14 research outputs found

    Rediseño del proceso administrativo del pase a la situación de retiro por la causal de renovación de cuadros de Oficiales de Armas de la Policía Nacional del Perú frente al alto nivel de reingresos por mandato judicial evidenciados entre los años 2014 y 2018

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    El reingreso de Oficiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú a la situación de actividad a causa de mandatos judiciales, como consecuencia de la aplicación de los procesos de pases a la situación policial de retiro por la causal de renovación de cuadros de Oficiales Generales y Superiores de Armas de la Policía Nacional del Perú, durante el periodo de investigación de los años 2014 – 2018, no es un problema reciente, como lo han evidenciado las dos tesis sustentadas en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - PUCP (Jurado Munarriz, 2015) y en la Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados - ESAN (Cuarez, Gil, Pantoja y Zegarra, 2013) en la que analizan el problema pero de diferente perspectiva. Durante el periodo de investigación del presente trabajo se han presentado en la Policía Nacional del Perú el mayor número de reingresos por mandatos judiciales en toda su historia, de un total de 2,094 Oficiales pasados al retiro por esta causal el 20%, es decir 425 se han reincorporado a la Policía Nacional del Perú por mandatos judiciales; estos Oficiales recurrieron a instancias jurisdiccionales para hacer prevalecer los derechos que creyeron vulnerados, los mismos que reincorporaron a dichos Oficiales a través de diferentes tipos de recursos o disposiciones judiciales (Acción de Amparo, Sentencia Judicial, Medida Cautelar, entre otros) al evidenciar la vulneración de determinados derechos fundamentales y proyección de la carrera de los recurrentes, en la aplicación de los procedimientos establecidos en sus normas y la herramienta de discrecionalidad que hace uso la Policía Nacional del Perú a través del Consejo de Calificación, tal como se evidencia en muchos de los casos de los Oficiales reincorporados. Esta falta de claridad de los procedimientos en la norma sustantiva y la discrecionalidad que hace uso en sus procedimientos, han permitido que no se fundamente y motive correctamente las resoluciones de pases al retiro por la causal de renovación de cuadros y generen el alto índice de reingresos por mandatos judiciales que conlleva una triple afectación: al ciudadano, a la organización policial y al Oficial de la Policía Nacional del Perú. Como consecuencia, y resultado de la investigación se propone el Proyecto de Rediseño de la Directiva que norma y regula los parámetros y procedimientos del proceso de pases al retiro por la causal de renovación de cuadros de Oficiales Generales y Oficiales Superiores de la Policía Nacional del Perú, con la finalidad de salvaguardar los derechos y expectativas profesionales de los Oficiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú y minimizar la cantidad de reingresos por mandatos judiciales. Esta intervención innovadora que se presenta para el problema manifiesto cuenta con viabilidad organizacional, económica y normativa; por consiguiente, es una propuesta integral para afrontar con efectividad el problema identificado “Alto nivel de reingresos por mandato judicial de Oficiales de Armas de la Policía Nacional del Perú pasados a la situación de retiro por la causal de renovación de cuadros entre los años 2014 - 2018”.Reinstating police officers to the National Police Force of Peru by Court orders for those who had passed to retirement because of the Division Commanding Officers’ and First-Line Supervisors’ cadres renewal, during the investigation period from 2014 to 2018, it is not a recent problem as evidenced by the two theses held at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - PUCP (Jurado Munarriz, 2015) and at the Graduate School of Business - ESAN (Cuarez, Gil, Pantoja y Zegarra, 2013) in which they analyze the problem but from a different perspective. During the investigation period of this work, there has been the largest number of readmissions to the National Police Force of Peru in its history due to Court orders; from a total of 2,094 Officers, 20% retired for this reason, that is to say that 425 rejoined the National Police Force of Peru by Court orders. These Officers appealed to jurisdictional authorities to make prevail the rights that they believed infringed, and those authorities reincorporated the mentioned Officers through different types of means or judicial provisions (appeal for legal protection, Court ruling, precautionary measure, among others) when evidencing the violation of the fundamental rights and projection of the career of the appellants in the application of the procedures established in their rules and the discretion tool that the National Police Force of Peru makes use of through the Qualification Board, as evidenced in many of the cases of reinstated Officers. This lack of clarity on the procedures in the substantive rules and discretion has allowed not to be correctly based on and cause the resolutions of the withdrawal for the renewal of cadres and generate the high rate of reinstatements by Court orders that have a triple effect on: the citizen, the police organization and the Officer of the National Police Force of Peru. As a consequence, and result of the investigation, the Directive Redesign Draft is proposed to rule and regulate the parameters and procedures of the process of removals due to the renewal of Division Commanding Officers’ and First-Line Supervisors’ cadres renewal with the purpose of safeguarding the rights and professional expectations of the National Police Officers of Peru and minimizing the number of reinstatements by Court orders. This innovative proposal which is submitted for the evident problem has organizational, economic and regulatory viability; therefore, it is a comprehensive proposal to effectively address the identified problem “High level of reinstatement by Court order of Officers of the National Police Force of Peru passed to the retirement condition due to the renewal of cadres from 2014 to 2018”.Trabajo de investigació

    Causas y consecuencias del embarazo en mujeres menores de 18 años en los municipios de dabeiba, palmira y pereira en el año 2010 y 2013

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    La sexualidad en jóvenes adolescentes es una práctica que se ha incrementado últimamente en los países de América Latina, especialmente en Colombia donde las cifras son alarmantes. Recientes estudios han revelado que las zonas menos favorecidas son las que han sufrido un mayor impacto de esta problemática social, en especial las zonas rurales y los estratos sociales más bajos de las ciudades. Debido a este creciente problema se decidió realizar un estudio en 3 municipios de Colombia como una pequeña muestra representativa para conocer un poco acerca de las condiciones que podrían estar conllevando al surgimiento de embarazos en jóvenes adolescentes. 60 jovencitas fueron encuestadas en los 3 municipios del estudio con el fin de ahondar un poco acerca de las condiciones en las que viven y como su vida se ha modificado a partir de este estado. Los resultados mostraron cifras alarmantes respecto al impacto relacionado entre los estratos socioeconómicos y el número de casos de embarazos en donde los estratos 1 y 2 representan el 60% de los casos, adicionalmente en estas clases sociales fue donde se observó la mayor frecuencia (40%) de actividad sexual a temprana edad 14 años. A pesar de estas condiciones difíciles en la que se desarrolla una joven, el desamparo por parte de los gobiernos locales y nacional se ve reflejado en la falta de planes de capacitación y educación sexual cuyos valores de desconocimiento del tema entre las encuestadas llegó al 82%, lo que actualmente afecta la educación de estas madres adolescentes ya que la deserción escolar observada en el estudio para el estrato 1 fue de 63% condición que agudizará a futuro los problemas sociales.Sexuality in young adolescents is a practice that has increased recently in Latin America, especially in Colombia where the numbers are staggering. Recent studies have revealed that the less favored areas are those that have suffered the greatest impact of this social problem, especially in rural areas and lower social strata of cities. Due to this growing problem it was decided to conduct a study in 3 municipalities of Colombia as a small representative sample to know a little about the conditions that may be leading to the rise in teenage pregnancies. 60 girls were interviewed in the 3 municipalities of the study in order to delve a little about the conditions in which they live and how his life has changed from this state. The results showed alarming figures about the related impact on the socioeconomic strata and the number of cases of pregnancy where the levels 1 and 2 account for 60 % of cases , further in these classes was the highest frequency was observed (40 % ) sexual activity at an early age 14 years. Despite these difficult conditions in which a young woman develops homelessness by local and national governments is reflected in the lack of training and education plans whose values sexual ignorance of the subject among respondents was 82 % , which currently affects the education of these young mothers as dropouts observed in the study for stratum 1 was 63 % condition worsen future social problems

    Influence of eating schedule on the postprandial response : Gender differences

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    This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Ciberehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme of the EU's 7th Framework Programme under REA grant agreement no. 607652 (ITN NeuroGut). Dr Monrroy was supported by a grant from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.Ingestion of a meal induces conscious sensations depending of the characteristics of the meal and the predisposition of the eater. We hypothesized that the eating schedule plays a conditioning role, specifically, that an extemporaneous meal is less rewarding than when eaten at the habitual schedule. We conducted a randomized parallel trial in 10 women and 10 men comparing the responses to a consistent savoury lunch-type meal (stewed beans) eaten at the habitual afternoon schedule or at an unconventional time in the morning. Schedule and gender differences were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of covariance. In women, the sensory experience induced by the probe meal, particularly postprandial satisfaction, was weaker when eaten at an unconventional time for breakfast. Men were resilient to the schedule effect and experienced the same sensations regardless of the timing of ingestion; the effect of the eating schedule was significantly more pronounced in women for fullness (F(1,55) = 14.9; p < 0.001), digestive well-being (F(1,36.8) = 22.3; p < 0.001), mood (F(1,12.4) = 13.8; p < 0.001), and anxiety (F(1,11.9) = 10.9; p = 0.001). No differences in the physiological responses induced by the afternoon and morning meals were detected either in women or men. Our data indicate that women are more susceptible to changes in meal schedule than men

    Meal enjoyment and tolerance in women and men

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    Various conditioning factors influence the sensory response to a meal (inducible factors). We hypothesized that inherent characteristics of the eater (constitutive factors) also play a role. The aim of this proof-of-concept study was to determine the role of gender, as an individual constitutive factor, on the meal-related experience. Randomized parallel trial in 10 women and 10 men, comparing the sensations before, during, and after stepwise ingestion of a comfort meal up to full satiation. Comparisons were performed by repeated Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) measures. During stepwise ingestion, satisfaction initially increased up to a peak, and later decreased down to a nadir at the point of full satiation. Interestingly, the amount of food consumed at the well-being peak was lower, and induced significantly less fullness in women than in men. Hence, men required a larger meal load and stronger homeostatic sensations to achieve satisfaction. The same pattern was observed at the level of full satiation: men ate more and still experienced positive well-being, whereas in women, well-being scores dropped below pre-meal level. The effect of gender on the ingestion experience suggests that other constitutive factors of the eater may also influence responses to meals

    Clinical significance of small bowel manometry patterns suggestive of intestinal obstruction

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    Constipation; Intestinal manometry; Intestinal neuropathyRestrenyiment; Manometria intestinal; Neuropatia intestinalEstreñimiento; Manometría intestinal; Neuropatía intestinalIntroduction Minute rhythm and prolonged simultaneous contractions are patterns of postprandial small bowel contractile activity that historically have been considered as suggestive of mechanical intestinal obstruction; however, these patterns have been also encountered in patients with motility-like symptoms in the absence of bowel obstruction. The objective of this study was to determine the current diagnostic outcome of patients with these intestinal manometry patterns. Methods Retrospective study of patients with chronic digestive symptoms evaluated by intestinal manometry at our center between 2010 and 2018. Results The minute rhythm (MRP) or prolonged simultaneous contractions (PSC) postprandial patterns were detected in 61 of 488 patients (55 MRP and 6 PSC). Clinical work-up detected a previously non-diagnosed partial mechanical obstruction of the distal intestine in 10 (16%) and a systemic disorder causing intestinal neuropathy in 32 (53%). In the remaining 19 patients (31%, all with MRP), the origin of the contractile pattern was undetermined, but in 16, substantial fecal retention was detected within 7 days of the manometric procedure by abdominal imaging, and in 6 of them colonic cleansing completely normalized intestinal motility on a second manometry performed within 39 ± 30 days. Conclusion and Inference Currently, the most frequent origin of MRP and PSC encountered on small bowel manometry is intestinal neuropathy, while a previously undetected mechanical obstruction is rare. Still, in a substantial proportion of patients, no underlying disease can be identified, and in them, colonic fecal retention might play a role, because in a subgroup of these patients, manometry normalized after colonic cleansing. Hence, colonic preparation may be considered prior to intestinal manometry.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-financed by the European Union (FEDER/FSE) [PI17/01794]; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica) [SAF 2016-76648-R]; Ciberehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. LA was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CM20/00182)

    Clinical significance of small bowel manometry patterns suggestive of intestinal obstruction

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    Minute rhythm and prolonged simultaneous contractions are patterns of postprandial small bowel contractile activity that historically have been considered as suggestive of mechanical intestinal obstruction; however, these patterns have been also encountered in patients with motility-like symptoms in the absence of bowel obstruction. The objective of this study was to determine the current diagnostic outcome of patients with these intestinal manometry patterns. Retrospective study of patients with chronic digestive symptoms evaluated by intestinal manometry at our center between 2010 and 2018. The minute rhythm (MRP) or prolonged simultaneous contractions (PSC) postprandial patterns were detected in 61 of 488 patients (55 MRP and 6 PSC). Clinical work-up detected a previously non-diagnosed partial mechanical obstruction of the distal intestine in 10 (16%) and a systemic disorder causing intestinal neuropathy in 32 (53%). In the remaining 19 patients (31%, all with MRP), the origin of the contractile pattern was undetermined, but in 16, substantial fecal retention was detected within 7 days of the manometric procedure by abdominal imaging, and in 6 of them colonic cleansing completely normalized intestinal motility on a second manometry performed within 39 ± 30 days. Currently, the most frequent origin of MRP and PSC encountered on small bowel manometry is intestinal neuropathy, while a previously undetected mechanical obstruction is rare. Still, in a substantial proportion of patients, no underlying disease can be identified, and in them, colonic fecal retention might play a role, because in a subgroup of these patients, manometry normalized after colonic cleansing. Hence, colonic preparation may be considered prior to intestinal manometry. Minute rhythm (or clustered contractions) in postprandial small bowel manometry can be produced by intestinal neuropathy or mechanical occlusion, but in some patients, the minute rhythm pattern is associated with colonic fecal retention, and resolves after colonic cleansing. Hence, colonic preparation may be considered prior to intestinal manometry

    La cherehuita Hubbsina turneri De Buen (1941) (Pisces: Goodeidae). Origen, distribución y su uso en la regionalización de la cuenca del Lerma

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    The purpose of this paper is to nlyse the underlying causes of the origin and distributio of Hubbsina turneri (cherehuita) fro the standpoint of its biogeogrphic history. First, the relationship between this specie with the other members of the subfamily is discussed based on bibliographic references of the Goodeinae, and is confirmed that Hubbsina is closely related to Girardinichthys, having their origin from the most recent common ancestor probably in Later Miocene. Peros of time where the disruption of drainages establishes the formation of lacustrine depressions of Mes Central. Second, there is the eposition of different hypothesis about the temporal-space distribution of this fish. Prticularly, the origin and evolution of lake Zacapu nad lake Cuitzeo is also discussed, the catual sites of distribution of the species, concluding that the first established at Middle-Late Pliocene, mean while Cuiteo origin occupied the Late Miocene, period of time that seems to coincide with the development of Hubbsin turneri. Both bodies of water probably were join t Pliocene-Pleistocene, and then they separate at Pleistocene-Holocene epoch. These geological and mophoestructural context, allow to explain the distribution of this godeid and why it do not envolved in two different species. Another conclusion, is the suggestion of a division of the Lerma basin, according with the distribution of Hubbsina turneri incorporating Lake Zacapu and Rio Angulo as part of the Middle Lerme ichthiological subprovince. Also, it put clear the restriction f the species because of there is no actual records of Hubbsin turneri, in the Rio Grande de Morelia (interior) basin and the Lake of Cuitzeo, places of its original description.El próposito del presente trabajo es analizar los aspectos que determinaron el origen y la distribución en el tiempo de Hubbsina tuerneri (cherehuita) a partir de un punto de vista biogeográfico histórico. Para tal fin, primero se relaciona a dicha especie con lo documentado sobre la subfamilia Goodeinae reafirmando su estrecha afinidad con Girardinichthys, concluyendo que han derivado a partir de un ancestro común cercano probablemente durante el Mioceno Superior. En este período se identifica la formación de las grandes depresiones lacustres, por bloqueo de los antiguos causes en la región central de México. Más adelante, se exponen diferentes hipótesis sobre la distribución espacio-temporal de la cherehuita en los lagos de Cuitzeo y Zacapu que son los sitios de su distribución actual. En particular, el primero tiene su origen en el límite del Mioceno Superior, donde parece coincidir con la formación de Hubbsin turneri. Por su parte, se discute el origen y evolución del lago de Zacapu a partir del lago de Cuiteo, remont´ndose al período Mioceno Superior, lo que eplica la distribución actual del goodeido. Estos dos lagos probablemente estuvieron conectactos en el Plioceno-Pleistoceno para sucesivamente aislarse en el Pleistoceno-Holoceno, dando los elementos que sustentan el que conserve su identidad específica l cherehuit. Todo esto, junto con otros elementos, permite proponer una regionalización del Lerma con base en la distribución de Hubbsina turneri integrando al lago de Zacapu y el Río Angulo como parte de la subprovincia del Medio Lerma y esclrece la restricción geográfica de esta especie, debido a que recientemente no se han capturado individuos en la Subcuenca del Río Grande de Moreli y el lago de Cuitzeo, lugar de donde procede la descripción originl