critical role for microRNAs in maintaining cardiac function in mature cardiomyocytes and raise the possibility that only a handful of microRNAs may ultimately be responsible for the dramatic cardiac phenotype seen in the absence of dgcr8.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 DK068348-04)Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (SPARC Grant)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH-HL52212)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH RO1-HD0445022)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH RO1-CA087869)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH/NHLBI P01-HL066105)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH R37-CA084198

    Excess cholesterol induces mouse egg activation and may cause female infertility

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    The HDL receptor scavenger receptor, class B type I (SR-BI) controls the structure and fate of plasma HDL. Female SR-BI KO mice are infertile, apparently because of their abnormal cholesterol-enriched HDL particles. We examined the growth and meiotic progression of SR-BI KO oocytes and found that they underwent normal germinal vesicle breakdown; however, SR-BI KO eggs, which had accumulated excess cholesterol in vivo, spontaneously activated, and they escaped metaphase II (MII) arrest and progressed to pronuclear, MIII, and anaphase/telophase III stages. Eggs from fertile WT mice were activated when loaded in vitro with excess cholesterol by a cholesterol/methyl-β-cyclodextrin complex, phenocopying SR-BI KO oocytes. In vitro cholesterol loading of eggs induced reduction in maturation promoting factor and MAPK activities, elevation of intracellular calcium, extrusion of a second polar body, and progression to meiotic stages beyond MII. These results suggest that the infertility of SR-BI KO females is caused, at least in part, by excess cholesterol in eggs inducing premature activation and that cholesterol can activate WT mouse eggs to escape from MII arrest. Analysis of SR-BI KO female infertility raises the possibility that abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism might underlie some cases of human female infertility of unknown etiology.National Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Pre-doctoral Training Grant T32GM007287)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (International Science and Technology Initiatives Chile Cooperative Grant

    A Consensus Definitive Classification of Scavenger Receptors and Their Roles in Health and Disease

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    Scavenger receptors constitute a large family of proteins that are structurally diverse and participate in a wide range of biological functions. These receptors are expressed predominantly by myeloid cells and recognize a diverse variety of ligands including endogenous and modified host-derived molecules and microbial pathogens. There are currently eight classes of scavenger receptors, many of which have multiple names, leading to inconsistencies and confusion in the literature. To address this problem, a workshop was organized by theUnited StatesNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, to help develop a clear definition of scavenger receptors and a standardized nomenclature based on that definition. Fifteen experts in the scavenger receptor field attended the workshop and, after extensive discussion, reached a consensus regarding the definition of scavenger receptors and a proposed scavenger receptor nomenclature. Scavenger receptors were defined as cell surface receptors that typically bind multiple ligands and promote the removal of nonself or altered-self targets. They often function by mechanisms that include endocytosis, phagocytosis, adhesion, and signaling that ultimately lead to the elimination of degraded or harmful substances. Based on this definition, nomenclature and classification of these receptors into 10 classes were proposed. This classification was discussed at three national meetings and input from participants at these meetings was requested. The following manuscript is a consensus statement that combines the recommendations of the initial workshop and incorporates the input received from the participants at the three national meetings

    Dietary Manipulation and Social Isolation Alter Disease Progression in a Murine Model of Coronary Heart Disease

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    Background: Mice with a deficiency in the HDL receptor SR-BI and low expression of a modified apolipoprotein E gene (SR-BI KO/ApoeR61h/h) called ‘HypoE’ when fed an atherogenic, ‘Paigen’ diet develop occlusive, atherosclerotic coronary arterial disease (CHD), myocardial infarctions (MI), and heart dysfunction and die prematurely (50% mortality ~40 days after initiation of this diet). Because few murine models share with HypoE mice these cardinal, human-like, features of CHD, HypoE mice represent a novel, small animal, diet-inducible and genetically tractable model for CHD. To better describe the properties of this model, we have explored the effects of varying the composition and timing of administration of atherogenic diets, as well as social isolation vs. group housing, on these animals. Methodology/Principal Findings: HypoE mice were maintained on a standard lab chow diet (control) until two months of age. Subsequently they received one of three atherogenic diets (Paigen, Paigen without cholate, Western) or control diet for varying times and were housed in groups or singly, and we determined the plasma cholesterol levels, extent of cardiomegaly and/or survival. The rate of disease progression could be reduced by lowering the severity of the atherogenic diet and accelerated by social isolation. Disease could be induced by Paigen diets either containing or free of cholate. We also established conditions under which CHD could be initiated by an atherogenic diet and then subsequently, by replacing this diet with standard lab chow, hypercholesterolemia could be reduced and progression to early death prevented. Conclusions/Significance: HypoE mice provide a powerful, surgery-free, diet-‘titratable’ small animal model that can be used to study the onset of recovery from occlusive, atherosclerotic CHD and heart failure due to MI. HypoE mice can be used for the analysis of the effects of environment (diet, social isolation) on a variety of features of cardiovascular disease.National Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institut
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