27 research outputs found

    Neotypification for five names linked to Arenaria (Caryophyllaceae) for the endemic flora of Peru and Bolivia

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    The names Arenaria mattfeldii, A. pallens, A. peruviana, A. pintaudii, and A. stuebelii (Caryophyllaceae, Arenarieae) from Peru and Bolivia were studied and neotypified based on specimens preserved at B and P

    The genus Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae) in South America. Nomenclatural review and taxonomic notes with the description of a new species from North Peru

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    All the names in Paronychia described from South America are investigated. Five names (P. arbuscula, P. brasiliana subsp. brasiliana var. pubescens, P. coquimbensis, P. hieronymi, and P. mandoniana) are lecto- or neotypified on specimens preserved at GOET, K, LP, and P. The typification of nine names, first proposed by Chaudhri in 1968 as the “holotype” are corrected according to Art. 9.10 of ICN. Three second-step typifications (Art. 9.17 of ICN) are proposed for P. camphorosmoides, P. communis, and P. hartwegiana. The following nomenclatural changes are proposed: P. arequipensis comb. et stat. nov. (basionym: P. microphylla subsp. microphylla var. arequepensis), P. compacta nom. nov. pro P. andina (Philippi non Gray; Art. 53.1 of ICN), P. jujuyensis comb. et stat. nov. (basionym: P. hieronymi subsp. hieronymi var. jujuyensis), P. compacta subsp. boliviana comb. nov. (basionym: P. andina subsp. boliviana), and P. compacta subsp. purpurea comb. nov. (basionym: P. andina subsp. purpurea). A new species (P. glabra sp. nov.) is proposed based on our examination of live plants and herbarium specimens. P. johnstonii subsp. johnstonii var. scabrida is synonymized (syn. nov.) with P. johnstonii. Finally, P. argyrocoma subsp. argyrocoma is excluded from South America since it was based on misidentified specimens (deposited at MO) of P. andina subsp. andina. A total of 30 species (43 taxa including subspecies, varieties, subvarieties, and forms) are recognized, highlighting that for some (Paronychia chilensis, P. communis, P. setigera) we provisionally accept Chaudhri’s infraspecific classification, since the high phenotypic variability of these taxa is quite complicated and further investigations need to solve their taxonomy

    Molecular phylogenetics and morphology reveal the Plettkea lineage including several members of Arenaria and Pycnophyllopsis to be a clade of 21 South American species nested within Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae, Alsineae)

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    Caryophyllaceae with a cushion-like life form occur with a large number of species at the higher altitudes of the Andes (3500–5000 m) and have evolved convergently in several different lineages. Based on molecular phylogenetic analysis it is shown that members of the former genera Plettkea and Pycnophyllopsis, but also certain species previously classified as Arenaria constitute a subclade nested within the monophyletic genus Stellaria. Both plastid (trnK-matK-psbA + trnL-F) and nuclear (nrITS) trees converged on such a highly supported ‘Plettkea’ clade. Morphologically, the members of the ‘Plettkea’ subclade of Stellaria are further characterized by reduced to completely absent petals and seeds with a more or less conspicuous tuberculate testa. This clade is described as S. sect. Plettkea (Mattf.) Montesinos & Borsch. Species-level relationships within S. sect. Plettkea are also congruently inferred by plastid and nuclear genomic compartments, with three further sublineages recognized: Altogether, our detailed taxonomic revision showed that the ‘Plettkea’ clade in fact constitutes an Andean radiation of 21 species within Stellaria, four of which are described as new to science. Earlier treatments indicated just a few species with a putative placement. The results of this investigation underscore the importance of fieldwork and integrated molecular-morphological approaches to assess the species diversity in Andean plant groups. In addition to the phylogenetic analysis, we provide a taxonomic backbone including all names and types, descriptions and information on distribution and ecology and a key for identification. Regarding the next relatives of the S. sect. Plettkea clade, our plastid trees depict the ‘Nitentes’ clade of Stellaria as sister, whereas nrITS instead suggests a sister group relationship of the ‘Nitentes’ with the speciose ‘Larbreae’ clade. Our inferred relationships of major clades further deviate from published molecular trees by indicating an early branching position of the ‘Petiolares’ clade

    Annotated checklist of new additions to the Andean flora of Moquegua, Peru

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    Se presentan nuevos registros de 103 especies reunidas en 79 géneros y 33 familias para la flora del norte de la cuenca alta del Río Tambo-Ichuña, en la Provincia General Sánchez Cerro en el Departamento de Moque-gua. Con esto la flora de la región andina del norte de Moquegua se eleva a 507 especies, contenidas en 271 géneros y 75 familias. El número de especies endémicas se incrementó en comparación con los resultados obtenidos el 2011 por el autor. Este porcentaje de endemismo es uno de los más altos documentados para el departamento de Moquegua. Además, se señalan algunos comentarios de nomenclatura para las especies documentadas, así como colecciones de herbario revisadas y la zona geográfica donde se identificó. Esta nueva contribución al conocimiento de la flora del país es el resultado del trabajo de campo y de herbario realizados desde el año 2009 hasta el 2012, mencionando también, elementos de flora que no fueron iden-tificadas anteriormente al nivel de especies (Montesinos, 2011). Las revisiones y comparaciones botánicas fueron realizadas en los herbarios nacionales USM y HUSA, y herbarios virtuales F y MO.New records of 103 species reunited in 79 genera and 33 families are presented for the flora of the upper basin of the Tambo-Ichuña Rivers in the General Sánchez Cerro Province in the Department of Moquegua. With this study the flora of the northern Andean region of Moquegua rises to 507 species, contained in 271 genera and 75 families. The number of endemic species rises compared to the results obtained in 2011 by the author. This percentage of endemism is one of the highest documented for the department of Moquegua. Comments on nomenclature are also highlighted for the species documented as well as the herbarium collections reviewed and the geographical area where it was found. This new contribution to knowledge of the country's flora is the result of field work and herbarium reviews made from 2009 through 2012, mentioning also, elements of flora that were not previously identified to species level (Montesinos, 2011). Revisions and botanical comparisons were made at the herbaria HUSA, USM and the virtual images of F and MO


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    Objetivo. Describir la diversidad florística y el estado de conservación de las lomas de Amoquinto, distrito de Pacocha, provincia de Ilo, departamento de Moquegua, Perú. Materiales y métodos. La investigación es de nivel exploratorio. Se utilizó la técnica descrita por Young & León para las identificaciones botánicas. Se realizó un inventario de la flora de la zona y una bitácora de investigación para el registro del estado de conservación. Se definieron las áreas donde fueron halladas las especies junto a su distribución altitudinal; Resultados. Se reportaron 23 especies de plantas vasculares y no vasculares, divididas en 20 géneros y 16 familias. Las lomas se caracterizan por su ocurrencia en suelos arenosos propios del desierto, en este caso, lomas costeras que poseen una fuerte presión antrópica y pastoreo. Respecto al estado de conservación de Las lomas de Amoquinto, se pudo evidenciar tala de árboles, residuos inorgánicos y pérdida de especies. Conclusiones. Se identificaron especies de plantas vasculares y no vasculares, siendo las familias más representativas Asteraceae, Solanaceae y Fabaceae; se identificaron dos especies endémicas (Drymaria papasana Phil. y Solanum andersonii ochoa), el estado actual de la vegetación y el área geográfica está muy degradada. Se recomienda designarla como área de conservación de Amoquinto para la preservación de las formaciones vegetales a largo plazo

    Vegetation of a Polylepis incarum forest (Rosaceae) in Lampa district, Puno, Peru

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    Se estudió la vegetación de los bosques de Polylepis incarum (Bitter) M. Kessler & Schmidt-Lebuhn en el anexo de Lamparaquen, en la provincia de Lampa, departamento de Puno en los años 2009 y 2014. Se determinaron 83 especies vasculares pertenecientes a 35 familias. En cuanto a las formas de vida, dominan las herbáceas, gramíneas, arbustos y árboles, siendo en su mayoría, nativas e endémicas, algunas introducidas. Se identificó el ecosistema queñoal representado por la nueva unidad fitosociológica Lupino chlorolepis-Polylepidetum incari con cuatro subasociaciones respectivamente. La composición florística demuestra una riqueza moderada-alta de especies, siendo las familias con mayor representatividad, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Fabaceae y Pteridaceae. Se aplicó el método fitosociológico de Braun-Blanquet para el análisis de unidades vegetativas. Se presenta la clasificación de comunidades mediante el software TWINSPAN, el análisis de ordinación DCA con el software CANOCO 4.5 y un dendrograma basado en correlación de especies para cada cuadrante efectuado con el software PC-ORD. Mayores estudios son aún necesarios para tener una visión más amplia de las comunidades de plantas en otras zonas geográficas, y evaluar como la vegetación puede verse afectadas con el cambio climático y acciones antrópicas.The vegetation of the Polylepis incarum (Bitter) M. Kessler & Schmidt-LeBuhn forests was studied in the Lamparaquen annex in the province of Lampa, Puno department in 2009 and 2014. A total of 83 vascular species belonging to 35 families were determined. The lifeforms are represented by herbs, grasses, shrubs and trees, being mostly native and endemic species with some introduced. The queñoal ecosystem is represented by the new phytosociological unit Lupino chlorolepis-Polylepidetum incari with four subassociations identified. The floristic composition shows a moderate to high species richness, being the most representative families, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Fabaceae and Pteridaceae. The Braun-Blanquet phytosociological method was applied for the analysis of the vegetation units. The classification of communities was done by means of TWINSPAN software, DCA ordination analysis with CANOCO 4.5 software and a dendrogram based on the correlation of species for each quadrant which was performed with PC-ORD software. Further studies are still needed to have a broader view of the plant communities in other geographic areas, and evaluate how vegetation may be affected by climate change and human actions

    Global patterns and drivers of alpine plant species richness

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    Aim Alpine ecosystems differ in area, macroenvironment and biogeographical history across the Earth, but the relationship between these factors and plant species richness is still unexplored. Here, we assess the global patterns of plant species richness in alpine ecosystems and their association with environmental, geographical and historical factors at regional and community scales. Location Global. Time period Data collected between 1923 and 2019. Major taxa studied Vascular plants. Methods We used a dataset representative of global alpine vegetation, consisting of 8,928 plots sampled within 26 ecoregions and six biogeographical realms, to estimate regional richness using sample‐based rarefaction and extrapolation. Then, we evaluated latitudinal patterns of regional and community richness with generalized additive models. Using environmental, geographical and historical predictors from global raster layers, we modelled regional and community richness in a mixed‐effect modelling framework. Results The latitudinal pattern of regional richness peaked around the equator and at mid‐latitudes, in response to current and past alpine area, isolation and the variation in soil pH among regions. At the community level, species richness peaked at mid‐latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, despite a considerable within‐region variation. Community richness was related to macroclimate and historical predictors, with strong effects of other spatially structured factors. Main conclusions In contrast to the well‐known latitudinal diversity gradient, the alpine plant species richness of some temperate regions in Eurasia was comparable to that of hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems, such as the páramo. The species richness of these putative hotspot regions is explained mainly by the extent of alpine area and their glacial history, whereas community richness depends on local environmental factors. Our results highlight hotspots of species richness at mid‐latitudes, indicating that the diversity of alpine plants is linked to regional idiosyncrasies and to the historical prevalence of alpine ecosystems, rather than current macroclimatic gradients

    Paronychia ubinensis Montesinos 2013, spec. nov.

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    Paronychia ubinensis Montesinos, spec. nov. TYPE:— PERU. Moquegua Department: General Sánchez Cerro Province, Ubinas District: Punku near Tassa locality, 16°10’30’’ S, 70°42’21’’ W. 4030 m, 6 April 2012, Montesinos 3698 (holotype WAG!, isotype USM). Additional specimens examined: PERU, Moquegua Department, General Sánchez Cerro Province, Ubinas District: Roadside, Querala-Patune, 4340 m, 1 June 2011, Montesinos 3164 (USM). PERU, Moquegua Department, General Sánchez Cerro Province, Yunga District: Sura slopes, 4500 m, 28 March 2013, Montesinos 4049 (USM, CUZ, HSP). Herba perennis, 2–4 cm longa, folia relinquit subterminale glomerulus; bracteae oblongae ovatis; petalis obscure viridis colorem. Perennial herb with stem woody and branched at the base, decumbent, caespitose, densely congested and imbricate, forming pulvinate tufts, 2–4 cm long, with internodes 5 mm) and longitudinal separation of the glomerules (> 1 cm), and form more prostrate plants inhabiting disturbed areas in lower elevation regions. P. hieronymi Pax (Pax 1894) forms dense woody stems, its leaf size is larger and has a pubescent surface, and it is restricted to Bolivia and Argentina. P. microphylla Phil. (Philippi 1891) is characterized by a shrubby habit with larger leaf size and forms dense green glomerules, with a flower size larger than 4 mm. Therefore, Paronychia ubinensis can be classified as one of the smallest species from the Andean group. According to Alvarez (2010), the genus Paronychia is polyphyletic and Paronychia andina and Paronychia weberbaueri form a clade. It is unlikely that the Andean Paronychia species form a monophyletic group (pers. comm. Anneleen Kool). Etymology: The specific epithet of the new species refers to the endemism in the Ubinas district, in the Moquegua department, southern Peru.Published as part of Montesinos Tubée, Daniel B., 2013, Paronychia ubinensis (Caryophyllaceae: Paronychioideae) a new species from Moquegua, South Peru, pp. 50-54 in Phytotaxa 124 (1) on pages 50-52, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.124.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/508511

    Three new caespitose species of Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from South Peru

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    Three new species of the genus Senecio (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) belonging to S. ser. Suffruticosi subser. Caespitosi were discovered in the tributaries of the upper Tambo River, Moquegua Department, South Peru. Descriptions, diagnoses and discussions about their distribution, a table with the morphological similarities with other species of Senecio, a distribution map, conservation status assessments, and a key to the caespitose Peruvian species of S. subser. Caespitosi are provided. The new species are Senecio moqueguensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio pucapampaensis Beltrán, Senecio sykorae Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio gamolepis Cabrera, and Senecio tassaensis Montesinos, sp. nov. (Critically Endangered) which most closely resembles Senecio moqueguensis Montesinos