2,825 research outputs found

    Effects of a program for the development of emotional skills in university students

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the program I discover my potentialities in a group of first cycle university students; the study design was preexperimental, it worked with a sample of 382 students from the business, engineering and humanities areas, of both sexes and from national and private schools; BarOn's ICE emotional intelligence inventory was used for pre and post measurement. Significant differences were found between the pre and post after applying the PRODPE, which shows that the program achieved the development of emotional skills

    Universidad, innovación y desarrollo sostenible

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    Cada minuto cuenta!: caracterización y mitigación del riesgo de deserción desde el primer contacto con el estudiante

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    La experiencia que se presenta orienta sobre el modelo de permanencia, y la focalización en los esfuerzos por mitigar los riesgos de deserción de los estudiantes desde el momento en que inician su contacto con la institución. Se presentan una serie de datos y estructura de trabajo, paras socializar el modelo que se trabaja, y divulgar los resultados con respecto al aumento de la permanencia en la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina (areandina)

    Plataforma Brújula Un Sistema De Detección Para La Prevención En La Deserción

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    La permanencia estudiantil está requiriendo una mayor atención en la comunidad académica nacional e internacional. Según el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, (2012) la deserción es definida como: “situación que se enfrenta un estudiante cuando aspira y no logra concluir su proyecto educativo, considerándose como desertor a aquel individuo que siendo estudiante de una institución de educación superior no presenta actividad académica durante dos semestres académicos consecutivos, lo cual equivale a un año de inactividad académica”. La Organización de Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo (OECD) que agrupa a los principales países desarrollados señala que las cifras de deserción en estos países vienen incrementándose, según refieren el índice de deserción en el año 2014 en países como Estados Unidos tiene una taza de 35%, y en España la deserción llega a más del 20%, a nivel de Latinoamérica la cifra más alta es de Guatemala con un 82%, y le sigue Bolivia con un 73%. La Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina consiente de esta situación, ha venido fortaleciendo durante los últimos años, las estrategias de medición y minimización del riesgo de la deserción, a través de la implementación de un modelo de Gestión de la Permanencia denominado BRÚJULA, el cual realiza un proceso de orientación, seguimiento y acompañamiento permanente al estudiante con el fin de apoyar su proceso formativo, identificando desde el primer semestre de ingreso a la institución las posibles alertas, por tanto la institución se ha caracterizado por trabajar desde un enfoque preventivo e integral, fortaleciendo de esta manera la permanencia y la graduación estudiantil, para ello se involucra varias áreas de la institución como: Vicerrectoría académica, facultades, Orientación Estudiantil y Egresados, Servicio al Estudiante, programas académicos y áreas trasversales entre otras, aunando esfuerzo que reflejan la integralidad de las áreas en pro de la permanencia y la graduació

    Universidad certificada

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    Postpyloric enteral nutrition in the critically ill child with shock: a prospective observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tolerance to enteral nutrition in the critically ill child with shock has not been studied. The purpose of the study was to analyze the characteristics of enteral nutrition and its tolerance in the critically ill child with shock and to compare this with non-shocked patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective, observational study was performed including critically ill children with shock who received postpyloric enteral nutrition (PEN). The type of nutrition used, its duration, tolerance, and gastrointestinal complications were assessed. The 65 children with shock who received PEN were compared with 461 non-shocked critically ill children who received PEN.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixty-five critically ill children with shock, aged between 21 days and 22 years, received PEN. 75.4% of patients with shock received PEN exclusively. The mean duration of the PEN was 25.2 days and the maximum calorie intake was 79.4 kcal/kg/day. Twenty patients with shock (30.7%) presented gastrointestinal complications, 10 (15.4%) abdominal distension and/or excessive gastric residue, 13 (20%) diarrhoea, 1 necrotising enterocolitis, and 1 duodenal perforation due to the postpyloric tube. The frequency of gastrointestinal complications was significantly higher than in the other 461 critically ill children (9.1%). PEN was suspended due to gastrointestinal complications in 6 patients with shock (9.2%). There were 18 deaths among the patients with shock and PEN (27.7%). In only one patient was the death related to complications of the nutrition.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although most critically ill children with shock can tolerate postpyloric enteral nutrition, the incidence of gastrointestinal complications is higher in this group of patients than in other critically ill children.</p

    Plane waves in quantum gravity: breakdown of the classical spacetime

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    Starting with the Hamiltonian formulation for spacetimes with two commuting spacelike Killing vectors, we construct a midisuperspace model for linearly polarized plane waves in vacuum gravity. This model has no constraints and its degrees of freedom can be interpreted as an infinite and continuous set of annihilation and creation like variables. We also consider a simplified version of the model, in which the number of modes is restricted to a discrete set. In both cases, the quantization is achieved by introducing a Fock representation. We find regularized operators to represent the metric and discuss whether the coherent states of the quantum theory are peaked around classical spacetimes. It is shown that, although the expectation value of the metric on Killing orbits coincides with a classical solution, its relative fluctuations become significant when one approaches a region where null geodesics are focused. In that region, the spacetimes described by coherent states fail to admit an approximate classical description. This result applies as well to the vacuum of the theory.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.