86 research outputs found

    Macroinvertebrate community response to inter-annual and regional river flow regime dynamics

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    Spatio-temporal variability in river flow is a fundamental control on instream habitat structure and riverine ecosystem biodiversity and integrity. However, long-term riverine ecological time-series to test hypotheses about hydrology–ecology interactions in a broader temporal context are rare, and studies spanning multiple rivers are often limited in their temporal coverage to less than five years. To address this research gap, a unique spatio-temporal hydroecological analysis was conducted of long-term instream ecological responses (1990–2000) to river flow regime variability at 83 sites across England and Wales. The results demonstrate clear hydroecological associations at the national scale (all data). In addition, significant differences in ecological response are recorded between three ‘regions’ identified (RM1–3*) associated with characteristics of the flow regime. The effect of two major supra-seasonal droughts (1990–1992 and 1996–1997) on inter-annual (IA) variability of the LIFE scores is evident with both events showing a gradual decline before and recovery of LIFE scores after the low flow period. The instream community response to high magnitude flow regimes (1994 and 1995) is also apparent, although these associations are less striking. The results demonstrate classification of rivers into flow regime regions offers a way to help unravel complex hydroecological associations. The approach adopted herein could easily be adapted for other geographical locations, where datasets are available. Such work is imperative to understand flow regime–ecology interactions in a longer term, wider spatial context and so assess future hydroecological responses to climate change and anthropogenic modification of riverine ecosystems

    Selection of river flow indices for the assessment of hydroecological change

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    A wide range of ‘ecologically relevant’ hydrological indices (variables) have been identified as potential drivers of riverine communities. Recently, concerns have been expressed regarding index redundancy (i.e. similar patterns of variance) across the host of hydrological descriptors on offer to researchers and water resource managers. Some guiding principles are required to aid selection of the most statistically defensible and meaningful river flow indices for hydroecological analysis. In this short communication, we investigate the utility of a principal components analysis (PCA)-based method that identifies 25 hydrological variables to characterise the major modes of statistical variation in 201 hydrological indices for 83 rivers across England and Wales. The emergent variables, and all 201 hydrological variables, are used to develop regression models [for the whole data set and three river flow regime shape (i.e. annual hydrograph form) classes] for an 11-year macroinvertebrate community dataset (i.e. LIFE scores). The same ‘best’ models are produced using the PCA-based method and all 201 hydrological variables for two of the three river flow regime groups. However, weaker models are yielded by the PCA-based method for the remaining (flashy) river flow regime class and the whole data set (all 83 rivers). Thus, it is important to exercise caution when employing data reduction/ index redundancy approaches, as they may reject variables of ecological significance due to the assumption that the statistically dominant sources of hydrological variability are the principal drivers of, perhaps more subtle (sensitive), hydroecological associations

    Developing environmental flow targets for benthic macroinvertebrates in large rivers using hydraulic habitat associations and taxa thresholds

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    Holistic environmental flows frameworks are built on our understanding of key flow-ecology relationships that support sensitive taxa and critical ecosystem functions under different flow and water level scenarios. Most research on flow-ecology relationships has typically focused on small systems, with less known about flow as-sociations, indicator taxa, and environmental thresholds of assemblage change along hydraulic gradients of large non-wadeable rivers. We assessed benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage structure and applied Taxa Indicator Threshold ANalysis (TITAN) on biomonitoring data collected during a six-year period in the Wolastoq | Saint John River in Atlantic Canada. Flow velocity was strongly associated with the distribution and relative abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates in the river, and taxon associations reflected functional adaptations to flow. We identified 33 genus-level indicator taxa that were either positively or negatively associated with flow velocity. Weaker taxa responses were shown for the gradient in median substrate particle size where 22 negatively and positively responding taxa were identified. We predicted changes in indicator taxon abundance under different flow scenarios using a hydrodynamic model, and characterised the distribution and availability of suitable hydraulic habitat patches within a 20 km reach downstream of a large hydropower generating station. These observations set the stage for the development of ecologically-based flow targets to support holistic environmental flow management in large rivers

    Flow variability and macroinvertebrate community response within riverine systems

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    River flow regimes, controlled by climatic and catchment factors, vary over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. This hydrological dynamism is important in determining the structure and functioning of riverine ecosystems; however, such hydroecological associations remain poorly quantified. This paper explores and models relationships between a suite of flow regime predictors and macroinvertebrate community metrics from 83 rivers in England and Wales. A two-stage analytical approach was employed: (1) classification of 83 river basins based upon the magnitude and shape (form) of their long-term (1980 – 1999) average annual regime to group basins with similar flow responses; and (2) examination of relationships between a total of 201 flow regime descriptors identified by previous researchers and macroinvertebrate community metrics for the whole data set and long-term flow regime classes over an 11-year period (1990 – 2000). The classification method highlighted large-scale patterns in river flow regimes, identifying five magnitude classes and three shape classes. A west–east trend of flow regime magnitude (high-low) and timing (early-late peak) was displayed across the study area, reflecting climatic gradients and basin controls (e.g. lithology). From the suite of hydrological variables, those associated with the magnitude of the flow regime consistently produced the strongest relationships with macroinvertebrate community metrics for all sites and for the long-term regime composite classes. The results indicate that the classification (subdivision) of rivers into flow regime regions potentially offers a means of increasing predictive capacity and, in turn, better management of fluvial hydrosystems

    The identification of hydrological indices for the characterization of macroinvertebrate community response to flow regime variability

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    The importance of flow regime variability for maintaining ecological functioning and integrity of river ecosystems has been firmly established in both natural and anthropogenically modified systems. River flow regimes across lowland catchments in eastern England are examined using 47 variables, including those derived using the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) software. A principal component analysis method was used to identify redundant hydrological variables and those that best characterized the hydrological series (1986–2005). A small number of variables (<6) characterized up to 95% of the statistical variability in the flow series. The hydrological processes and conditions that the variables represent were found to be significant in structuring the in-stream macroinvertebrate community Lotic-invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE) scores at both the family and species levels. However, hydrological variables only account for a relatively small proportion of the total ecological variability (typically <10%). The research indicates that a range of other factors, including channel morphology and anthropogenic modification of in-stream habitats, structure riverine macroinvertebrate communities in addition to hydrology. These factors need to be considered in future environmental flow studies to enable the characterization of baseline/reference conditions for management and restoration purposes

    Considering Fish as Recipients of Ecosystem Services Provides a Framework to Formally Link Baseline, Development, and Post-operational Monitoring Programs and Improve Aquatic Impact Assessments for Large Scale Developments.

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    In most countries, major development projects must satisfy an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process that considers positive and negative aspects to determine if it meets environmental standards and appropriately mitigates or offsets negative impacts on the values being considered. The benefits of before-after-control-impact monitoring designs have been widely known for more than 30 years, but most development assessments fail to effectively link pre- and post-development monitoring in a meaningful way. Fish are a common component of EIA evaluation for both socioeconomic and scientific reasons. The Ecosystem Services (ES) concept was developed to describe the ecosystem attributes that benefit humans, and it offers the opportunity to develop a framework for EIA that is centred around the needs of and benefits from fish. Focusing an environmental monitoring framework on the critical needs of fish could serve to better align risk, development, and monitoring assessment processes. We define the ES that fish provide in the context of two common ES frameworks. To allow for linkages between environmental assessment and the ES concept, we describe critical ecosystem functions from a fish perspective to highlight potential monitoring targets that relate to fish abundance, diversity, health, and habitat. Finally, we suggest how this framing of a monitoring process can be used to better align aquatic monitoring programs across pre-development, development, and post-operational monitoring programs

    DNA metabarcoding reveals metacommunity dynamics in a threatened boreal wetland wilderness

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    Too often, ecological monitoring studies are designed without understanding whether they have sufficient statistical power to detect changes beyond natural variability. The Peace–Athabasca Delta is North America’s largest inland delta, within a World Heritage area, and is currently threatened by human development. Using multispecies occupancy models we show that the wetland macroinvertebrate community is highly diverse, and spatial and temporal turnover are so high that composition is nearly random, emphasizing stochastic processes of assembly. Using DNA metabarcoding, our study detected more taxa, both overall and per sample, than traditional morphology-based sample processing, increasing our power to detect ecosystem change. Improving data quality and quantifying error are key to delivering effective monitoring and understanding the dynamic structure of the metacommunity.The complexity and natural variability of ecosystems present a challenge for reliable detection of change due to anthropogenic influences. This issue is exacerbated by necessary trade-offs that reduce the quality and resolution of survey data for assessments at large scales. The Peace–Athabasca Delta (PAD) is a large inland wetland complex in northern Alberta, Canada. Despite its geographic isolation, the PAD is threatened by encroachment of oil sands mining in the Athabasca watershed and hydroelectric dams in the Peace watershed. Methods capable of reliably detecting changes in ecosystem health are needed to evaluate and manage risks. Between 2011 and 2016, aquatic macroinvertebrates were sampled across a gradient of wetland flood frequency, applying both microscope-based morphological identification and DNA metabarcoding. By using multispecies occupancy models, we demonstrate that DNA metabarcoding detected a much broader range of taxa and more taxa per sample compared to traditional morphological identification and was essential to identifying significant responses to flood and thermal regimes. We show that family-level occupancy masks high variation among genera and quantify the bias of barcoding primers on the probability of detection in a natural community. Interestingly, patterns of community assembly were nearly random, suggesting a strong role of stochasticity in the dynamics of the metacommunity. This variability seriously compromises effective monitoring at local scales but also reflects resilience to hydrological and thermal variability. Nevertheless, simulations showed the greater efficiency of metabarcoding, particularly at a finer taxonomic resolution, provided the statistical power needed to detect change at the landscape scale

    Freshwater invertebrate responses to fine sediment stress: a multi-continent perspective

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    Excessive fine sediment (particles <2 mm) deposition in freshwater systems is a pervasive stressor worldwide. However, understanding of ecological response to excess fine sediment in river systems at the global scale is limited. Here, we aim to address whether there is a consistent response to increasing levels of deposited fine sediment by freshwater invertebrates across multiple geographic regions (Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, and the UK). Results indicate ecological responses are not globally consistent and are instead dependent on both the region and the facet of invertebrate diversity considered, i.e., taxonomic or functional trait structure. Invertebrate communities of Australia were most sensitive to deposited fine sediment, with the greatest rate of change in communities occurring when fine sediment cover was low (below 25% of the reach). Communities in the UK displayed greater tolerance with most compositional change occurring between 30-60% cover. In both New Zealand and Brazil, which included the most heavily sedimented sampled streams, the communities were more tolerant or demonstrated ambiguous responses, likely due to historic environmental filtering of invertebrate communities. We conclude that ecological responses to fine sediment are not generalisable globally and are dependent on landscape filters with regional context and historic land management playing important roles
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