1,448 research outputs found

    Corporatisme québécois et performance des gouvernants : analyse comparative des politiques environnementales en agriculture

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    L’article analyse la performance du corporatisme quĂ©bĂ©cois en ce qui concerne l’élaboration des politiques gouvernementales dans un contexte qui lui apparaĂźt peu favorable. En plus d’offrir une analyse concernant le secteur environnemental au QuĂ©bec, l’article prĂ©sente un examen de la situation en Ontario et en Caroline du Nord dans le mĂȘme secteur. Cet examen permet d’identifier d’importants contrastes. L’analyse comparative dĂ©montre en effet que les performances environnementales de l’Ontario et de la Caroline du Nord sont infĂ©rieures Ă  celle du QuĂ©bec. Elle permet aussi d’attribuer les performances Ă  des diffĂ©rences dans les structures des rĂ©seaux de politiques gouvernementales. En d’autres termes, loin d’ĂȘtre dĂ©passĂ©, le corporatisme quĂ©bĂ©cois continue d’ĂȘtre une structure politique efficace.This article argues that in spite of inimical circumstances, QuĂ©bec corporatism can still produce high performing public policy. A comparative analysis of environmental policy-making between QuĂ©bec, Ontario and North Carolina illustrates that QuĂ©bec's performance in this sector outperforms the latter cases. This analysis further demonstrates that differences in performance can be attributed to the variations in each jurisdiction's public policy network. In other words, far from being anachronistic, QuĂ©bec corporatism still enjoys a good deal of success

    Collaborative Online International Learning in an undergraduate genetics course

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    Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a teaching and learning paradigm that promotes the development of intercultural competence across shared multicultural learning environments. Through the use of internet-based tools and online pedagogies, COIL fosters meaningful exchanges between university-level educators and students with peers in geographically distant locations and from different lingua-cultural backgrounds. In the winter term 2018, the 2nd year undergraduate course at the University of Ottawa will engage with other undergraduate courses in COIL modules to achieve “capstone” experiences by engaging students in the evaluation of topics relating to social, cultural and environmental impacts of genetics. The COIL modules will explore human genetic and reproductive technologies that are rapidly being integrated into our lives and how the uses of these technologies provoke legal, ethical, and social questions. Issues pertaining to the use of genetic medicine, prenatal screening, newborn screening, pharmacogenomics, equal access to genetic services, and genetic discrimination are a few examples that will be explored. The course modules will be designed to be part of a blended learning experience that will include planned videoconference collaborative classes, joint online interactions and assignments, and regular scheduled face-to-face campus classes between each university’s faculty and students. The objective of this session is to elicit interest in COIL and to recruit possible partners to engage in collaborative online international learning opportunities

    Everything you always wanted to know about sex (in IR) but were afraid to ask: the ‘queer turn’ in international relations

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    Queer International Relations’ momentum in the past four years has made it inconceivable for disciplinary IR to make it ‘appear as if there is no Queer International Theory’. The ‘queer turn’ has given rise to vibrant research programmes across IR subfields. Queer research is not only not a frivolous distraction from the ‘hard’ issues of IR, but queer analytics crack open for investigation fundamental dimensions of international politics that have hitherto been missed, misunderstood or trivialised by mainstream and critical approaches to IR. As queer research is making significant inroads into IR theorising, a fault line has emerged in IR scholarship on sexuality and queerness. Reflecting the tensions between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Studies and Queer Theory in the academy more broadly, the IR literature on (homo)sexuality largely coalesces into two distinct approaches: LGBT and Queer approaches. The article will lay out the basic tenets of Queer Theory and discuss how it diverges from LGBT Studies. The article then turns to the books under review and focuses on the ways in which they take up the most prominent issue in contemporary debates in Queer Theory: the increasing inclusion of LGBT people into international human rights regimes and liberal states and markets. The article finishes with a brief reflection on citation practices, queer methodologies and the ethics of queer research

    Beyond the Erotics of Orientalism: Homeland Security, Liberal War and the Pacification of the Global Frontier

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    Beyond the Erotics of Orientalism: Homeland Security, Liberal War and the Pacification of the Global Frontier traces the post-9/11 ascendancy of a complex and seemingly contradictory U.S. national security imaginary and concomitant practices of war and violence. On the one hand, the U.S. security state supported at times quite radical transgressions from the gendered racial-sexual grammars of the usual “War Story” (Cooke, 1996), such as the active involvement of women in the torture of enemy prisoners, the repeal of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy and more recently its support for overturning the Defense of Marriage Act. The U.S. social formation also took a seemingly great leap forward towards “post-racial triumph” (Ho Sang & LaBennett, 2012, p. 5) with the most diverse Presidential cabinet in U.S. history under Bush Jr. culminating in 2008 in the election of Barack Obama, the first American President racialized as Black. On the other hand, the U.S. security state aggressively pursued the racialized expansion and intensification of the (extrajudicial) use of military and carceral force in time and space, including selective deportations, indefinite detentions, the creation of an official torture policy and targeted killings of so-called enemy combatants outside of official warzones, including of US citizens. Beyond the Erotics of Orientalism explores these reconfigurations of law and belonging within broader shifts in contemporary liberal governance, in particular the promise that the 19th century colour line (DuBois, 1903) has been transcended and no longer per se marks populations as in/violable. I show how in this era of post-racial/sexual/gender triumph, the liberal project of security governs not only through military and carceral force, but also affectively through self-rule and the promotion of social difference. The dissertation locates the U.S. War on Terror's ambiguous promise of liberal freedom, equal inclusion and self-rule in the desires and disavowals of a White settler society in “the afterlife of slavery” (Hartman, 2007, p. 6). Building on the work of Native feminist and Afro-Pessimist theorists, this study suggests that we can only meaningfully interrogate the operations of power and violence in contemporary U.S. security making - including against Orientalized subjects - by accounting for the foundational role of anti-Black racism and the settler colonial character of the U.S. social formation. These interlocking racial-sexual logics mobilize knowledges of war and violence that facilitate not only the targeting of Muslim/ified people and spaces, but in turn also help secure the gendered racial-sexual order and property regime of the settler colonial homeland in this age of “post-everything” (Crenshaw, 2014) triumph

    Picking Judges: An Introduction

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    Queer international relations

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    Queer International Relations (IR) is not a new field. For more than 20 years, Queer IR scholarship has focused on how normativities and/or non-normativities associated with categories of sex, gender, and sexuality sustain and contest international formations of power in relation to institutions like heteronormativity, homonormativity, and cisnormativity as well as through queer logics of statecraft. Recently, Queer IR has gained unprecedented traction in IR, as IR scholars have come to recognize how Queer IR theory, methods, and research further IR’s core agenda of analyzing and informing the policies and politics around state and nation formation, war and peace, and international political economy. Specific Queer IR research contributions include work on sovereignty, intervention, security and securitization, torture, terrorism and counter-insurgency, militaries and militarism, human rights and LGBT activism, immigration, regional and international integration, global health, transphobia, homophobia, development and International Financial Institutions, financial crises, homocolonialism, settler colonialism and anti-Blackness, homocapitalism, political/cultural formations, norms diffusion, political protest, and time and temporalitie


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    Ventilator associated pneumonia is a common problem with the mechanically ventilated population. Mortality, hospital stay, and cost increase with ventilator associated pneumonia. The importance of tackling this problem has spurred an effort within the medical community to prevent the onset of VAP. Upon years of study, a basic bundle of care has been recommended by the IHI for implementation in the hospital so that the incidence of VAP would decrease. This paper will focus on the nurse’s role in implementing the bundle of care. The paper will explore the different interventions and will cover the evidence behind the practice. The paper will also try to mention the avenues in which research can focus due to the lack of development in that area.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1011/thumbnail.jp
