104 research outputs found

    The Law of the State against the Law of Nurses: a study on the access to and utilization of health and social services by undocumented immigrant women in Spain

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    OBJECTIVE. To explore the access to and utilization of health and social services by immigrant undocumented women in Spain from the perspective of several actors. METHODOLOGY. A systematic review of scientific literature (Study I); qualitative inquiry involving personal interviews with 7 midwives of a rural area of Segovia (Study II) and 12 immigrant undocumented women working and living in Lleida (Study III); and Critical Discourse Analysis of the Health Law and Ethic Codes of Nurses (Study IV). RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS There is a knowledge gap in scientific literature in Spain regarding access and utilization of social and health services specifically oriented to undocumented immigrant women. Immigrant undocumented women underutilize social and health care services -including the service of midwifery- due to reasons linked to poor working conditions and specific barriers for being immigrant undocumented women. Nurses suffer a mismatch between their ethical and professional commitment and the application of the general law.OBJETIVO. Explorar el acceso y utilización de las mujeres inmigrantes indocumentadas de los servicios sociales y de salud en España desde distintas perspectivas. METODOLOGÍA. Revisión de alcance de la literatura científica (Estudio I); metodología cualitativa mediante entrevistas personales a 7 matronas de un área rural de Segovia (Estudio II) y 12 inmigrantes indocumentadas en Lleida (Estudio III); y Análisis Crítico del Discurso de la Ley sanitaria y los Códigos Éticos enfermeros (Estudio IV). RESULTADOS/CONCLUSIONES. En la literatura científica no hay estudios sobre el acceso y utilización de los servicios sociales y de salud específicos con mujeres inmigrantes indocumentadas en España. Estas mujeres infrautilizan los servicios de sociales y de salud, incluyendo los servicios de matronería, debido a unas condiciones laborales precarias y a barreras específicas por ser mujeres inmigrantes indocumentadas. Las enfermeras se enfrentan a un dilema entre su compromiso ético y profesional y la aplicación de la ley sanitaria.OBJECTIU. Explorar l’accés i ús que fan dels serveis socials i de salut les dones immigrants indocumentades en Espanya des de diverses perspectives. METODOLOGIA. Revisió d’abast de la literatura científica (Estudi I); metodologia qualitativa amb entrevistes personals a 7 llevadores d´una àrea rural de Segovia (Estudi II) i 12 dones immigrants indocumentades a Lleida (Estudi III); i Anàlisi Crític del Discurs de la Llei sanitària i els Codis Ètics infermers (Estudi IV). RESULTATS/CONCLUSIONS. En la literatura científica no hi ha estudis sobre l´accés i utilització dels serveis socials i de salut específics amb dones immigrants indocumentades a Espanya. Aquestes dones infrautilitzen els serveis socials i de salut, incloent els serveis de llevadora, per raó d´unes condicions laborals precàries i per enfrontar-se a barreres específiques vinculades a ser dones immigrants indocumentades. Les infermeres tenen que triar entre el seu compromís ètic i professional o l´aplicació de la llei sanitària

    Caring for children with Congenital Zika Syndrome: The unmet needs of mothers in Southern Colombia

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    In Latin America, the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic of 2015-2016 resulted in children being born with a spectrum of neurological disorders called Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS). Women are the primary caregivers of those children. The objective of the study was to identify the perceived needs of women to care for their children with CZS in Southern Colombia. In 2019, a qualitative ethnographic study was conducted in southern Colombia, including 21 women belonging to a self-managed support group and who had prenatal ZIKV between 2015 and 2016 and, as a consequence, their children were born with CZS. Three discussion groups and six semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Three main perceived needs to care for their children were identified: knowledge and skills to provide the complex care their children require and for which they did not feel prepared, economic and social support. This study showed that women face unmet needs when caring for their children with CZS, especially regarding social support. Therefore, it is urgent to generate public policies and intervention strategies for professionals to support these women in order to meet not only the needs of their children but also their own

    Study of community-living Alzheimer’s patients’ adherence to the Mediterranean diet and risks of malnutrition at different disease stages

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by deficits in episodic memory. It is the most common form of dementia and affects 50–70% of patients with cognitive impairments over the age of 65. Elderly people are particularly susceptible to malnutrition and that risk is even higher in patients with AD. This study assessed the nutritional status of patients with AD at different stages of AD and explored how that status correlated with cognitive, functional and behavioural variables and caregiver overburden. The characteristics of the diet and the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet were also analysed.This work has been partially funded by College of Nurses of Lleida and Department of Health of Generalitat de Catalunya (grant number SLT002/16/00384) and also was supported by “Fundació La Marató TV3” (464/C/2014) and by IRBLleida Biobank (B.0000682)

    Nursing knowledge of and attitude in cardiopulmonary arrest: cross-sectional survey analysis

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    Background: Nurses are often the first to activate the chain of survival when a cardiorespiratory arrest happens. That is why it is crucial that they keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date and their attitudes to resuscitation are very important. The main aim of this study was to analyse whether the level of theoretical and practical understanding affected the attitudes of nursing staff. Methods: A questionnaire was designed using the Delphi technique (three rounds). The questionnaire was adjusted and it was piloted on a test-retest basis with a convenience sample of 30 registered nurses. The psychometric characteristics were evaluated using a sample of 347 nurses using Cronbach's alpha. Descriptive analysis was performed to describe the sociodemographic variables and Spearman's correlation coefficient to assess the relationship between two scale variables. Pearson's chi-squared test has been used to study the relationship between two categorical variables. Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test and the Kruskal-Wallis test were performed to establish relationships between the demographic/work related characteristics and the level of understanding. Results: The Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses in the Event of a Cardiorespiratory Arrest (CAEPCR) questionnaire comprised three sections: sociodemographic information, theoretical and practical understanding, and attitudes of ethical issues. Cronbach's alpha for the internal consistency of the attitudes questionnaire was 0.621. The knowledge that nurses self-reported with regard to cardiopulmonary arrest directly affected their attitudes. Their responses raised a number of bioethical issues. Conclusions: CAEPCR questionnaire is the first one which successfully linked knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the attitudes towards ethical issues Health policies should ensure that CPR training is mandatory for nurses and all healthcare workers, and this training should include the ethical aspects.We thank Miguel Ángel de la Cal López and Teresa Gómez-García for supporting this project. This work was partially funded by the OSI Bilbao-Basurto (Osakidetza). There was no additional external funding received for this study. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Cuidado na Catalunha rural do pós-guerra. José Quílez, praticante de Almenar

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    This paper aims to present the testimony of the midwife and practitioner José Quílez, who developed his professional practice in Almenar (small town in the province of Lleida), in order to show how the professional provision of care in rural postwar Catalonia was developed by this civil servant of the local administration. A qualitative study of historical research is developed using the biographical interview as a resource, framed in the phenomenological paradigm, using direct oral sources that have been triangulated with the interviewee's own written sources, bibliographic sources, as well as documentation from the archives of the Official College of Nurses of Lleida. The testimony highlights a noble character forged by the miseries of postwar Spain, which led to his emigration for work reasons from Aragon to Catalonia, where he had the opportunity to develop a solid family project, as well as a strong professional commitment in the provision of care, which is manifested in the rigor in the application of the protocols of the time, as well as the basic principles of ethics and privacy with which he attended to patients.Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer el testimonio del comadrón y practicante José Quílez, que desarrolló su ejercicio profesional en Almenar (pequeño pueblo de la provincia de Lleida), con el fin de dar a conocer como se desarrollaba la prestación profesional de cuidados en la Cataluña rural de postguerra por parte de este funcionario de la administración local. Se desarrolla un estudio cualitativo de investigación histórica que utiliza la entrevista biográfica como recurso, enmarcado en el paradigma fenomenológico, utilizando fuentes orales directas que se han triangulado con fuentes escritas propias del entrevistado, bibliográficas, así como documentación del archivo del Colegio Oficial de Enfermeras y Enfermeros de Lleida. Del testimonio destaca un carácter noble forjado por las miserias propias de la España de postguerra, que conllevaron a su emigración por motivos laborales desde tierras aragonesas a Cataluña, donde tuvo ocasión de desarrollar un proyecto familiar sólido, así como un fuerte compromiso profesional en la prestación de cuidados, que se manifiesta en el rigor en la aplicación de los protocolos de la época, así como los principios básicos de la ética y privacidad con la que atendía a los pacientes.O objectivo deste estudo é apresentar o testemunho do parteiro e praticante José Quílez, que exerceu a sua actividade profissional em Almenar (uma pequena aldeia na província de Lérida), a fim de mostrar como a prestação de cuidados profissionais na Catalunha rural do pós-guerra foi realizada por este funcionário público da administração local. É realizado um estudo de investigação histórica qualitativa utilizando a entrevista biográfica como recurso, enquadrado no paradigma fenomenológico, utilizando fontes orais directas que foram trianguladas com as próprias fontes escritas do entrevistado, fontes bibliográficas, bem como documentação dos arquivos do Colégio Oficial de Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros de Lleida. O testemunho destaca um carácter nobre forjado pelas misérias da Espanha do pós-guerra, que levou à sua emigração por razões de trabalho de Aragão para a Catalunha, onde teve a oportunidade de desenvolver um sólido projecto familiar, bem como um forte empenho profissional na prestação de cuidados, que se manifesta no rigor na aplicação dos protocolos da época, bem como nos princípios básicos de ética e privacidade com que atendeu os doentes