146 research outputs found

    Genetic variation in the hTAS2R38 taste receptor and food consumption among Finnish adults

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    Genetic variation in bitter taste receptors, such as hTAS2R38, may affect food preferences and intake. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between bitter taste receptor haplotypes and the consumption of vegetables, fruits, berries and sweet foods among an adult Finnish population. A cross-sectional design utilizing data from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns cohort from 2007, which consisted of 1,903 men and women who were 30-45 years of age from five different regions in Finland, was employed. DNA was extracted from blood samples, and hTAS2R38 polymorphisms were determined based on three SNPs (rs713598, rs1726866 and rs10246939). Food consumption was assessed with a validated food frequency questionnaire. The prevalence of the bitter taste-sensitive (PAV/PAV) haplotype was 11.3 % and that of the insensitive (AVI/AVI) haplotype was 39.5 % among this Finnish population. PAV homozygotic women consumed fewer vegetables than did the AVI homozygotic women, 269 g/day (SD 131) versus 301 g/day (SD 187), respectively, p = 0.03 (multivariate ANOVA). Furthermore, the intake of sweet foods was higher among the PAV homozygotes of both genders. Fruit and berry consumption did not differ significantly between the haplotypes in either gender. Individuals perceive foods differently, and this may influence their patterns of food consumption. This study showed that the hTAS2R38 taste receptor gene variation was associated with vegetable and sweet food consumption among adults in a Finnish population.Peer reviewe

    CYP1A2 polymorphism −1545C > T (rs2470890) is associated with increased side effects to clozapine

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    Background Cytochrome P450 1A2 gene (CYP1A2) polymorphisms have been suggested to be associated with increased side effects to antipsychotics. However, studies on this are scarce and have been conducted with either various antipsychotics or only in small samples of patients receiving clozapine. The aim of the present study was to test for an association between the CYP1A2 −1545C > T (rs2470890) polymorphism and side effects in a larger sample of patients during long-term clozapine treatment. Methods A total of 237 patients receiving clozapine treatment completed the Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side-Effect Rating Scale (LUNSERS) assessing clozapine-induced side effects. Of these patients, 180 completed the questionnaire satisfactorily, agreed to provide a blood sample, and were successfully genotyped for the polymorphism. Results The TT genotype of CYP1A2 polymorphism −1545C > T (rs2470890) was associated with significantly more severe side effects during clozapine treatment (p = 0.011). In a subanalysis, all seven types of side effects (sympathicotonia–tension; depression–anxiety; sedation; orthostatic hypotension; dermal side effects; urinary side effects; and sexual side effects) appeared numerically (but insignificantly) more severely among TT carriers. In addition, use of mood stabilizers was more common among patients with the TT genotype (OR = 2.63, p = 0.004). Conclusions This study has identified an association between the CYP1A2 polymorphism −1545C > T (rs2470890) and the occurrence of more severe clozapine side effects. However, these results should be regarded as tentative and more studies of larger sample sizes will be required to confirm the result.BioMed Central opean acces

    Discovery of mitochondrial DNA variants associated with genome-wide blood cell gene expression : a population-based mtDNA sequencing study

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    The effect of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation on peripheral blood transcriptomics in health and disease is not fully known. Sex-specific mitochondrially controlled gene expression patterns have been shown in Drosophila melanogaster but in humans, evidence is lacking. Functional variation in mtDNA may also have a role in the development of type 2 diabetes and its precursor state, i. e. prediabetes. We examined the associations between mitochondrial single-nucleotide polymorphisms (mtSNPs) and peripheral blood transcriptomics with a focus on sex-and prediabetes-specific effects. The genome-wide blood cell expression data of 19 637 probes, 199 deep-sequenced mtSNPs and nine haplogroups of 955 individuals from a population-based Young Finns Study cohort were used. Significant associations were identified with linear regression and analysis of covariance. The effects of sex and prediabetes on the associations between gene expression and mtSNPs were studied using random-effect meta-analysis. Our analysis identified 53 significant expression probe-mtSNP associations after Bonferroni correction, involving 7 genes and 31 mtSNPs. Eight probe-mtSNP signals remained independent after conditional analysis. In addition, five genes showed differential expression between haplogroups. The meta-analysis did not show any significant differences in linear model effect sizes between males and females but identified the association between the OASL gene and mtSNP C16294T to show prediabetes-specific effects. This study pinpoints new independent mtSNPs associated with peripheral blood transcriptomics and replicates six previously reported associations, providing further evidence of the mitochondrial genetic control of blood cell gene expression. In addition, we present evidence that prediabetes might lead to perturbations in mitochondrial control

    Epigenome-450K-wide methylation signatures of active cigarette smoking : The Young Finns Study

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    Smoking as a major risk factor for morbidity affects numerous regulatory systems of the human body including DNA methylation. Most of the previous studies with genome-wide methylation data are based on conventional association analysis and earliest threshold-based gene set analysis that lacks sensitivity to be able to reveal all the relevant effects of smoking. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of active smoking on DNA methylation at three biological levels: 5'-C-phosphate-G-3' (CpG) sites, genes and functionally related genes (gene sets). Gene set analysis was done with mGSZ, a modern threshold-free method previously developed by us that utilizes all the genes in the experiment and their differential methylation scores. Application of such method in DNA methylation study is novel. Epigenome-wide methylation levels were profiled from Young Finns Study (YFS) participants' whole blood from 2011 follow-up using Illumina Infinium Hu-manMethylation450 BeadChips. We identified three novel smoking related CpG sites and replicated 57 of the previously identified ones. We found that smoking is associated with hypomethylation in shore (genomic regions 0-2 kilobases from CpG island). We identified smoking related methylation changes in 13 gene sets with false discovery rate (FDR)Peer reviewe

    Whole blood microRNA levels associate with glycemic status and correlate with target mRNAs in pathways important to type 2 diabetes

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    We analyzed the associations between whole blood microRNA profiles and the indices of glucose metabolism and impaired fasting glucose and examined whether the discovered microRNAs correlate with the expression of their mRNA targets. MicroRNA and gene expression profiling were performed for the Young Finns Study participants (n= 871). Glucose, insulin, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were measured, the insulin resistance index (HOMA2-IR) was calculated, and the glycemic status (normoglycemic [n = 534]/impaired fasting glucose [IFG] [n = 252]/type 2 diabetes [T2D] [n = 24]) determined. Levels of hsa-miR-144-5p, -122-5p, -148a-3p, -589-5p, and hsa-let-7a-5p associated with glycemic status. hsa-miR-144-5p and -148a-3p associated with glucose levels, while hsa-miR-144-5p, -122-5p, -184, and -339-3p associated with insulin levels and HOMA2-IR, and hsa-miR-148a-3p, -15b-3p, -93-3p, -146b-5p, -221-3p, -18a-3p, -642a-5p, and -181-2-3p associated with HbA1c levels. The targets of hsa-miR-146b-5p that correlated with its levels were enriched in inflammatory pathways, and the targets of hsa-miR-221-3p were enriched in insulin signaling and T2D pathways. These pathways showed indications of co-regulation by HbA1c-associated miRNAs. There were significant differences in the microRNA profiles associated with glucose, insulin, or HOMA-IR compared to those associated with HbA1c. The HbA1c-associated miRNAs also correlated with the expression of target mRNAs in pathways important to the development ofT2D.Peer reviewe

    Aging-associated DNA methylation changes in middle-aged individuals: the Young Finns study

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    Background Chronological aging-associated changes in the human DNA methylome have been studied by multiple epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs). Certain CpG sites have been identified as aging-associated in multiple studies, and the majority of the sites identified in various studies show common features regarding location and direction of the methylation change. However, as a whole, the sets of aging-associated CpGs identified in different studies, even with similar tissues and age ranges, show only limited overlap. In this study, we further explore and characterize CpG sites that show close relationship between their DNA methylation level and chronological age during adulthood and which bear the relationship regardless of blood cell type heterogeneity. Results In this study, with a multivariable regression model adjusted for cell type heterogeneity, we identified 1202 aging-associated CpG sites (a-CpGs, FDR < 5 %), in whole blood in a population with an especially narrow age range (40 - 49 years). Repeatedly reported a-CpGs located in genes ELOVL2, FHL2, PENK and KLF14 were also identified. Regions with aging-associated hypermethylation were enriched regarding several gene ontology (GO) terms (especially in the cluster of developmental processes), whereas hypomethylated sites showed no enrichment. The genes with higher numbers of a-CpG hits were more often hypermethylated with advancing age. The comparison analysis revealed that of the 1202 a-CpGs identified in the present study, 987 were identified as differentially methylated also between nonagenarians and young adults in a previous study (The Vitality 90+ study), and importantly, the directions of changes were identical in the previous and in the present study. Conclusions Here we report that aging-associated DNA methylation features can be identified in a middle-aged population with an age range of only 9 years. A great majority of these sites have been previously reported as aging-associated in a population aged 19 to 90 years. Aging is associated with different types of changes in DNA methylation, clock-like as well as random. We speculate that the a-CpGs identified here in a population with a narrow age-range represent clock-like changes, as they showed concordant methylation behavior in population spanning whole adulthood as well.BioMed Central open acces

    Mitochondrial genome-wide analysis of nuclear DNA methylation quantitative trait loci

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    Mitochondria have a complex communication network with the surrounding cell and can alter nuclear DNA methylation (DNAm). Variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has also been linked to differential DNAm. Genome-wide association studies have identified numerous DNAm quantitative trait loci, but these studies have not examined the mitochondrial genome. Herein, we quantified nuclear DNAm from blood and conducted a mitochondrial genome-wide association study of DNAm, with an additional emphasis on sex- and prediabetes-specific heterogeneity. We used the Young Finns Study (n = 926) with sequenced mtDNA genotypes as a discovery sample and sought replication in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health study (n = 2317). We identified numerous significant associations in the discovery phase (P < 10(-9)), but they were not replicated when accounting for multiple testing. In total, 27 associations were nominally replicated with a P < 0.05. The replication analysis presented no evidence of sex- or prediabetes-specific heterogeneity. The 27 associations were included in a joint meta-analysis of the two cohorts, and 19 DNAm sites associated with mtDNA variants, while four other sites showed haplogroup associations. An expression quantitative trait methylation analysis was performed for the identified DNAm sites, pinpointing two statistically significant associations. This study provides evidence of a mitochondrial genetic control of nuclear DNAm with little evidence found for sex- and prediabetes-specific effects. The lack of a comparable mtDNA data set for replication is a limitation in our study and further studies are needed to validate our results.Peer reviewe

    Fatty liver is associated with blood pathways of inflammatory response, immune system activation and prothrombotic state in Young Finns Study

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    Fatty liver (FL) disease is the most common type of chronic liver disease. We hypothesized that liver's response to the process where large droplets of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells is reflected also in gene pathway expression in blood. Peripheral blood genome wide gene expression analysis and ultrasonic imaging of liver were performed for 1,650 participants (316 individuals with FL and 1,334 controls) of the Young Finns Study. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was performed for the expression data. Fourteen gene sets were upregulated (false discovery rate, FDR < 0.05) in subjects with FL. These pathways related to extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover, immune response regulation, prothrombotic state and neural tissues. After adjustment for known risk factors and biomarkers of FL, we found i) integrin A4B1 signaling, ii) leukocyte transendothelial migration, iii) CD40/CD40L and iv) netrin-1 signaling pathways to be upregulated in individuals with FL (nominal p < 0.05). From these all but not ii) remained significantly upregulated when analyzing only subjects without history of heavy alcohol use. In conclusion, FL was associated with blood gene sets of ECM turnover, inflammatory response, immune system activation and prothrombotic state. These may form a systemic link between FL and the development of cardiovascular diseases