183 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Radish Seed Germination and Growth by Radiofrequency Stresses

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    In this work we report a study on the behavior of radish seed (Raphanus sativum L.) germination and growth under radiofrequency stresses. Groups of uniform seeds were irradiated at five duration time values of 60, 210, 375, 470 and 830 h at medium frequency of 1 Mhz, (MF/1), (MF/2), (MF/3), (MF/4) and (MF/5), respectively; at very high frequency of 100 Mhz, (VHF/1), (VHF/2) f(VHF/3), (VHF/4) and (VHF/5), respectively; at ultra high frequency of 900Mhz, (UHF/1), (UHF/2), (UHF/3), (UHF/4) and (UHF/5), respectively. The exhibited magnetic field for the three frequencies was of about 240 nT and the associate electric field inside the samples was less than 71 V/m, owing to the electric permittivity exposed sample. Another group of uniform radish seeds, irradiated by static magnetic (SM) field of 80 mT for the same time duration, was used as comparison, whereas untreated ones were used as control. The results showed that all physical stresses induced by magnetic fields did not have effect on seed germination as well as on cell elongation growth of the radish hypocotyls. On the contrary, a stimulating effect was observed on root growth

    Effects of physical stresses on radish seed germination and growth

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    In this work we explore the consequences on variable magnetic fields applied to radish seeds (Raphanus sativum L.) on germination and seedling growth. Three, different alternate magnetic fields have been tested having a high intensity, 40 mT, at very low frequency, 0.2 Hz (B0.2), a low intensity, 577 µT, at low frequency, 370 kHz (B370), and a very low intensity, about 250 nT, at ultra high frequency, 900 MHz (RF900). These last generate electromagnetic waves which are nowadays very used for mobile communications. Groups of uniform radish seeds were exposed to alternate magnetic fields at three duration time values: i) 120 h (BO.2/1), 260 h (B0.2/2) and 360 h (B0.2/3) at high intensity and very low frequency, 0.2 Hz; ii) 120 h (B370/1), 260 h (B370/2), 360 h (B370/3) at low intensity and low frequency, 370 kHz; iii) 120 h (RF/1), 260 h (RF/2), 360 h (RF/3) at very low intensity and ultra high frequency, 900 MHz. Furthermore, another group of seeds was treated by laser beams of 248 nm wavelength whose magnetic field is coupled to an electric field. These two fields, by the Planck theory, origin the quantum energy, expresses by photons. Therefore, in the laser-matter interaction photons are absorbed dependent on laser shots. Again, we performed experiments at three duration time values that applied: 30 kshots (KrF/1), 80 kshots (KrF/2) and 135 kshots (KrF/3) at 40 mJcm2/ fluence. The magnetic field and electric field presented by the laser beam are approximatively 250 kVm/ and 850 µT, respectively. All treatments were performed at room temperature. Both untreated seeds and each group of seeds exposed to the physical stresses were transferred in Petri dishes and followed for their germination and seedling growth up to 96 h. The results showed that all physical stresses induced by alternate magnetic fields, radiofrequency and laser radiations did not have effect on seed germination as well as on cell elongation growth of the radish hypocotyls in comparison to control seeds. On the contrary, all physical stresses showed a significate stimulation on root growth

    Electron beams produced by innovative photocathodes based on nanodiamond layers

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    The investigation of two different photocathodes (PCs) based on nanodiamond (ND) layers, irradiated by a KrF nanosecond excimer laser (wavelength, \ensuremath{\lambda}=248\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{nm}; photon energy, EPh=5  eV{E}_{\mathrm{Ph}}=5\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{eV}) is reported. The ND layers were deposited by means of a pulsed spray technique. Specifically, the active layer of each PC consisted of untreated (as-received) and hydrogenated ND particles, 250 nm in size, sprayed on a pp-doped silicon substrate. The ND-based photocathodes were tested in a vacuum chamber at {10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{mbar} and compared to a Cu-based one, used as reference. All the photocathodes were irradiated at normal incidence. The quantum efficiency (QE) of the photocathodes was assessed. QE values of the ND-based photocathodes were higher than that of the reference one. In particular, the hydrogenated ND-based PC exhibited the highest QE due to the negative electron affinity that results from the surface terminated by hydrogen. Additionally, the photocathode surface/local temperature and the multiphoton process contribution to the electron emission were studied

    Performance of the diamond active target prototype for the PADME experiment at the DAΦ\PhiNE BTF

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    The PADME experiment at the DAΦ\PhiNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF) is designed to search for the gauge boson of a new U(1)\rm U(1) interaction in the process e+^+e−→γ^-\rightarrow\gamma+A′\rm A', using the intense positron beam hitting a light target. The A′\rm A', usually referred as dark photon, is assumed to decay into invisible particles of a secluded sector and it can be observed by searching for an anomalous peak in the spectrum of the missing mass measured in events with a single photon in the final state. The measurement requires the determination of the 4-momentum of the recoil photon, performed by a homogeneous, highly segmented BGO crystals calorimeter. A significant improvement of the missing mass resolution is possible using an active target capable to determine the average position of the positron bunch with a resolution of less than 1 mm. This report presents the performance of a real size (2x2cm2)\rm (2x2 cm^2) PADME active target made of a thin (50 μ\mum) diamond sensor, with graphitic strips produced via laser irradiation on both sides. The measurements are based on data collected in a beam test at the BTF in November 2015.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Polydopamine-Coated Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: From Design to Applications

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    Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been extensively investigated due to their applications in various fields such as biomedicine, sensing, and environmental remediation. However, they need to be coated with a suitable material in order to make them biocompatible and to add new functionalities on their surface. This review is intended to give a comprehensive overview of recent advantages and applications of iron oxide nanoparticles coated by polydopamine film. The synthesis method of magnetic nanoparticles, their functionalization with bioinspired materials and (in particular) with polydopamine are discussed. Finally, some interesting applications of polydopamine-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles will be pointed out

    Study of n-photon emission processes in nanodiamond photocathodes

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    EnIn this work we investigate on the characteristics of electron beams generated by three photocathodes (PC), one based on Cu sample and two on different nanodiamond (ND) layers. Specifically, the active layers of the ND-based PCs consisted of untreated and hydrogenated ND particles, 250 nm in size, sprayed on p-doped silicon substrates. We show photoemission measurements, carried out by a KrF nanosecond excimer laser (λ=248 nm; photon energy 5 eV) in a vacuum chamber at 10-6 mbar. We also make a study of the n-photon emission processes for all the PCs. The obtained results showed QE values of the ND-based photocathodes higher than that of the reference Cu one. In particular, the hydrogenated ND-based PC showed the highest QE thanks to the negative electron affinity of its surface.ItIn questo lavoro viene eseguito uno studio sulle proprietà di fotoemissione di tre fotocatodi (F), due basati su strati di nanodiamanti (ND) ed uno su rame. Nello specifico, gli strati attivi dei due PC con ND consistono di nanoparticelle di diamante tal quale ed idrogenate, della dimensione di 250 nm. Questi strati sono stati depositati su silicio drogato di tipo p, con la tecnica spray pulsata. Si presentano misure di fotoemissione, eseguite con un laser ad eccimeri KrF (λ=248 nm, t=25 ns) in una camera da vuoto (10-6 mbar) e si valuta il contributo di emissione multifotonica per tutti i catodi. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato valori di efficienza quantica più alta per i fotocatodi basati su ND; in particolare quelli idrogenati sono stati i più efficienti grazie all'affinità elettronica negativa della loro superficie

    The Encapsulation of Citicoline within Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Enhances Its Capability to Counteract the 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Cytotoxicity in Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells

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    (1) Backgrond: Considering the positive effects of citicoline (CIT) in the management of some neurodegenerative diseases, the aim of this work was to develop CIT-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (CIT-SLNs) for enhancing the therapeutic use of CIT in parkinsonian syndrome; (2) Methods: CIT-SLNs were prepared by the melt homogenization method using the self-emulsifying lipid Gelucire® 50/13 as lipid matrix. Solid-state features on CIT-SLNs were obtained with FT-IR, thermal analysis (DSC) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) studies. (3) Results: CIT-SLNs showed a mean diameter of 201 nm, −2.20 mV as zeta potential and a high percentage of entrapped CIT. DSC and XRPD analyses evidenced a greater amorphous state of CIT in CIT-SLNs. On confocal microscopy, fluorescent SLNs replacing unlabeled CIT-SLNs released the dye selectively in the cytoplasm. Biological evaluation showed that pre-treatment of SH-SY5Y dopaminergic cells with CIT-SLNs (50 µM) before the addition of 40 µM 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) to mimic Parkinson’s disease’s degenerative pathways counteracts the cytotoxic effects induced by the neurotoxin, increasing cell viability with the consistent maintenance of both nuclear and cell morphology. In contrast, pre-treatment with CIT 50 and 60 µM or plain SLNs for 2 h followed by 6-OHDA (40 µM) did not significantly influence cell viability. (4) Conclusions: These data suggest an enhanced protection exerted by CIT-SLNs with respect to free CIT and prompt further investigation of possible molecular mechanisms that underlie this difference

    Fabrication of a hydrogenated amorphous silicon detector in 3-d geometry and preliminary test on planar prototypes

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    Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) can be produced by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of SiH4 (silane) mixed with hydrogen. The resulting material shows outstanding radiation hardness properties and can be deposited on a wide variety of substrates. Devices employing a-Si:H technologies have been used to detect many different kinds of radiation, namely, minimum ionizing particles (MIPs), X-rays, neutrons, and ions, as well as low-energy protons and alphas. However, the detection of MIPs using planar a-Si:H diodes has proven difficult due to their unsatisfactory S/N ratio arising from a combination of high leakage current, high capacitance, and limited charge collection efficiency (50% at best for a 30 µm planar diode). To overcome these limitations, the 3D-SiAm collaboration proposes employing a 3D detector geometry. The use of vertical electrodes allows for a small collection distance to be maintained while preserving a large detector thickness for charge generation. The depletion voltage in this configuration can be kept below 400 V with a consequent reduction in the leakage current. In this paper, following a detailed description of the fabrication process, the results of the tests performed on the planar p-i-n structures made with ion implantation of the dopants and with carrier selective contacts are illustrated

    Diamond graphitization by laser-writing for all-carbon detector applications

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    The surface of a detector grade CVD polycrystalline diamond sample (5 × 5 × 0.05 mm3) was irradiated by an ArF excimer laser (λ = 193 nm, τ = 20 ns) to produce graphitic conductive layers. In particular, two sets of four parallel graphitic strip-like contacts, with 1 mm pitch, were created along the whole sample on the top and on the rear surfaces of the sample respectively. The two series of stripes lie normally to each other. Such a grid allows to obtain a segmented all-carbon device capable of giving bi-dimensional information on particle detection processes in nuclear applications. Afterwards, an extensive characterization of the samples was performed: SEM and micro-Raman investigations to study the morphological and structural evolution of the irradiated areas, EDS measurements to individuate any absorption phenomena from environment associated to laser treatment, and nanoindentation mapping to understand how the hard-soft transformation occurred depending on the locally transferred energy. Finally, current-voltage analyses were carried out checking the ohmic behavior of the diamond-graphite contact. By comparing the results of the different characterization analyses, a strong periodicity of the modified surface properties was found, confirming the reliability and reproducibility of the laser-induced graphitization process. The results demonstrate that the laser-writing technique is a good and fast solution to produce graphitic contacts on diamond surface and therefore represents a promising way to fabricate segmented all-carbon devices

    Experimental Characterization of RF-SQUIDs Based Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier Exploiting Resonant Phase Matching Scheme

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    This study presents recent advancements in Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (JTWPAs) developed and tested at Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica within the Detector Array Readout with Traveling Wave AmplifieRS project framework. Combining Josephson junctions with superconducting coplanar waveguides, JTWPAs offer advanced capabilities for quantum-limited broadband microwave amplification and the emission of non-classical microwave radiation. The work delves into the architecture, optimization, and experimental characterization of a JTWPA with a Resonant Phase-Matching mechanism, highlighting signal gains and idler conversion factors in relation to pump power and signal frequency
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