6,892 research outputs found

    Ageing effects in supercooled silica: a molecular dynamics investigation

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    he two-, three- and four-body effective collision induced scattering spectral line shapes are calculated for dense gaseous krypton using the pairwise additivity (PA) approximation and different polarizability models. These spectra and several interaction induced spectra calculated at various densities are compared with the experimental measurements of Barocchi et al. [1988, Europhys. Lett., 5, 607]. The potential effect on the spectrum is found to be weak. The results obtained with the Meinander et al. [1986, J. chem. Phys., 84, 3005] empirical polarizability model and molecular dynamics fit well the experimental two- and three-body spectral shapes. The irreducible contribution to the spectral shape is evaluated using the dipole induced dipole irreducible polarizability [buckingham, A. D., and Hands, I. D., 1991, Chem. Phys. Lett., 185, 544]. This contribution is found to be relatively weak for the anisotropic spectra in the frequency and density range studied, explaining the good agreement between the pairwise approximation calculations and the experimental data. The spectra radiated by the quasi-molecules Kr2, Kr3, and Kr4 (the total spectrum within the PA approximation) are also simulated

    Screening dependence of the dynamical and structural properties of BKS silica

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of amorphous silica are carried out on a large temperature range using a modified version of the BKS inter-atomic potential. We investigate the dependence on the screening procedure of the structural and dynamical properties of amorphous silica. We show that an increased screening of the electrostatic interaction leads to a decrease of the diffusion constants and then to better agreement with experimental data, while structural properties are unchanged. We show that the Arrhenius dependence of the diffusion constants may be reproduced in this case up to a temperature of 4000 K with activation energies very similar to the experimental data

    Molecular dynamics simulations of rare-earth-doped glasses

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    In the recent years the use of the molecular dynamics technique has become very common in the study of glass. The purpose of the present paper is to focus on recent advancements on the use of this method to investigate rare-earth-doped glasses. We report an overview of the use of simulations to study their specific structural features and luminescence properties

    Phonon-Assisted Photoluminescence in a Spherical Nanocrystal

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    Using the matrix density in the representation of path integrals for an electron, the multiphoton nonlinear absorption light coefficient in the second order of interaction energy with polar optical phonons is derived. This coefficient describes any electron interaction mechanism with phonons. From the interaction mechanism, the main role is played by dimensional resonance when the electron continuously absorbs energy from the field as a result of synchronizing its oscillation with the field. This dimensional resonance is possible when the frequency characterizing the laser field is a multiple of the phonon frequency. Whether a photon is absorbed or emitted, the initial level from where the transition occurs defines the temperature dependence. The absorption spectrum has the form of stripes whose intensity depends on the resonance character. The most pronounced absorption is at the triple resonance, where values of radiation and oscillatory and optical phonon frequencies are equal

    Predictions of selected flavour observables within the Standard Model

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    This letter gathers a selection of Standard Model predictions issued from the metrology of the CKM parameters performed by the CKMfitter group. The selection includes purely leptonic decays of neutral and charged B, D and K mesons. In the light of the expected measurements from the LHCb experiment, a special attention is given to the radiative decay modes of B mesons as well as to the B-meson mixing observables, in particular the semileptonic charge asymmetries a^d,s_SL which have been recently investigated by the D0 experiment at Tevatron. Constraints arising from rare kaon decays are addressed, in light of both current results and expected performances of future rare kaon experiments. All results have been obtained with the CKMfitter analysis package, featuring the frequentist statistical approach and using Rfit to handle theoretical uncertainties.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. Typos corrected and discussion of agreement between SM and data update

    Magnetic Skyrmions Under Confinement

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    We present a variational treatment of confined magnetic skyrmions in a minimal micromagnetic model of ultrathin ferromagnetic films with interfacial Dzylashinksii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in competition with the exchange energy, with a possible addition of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Under Dirichlet boundary conditions that are motivated by the asymptotic treatment of the stray field energy in the thin film limit we prove existence of topologically non-trivial energy minimizers that concentrate on points in the domain as the DMI strength parameter tends to zero. Furthermore, we derive the leading order non-trivial term in the Gamma\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Γ\Gamma \end{document}-expansion of the energy in the limit of vanishing DMI strength that allows us to completely characterize the limiting magnetization profiles and interpret them as particle-like states whose radius and position are determined by minimizing a renormalized energy functional. In particular, we show that in our setting the skyrmions are strongly repelled from the domain boundaries, which imparts them with stability that is highly desirable for applications. We provide explicit calculations of the renormalized energy for a number of basic domain geometries

    Polaron in a quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire

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    Polaron states in a quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire with a parabolic confinement potential are investigated applying the Feynman variational principle. The effect of the wire radius on the polaron ground state energy level, the mass and the Frohlich electron-phonon-coupling constant are obtained for the case of a quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire. The effect of anisotropy of the structure on the polaron ground state energy level and the mass are also investigated. It is observed that as the wire radius tends to zero, the polaron mass and energy diverge logarithmically. The polaron mass and energy differ from the canonical strong-coupling behavior by the Frohlich electron-phonon coupling constant and the radius of the quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire that are expressed through a logarithmic function. Moreover, it is observed that the polaron energy and mass for strong coupling for the case of the quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire are greater than those for bulk crystals. It is also observed that the anisotropy of the structure considerably affects both the polaron ground state energy level and the mass. It is found that as the radius of the cylindrical wire reduces, the regimes of the weak and intermediate coupling polaron shorten while the region of the strong coupling polaron broadens and extends into those of the weak and intermediate ones.За допомогою варіаційного принципу Фейнмана вивчаються стани полярона в квазіодновимірному циліндричному квантовому дроті з параболічним обмеженим потенціалом. Досліджується вплив радіуса дроту на енергетичний рівень основного стану полярона, масу і електрон-фонон постійну зв’язку Фрьоліха. Також вивчається ефект анізотропії структури на енергетичний рівень основного стану полярона і його масу. Виявлено, що якщо радіус дроту прямує до нуля, маса і енергія полярона розбігаються логарифмічно. Маса і енергія полярона відрізняються від канонічної поведінки сильного зв’язку на електрон-фонон постійну зв’язку Фрьоліха і на радіус квазіодновимірного циліндричного квантового дроту, які виражаються через логарифмічну функцію. Більше того, спостережено, що енергія та маса полярона для випадку квазіодновимірного циліндричного квантового дроту є більшими, ніж для випадку об’ємних кристалів. Також виявлено, що анізотропія структури сильно впливає на енергетичний рівень основного стану полярона та його масу. Знайдено, що якщо радіус циліндричного дроту зменшується, режими слабкого та середнього зв’язку полярона скорочуються, тоді як область сильного зв’язку полярона розширюється. Отримано аналітичні вирази для енергетичного рівня основного стану полярона і для його маси для випадку сильного зв’язку поляронів

    Polaron in a quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire

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    Polaron states in a quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire with a parabolic con-finement potential are investigated applying the Feynman variational prin-ciple. The effect of the wire radius on the polaron ground state energy level, the mass and the Fröhlich electron-phonon-coupling constant are obtained for the case of a quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire. The effect of anisotropy of the structure on the polaron ground state energy level and the mass are also investigated. It is observed that as the wire radius tends to zero, the polaron mass and energy diverge logarithmically. The polaron mass and energy differ from the canonical strong-coupling behavior by the Fröhlich electron-phonon cou-pling constant and the radius of the quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire that are expressed through a logarithmic function. Moreover, it is observed that the polaron energy and mass for strong coupling for the case of the quasi 1D cylindrical quantum wire are greater than those for bulk crystals. It is also observed that the anisotropy of the structure considerably affects both the polaron ground state energy level and the mass. It is found that as the radius of the cylindrical wire reduces, the regimes of the weak and inter-mediate coupling polaron shorten while the region of the strong coupling polaron broadens and extends into those of the weak and intermediate ones. Analytic expressions for the polaron ground state energy level and mass are derived for the case of strong coupling polarons. Key words: polaron, polaron energy, polaron mass, parabolic confinement, Fröhlich electron-phonon coupling constant, quantum wir