65 research outputs found

    Les croyances des pères originaires du Maghreb immigrés au Québec envers l’allaitement maternel

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    La transition à la paternité dans un contexte d’immigration récente comporte de nombreux défis pour les hommes. Parmi ceux-là, l’expérience de l’allaitement est déterminante pour leur adaptation à leur nouveau rôle de père, particulièrement dans un contexte d’immigration où les pratiques culturelles traditionnelles de maternages sont remises en question au contact de la société d’accueil. Cette étude vise à examiner les croyances des pères d’origine maghrébine reliées à l’allaitement maternel. Les données ont été recueillies lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées intégrant le génogramme menées auprès de 12 pères immigrés du Maghreb depuis moins de 10 ans. L’analyse des données révèle les croyances des pères envers l’allaitement maternel ainsi que leurs croyances quant aux facteurs facilitant l’expérience de l’allaitement. Les résultats permettent de formuler des recommandations pour la pratique clinique auprès des familles immigrantes, pour la recherche et pour l’enseignement en santé familiale.Becoming a father in the context of immigration pose numerous challenges. The breastfeeding experience impacts on fathers’ experiences, especially in a context where the cultural practices from their country of origin differ from the practices of the new culture of the host country. The goal of this study was to a examine immigrant fathers from Maghreb’s beliefs in regards to breastfeeding. Using semi-structured interviews, data were collected from a sample of 12 fathers who had emigrated from Maghreb within the past 10 years. Participants’ beliefs regarding the breastfeeding experience were analysed. Findings include recommendations for clinical practices, research and family health educators working with immigrant families

    La perception de l’identité paternelle en période postnatale selon le type de suivi prénatal

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    Cet article aborde la question de la place du père dans le suivi prénatal et de l’importance que celui-ci peut avoir sur les perceptions des pères en période postnatale. Le choix du professionnel de la santé dans le suivi de grossesse, à savoir médecin ou sage-femme, va ainsi au-delà du lieu d’accouchement, de la médication ou même des répercussions pour la mère; il influe également sur le développement de l’identité paternelle. Nous verrons comment les pères se perçoivent et se situent dans le cycle familial au regard du suivi prénatal dont ils ont bénéficié.This article looks at the question of the father’s place in the prenatal follow-through context and the effect this may have on his attitudes during the postnatal period. Thus, the choice of the health professional who will be monitoring the pregnancy, whether a physician or a midwife has consequences that goes beyond the delivery room, medication or even how the mother is affected; it also impacts the development of paternal identity. We will observe how fathers see themselves and position themselves in the family cycle according to the prenatal follow-through in which they have been involved

    Tornar-se pai: modelo da experiência dos pais em período pós-natal

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    Perceiving oneself as parent is a key challenge during the transition to parenthood. The importance of health professionals in determining perceived efficacy in parents upon the birth of their child is few explored. The objective of this study is to analayze the relations between the first time parents' perceived efficacy and their perceptions of nurses' help-giving and critical events during post-partum period. SAMPLE AND METHOD: One hundred sixty couples participated in a correlational study by completing questionaires after the birth of their first child. RESULTS: A model of parents' postpartum experience was established where nurses' collaboration and help-giving practices contribute directly and indirectly to the parents' perception of control and perceptions of events. They contribute indirectly to parent's perceived self-efficacy. IMPLICATIONS: The help given by health professionals, especially nurses, to parents following the birth of a child makes a major positive difference in the parents' experiences.Perceber-se como pai é um desafio grande na transição para a paternidade. A importância do papel dos profissionais da área da saúde na determinação dessa percepção após o nascimento dos filhos tem sido pouco explorada . O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as relações entre a eficácia percebida por pais primíparos e sua percepção do auxílio recebido das enfermeiras, e dos acontecimentos importantes no período pósparto. AMOSTRAGEM E MÉTODO: 160 casais participaram de um estudo correlacional preenchendo questionários após o nascimento de seu primeiro filho. RESULTADOS: Um modelo da experiência pós-parto foi estabelecido, no qual a colaboração das enfermeiras e seu auxílio contribuíram diretamente e indiretamente para a percepção do controle e dos acontecimentos pelos pais. Elas contribuem indiretamente para a percepção da própria eficácia pelos pais. IMPLICAÇÕES: O auxílio dado pelos profissionais da saúde, principalmente pelas enfermeiras, aos pais após o nascimento de uma criança, faz uma diferença positiva importante nas experiências dos pais

    Entre la sage-femme et le père, des espaces coconstruits : étude exploratoire

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    Nous disposons actuellement de peu de descriptions formelles de la pratique québécoise des sages-femmes et peu d’études dans ce champ de pratique se sont intéressées à porter un regard sur l’expérience des pères. Celui-ci peut être examiné sous trois angles : l’homme, le conjoint de la mère et le père de leur enfant. Quelle place l’homme, le père, a-t-il dans la pratique et dans le discours des sages-femmes québécoises? Sur la base d’entretiens en profondeur avec 23 sages-femmes pratiquant en maison de naissance, l’étude analyse les représentations qui émergent de leur discours à propos des pères et de leur pratique auprès de ces derniers. Les résultats montrent que les sages-femmes organisent leur rapport au père en termes d’espaces qui se dessinent autour de lui et avec lui. Il y a coconstruction d’espace mettant en action et en réflexion la mère, le père et la sage-femme. La discussion aborde les retombées de l’étude en termes de conceptualisation des aspects psychosociaux de l’approche québécoise de la pratique des sages-femmes.Few studies describe the practice of midwives as it is implemented in the Province of Quebec in Canada. Furthermore, few studies describe midwifery in relation to men as men, as spouses of mothers, and as fathers of infants. How are men and fathers present in the practices and discourses of Quebec midwives? Based on 23 in-depth interviews of midwives working in birth centers, this study analyses their representations of fathers and of their relationship with them. Results show that midwives organize their relationships with fathers in terms of the space between and around them. There is a co-construction of space within which fathers, mothers and midwives are acting and reflecting together. The discussion underlines the outcomes of the study in terms of the conceptualization of the psychosocial aspects of the Quebec approach to the practice of midwifery

    La paternité en contexte migratoire : étude comparative de l’expérience d’engagement paternel et de la construction de l’identité paternelle d’immigrants magrébins de première et de deuxième génération

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    Pendant la transition à la parentalité, les pères sont confrontés à deux principaux défis, soit le développement de leur identité paternelle et de leur engagement paternel. Pour les pères immigrants, des défis particuliers s’ajoutent en termes de construction de leur identité paternelle, que l’on connaît encore peu. Objectif. Cette comparaison des résultats de deux études qualitatives a pour objectif de décrire l’engagement paternel et le processus de construction de l’identité paternelle de pères originaires du Maghreb. Méthodologie. Les données ont été recueillies lors d’entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de six pères maghrébins de première génération immigrés au Québec et six pères maghrébins de deuxième génération résidant en Belgique. Résultats. Les pères des deux groupes s’impliquent auprès de leur enfant et partagent des facteurs facilitants ou faisant obstacle à la construction de leur identité paternelle. Des recommandations pour la pratique clinique, pour la formation et pour la recherche sont formulées.During the transitional period preceding parenthood, fathers have to face up to two main challenges: the development of their paternal identity, and their commitment to fatherhood. When it comes to immigrant fathers, there are added and specific, though still little known, challenges as regards the construction of their paternal identities. Objective: This comparison of the results of two qualitative studies is intended to describe the paternal commitment and the process of constructing a paternal identity, as experienced by fathers of North-African origin. Methodology: The data was gathered in the course of semi-structured interviews with six first- generation North-African fathers, immigrants to Quebec, and six second-generation North-African fathers resident in Belgium. Results: The fathers from both groups are involved with their children and have in common factors that facilitate or obstruct the construction of their paternal identities. Recommendations are made with regard to clinical practice, training and research

    Fatores associados ao estado de luto após óbito fetal: estudo comparativo entre brasileiras e canadenses

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    OBJETIVO Verificar aassociação entre o luto complicado e as características sociodemográficas, reprodutivas, mentais, de satisfação conjugal e apoio profissional em mulheres após óbito fetal. MÉTODO Estudo transversal com 26 mulheres que tiveram óbito fetal no ano de 2013 residentes no município de Maringá, Brasil, e 18 mulheres participantes do Centre d'Études et de Rechercheen Intervention Familiale, na Universidade do Quebec em Outaouais, no Canadá. RESULTADOS Por meio da aplicação da versão curta da Perinatal Grief Scale, a prevalência de luto complicado foi maior nas brasileiras (35%) em relação às canadenses (12%). As características das brasileiras associadas ao luto complicado foram a presença de gestação anterior com filho nascido vivo, não ocorrência de perda perinatal anterior, depressão pós-parto e não satisfação conjugal. Para as canadenses, foi observado que 80% das mulheres sem luto utilizaram grupo profissional de apoio. Nas duas populações a ocorrência do luto complicado foi mais frequente nas mulheres com duração na gestação maior que 28 semanas. CONCLUSÃO As mulheres que mais devem ser investigadas no estado de luto são as que moram no Brasil, que não utilizam grupo profissional de apoio, não têm satisfação conjugal, não praticam religião e têm menor escolaridade.OBJECTIVE To verify the association between complicated grief and sociodemographic, reproductive, mental, marital satisfaction, and professional support characteristics in women after stillbirth. METHOD Cross-sectional study with 26 women who had stillbirth in 2013, living in the city of Maringá, Brazil, and eight women who attended the Centre d'Études et de Rechercheen Intervention Familiale at the University of Quebec en Outaouais, in Canada. The instrument was administered as an interview to a small number of mothers of infants up to three months (n=50), who did not participate in the validation study. RESULTS By applying the short version of the Perinatal Grief Scale, the prevalence of complicated grief in Brazilian women was found to be higher (35%) in relation to Canadian women (12%).Characteristics of the Brazilian women associated with the grief period included the presence of previous pregnancy with live birth, absence of previous perinatal loss, postpartum depression, and lack of marital satisfaction. For the Canadians it was observed that 80% of the women presenting no grief made use of the professional support group. In both populations the occurrence of complicated grief presented a higher prevalence in women with duration of pregnancy higher than 28 weeks. CONCLUSION The women that must be further investigated during the grief period are those living in Brazil, making no use of a professional support group, presenting little to no marital satisfaction, having no religion, and of a low educational level.OBJETIVO Verificar la asociación entre el luto complicado y las características sociodemográficas, reproductivas, mentales, de satisfacción conyugal y apoyo profesional en mujeres después de muerte fetal. MÉTODO Estudio transversal con 26 mujeres que pasaron por muerte fetal en el año de 2013 residentes en el municipio de Maringá, Brasil, y 18 mujeres participantes en el Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Intervention Familiale, en la Universidad de Quebec en Outaouais, Canadá. RESULTADOS Mediante la aplicación de la versión corta de la Perinatal Grief Scale, la prevalencia de luto complicado fue mayor en las brasileñas (35%) con relación a las canadienses (12%). Las características de las brasileñas asociadas con el luto complicado fueron la presencia de embarazo anterior con hijo nacido vivo, no ocurrencia de pérdida perinatal anterior, depresión post parto y no satisfacción conyugal. Para las canadienses, se observó que el 80% de las mujeres sin luto utilizaron grupo profesional de apoyo. En ambas poblaciones, la ocurrencia del luto complicado fue más frecuente en las mujeres con duración de embarazo mayor que 28 semanas. CONCLUSIÓN Las mujeres que más se deben investigar en el estado de luto son las que viven en Brasil, que no utilizan grupo profesional de apoyo, no tienen satisfacción conyugal, no practican religión y tienen menor escolaridad

    Five tips for conducting remote qualitative data collection in COVID times: theoretical and pragmatic considerations

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    Objetivo: Proporcionar cinco consejos metodológicos y pragmáticos para el manejo de la recogida de datos cualitativos durante el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Los consejos presentados en este artículo son extraídos de insights de nuestras propias experiencias como investigadores que realizan investigaciones cualitativas remotas y de la evidencia de la literatura sobre métodos cualitativos. La literatura relevante fue identificada a través de búsquedas utilizando palabras clave relevantes en las siguientes bases de datos: CINAHL, PubMed, SCOPUS y Web of Science. Las búsquedas se limitaron a artículos en inglés y portugués publicados entre 2010 y 2021 para asegurar una comprensión actual del fenómeno. Resultados: Se ofrecen cinco consejos: 1) Preste atención a las cuestiones éticas; 2) Identifique y seleccione potenciales participantes; 3) Escoja el tipo de entrevista remota; 4) Esté preparado para coordinar la entrevista remota; y 5) Promueva el vínculo con su participante. Conclusiones: A pesar de los desafíos en el manejo de la recogida remota de datos, también se reconocen las fortalezas y nuestra experiencia ha demostrado que es viable reclutar y entrevistar participantes remotamente. Las discusiones presentadas en este artículo beneficiarán, ahora y en el futuro, a otros equipos de investigación que puedan considerar recopilar datos para sus estudios cualitativos de forma remota.Objective: To provide five methodological and pragmatic tips for conducting remote qualitative data collection during the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: The tips presented in this article are drawn from insights of our own experiences as researchers conducting remote qualitative research and from the evidence from the literature on qualitative methods. The relevant literature was identified through searches using relevant keywords in the following databases: CINAHL, PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. Searches were limited to articles in English and Portuguese, published from 2010 to 2021, to ensure a current understanding of the phenomenon. Results: Five tips are provided: 1) Pay attention to ethical issues; 2) Identify and select potential participants; 3) Choose the type of remote interview; 4) Be prepared to conduct the remote interview; and 5) Build rapport with the participant. Conclusion: Despite the challenges in conducting remote data collection, strengths are also acknowledged and our experience has shown that it is feasible to recruit and interview participants remotely. The discussions presented in this article will benefit, now and in the future, oResearch reported in this publication was supported by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001; and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil, Process numbers 309528/2021-6 and 200580/2022-1

    Use of relevailles : relevailles and intersectoral collaborations : brief report.

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    In the interest of population-based responsibility, health and social services establishments (HSSEs) are expected to establish more working partnerships with organismes communautaires Famille (OCF – community-based family organizations). Some OCFs offer a service called ‘relevailles,’ which consists of providing a home-visiting postnatal support program that adapts to the needs of each family, in order to listen, encourage, inform, and support day-to-day organization. The use and impacts of this service, as well as the collaborations surrounding its implementation in local networks of services provided by health and social services establishments, remain largely unknown

    Rapport synthèse : d’un regard sur la vulnérabilité périnatale à une évaluation des services de relevailles offerts par les centres de ressources périnatales (CRP) du Québec

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    Ce rapport synthèse a été construit de manière à faciliter le partage des connaissances issues de la recherche avec les décideurs, praticiens et tout autre personne intéressée par la vulnérabilité en période périnatale, les centres de ressources périnatales (CRP), ainsi que l’utilisation et les retombées de leur service de relevailles auprès des familles. Pour en maximiser la consultation et la diffusion, il comprend non seulement une synthèse de la recherche en 25 pages, mais aussi deux feuillets détachables : • Principaux messages et recommandations (1 page) • Rapport bref (5 pages