295 research outputs found

    Simulation of Subject-Specific Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis and Comparison to Experimental Follow-up Data : Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

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    Economic costs of osteoarthritis (OA) are considerable. However, there are no clinical tools to predict the progression of OA or guide patients to a correct treatment for preventing OA. We tested the ability of our cartilage degeneration algorithm to predict the subject-specific development of OA and separate groups with different OA levels. The algorithm was able to predict OA progression similarly with the experimental follow-up data and separate subjects with radiographical OA (Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grade 2 and 3) from healthy subjects (KL0). Maximum degeneration and degenerated volumes within cartilage were significantly higher (p <0.05) in OA compared to healthy subjects, KL3 group showing the highest degeneration values. Presented algorithm shows a great potential to predict subjectspecific progression of knee OA and has a clinical potential by simulating the effect of interventions on the progression of OA, thus helping decision making in an attempt to delay or prevent further OA symptoms.Peer reviewe

    An example of a method to wirelessly transfer measurement data from cows in a free stall barn

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    Here we describe a wireless data measurement and transfer system that operates within a free stall barn. We report also the reliability of the system. This system was designed and built in Very Intelligent Cow Barn project in 2006-2007

    The effect of constitutive representations and structural constituents of ligaments on knee joint mechanics

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    Abstract Ligaments provide stability to the human knee joint and play an essential role in restraining motion during daily activities. Compression-tension nonlinearity is a well-known characteristic of ligaments. Moreover, simpler material representations without this feature might give reasonable results because ligaments are primarily in tension during loading. However, the biomechanical role of different constitutive representations and their fibril-reinforced poroelastic properties is unknown. A numerical knee model which considers geometric and material nonlinearities of meniscus and cartilages was applied. Five different constitutive models for the ligaments (spring, elastic, hyperelastic, porohyperelastic, and fibril-reinforced porohyperelastic (FRPHE)) were implemented. Knee joint forces for the models with elastic, hyperelastic and porohyperelastic properties showed similar behavior throughout the stance, while the model with FRPHE properties exhibited lower joint forces during the last 50% of the stance phase. The model with ligaments as springs produced the lowest joint forces at this same stance phase. The results also showed that the fibril network contributed substantially to the knee joint forces, while the nonfibrillar matrix and fluid had small effects. Our results indicate that simpler material models of ligaments with similar properties in compression and tension can be used when the loading is directed primarily along the ligament axis in tension

    Health-related quality of life in relation to shark symptomatic and radiographic definitions of knee osteoarthritis : data from Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) 4-year follow- up study

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    Background: The purpose was to quantify the decrement in health utility (referred as disutility) associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA) and different symptomatic and radiographic uni- and bilateral definitions of knee OA in a repeated measures design of persons with knee OA or at increased risk of developing knee OA. Methods: Data were obtained from the Osteoarthritis Initiative database. SF-12 health-related quality of life was converted into SF-6D utilities, and were then handled as the health utility loss by subtracting 1.000 from the utility score, yielding a negative value (disutility). Symptomatic OA was defined by radiographic findings (Kellgren-Lawrence, K-L, grade >= 2) and frequent knee pain in the same knee. Radiographic OA was defined by five different definitions (K-L >= 2 unilaterally / bilaterally, or the highest / mean / combination of K-L grades of both knees). Repeated measures generalized estimating equation (GEE) models were used to investigate disutility in relation to these different definitions. Results: Utility decreased with worsening of symptomatic or radiographic status of knee OA. The participants with bilateral and unilateral symptomatic knee OA had 0.03 (p <0.001) and 0.02 (p <0.001) points lower utility scores, respectively, compared with the reference group. The radiographic K-L grade 4 defined as the mean or the highest grade of both knees was related to a decrease of 0.04 (p <0.001) and 0.03 (p <0.001) points in utility scores, respectively, compared to the reference group. Conclusions: Knee OA is associated with diminished health-related quality of life. Health utility can be quantified in relation to both symptomatic and radiographic uni- and bilateral definitions of knee OA, and these definitions are associated with differing disutilities. The performance of symptomatic definition was better, indicating that pain experience is an important factor in knee OA related quality of life.Peer reviewe

    A missense substitution A49T in the steroid 5-alpha-reductase gene (SRD5A2) is not associated with prostate cancer in Finland

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    Prostatic steroid 5-alpha-reductase gene (SRD5A2) encodes a critical enzyme involved in the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. A germline mis-sense substitution (A49T) leads to a variant SRD5A2 protein, which has a 5-fold higher in vitro V max than the wild-type protein (Ross et al, 1998; Makridakis et al, 1999). The A49T variant was recently associated with 2.5 to 3.28-fold increased risk of prostate cancer (PC) in African-American and Hispanic men (Makridakis et al, 1999). Also, Jaffe et al (2000) reported an association between A49T and more aggressive disease among Caucasian patients. Here, we report that the prevalence of the A49T variant in 449 Finnish PC patients was 6.0%, not significantly different from 6.3% observed in 223 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia or 5.8% in 588 population-based controls (odds ratio for PC 1.04, 95% C.I. 0.62–1.76 P = 0.89). There was no association between A49T and the family history of the patients nor with tumour stage or grade. Our results argue against a prominent role of the A49T variant as a genetic risk factor for prostate cancer development and progression in the Finnish population. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign www.bjcancer.co

    Physical activity and sedentary time during physical education lessons between different physical activity groups of a sample of Finnish 11-year-old students

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    Problem statement: Insufficient PA is rising concern in modern society. Physical education as a compulsory subject allows all students to engage physical activity. However, the activity levels may vary during the physical education lesson depending on the motivation of students. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of time spent in light physical activity, moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary activity by a sample of Finnish fifth grade students during physical education lessons. Approach: A cohort of 407 Finnish students' (177 boys, 232 girls) participated to study. To determine activity, participants wore GTX3 Actigraphs for seven consecutive days. Participants' activity scores were grouped in quartiles based on their weekly average moderate to vigorous physical activity. Different activity group and gender comparisons were undertaken using MANOVA. Results: Contrasts regarding activity quartiles revealed that in the least active group quartile (Q1) boys had more sedentary time and less MVPA time than in the more active group quartiles (Q3&Q4). Among girls, Q1 girls had less moderate to vigorous physical activity than girls grouped in Q3-Q4, and had more sedentary time than all other quartile groups. Conclusions: Results demonstrated that during PE lessons differences in activity between children with different moderate to vigorous physical activity levels exist. Physical education teachers should consider developing lesson strategies to address the differences identified in ST and MVPA. Programs that foster consistency in student engagement at the moderate to vigorous physical activity level may also support a decrease in levels of sedentary time across the physical education lesson.peerReviewe

    An EMG-Assisted Muscle-Force Driven Finite Element Analysis Pipeline to Investigate Joint- and Tissue-Level Mechanical Responses in Functional Activities : Towards a Rapid Assessment Toolbox

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    Publisher Copyright: © 1964-2012 IEEE.Joint tissue mechanics (e.g., stress and strain) are believed to have a major involvement in the onset and progression of musculoskeletal disorders, e.g., knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Accordingly, considerable efforts have been made to develop musculoskeletal finite element (MS-FE) models to estimate highly detailed tissue mechanics that predict cartilage degeneration. However, creating such models is time-consuming and requires advanced expertise. This limits these complex, yet promising, MS-FE models to research applications with few participants and makes the models impractical for clinical assessments. Also, these previously developed MS-FE models have not been used to assess activities other than gait. This study introduces and verifies a semi-automated rapid state-of-the-art MS-FE modeling and simulation toolbox incorporating an electromyography- (EMG) assisted MS model and a muscle-force driven FE model of the knee with fibril-reinforced poro(visco)elastic cartilages and menisci. To showcase the usability of the pipeline, we estimated joint- and tissue-level knee mechanics in 15 KOA individuals performing different daily activities. The pipeline was verified by comparing the estimated muscle activations and joint mechanics to existing experimental data. To determine the importance of the EMG-assisted MS analysis approach, results were compared to those from the same FE models but driven by static-optimization-based MS models. The EMG-assisted MS-FE pipeline bore a closer resemblance to experiments compared to the static-optimization-based MS-FE pipeline. Importantly, the developed pipeline showed great potential as a rapid MS-FE analysis toolbox to investigate multiscale knee mechanics during different activities of individuals with KOA.Peer reviewe

    Maximum shear strain-based algorithm can predict proteoglycan loss in damaged articular cartilage

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    Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) is a common disease, where the mechanical integrity of articular cartilage is compromised. PTOA can be a result of chondral defects formed due to injurious loading. One of the first changes around defects is proteoglycan depletion. Since there are no methods to restore injured cartilage fully back to its healthy state, preventing the onset and progression of the disease is advisable. However, this is problematic if the disease progression cannot be predicted. Thus, we developed an algorithm to predict proteoglycan loss of injured cartilage by decreasing the fixed charge density (FCD) concentration. We tested several mechanisms based on the local strains or stresses in the tissue for the FCD loss. By choosing the degeneration threshold suggested for inducing chondrocyte apoptosis and cartilage matrix damage, the algorithm driven by the maximum shear strain showed the most substantial FCD losses around the lesion. This is consistent with experimental findings in the literature. We also observed that by using coordinate system-independent strain measures and selecting the degeneration threshold in an ad hoc manner, all the resulting FCD distributions would appear qualitatively similar, i.e., the greatest FCD losses are found at the tissue adjacent to the lesion. The proposed strain-based FCD degeneration algorithm shows a great potential for predicting the progression of PTOA via biomechanical stimuli. This could allow identification of high-risk defects with an increased risk of PTOA progression.</p

    Eight-year trajectories of changes in health-related quality of life in knee osteoarthritis : Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)

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    Background Knee osteoarthritis (OA) worsens health-related quality of life (HRQoL) but the symptom pathway varies from person to person. We aimed to identify groups of people with knee OA or at its increased risk whose HRQoL changed similarly. Our secondary aim was to evaluate if patient-related characteristics, incidence of knee replacement (KR) and prevalence of pain medication use differed between the identified HRQoL trajectory groups. Methods Eight-year follow-up data of 3053 persons with mild knee OA or at increased risk were obtained from the public Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) database. Group-based trajectory modeling was used to identify patterns of experiencing a decrease of >= 10 points (Minimal Important Change, MIC) in the Quality of Life subscale of the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score compared to baseline. Multinomial logistic regression, Cox regression and generalized estimating equation models were used to study secondary aims. Results Four HRQoL trajectory groups were identified. Persons in the 'no change' group (62.9%) experienced no worsening in HRQoL. 'Rapidly' (9.5%) and 'slowly' worsening (17.1%) groups displayed an increasing probability of experiencing the MIC in HRQoL. The fourth group (10.4%) had 'improving' HRQoL. Female gender, higher body mass index, smoking, knee pain, and lower income at baseline were associated with belonging to the 'rapidly worsening' group. People in 'rapidly' (hazard ratio (HR) 6.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.6-10.7) and 'slowly' worsening (HR 3.4, 95% CI 2.0-5.9) groups had an increased risk of requiring knee replacement. Pain medication was more rarely used in the 'no change' than in the other groups. Conclusions HRQoL worsening was associated with several risk factors; surgical and pharmacological interventions were more common in the poorer HRQoL trajectory groups indicating that HRQoL does reflect the need for OA treatment. These findings may have implications for targeting interventions to specific knee OA patient groups.Peer reviewe
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