18 research outputs found

    Academic Contest and Social Networking to Promote Technology and Information Literacy among University Students

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    AbstractSpanish universities have recently adapted their studies to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This process has involved the consideration of the development of computer and informational skills as an academic objective. In order to develop these skills, among other activities, an informative video has been disseminated. The design of the communication campaign, developed through viral marketing and social networks has been the result of and empirical research carried out by students of the University of Valencia. This paper describes the research objectives, questions, techniques and main findings

    Piracy Revisited: Exploring Music Users in the Age of Technology Dependency

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    This paper empirically investigates and characterizes users of recorded music, both downloaders and purchasers. To this end we analyse the role of the variables defining the different segments of music users. In doing so, we have considered two main traits influencing the use of music. First, objective variables such as demographics, music consumption habits, music genres and technology. Second, subjective variables such as motives and attitudes towards piracy. Using data from a personal survey, subsequent latent class and fuzzy analyses show that while the former characteristics are relevant in those getting music for free from the Internet, the latter don´t pay any special part, contrary to what literature had suggested. Specifically, we find evidence of age, gender, technology, and genre of music confirming previous studies carried out on this topic before the existing gap in the literature. However, there is no evidence of these variables defining patterns of purchase behaviour.JEL Codes - M300; M31

    El papel dinamizador de la inmigración internacional en el crecimiento demográfico de los municipios de Navarra (1996-2006)

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    En este texto se analiza el crecimiento de la población en Navarra atendiendo a los distintos factores explicativos, profundizando en los contrastes territoriales y cuantificando el impacto que la población inmigrante extranjera ha tenido a escala municipal en las tendencias de crecimiento demográfico

    Studying students ́satisfaction at music schools in the Valencian Region

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    [EN] Satisfaction is a key construct but complex to be measured. Within the cultural context and from the discipline of marketing, satisfaction consists of assessing some experiences without considering consumers ́ expectations. From this approach, this paper deals with an empirical research aiming at analyzing satisfaction among students of music conservatoires and schools. The research, qualitative and quantitative in nature, allowed to know users ́ assessment of different variables: studies, teaching staff, information technologies, premises and administration procedures. To do so, a self-administered survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire. Univariate and multivariate analysis were calculated trough the statistical package SPSS. Results show that satisfaction, both overall and in relation to specific aspects, is high but different according to some classification variables.[ES] La satisfacción es un constructo clave no exento de complejidad en su medición. En el contexto cultural y desde la disciplina de marketing, esta se plantea a partir de la valoración de una serie de experiencias sin considerar las expectativas de los consumidores. Partiendo de este enfoque, este trabajo aborda una investigación empírica con el objetivo de analizar la satisfacción de los estudiantes de centros de música autorizados y conservatorios municipales. La misma, de naturaleza cualitativa y cuantitativa, ha permitido conocer la valoración de los usuarios con diferentes variables: estudios, profesorado, nuevas tecnologías, infraestructuras y administración. Todo ello a partir de una encuesta auto-administrada con cuestionario estructurado y mediante análisis univariante y multivariante utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS. Los resultados demuestran que la satisfacción, tanto a nivel general como en relación a los aspectos concretos valorados, es elevada y difiere según determinadas variables de clasificación.Cabanes-Macián, A.; Cuadrado García, M.; Moliner Velázquez, B.; Montoro Pons, JD. (2017). Estudio del nivel de satisfacción de estudiantes de centros de música de la Comunitat Valenciana. Culturas. Revista de Gestión Cultural. 4(1):15-31. doi:10.4995/cs.2017.721215314

    'Let's make lots of money': the determinants of performance in the recorded music sector

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    This research analyzes the performance of 467 record labels in eight European countries over a period of 13 years (2003-2015). The main goal is to explain a relative measure of profitability in terms of observed variables, although the nature of the dataset also allows us to include non-observed firm and country effects. To this end alternative models are estimated and three main research questions are tested, namely: (1) the effect of the dual structure of the recorded music market, in which a competitive segment and an oligopoly coexist; (2) the extent and source of the volatility of profits in record labels; and (3) the nonlinear impact of size on performance

    An evolutionary model of voting

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    Collective allocation of resources that takes place in political markets is characterized by the complex exchange that emerges among the individuals involved. Traditional Public Choice models depart from individual rational choice in a setup in which many of its strict requirements need not hold. This paper introduces a model of social interaction among agents in a simple political market which departs from bounded rationality and evolutionary dynamics as the key mechanisms that drive individual behavior. Learning plays a significant role as it allows to establish an individual link between decisions and collective outcomes. The model is that of a representative democracy with two parties in which individuals are restricted to a one dimensional policy space. The main findings from computational experiments allow us to revise the results of traditional models, specially those related to the voting paradox. We find that turnout levels may be higher than expected in a population composed of fully rational agents, and that there is a rationale for abstention that stresses the role of limited information, the discounting of the future, and the extent of the redistributive policies

    Managing satisfaction in cultural events: Exploring the role of core and peripheral product

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    This paper measures satisfaction with a cultural event following an innovative approach by differentiating between the art form itself (core product) and the main attributes connected with it (augmented product). 122 individuals (out of 820 visitors) were interviewed on their overall satisfaction and on different aspects of their visiting experience. Multivariate techniques such as ANOVA, principal component factor analysis and regression were performed to analyse the data. Results show the importance of both the core and the peripheral product in measuring satisfaction with a cultural event, thereby highlighting their importance for product management in the arts. The small sample, the specificity of the data and the bias of the distribution have prevented further multivariate analysis. A future area of research is on antecedents to customer satisfaction in the arts field. The contribution of peripheral elements to satisfaction should not be underestimated. Despite artists’ freedom to produce the work of art, a series of peripheral elements should be designed along with the other variables of the marketing mix in order to adapt and differentiate the artistic production to the target audience. This paper contributes a different perspective to measuring satisfaction in the arts context while considering the role of the core product and its peripherals

    From pirates to subscribers: 20 years of music consumption research

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    The last two decades have witnessed an increasing scholarly interest on music consumption. This interest can be explained, at least partly, to the relevance of music as a form of cultural consumption and the profound changes the sector has undergone. This paper performs a bibliometric analysis of the literature on music consumption research. In doing so, a database comprising 455 academic documents on the fields of business, economics, and management, was reviewed following a systematic procedure. Through it we identify the intellectual roots and the methodological evolution of the field. Furthermore, text mining was applied to analyse the themes included in the research agenda and their evolution. As a result, potential topics, approaches, and methods for future music consumption research are proposed