30 research outputs found

    Reatividade de anticorpos de soros humanos a antĂ­genos de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis tratados com metaperiodato sĂłdico

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    In this study, we evaluated the profile of anti-Paracoccidioides brasiliensis immunoglobulin isotypes in serum from patients with the acute and chronic forms of paracoccidioidomycosis, using the whole Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen and the antigen treated with sodium metaperiodate. All the immunoglobulin isotypes present in the serum from patients with the acute and chronic forms of paracoccidioidomycosis presented higher reactivity towards the whole antigen than to the antigen treated with metaperiodate (P < 0.05). The reactivity of IgG and IgM to the antigen treated with metaperiodate was greater in serum from patients with the acute form of the disease (P < 0.05), while IgA was more reactive in serum from patients with the chronic form (P < 0.05). There was greater reactivity of IgG1 and IgG2 to the whole antigen and the antigen treated with metaperiodate in the serum from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis than there was in serum from patients with other parasitic infections (P < 0.05). Furthermore, IgG1 from patients with the acute form recognized the 19kDa, 27kDa and 31kDa antigens in the western blot test. Thus, the results suggest that modifications to the epitopes of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens may help to improve the immunodiagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis.Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o perfil de isotipos de imunoglobulinas anti-Paracoccidioides brasiliensis em soros de pacientes com formas crônica e aguda de paracoccidiodomicoses usando antígeno total e tratado com meta-periodato. Todos os tipos de imunoglobulinas presentes nos soros de pacientes com formas aguda e crônica apresentaram alta reatividade ao antígeno total quando comparado ao tratado com meta-periodato (P < 0,05). Houve maior reatividade de IgG e IgM anti-antígeno tratado com meta-periodato em soros de pacientes com forma aguda da doença (P < 0,05), enquanto IgA foi mais reativa em soros da forma crônica (P < 0,05). Houve maior reatividade de IgG1 e IgG2 com antígeno total e tratado com meta-periodato em soros de pacientes comparados aos com outras parasitoses (P < 0,05). Além disso, IgG1 de pacientes com a forma aguda reconhecem antígenos de 19kDa, 27kDa e 31kDa por western blot. Assim, os resultados sugerem que alterações nos epitopos de antígenos de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis podem auxiliar no aprimoramento do imunodiagnóstico da paracoccidioidomicose

    Therapeutic DNA vaccination of vertically HIV-infected children: Report of the first pediatric randomised trial (PEDVAC)

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    Subjects: Twenty vertically HIV-infected children, 6–16 years of age, with stable viral load control and CD4+ values above 400 cells/mm³. Intervention: Ten subjects continued their ongoing antiretroviral treatment (ART, Group A) and 10 were immunized with a HIV-DNA vaccine in addition to their previous therapy (ART and vaccine, Group B). The genetic vaccine represented HIV-1 subtypes A, B and C, encoded Env, Rev, Gag and RT and had no additional adjuvant. Immunizations took place at weeks 0, 4 and 12, with a boosting dose at week 36. Monitoring was performed until week 60 and extended to week 96. Results: Safety data showed good tolerance of the vaccine. Adherence to ART remained high and persistent during the study and did not differ significantly between controls and vaccinees. Neither group experienced either virological failure or a decline of CD4+ counts from baseline. Higher HIV-specific cellular immune responses were noted transiently to Gag but not to other components of the vaccine. Lymphoproliferative responses to a virion antigen HIV-1 MN were higher in the vaccinees than in the controls (p = 0.047), whereas differences in reactivity to clade-specific Gag p24, RT or Env did not reach significance. Compared to baseline, the percentage of HIV-specific CD8+ lymphocytes releasing perforin in the Group B was higher after the vaccination schedule had been completed (p = 0.031). No increased CD8+ perforin levels were observed in control Group A. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates the feasibility, safety and moderate immunogenicity of genetic vaccination in vertically HIV-infected children, paving the way for amplified immunotherapeutic approaches in the pediatric population. Trial registration: clinicaltrialsregister.eu 2007-002359-18; 2007-002359-18/I

    Sensor-Based Fertigation Management Enhances Resource Utilization and Crop Performance in Soilless Strawberry Cultivation

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    The use of wireless sensors for real-time sensing of substrate water status and electrical conductivity could be an effective tool for precision irrigation management in soilless cultivation. In this research, the effects of timer-based (TB) compared to smart sensor-based irrigation (SB) were investigated. The highest consumption of fertilizers and water were recorded in TB, with nutrient solution and total applied water savings of 38% and 26%, respectively, in SB. The highest yield was obtained in SB treatment, with a total and marketable yield decrease of 7% in TB, with no differences in terms of the total soluble solids content, dry matter, firmness, juice pH and titratable acidity of the strawberry fruits. The higher yield, combined with water and nutrient saving in SB, allowed water use efficiency (fresh weight of marketable fruits per liter of total water applied) to be increased by 46% and nutrient productivity (fresh weight of marketable product per gram of nutrient supplied via nutrient solution) by 74%. The study confirms that sensor-based, compared to empiric fertigation management, ameliorates the sustainability of open, free-drain, soilless cultivation of strawberry, leading to better resource use without compromising crop performance and fruit quality

    Mapping of the conserved antigenic domains shared between potato apyrase and parasite ATP diphosphohydrolases: potential application in human parasitic diseases

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    Evolutionary and closer structural relationships are demonstrated by phylogenetic analysis, peptide prediction and molecular modelling between Solanum tuberosum apyrase, Schistosoma mansoni SmATPase 2 and Leishmania braziliensis NDPase. Specific protein domains are suggested to be potentially involved in the immune response, and also seem to be conserved during host and parasite co-evolution. Significant IgG antibody reactivity was observed in sera from patients with American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) and schistosomiasis using potato apyrase as antigen in ELISA. S. mansoni adult worm or egg, L. braziliensis promastigote (Lb) and Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote (EPI) have ATP diphosphohydrolases, and antigenic preparations of them were evaluated. In ACL patients, IgG seropositivity was about 43% and 90% for Lb and potato apyrase, respectively, while IgM was lower (<19%) for both. In schistosomiasis patients IgM (>40%) or IgG (100%) seropositivity for both soluble egg (SEA) and adult worm (SWAP) antigens was higher than that found for potato apyrase (IgM=10%; IgG=39%). In Chagas disease, IgG seropositivity for EPI and potato apyrase was 97% and 17%, respectively, while the IgM was low (3%) for both antigens. The study of the conserved domains from both parasite proteins and potato apyrase could lead to the development of new drug targets or molecular markers

    Incidence and Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Illicit Drug Users in Italy

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    So far, only three small outdated studies have investigated hepatitis C virus (HCV) incidence and risk factors among illicit drug users (DUs) in Italy. Thus, during 2007-2010, we conducted a prospective cohort study among DUs attending 17 Italian rehabilitation centers serving urban areas. Two hundred eighty-four HCV-uninfected DUs were prospectively followed by interview and anti-HCV antibody and RNA testing every 6 months. Incidence was calculated using the person-years method. Infection predictors were assessed by time-dependent Cox analysis. Participants were mostly male (83.4%), under opioid substitution therapy (OST) (78.9%), non-injecting DUs (67.9%), and with a mean age of 30.8. Ninety-one of 224 DUs initially under OST interrupted treatment during the follow-up. Overall HCV incidence was 5.83/100 person-years at risk (PYAR) [95% confidence intervals (CI), 3.63-9.38]. The incidence did not significantly differ according the participants' sociodemographic characteristics or the degree of urbanization of the towns involved in the study. The incidence was higher for DUs under than for those not under OST (6.23 vs 4.50/100 PYAR; p = 0.681). Incidence was also higher for those with than for those without OST interruption (7.17 vs 5.04/100 PYAR; p = 0.55). However, all these differences were non-significant. At last follow-up visit, a significant decrease in frequency of sharing equipment for preparation/using drugs (by injection or not) was observed by analyzing either the whole cohort or DUs under OST only. Anti-HCV seroconversion resulted independently associated with sharing drug preparation/use equipment, backloading, having a HCV-positive sexual partner, or household and (marginally) intravenous injection. In this study, HCV incidence was non-negligible and OST seemed to lack effectiveness in reducing it. In Italy, implementation of combined harm reduction interventions and antiviral treatment of chronically infected DUs would be needed