223 research outputs found

    Clinical Requirements of Future Patient Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit: Qualitative Study

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    BACKGROUND: In the intensive care unit (ICU), continuous patient monitoring is essential to detect critical changes in patients' health statuses and to guide therapy. The implementation of digital health technologies for patient monitoring may further improve patient safety. However, most monitoring devices today are still based on technologies from the 1970s. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate statements by ICU staff on the current patient monitoring systems and their expectations for future technological developments in order to investigate clinical requirements and barriers to the implementation of future patient monitoring. METHODS: This prospective study was conducted at three intensive care units of a German university hospital. Guideline-based interviews with ICU staff-5 physicians, 6 nurses, and 4 respiratory therapists-were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the grounded theory approach. RESULTS: Evaluating the current monitoring system, ICU staff put high emphasis on usability factors such as intuitiveness and visualization. Trend analysis was rarely used; inadequate alarm management as well as the entanglement of monitoring cables were rated as potential patient safety issues. For a future system, the importance of high usability was again emphasized; wireless, noninvasive, and interoperable monitoring sensors were desired; mobile phones for remote patient monitoring and alarm management optimization were needed; and clinical decision support systems based on artificial intelligence were considered useful. Among perceived barriers to implementation of novel technology were lack of trust, fear of losing clinical skills, fear of increasing workload, and lack of awareness of available digital technologies. CONCLUSIONS: This qualitative study on patient monitoring involves core statements from ICU staff. To promote a rapid and sustainable implementation of digital health solutions in the ICU, all health care stakeholders must focus more on user-derived findings. Results on alarm management or mobile devices may be used to prepare ICU staff to use novel technology, to reduce alarm fatigue, to improve medical device usability, and to advance interoperability standards in intensive care medicine. For digital transformation in health care, increasing the trust and awareness of ICU staff in digital health technology may be an essential prerequisite

    Virtuelles Netzwerken im Spannungsfeld sozialer und ökonomischer Rationalität

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    Die politische Öffnung der Welt, die Deregulierung der Märkte sowie die informationstechnischen Möglichkeiten zur Restrukturierung von Unternehmungen werden begleitet von einer zunehmenden Verbreitung entstandardisierter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse und dem Rückgang klassischer Erwerbsbiographien (vgl. Weber 2005). Sie bilden den Nährboden für die Entstehung flexibler Modelle nicht-klassischer Organisations- und Arbeitsformen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die zunehmende Freisetzung hoch qualifizierter freiberuflicher Wissensarbeiter, die in Branchen wie IT- und Management-Beratung oder Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung tätig sind und sich in selbstorganisierten Netzwerken zusammenschließen. Eine bessere Außendarstellung und günstigere Bedingungen zur Auftragsakquise einerseits, sowie die Möglichkeit zur Bearbeitung komplexer kurzfristig personalintensiver Projekte, zu Fortbildungen, zu beruflichem und persönlichem Austausch andererseits, sind häufig genannte Vorteile, die ein Zusammenschluss im Netzwerk bieten kann

    Creation of an Evidence-Based Implementation Framework for Digital Health Technology in the Intensive Care Unit: Qualitative Study

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    Background: Digital health technologies such as continuous remote monitoring and artificial intelligence–driven clinical decision support systems could improve clinical outcomes in intensive care medicine. However, comprehensive evidence and guidelines for the successful implementation of digital health technologies into specific clinical settings such as the intensive care unit (ICU) are scarce. We evaluated the implementation of a remote patient monitoring platform and derived a framework proposal for the implementation of digital health technology in an ICU. Objective: This study aims to investigate barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a remote patient monitoring technology and to develop a proposal for an implementation framework for digital health technology in the ICU. Methods: This study was conducted from May 2018 to March 2020 during the implementation of a tablet computer–based remote patient monitoring system. The system was installed in the ICU of a large German university hospital as a supplementary monitoring device. Following a hybrid qualitative approach with inductive and deductive elements, we used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research and the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change to analyze the transcripts of 7 semistructured interviews with clinical ICU stakeholders and descriptive questionnaire data. The results of the qualitative analysis, together with the findings from informal meetings, field observations, and previous explorations, provided the basis for the derivation of the proposed framework. Results: This study revealed an insufficient implementation process due to lack of staff engagement and few perceived benefits from the novel solution. Further implementation barriers were the high staff presence and monitoring coverage in the ICU. The implementation framework includes strategies to be applied before and during implementation, targeting the implementation setting by involving all ICU stakeholders, assessing the intervention’s adaptability, facilitating the implementation process, and maintaining a vital feedback culture. Setting up a unit responsible for implementation, considering the guidance of an implementation advisor, and building on existing institutional capacities could improve the institutional context of implementation projects in the ICU. Conclusions: Implementation of digital health in the ICU should involve a thorough preimplementation assessment of the ICU’s need for innovation and its readiness to change, as well as an ongoing evaluation of the implementation conditions. Involvement of all stakeholders, transparent communication, and continuous feedback in an equal atmosphere are essential, but leadership roles must be clearly defined and competently filled. Our proposed framework may guide health care providers with concrete, evidence-based, and step-by-step recommendations for implementation practice, facilitating the introduction of digital health in intensive care. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03514173; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0351417

    A Remote Patient-Monitoring System for Intensive Care Medicine: Mixed Methods Human-Centered Design and Usability Evaluation

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    Background: Continuous monitoring of vital signs is critical for ensuring patient safety in intensive care units (ICUs) and is becoming increasingly relevant in general wards. The effectiveness of health information technologies such as patient-monitoring systems is highly determined by usability, the lack of which can ultimately compromise patient safety. Usability problems can be identified and prevented by involving users (ie, clinicians). Objective: In this study, we aim to apply a human-centered design approach to evaluate the usability of a remote patient-monitoring system user interface (UI) in the ICU context and conceptualize and evaluate design changes. Methods: Following institutional review board approval (EA1/031/18), a formative evaluation of the monitoring UI was performed. Simulated use tests with think-aloud protocols were conducted with ICU staff (n=5), and the resulting qualitative data were analyzed using a deductive analytic approach. On the basis of the identified usability problems, we conceptualized informed design changes and applied them to develop an improved prototype of the monitoring UI. Comparing the UIs, we evaluated perceived usability using the System Usability Scale, performance efficiency with the normative path deviation, and effectiveness by measuring the task completion rate (n=5). Measures were tested for statistical significance using a 2-sample t test, Poisson regression with a generalized linear mixed-effects model, and the N-1 chi-square test. P<.05 were considered significant. Results: We found 37 individual usability problems specific to monitoring UI, which could be assigned to six subcodes: usefulness of the system, response time, responsiveness, meaning of labels, function of UI elements, and navigation. Among user ideas and requirements for the UI were high usability, customizability, and the provision of audible alarm notifications. Changes in graphics and design were proposed to allow for better navigation, information retrieval, and spatial orientation. The UI was revised by creating a prototype with a more responsive design and changes regarding labeling and UI elements. Statistical analysis showed that perceived usability improved significantly (System Usability Scale design A: mean 68.5, SD 11.26, n=5; design B: mean 89, SD 4.87, n=5; P=.003), as did performance efficiency (normative path deviation design A: mean 8.8, SD 5.26, n=5; design B: mean 3.2, SD 3.03, n=5; P=.001), and effectiveness (design A: 18 trials, failed 7, 39% times, passed 11, 61% times; design B: 20 trials, failed 0 times, passed 20 times; P=.002). Conclusions: Usability testing with think-aloud protocols led to a patient-monitoring UI with significantly improved usability, performance, and effectiveness. In the ICU work environment, difficult-to-use technology may result in detrimental outcomes for staff and patients. Technical devices should be designed to support efficient and effective work processes. Our results suggest that this can be achieved by applying basic human-centered design methods and principles. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03514173; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0351417

    Comportamento das argamassas de revestimento no estado fresco, compostas com areia de britagem de rocha calcária e areia natural

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar o comportamento da areia de britagem de rocha calcária na argamassade revestimento. Foram propostas cinco composições de traço, a primeira com 100% areia natural, que seráusado como traço de referência, a segunda composição com 80% areia natural, e 20% areia de britagem derocha calcária, o terceiro com 60% areia natural e 40% areia de britagem de rocha calcária, o quarto com40% areia natural e 60% areia de britagem de rocha calcária, e o quinto com 20% areia natural e 80% areiade britagem de rocha calcária. Os traços das argamassas foram compostos com cimento, areia, água e aditivoplastificante, sem a presença da cal, e estas foram ensaiadas no estado fresco. Os resultados mostraram que ostraços compostos com a areia de britagem de rocha calcária apresentaram melhor desempenho que o traço dereferência, composto apenas com areia natural. O traço com 60% de areia natural e 40% de areia de britagemde rocha calcária apresentou melhor desempenho, tendo apresentado uma curva granulométrica dentro dazona ótima superior e inferior exigido pela norma. A relevância desse estudo se deve ao fato de que, a areiade britagem é um resíduo que gera um importante passivo ambiental. Portanto a utilização desse tipo de resíduo,possibilita a redução desse impacto ambiental.Palavras-chave: Argamassa de revestimento. Areia natural. Areia de britagem de rocha calcária


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    A origem do oxigênio é um dos aspectos mais fascinantes da história da Terra, existem diversas teorias que explicam este fenômeno. O evento mais importante da vida ocorrido há bilhões de anos transformou-se no que se conhece como a grande oxidação, podendo surgir a partir de duas hipóteses: hipótese heterotrófica e hipótese autotrófica. A hipótese heterotrófica defende que os primeiros seres vivos a surgir seriam os seres heterotróficos, os mesmos captavam a glicose no oceano primitivo e transformavam em energia para a sua multiplicação. Com o passar do tempo estes seres começaram a competir pela glicose presente, dando origem aos processos de fermentação, quimiossíntese, fotossíntese anaeróbica e finalmente a fotossíntese aeróbica. Já a hipótese autotrófica alega que os primeiros seres seriam os autotróficos, pois a Terra primitiva não teria glicose o suficiente para sustentar a multiplicação dos primeiros seres até o surgimento da fotossíntese, sendo assim, 1% dos seres deveriam ser quimiolitoautotróficos, produzindo suas próprias substâncias a partir da oxidação de componentes da crosta terrestre. A ideia tem se consolidado através da descoberta de microrganismos denominados arqueas (arqueobactérias). Sendo assim, o oxigênio surgiu a partir dos seres fotossintetizantes aeróbios, que possuem a clorofila e transformam o CO2 em glicose. No primeiro momento, o oxigênio foi altamente tóxico para a maioria dos seres vivos. Acredita-se que a primeira grande extinção em massa da vida ocorreu devido ao surgimento do oxigênio, acabando com quase toda a vida na Terra, dando origem a um evento chamado “O Holocausto do Oxigênio”, um tipo de organismo sobrevivente (cianobactérias) que a vida na Terra passou a evoluir e se adaptar com a existência do oxigênio. Desse modo, pretende-se com este trabalho comprovar uma das hipóteses utilizando um método experimental em laboratório. Tal experimento consiste em simular uma condição de ambiente anaeróbico e inserir um organismo anaeróbico que sobrevive na decomposição da matéria orgânica e na liberação de oxigênio. Posteriormente, será feita a análise da presença de oxigênio. Espera-se obter resultados que comprovem uma das teorias apresentadas

    Efeito da adição de escória de altoforno em compósitos com bambu mossô

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da adição de diferentes teores escória de alto-forno à carvãovegetal em compósitos com bambu mossô (Phyllostachys pubescens), identificando o grau de compatibilidadeentre esses componentes. O grau de compatibilidade foi determinado através do estudo do calor de hidrataçãonas primeiras 24 h e pela resistência à compressão axial após 14 dias dos compósitos formados por cimento,biomassa e escória de alto-forno. Os resultados dos ensaios de inibição demonstraram que o percentualde 50% de escória de foi o melhor para a redução da alcalinidade da matriz cimentícia e, consequentemente,aumento da compatibilidade entre a biomassa de bambu e o cimento Portland. Para a resistência à compressão,os teores de 25 a 70% apresentaram melhora desta propriedade, demonstrando, assim, que a adiçãode escória de alto-forno aumentou a compatibilidade entre o cimento e a biomassa de bambu. Concluindo-seque esta pode ser utilizada para a confecção de compósitos cimento-biomassa vegetal.Palavras-chave: Compósitos. Compatibilidade. Escória de alto-forno

    Macrolide- and Telithromycin-resistant Streptococcus pyogenes, Belgium, 1999–20031

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    We found a 13% macrolide resistance in 3,866 Streptococcus pyogenes isolated from tonsillopharyngitis patients; 59% macrolide-resistant isolates were distributed in 5 clones, suggesting the importance of both resistance gene transfer and clonal dissemination in the spread of these organisms. We also report one of the largest collections of telithromycin-resistant isolates
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