226 research outputs found

    Resultados da primeira campanha de escavação na Anta dos Currais do Galhordas (Castelo de Vide - Centro Leste de Portugal) : breve síntese

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    A Anta dos Currais do Galhordas é um monumento megalítico composto por câmara poligonal, corredore mamoa. A primeira campanha de escavação permitiu identificar vários aspectos relacionados com a sua arquitectura; permitiu igualmente a recolha de diversos artefactos, nomeadamente em pedra lascada (raros) e em pedra polida, placas de xisto (uma lisa e uma gravada) e vasos cerâmicos. No âmbito do estudo destes últimos procedeu-se à análise do conteúdo de três recipientes através de cromatografia gasosa com detecção por massa.Alguns dos recipientes cerâmicos exumados relacionam a anta com uma cronologia que deverá estar próxima da transição do IV para o III milénio cal. BC. Não se exclui, no entanto, a possibilidade da sua construção ser anterior a esta fase, o que terá de ser verificado através de datações absolutas pelo radiocarbono. Outros recipientes sugerem reutilizações mais tardias (Idade do Bronze).Anta dos Currais do Galhordas is a megalithic passage tomb complete with mound and a chamber of polygonal plan. The first season of excavation has identified several of the building techniques that were employed in its construction; and recovered associated artefacts such as flaked (rare) and polished stone-tools, engraved and non-engraved slate plaques, and pottery. Three vessels have been sent for content analysis by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Absolute dating is not yet available, but some of the pottery suggests that the monument was built between the end of the 4th millennium cal. BC and the beginning of the 3rd millennium cal. BC. However, an earlier chronology is also accepted. Other vases document more recent burials (Bronze age)

    New data on the stratigraphy and chronology of the prehistoric site of Prazo (Freixo de Numão)

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    O sítio arqueológico do Prazo situa-se na freguesia de Freixo de Numão (Vila Nova deFoz Côa, Nordeste de Portugal). Após a sua descoberta, no início dos anos 80, o Prazo foialvo de várias campanhas de escavação orientadas para o estudo da villa romana e dos vestígiosmedievais existentes no local. Em 1996, os trabalhos de campo puseram a descobertoníveis datados do Neolítico Antigo. Entre 1997 e 2001, as escavações realizadas centraramsena análise destes níveis pré-históricos, revelando a existência de uma espessa sequênciaestratigráfica que, para além de conservar depósitos residuais plistocénicos, incluía igualmentesedimentos atribuíveis a grande parte do Holocénico antigo e médio. Este artigo pretendeapresentar a geoarqueologia e a cronologia da sequência pré-histórica do Prazo, quese organiza essencialmente em três conjuntos: um conjunto do Plistocénico superior (conjuntoPS), constituído por depósitos de vertente, e contendo um registo arqueológico (artefactoslíticos e estruturas antrópicas) datado provisoriamente do Paleolítico superior; umconjunto atribuído ao Holocénico antigo e médio (conjunto HA), igualmente composto por sedimentos de vertente e que forneceu elementos arqueológicos do Epipaleolítico/Mesolí-tico e do Neolítico Antigo; um conjunto do Holocénico recente (conjunto HR), correspondenteàs ocupações romanas e medievais do local. Neste texto discutem-se igualmente asdatações radiométricas disponíveis. Estes dados, embora preliminares, visam esclarecer questõesrelacionadas com a evolução ambiental do local e com as estratégias da sua ocupaçãodurante a Pré-história.The Prazo archaeological site is located near Freixo de Numão (Vila Nova deFoz Côa, north-eastern Portugal). The site, discovered in the early 80s, initially revealed asignificant historical record, having been a Roman villawhose occupation continued throughpart of the Middle Ages. In 1996, fieldwork there uncovered Neolithic layers. They were excavatedfrom 1997 to 2001, revealing also the existence of a pre-Neolithic occupation. Thispaper presents the geoarchaeology and chronology of the prehistoric succession of Prazo,which is arranged as follows: an upper Pleistocene complex formed of slope waste sediments,featuring upper Palaeolithic finds and structures; an early to mid Holocene succession, alsocomposed from slope waste deposits, containing Epipalaeolithic/Mesolithic and EarlyNeolithic archaeological assemblages and features; and an upper Holocene complex, correspondingto occupations in the Roman and Middle Ages. The available data deriving fromthe geoarchaeological survey at the site and from an extensive range of radiocarbon dates are presented as part of a preliminary discussion of the environmental evolution and thesettlement strategies at the site

    A Estação Paleolítica do Cerro (Vila Nova de Gaia, Noroeste de Portugal): caracterização preliminar dos utensílios com configuração bifacial

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    A estação paleolítica do Cerro foi descoberta em 1988. Entre 1989 e 1992 realizaram-se três campanhas de escavação que permitiram recolher um importante conjunto de artefactos líticos talhados a partir de seixos rolados de quartzito, atribuíveis ao Paleolítico Inferior. Do ponto de vista geoarqueológico, estes artefactos associam-se a coluviões, que se sobrepõem a uma formação marinha implantada a cerca de 22 m n.m.a.m. O estudo das peças com configuração bifacial (em que também se incluem as parcialmente bifaciais e as unifaciais) revelou a existência de duas cadeias operatórias, globalmente expeditas, que visaram, sobretudo, a criação de utensílios com extremidade distal apontada. Estas cadeias operatórias mais do que se ligarem a opções de natureza morfológica parecem antes constituir uma resposta aos constrangimentos impostos pela volumetria dos suportes utilizados, visando a sua eventual adequação a distintas funcionalidades.The Palaeolithic site of Cerro was discovered in 1988. Between 1989 and 1992 three excavation seasons were carried out, which allowed collecting an important set of macrolithic stone tools most of them made of quartzite pebbles, possibly dating from the Lower Palaeolithic. From a geoarchaeological point of view, these stone tools were associated with colluvial deposits which overlay a marine formation c. 22 m a.s.l. The study of the bifacial shaped tools (including the parcial bifacial shaped and the unifacial tools) allowed the identification of two chaînes operatoires, basically expedite, oriented towards the production of pointed tools. These chaînes operatoires do not seem to be linked to morphological options but instead they may be a response to the constraints imposed by the volumetry of the blanks, possibly adapting them to distinct funcionalities

    New data on the stratigraphy and chronology of the prehistoric site of Prazo (Freixo de Numão)

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    The Prazo archaeological site is located near Freixo de Numáo (Vila Nova de Foz Cóa, north-eastern Portugal). The site, discovered in the early '80s, initially revealed a significant historical record, having been a Roman villa whose occupation continued through part of the Middle Ages. In 1996, fieldwork there uncovered Neolithic layers. They were excavated from 1997 to 2001, revealing also the existence of a pre-Neolithic occupation. This paper presents the geoarchaeology and chronology of the prehistoric succession of Prazo, which is arranged as follows: an upper Pleistocene complex formed of slope waste sediments, featuring upper Palaeolithic finds and structures; an early to mid Holocene succession, also composed from slope waste deposits, containing Epipalaeolithic/Mesolithic and Early Neolithic archaeological assemblages and features; and an upper Holocene complex, corresponding to occupations in the Roman and Middle Ages. The available data - deriving from the geoarchaeological survey at the site and from an extensive range of radiocarbon dates - are presented as part of a preliminary discussion of the environmental evolution and the settlement strategies at the site

    Lower limb dynamic activity significantly reduces foot skin perfusion: exploring data with different optical sensors in age-grouped healthy adults

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    Introduction: The human lower limb is widely used as a model to study in vivo microcirculatory physiology and pathophysiology. It is a preferential target for critical comorbidities (overweight, diabetes, and peripheral vascular disease). Movement and activity are consistently regarded as beneficial, but the related adaptive physiology is still poorly understood. Our goal was to better identify the foot microcirculatory changes after a regular walking gait activity in healthy subjects of different ages. Methods: Twelve healthy participants of both sexes, with normal BMI and Ankle-Brachial Index, were selected and grouped according to age - group I (21.0 ± 1 y.o.) and group II (55.8 ± 3 y.o.). The protocol involved 2 phases of 5-min duration each - phase 1, a static standing position, and phase 2, 5-min walking with a comfortable pace on a pre-established circuit. Perfusion changes were assessed in the dorsal region of both feet before (baseline, phase 1) and after (phase 2) the gait period by noninvasive optical technologies - laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), photoplethysmography, and polarized spectroscopy (PSp). Comparative statistics were performed with a 95% confidence level. Results: All instruments detected asymmetric nonsignificant perfusion between right and left feet during rest in all participants with values in females consistently lower than men. Older participants exhibited lower baseline values than the younger group. Gait evoked a perfusion reduction in all participants relative to phase 1 detected with all technologies, with statistically significant changes recorded with LDF (group I, p = 0.033, and group II, p = 0.028) and PSp (group II, p = 0.041). Furthermore, LDF revealed that gait significantly reduced perfusion velocity in the older group (p = 0.003). Corresponding changes in the younger group were present but discrete. Recovery to baseline levels was also slower in the older group. Discussion/Conclusions: Our results confirm that perfusion is age-dependent and demonstrate the clinical relevance of simple dynamic activities such as gait. This reduction of the dorsal foot perfusion occurs in-depth, being more pronounced with the movement intensity, suggesting a wide application potential in early diagnostics as for rehabilitation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behavioral Regulation Sport Questionnaire: Gender and Sport Invariance in Portuguese Athletes

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    Versão depositada: post-printThis study aimed to analyze measurement invariance of the Behavioral Regulation Sports Questionnaire (BRSQ) across the gender and four different sports. In addition, we examined nomological validity via basic psychological needs satisfaction. Participants totaled 1,812 Portuguese athletes (1,220 males and 592 females; aged 15–59 years, Mage ¼ 17.72, SD ¼ 5.51) from football (n ¼ 596), basketball (n ¼ 273), swimming (n ¼ 800), and parasport (n ¼ 143). The BRSQ measurement model was invariant across the gender and these four sports. The scale confirmed nomological validity in that satisfaction of the basic psychological needs positively predicted autonomous forms of motivation and negatively predicted more controlled motivation and amotivation as suggested by self-determination theory. In light of this evidence for BRSQ construct validity, composite reliability, nomological validity, and invariance across the gender and four different sports, this scale is a useful tool for the coaches of the aforementioned sports in their efforts to evaluate their athletes’ motivation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Anta dos Currais do Galhordas (Castelo de Vide, Alto Alentejo, Portugal): arquitetura, cronologia e análise química de resíduos orgânicos de recipientes cerâmicos

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    Recorrendo à cromatografia gasosa com deteção por massa, analisaram-se os conteúdos orgânicos extraídos de três vasos da anta dos Currais do Galhordas, monumento erigido na segunda metade do 4º milénio cal BC e reutilizado, pelo menos, no 3º e no 2º milénios cal BC. Ao que tudo indica, os três vasos relacionam-se com a reutilização mais recente do monumento megalítico, durante o Bronze Pleno (2º milénio cal BC). Em dois vasos identificaram-se vestígios de uva ou frutos vermelhos e peixe; no terceiro detetaram-se restos de gordura animal, possivelmente leite, associado a óleos de plantas. Os resultados obtidos a partir dos três recipientes cerâmicos estão em concordância com os observados por outros autores em amostras de época genericamente idêntica, recolhidas em áreas geográficas relativamente próximas da anta dos Currais doGalhordas.The organic content of three ceramic vases uncovered in the megalithic tomb of Currais do Galhordas (Central Eastern Portugal) - a monument built in the second half of the 4th millennium cal BC and reused in the 3th and in the 2nd millennia cal BC - was analysed by gas-chromatography with mass detection. The vases are allegedly connected with the latest use of the monument, during the Bronze Age (2nd millennium cal BC). Two of them presented traces of grapes or red fruits, together with fish; the third vase exhibited animal fat remains, possibly milk, associated with plant oils. Our results are compatible with other data from Iberian archaeological sites of identical period, in some cases located relatively close to the megalithic tomb of Currais do Galhordas

    A anta dos Currais do Galhordas (Castelo de Vide, Alto Alentejo, Portugal): análise química de resíduos orgânicos identificados em recipientes cerâmicos

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    Recorrendo à cromatografia gasosa com deteção por massa, analisaram-seos conteúdos orgânicos extraídos de quatro vasos da anta dos Currais doGalhordas, monumento erigido na segunda metade do 4º milénio cal BC ereutilizado, pelo menos, no 3º e no 2º milénios cal BC.Ao que tudo indica, os quatro vasos relacionam-se com a reutilização maisrecente do monumento megalítico, durante o Bronze Pleno (2º milénio cal BC).Em dois vasos identificaram-se vestígios de uva ou frutos vermelhos e peixe;no terceiro detetaram-se restos de gordura animal, possivelmente leite, associadoa óleos de plantas; no quarto, vestígios de óleos vegetais. Os resultadosobtidos a partir dos quatro recipientes cerâmicos estão em concordânciacom os observados por outros autores em amostras de época genericamenteidêntica, recolhidas em áreas geográficas relativamente próximas da anta dosCurrais do Galhordas.TThe organic content of four ceramic vases uncovered in the megalithic tombof Currais do Galhordas (Central Eastern Portugal) - a monument built inthe second half of the 4th millennium cal BC and reused in the 3th and in the 2ndmillennia cal BC - was analysed by gas-chromatography with mass detection.The vases are allegedly connected with the latest use of the monument, duringthe Bronze Age (2nd millennium cal BC). Two of them presented traces of grapesor red fruits, together with fish; the third vase exhibited animal fat remains, possiblymilk, associated with plant oils; the forth, traces of vegetable oil. The resultsare compatible with other data from Iberian archaeological sites of identicalperiod, in some cases located relatively close to the megalithic tomb ofCurrais do Galhordas