368 research outputs found

    Yb-1 oncoprotein controls pi3k/akt pathway by reducing pten protein level

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    YB-1 is a multifunctional protein overexpressed in many types of cancer. It is a crucial oncoprotein that regulates cancer cell progression and proliferation. Ubiquitously expressed in human cells, YB-1 protein functions are strictly dependent on its subcellular localization. In the cytoplasm, where YB-1 is primarily localized, it regulates mRNA translation and stability. However, in response to stress stimuli and activation of PI3K and RSK signaling, YB-1 moves to the nucleus acting as a prosurvival factor. YB-1 is reported to regulate many cellular signaling pathways in different types of malignancies. Furthermore, several observations also suggest that YB-1 is a sensor of oxidative stress and DNA damage. Here we show that YB-1 reduces PTEN intracellular levels thus leading to PI3K/Akt pathway activation. Remarkably, PTEN reduction mediated by YB-1 overexpression can be observed in human immortalized keratinocytes and HEK293T cells and cannot be reversed by proteasome inhibition. Real-time PCR data indicate that YB-1 silencing up-regulates the PTEN mRNA level. Collectively, these observations indicate that YB-1 negatively controls PTEN at the transcript level and its overexpression could confer survival and proliferative advantage to PTEN proficient cancer cells

    The use of mobile phone while driving: Behavior and determinant analysis in one of the largest metropolitan area of Italy

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    The use of mobile phones while driving is one of the main causes of road accidents and it is a phenomenon in continuous growth. The key aim of this study is to analyse simultaneously knowledge, attitudes, and behavior toward the use of mobile phones while driving in one of the largest and populous metropolitan areas of Italy, Naples. The data acquired from 774 questionnaires - administered to subjects evenly divided by gender and with an average age of 39 years - revealed that 69 % have used their mobile phone while driving at least once in their lifetime. Among those who used the phone, 63.6 % use it to make phone calls while 75.2 % only to answer them; 49.1 % read messages and only 33.3 % write them. It is also notable that 34.1 % do not stop to answer a call and only 10 % do not value the use of headsets while driving as fundamental. The results indicate that cell phone usage while driving is common in the study population, despite many having university-level education and satisfactory risks awareness. The multiple linear regression analysis shows how knowledge is not correlated to the behavior held. On the contrary, attitudes are strongly correlated to knowledge and behavior, meaning that good attitudes bring forth positive behavior. According to the collected data and statistical analysis, it is possible to identify factors that can greatly affect the use of mobile phone while driving and establish targeted prevention programs

    Estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pollution in mediterranean sea from volturno river, southern italy: Distribution, risk assessment and loads

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    This study reports the data on the contamination caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) drained from the Volturno River. The seasonal and spatial distribution of PAHs in water and sediment samples was assessed. The 16 PAHs were determined in the water dissolved phase (DP), suspended particulate matter (SPM), and sediments. A multidimensional statistical approach was used to identify three pollution composite indicators. Contaminant discharges of PAHs into the sea were calculated in about 3158.2 kg/year. Total concentrations of PAHs varied in ranges 434.8 to 872.1 ng g−1 and 256.7 to 1686.3 ng L−1 in sediment samples and in water (DP + SPM), respectively. The statistical results indicated that the PAHs mainly had a pyrolytic source. Considering the sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), the water environmental quality standards (USEPA EQS), and risk quotient (RQ), the Volturno River would be considered as an area in which the environmental integrity is possibly at risk

    Application and analysis of geodetic protocols for monitoring subsidence phenomena along on-shore hydrocarbon reservoirs

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    In this study, we tested the "land-subsidence monitoring guidelines" proposed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), to study ground deformations along on-shore hydrocarbon reservoirs. We propose protocols that include the joint use of Global Positioning System (GPS) and multi-temporal Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) techniques, for a twofold purpose: a) monitoring land subsidence phenomena along selected areas after defining the background of ground deformations; b) analyzing possible relationships between hydrocarbon exploitation and anomalous deformation patterns. Experimental results, gathered along the Ravenna coastline (northern Italy) and in the southeastern Sicily (southern Italy), show wide areas of subsidence mainly related to natural and anthropogenic processes. Moreover, ground deformations retrieved through multi-temporal DInSAR time series exhibit low sensitivity as well as poor spatial and temporal correlation with hydrocarbon exploitation activities. Results allow evaluating the advantages and limitations of proposed protocols, to improve the techniques and security standards established by MISE guidelines for monitoring on-shore hydrocarbon reservoirs

    Environmental Monitoring of Legionella in Hospitals in the Campania Region: A 5-Year Study

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    : Legionella is a pathogen that colonizes soils, freshwater, and building water systems. People who are most affected are those with immunodeficiencies, so it is necessary to monitor its presence in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of Legionella in water samples collected from hospitals in the Campania region, Southern Italy. A total of 3365 water samples were collected from January 2018 to December 2022 twice a year in hospital wards from taps and showers, tank bottoms, and air-treatment units. Microbiological analysis was conducted in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 11731:2017, and the correlations between the presence of Legionella and water temperature and residual chlorine were investigated. In total, 708 samples (21.0%) tested positive. The most represented species was L. pneumophila 2-14 (70.9%). The serogroups isolated were 1 (27.7%), 6 (24.5%), 8 (23.3%), 3 (18.9%), 5 (3.1%), and 10 (1.1%). Non-pneumophila Legionella spp. represented 1.4% of the total. Regarding temperature, the majority of Legionella positive samples were found in the temperature range of 26.0-40.9 °C. An influence of residual chlorine on the presence of the bacterium was observed, confirming that chlorine disinfection is effective for controlling contamination. The positivity for serogroups other than serogroup 1 suggested the need to continue environmental monitoring of Legionella and to focus on the clinical diagnosis of other serogroups

    MAGLIO study: epideMiological Analysis on invasive meninGococcaL disease in Italy: fOcus on hospitalization from 2015 to 2019

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    This study analyzed hospital admissions for invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in epidemiological and economic terms in Italy from 2015 to 2019. The volume of acute admissions for meningococcal diagnosis was analyzed in the period from 2015 to 2019. IMD admissions were identified by ICD-9-CM diagnoses. Costs were assessed using current DRG tariffs. In 2019, a total of 237 admissions for meningococcal disease were recorded in Italy. The mean age of patients was 36.1 years. Lumbar puncture was reported in only 14% of hospital discharge forms. From 2015 to 2019, there was a mean annual reduction of - 1.2% nationally for IMD hospitalizations. For 2019, the total costs for acute inpatient admissions were euro2,001,093. Considering annual incidence due to IMD, a significant decrease was noted in the age group from 0 to 1 year (p = 0.010) during 2015-2019. For all years, mortality associated with meningeal syndrome was lower compared to septic shock with or without meningitis. From 2015 to 2019, hospitalizations for IMD appear to be decreasing slightly in Italy, even if mortality remains high. Favorable trends in hospitalizations for IMD were seen in the 0-1-year age group, which may be attributable to increased vaccination. Costs of hospitalizations for IMD remain high

    Recent Diarrhea is Associated with Elevated Salivary IgG Responses to Cryptosporidium in Residents of an Eastern Massachusetts Community

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    BACKGROUND: Serological data suggest that Cryptosporidium infections are common but underreported. The invasiveness of blood sampling limits the application of serology in epidemiological surveillance. We pilot-tested a non-invasive salivary anti-Cryptosporidium antibody assay in a community survey involving children and adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Families with children were recruited in a Massachusetts community in July; symptoms data were collected at 3 monthly follow-up mail surveys. One saliva sample per person (n = 349) was collected via mail, with the last survey in October. Samples were analyzed for IgG and IgA responses to a recombinant C. hominis gp15 sporozoite protein using a time-resolved fluorometric immunoassay. Log-transformed assay results were regressed on age using penalized B-splines to account for the strong age-dependence of antibody reactions. Positive responses were defined as fluorescence values above the upper 99% prediction limit. RESULTS: Forty-seven (13.5%) individuals had diarrhea without concurrent respiratory symptoms during the 3-month-long follow-up; eight of them had these symptoms during the month prior to saliva sampling. Two individuals had positive IgG responses: an adult who had diarrhea during the prior month and a child who had episodes of diarrhea during each survey month (Fisher\u27s exact test for an association between diarrhea and IgG response: p = 0.0005 for symptoms during the prior month and p = 0.02 for symptoms during the entire follow-up period). The child also had a positive IgA response, along with two asymptomatic individuals (an association between diarrhea and IgA was not significant). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the salivary IgG specific to Cryptosporidium antigens warrants further evaluation as a potential indicator of recent infections

    Mepolizumab Improves Outcomes of Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps in Severe Asthmatic Patients: A Multicentric Real-Life Study

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    Objective: The upcoming introduction of mepolizumab represents a promising treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of mepolizumab on sinonasal outcomes of comorbid CRSwNP and severe asthma in a real-life setting. The primary endpoint was to evaluate changes in the SinoNasal Outcome Test (SNOT)-22 score, Nasal Polyp (NP) score, and blood eosinophil count during a 12-month treatment with mepolizumab. Secondary endpoints were to quantify mepolizumab's effects on the mentioned parameters, identify clinical variables influencing the degree of response to treatment, and portray responder and nonresponder patients. Methods: A multicentric retrospective no-profit observational study on severe asthmatic patients, treated with mepolizumab, and comorbid CRSwNP was conducted. All patients were followed for at least 12 months. SNOT-22 score, NP score, and blood eosinophil count (and other CRS-specific variables) were collected at baseline and after 12 months. Results: Forty-three patients were included. A statistically significant reduction was observed for SNOT-22 score (mean t0 SNOT-22 54.8 +/- 25.9; mean t12 SNOT-22 31.5 +/- 21.3, p < 0.0001), NP score (median t0 NPS 3 (IQR 3); median t12 NPS 2 (IQR 4), p < 0.0001), and blood eosinophil count (mean t0 blood eosinophils 804.7 +/- 461.5 cell/mu L; mean t12 blood eosinophils 107.5 +/- 104.6 cell/mu L, p < 0.0001) after 12 months of treatment. Twenty patients (47%) gained improvement both in clinical and endoscopic outcome. Mepolizumab responder patients presented a t0 SNOT-22 significantly higher than nonresponders (p = 0.0011). Conclusions: Mepolizumab improved CRSwNP outcomes in a population of severe asthmatic patients. No clinical feature emerged to outline the profile of a "typical" responder patient, except for baseline SNOT-22 score, which seemed to affect the response to treatment. Further studies would be necessary to supplement these preliminary evaluations

    Geodetic model of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence inferred from InSAR and GPS data

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    We investigate a large geodetic data set of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)and GPS measurements to determine the source parameters for the three main shocks of the 2016Central Italy earthquake sequence on 24 August and 26 and 30 October (Mw6.1, 5.9, and 6.5,respectively). Our preferred model is consistent with the activation of four main coseismic asperitiesbelonging to the SW dipping normal fault system associated with the Mount Gorzano-Mount Vettore-Mount Bove alignment. Additional slip, equivalent to aMw~ 6.1–6.2 earthquake, on a secondary (1) NEdipping antithetic fault and/or (2) on a WNW dipping low-angle fault in the hanging wall of the mainsystem is required to better reproduce the complex deformation pattern associated with the greatestseismic event (theMw6.5 earthquake). The recognition of ancillary faults involved in the sequencesuggests a complex interaction in the activated crustal volume between the main normal faults and thesecondary structures and a partitioning of strain releas

    Multiparametric seafloor exploration: the Marsili Basin and Volcanic Seamount case (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    Exploration of ocean seafloor is of paramount importance for a better understanding of the geodynamic evolution of our Planet. The pilot experiment of ORION-GEOSTAR 3 EC project was the first long-term continuous geophysical and oceanographic experiment of an important seafloor area of Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, the Marsili abyssal plain. The latter hosts the Marsili Seamount which is Europe’s one of the largest underwater volcano of Plio-Pleistocenic age. In spite of its dimensions, it is rather unknown about the present characteristics and activity. For this reason, we deployed a deep-sea observatory network, composed by two bottom observatories, on the seafloor at the base of the seamount at 3320 m b.s.l., in the period December 2003-May 2005. Some of the instruments on board the observatory were: broad-band seismometers, hydrophones, gravity meter, two magnetometers (scalar and vectorial), 3D single-point current meter, ADCP, CTD, automatic pH analyser and off-line water sampler for laboratory analyses. The first successful scientific objective was to obtain long-term continuous recordings under a unique time reference. The data analysis shows that they are generally of good quality and really continuous (only a few gaps). As a first step we performed a classification of seismic waveforms, a first inversion of magnetic variational data, and a first analysis of gravity meter, chemical and oceanographic data. Analysis of individual time series has shown interesting results, i.e. depth of the magnetic Moho under the Marsili, attenuation of recorded seismic body waves and clues of hydrothermal circulation. We show examples of the preliminary data analysis together with first results and comparisons among data coming from different sensors.PublishedCambridge, UK, February 24-26, 20091.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientale3.8. Geofisica per l'ambienteope
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