96 research outputs found

    Competing risks to breast cancer mortality in Catalonia

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    Background: Breast cancer mortality has experienced important changes over the last century. Breast cancer occurs in the presence of other competing risks which can influence breast cancer incidence and mortality trends. The aim of the present work is: 1) to assess the impact of breast cancer deaths among mortality from all causes in Catalonia (Spain), by age and birth cohort and 2) to estimate the risk of death from other causes than breast cancer, one of the inputs needed to model breast cancer mortality reduction due to screening or therapeutic interventions. Methods: The multi-decrement life table methodology was used. First, all-cause mortality probabilities were obtained by age and cohort. Then mortality probability for breast cancer was subtracted from the all-cause mortality probabilities to obtain cohort life tables for causes other than breast cancer. These life tables, on one hand, provide an estimate of the risk of dying from competing risks, and on the other hand, permit to assess the impact of breast cancer deaths on all-cause mortality using the ratio of the probability of death for causes other than breast cancer by the all-cause probability of death. Results: There was an increasing impact of breast cancer on mortality in the first part of the 20th century, with a peak for cohorts born in 1945–54 in the 40–49 age groups (for which approximately 24% of mortality was due to breast cancer). Even though for cohorts born after 1955 there was only information for women under 50, it is also important to note that the impact of breast cancer on all-cause mortality decreased for those cohorts. Conclusion: We have quantified the effect of removing breast cancer mortality in different age groups and birth cohorts. Our results are consistent with US findings. We also have obtained an estimate of the risk of dying from competing-causes mortality, which will be used in the assessment of the effect of mammography screening on breast cancer mortality in Catalonia

    Utilización de recursos de atención primaria por parte de inmigrantes y autóctonos que han contactado con los servicios asistenciales de la ciudad de Lleida

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    ObjetivoEvaluar y comparar la utilización de recursos en los distintos servicios de atención primaria (AP) entre inmigrantes y autóctonos.DiseñoEstudio observacional transversal en población visitada en AP.EmplazamientoPersonas atendidas por 15 médicos de AP en 5 áreas básicas de salud (ABS) de la ciudad de Lleida de marzo a agosto de 2005.ParticipantesSe incluyó a todos los inmigrantes atendidos durante el período de estudio (1.599 pacientes de origen inmigrante). Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio de 300 pacientes en cada una de las 15 consultas participantes (4.156 pacientes de origen autóctono). Se consideró población autóctona aquella cuyo país de origen es España y población inmigrante aquella que proviene de los países de renta baja y media, independientemente del tiempo de asistencia al ABS.Mediciones principalesEdad, sexo, tipo de visitas realizadas y las derivaciones efectuadas. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión multinomial para estimar el riesgo relativo (RR) de haber realizado las visitas.ResultadosLos inmigrantes tienen una probabilidad superior a los autóctonos de realizar más de 3 visitas, frente a 1 o 2 visitas (RR = 1,23; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 1,04-1,91%). La estimación del RR de haber realizado visitas es superior en los inmigrantes para todas las categorías, excepto en enfermería (RR = 0,59; IC del 95%, 0,5-0,71%).ConclusionesLos inmigrantes que contactan con AP lo hacen con mayor frecuencia en las consultas de medicina de familia y de ginecología, y además se realizan más pruebas complementarias. Sin embargo, la frecuentación del colectivo inmigrante a las consultas de enfermería parece ser inferior.ObjectiveTo evaluate and compare the use of the different primary care (PC) services between immigrants and the indigenous population.DesignCross-sectional observation study of a population seen in (PC).SettingPatients seen by 15 PC doctors, in 5 basic health areas (BHA) in the city of Lleida, Spain, from March to August 2005.ParticipantsAll immigrants (1599 patients of immigrant origin) who seen during the study period were included. A random sample of 300 patients was taken from each of the 15 participating clinics (4156 autochthonous patients). The autochthonous was considered as those whose country of origin is Spain and the immigrant population those who come from low and medium income countries, regardless of the time of residence in the BHA.Primary measurementsAge, sex, type of visit made, and referrals made. Multinomial regression models were used to calculate the relative risk (RR) of having made visits.ResultsImmigrants have a higher probability to make 3 visits than the indigenous population, who would make 1 or 2 visits (RR, 1.23; 95% confidence interval, 1.04-1.91). The estimation of the RR of having made visits is higher in the immigrants for all categories, except nursing.ConclusionsImmigrants who come into contact with PC, make more frequent visits to the family doctor and gynaecology, and also have more complementary tests done. However, the frequency of use of the immigrant group for nursing visits seems to be less

    Evolución de la mortalidad por cáncer de mama y diseminación de la mamografía de cribado en Cataluña: un análisis por regiones sanitarias

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    Fundamento: El descenso de las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer de mama (CM) se ha atribuido a la implantación de programas de cribado y a avances terapéuticos. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar la evolución de su mortalidad en las regiones sanitarias de Cataluña en el periodo 1993-2007. Paralelamente, se ha analizado la diseminación de la mamografía periódica en las regiones sanitarias. Métodos: Se analizaron los datos del registro de mortalidad y encuestas de salud. Se utilizaron regresiones de Poisson y «joinpoint» para comparar las tasas de mortalidad por CM y analizar su evolución temporal. Se utilizaron modelos de efectos mixtos para comparar el nivel y la evolución de la mortalidad por regiones. Resultados. La tasa de mortalidad por CM descendió un 3% anual en Cataluña. Entre 1993 y 2007, la tasa estandarizada varió de 34,8 a 23,3 por 100.000 mujeres. Barcelona ciutat presentó unas tasas de mortalidad más elevadas que las regiones Centre (ratio de tasas (RT)=0,87), Costa de Ponent (RT=0,89), Tarragona (RT=0,9) y Lleida (RT=0,915), pero estas diferencias tendieron a desaparecer. No se observaron cambios de tendencia en la evolución de la mortalidad de las regiones, excepto en la región Centre. Durante los años 1990 Barcelona ciutat presentó unos porcentajes de utilización de mamografía periódica del 36,1% de las mujeres de 40-74 años, en la encuesta de 1994, la región Centre (23,7%) y Costa de Ponent (25,2%). Conclusiones: La progresiva utilización de mamografía periódica y la disminución de la mortalidad por CM fueron similares en las regiones sanitarias de Cataluña.Background: The decrease of breast cancer (BC) mortality rates has been attributed to early detection programs and therapeutic advances. The objective is to compare BC mortality trend in health regions of Catalonia during the period 1993-2007. In parallel, dissemination of periodic mammography in the health regions has been analyzed. Methods: Mortality and health surveys data were used. Poisson and «joinpoint» regression analyses were used to compare regional BC mortality rates and quantify their temporal evolution. Mixed effects models were used to compare the rates and their evolution by region. Results: The BC mortality rate decreased 3% annually in Cataluña. Between 1993 and 2007, the standard mortality rate changed from 34.8 to 23.3 per 100,000 women. Barcelona ciutat showed higher mortality rates than the Centre (rate ratio (RR)=0.873), Costa de Ponent (RR=0.885), Tarragona (RR=0.9) and Lleida regions (RR=0.915), but these differences tend to disappear over time. There were no observed trend changes in the evolution of the regional mortality rates, except in the Centre region. The use of periodic mammography was similar across health regions. During the 90s, Barcelona ciutat had a 36.1% utilization of periodic mammography in women aged 40-74, in the 1994 survey, the Centre 23.7 and Costa de Ponent 25.2%. Conclusions: The progressive increase in the use of periodic mammography and the decrease of BC mortality were similar in the eight health regions of Catalonia

    Cost-effectiveness and harm-benefit analyses of risk-based screening strategies for breast cancer

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    The one-size-fits-all paradigm in organized screening of breast cancer is shifting towards a personalized approach. The present study has two objectives: 1) To perform an economic evaluation and to assess the harm-benefit ratios of screening strategies that vary in their intensity and interval ages based on breast cancer risk; and 2) To estimate the gain in terms of cost and harm reductions using risk-based screening with respect to the usual practice. We used a probabilistic model and input data from Spanish population registries and screening programs, as well as from clinical studies, to estimate the benefit, harm, and costs over time of 2,624 screening strategies, uniform or risk-based. We defined four risk groups, low, moderate-low, moderate-high and high, based on breast density, family history of breast cancer and personal history of breast biopsy. The risk-based strategies were obtained combining the exam periodicity (annual, biennial, triennial and quinquennial), the starting ages (40, 45 and 50 years) and the ending ages (69 and 74 years) in the four risk groups. Incremental cost-effectiveness and harm-benefit ratios were used to select the optimal strategies. Compared to risk-based strategies, the uniform ones result in a much lower benefit for a specific cost. Reductions close to 10% in costs and higher than 20% in false-positive results and overdiagnosed cases were obtained for risk-based strategies. Optimal screening is characterized by quinquennial or triennial periodicities for the low or moderate risk-groups and annual periodicity for the high-risk group. Risk-based strategies can reduce harm and costs. It is necessary to develop accurate measures of individual risk and to work on how to implement risk-based screening strategies.This study was funded by grants PS09/01340 and PS09/01153 from the Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria) of the Spanish Ministry of Health. The authors thank the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium and the funding that the BCSC received from the National Cancer Institute (U01CA63740, U01CA86076, U01CA86082, U01CA63736, U01CA70013, U01CA69976, U01CA63731, U01CA70040, and HHSN261201100031C). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Assessing sleep health in a European population: results of the catalan health survey 2015

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    Objective To describe the overall sleep health of the Catalan population using data from the 2015 Catalan Health Survey and to compare the performance of two sleep health indicators: sleep duration and a 5-dimension sleep scale (SATED). Methods Multistage probability sampling representative of the non-institutionalized population aged 15 or more years, stratified by age, gender and municipality size, was used, excluding nightshift-workers. A total of 4385 surveys were included in the analyses. Associations between sleep health and the number of reported chronic diseases were assessed using non-parametric smoothed splines. Differences in the predictive ability of age-adjusted logistic regression models of self-rated health status were assessed. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to assess SATED determinants. Results Overall mean (SD) sleep duration was 7.18 (1.16) hours; and SATED score 7.91 (2.17) (range 0–10), lower (worse) scores were associated with increasing age and female sex. Alertness and efficiency were the most frequently impaired dimensions across age groups. SATED performed better than sleep duration when assessing self-rated health status (area under the curve = 0.856 vs. 0.798; p-value <0.001), and had a linear relationship with the number of reported chronic diseases, while the sleep duration relationship was u-shaped. Conclusions Sleep health in Catalonia is associated with age and gender. SATED has some advantaged compared to sleep duration assessment, as it relates linearly to health indicators, has a stronger association with self-rated health status, and provides a more comprehensive assessment of sleep health. Therefore, the inclusion of multi-dimensional sleep health assessment tools in national surveys should be considered.This work was cofunded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [COFUND2014-51501]. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
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