13 research outputs found

    Es geht nicht nur um Curricula - ein Beispiel für partizipative Studiengestaltung

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    Um die Qualität und Studierbarkeit der Bachelor- und Masterstudien zu verbessern, wurde an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) das Projekt „BOKU-Studien für die Zukunft“ gestartet, das in einen kontinuierlichen Prozess der Weiterentwicklung der Curricula und des Kernbereichs Lehre insgesamt mündete. Hinter der gewählten Vorgehensweise steht der Grundsatz, dass der Bereich Lehre umfassend mit all seinen Teilaspekten zu betrachten ist. Die Schaffung von breit angelegten Mitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten trägt dazu bei, den Akteurinnen und Akteuren ihre aktive Rolle bei der Generierung von Neuem zu vermitteln und das Wissen um und das Verständnis für notwendige Änderungen zu erhöhen. Aus den bewährten Interaktionsprozessen kann ein Innovationsmodell abgeleitet werden, dessen Erfolg in einem Wechselspiel zwischen institutionalisierten und nicht-formalen Akteuerinnen und Akteuren begründet ist. 02.11.2011 | Susanna-Maria Henkel & Monika Sieghardt (Wien

    Clay minerals and selected ecological aspects of soils on Veli Brijun Island, Croatia

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    An academic cooperation agreement between the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) and the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Zagreb was established in September 2000. In the context of this agreement, the Institute of Forest Ecology of BOKU was asked to develop a sustainable concept for the continuation of the devastated arboretum at Brijuni. The arboretum was established in1987.The basic idea of the two initiators, Prof. Dr. Ž. Borzan and Prof. Dr. M. Vidaković, was to give a floristic general view on the Mediterranean flora as well as on trees and shrubs from completely different climatic zones of the world (BORZAN et al., 1993). Plants from various countries were chosen as examples to document the lively diplomatic activities of the former Yugoslavian President Tito. Costly facilities to maintain the arboretum, like paved pathways, water supply, a nursery and a house for employees and guests, were established. Due to warfare these investments were destroyed, the maintenance of the arboretum was neglected and furthermore completely abandoned. At present, the arboretum is in a poor condition. The fence isfull of holes, so that deer can enter the arboretum regularly and feed on tree seedlings. Many of the non-autochthonous plants died as a consequence of the Mediterranean climate and lack of care. The hypothes is of the ecological survey carried out by undergraduate student, Tomislav Erstić, was whether the general idea of the initiators of the arboretum could be sustainably continued, or whether an improved concept should be developed under the present ecological conditions with less maintenance efforts. Scientific soil research seemed to be a fundamental tool to prove these ecological hypotheses and was meant to support the elaborated concept. Data on mineralogical, physical, chemical and hydrological soil properties were collected and evaluated. Their ecological relevance was analyzed and served as fundament to the presented concept for the arboretum “Putevima Mira” (ERSTIĆ, 2005)

    Clay minerals and selected ecological aspects of soils on the island Veliki Brijun, Croatia

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    The archipelago Brijuni is located southwest of Pula, parallel to the peninsula of Istria. Veliki Brijun is the largest and most important island, where the major part of the cultural heritage and the most important new objects are situated. A well equipped arboretum with a costly infrastructure was established in 1987. The basic idea was to give a floristic overview on the Mediterranean flora as well as on trees and shrubs from completely different floristic areas from various countries as examples to document the lively diplomatic activities of the former Yugoslavian President Tito. Due to the war and abandoned care the arboretum is in a bad condition. An ecological survey was carried out by a diploma student to proof the hypothesis whether the general idea of the initiators of the arboretum is sustainable or whether an improved concept should be developed under the present ecological conditions with less maintenance efforts. Scientific soil research seemed to be a fundamental tool to answer these ecological hypotheses and was meant to support a new concept

    Soil Properties under Selected Homestead Grown Indigenous Tree and Shrub Species in the Highland Areas of Central Ethiopia

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    A study was conducted in Galessa-Jeldu areas to evaluate soil pH, organic C, total N, available P and exchangeable bases under four indigenous and one exotic tree species, and to examine the correlation between the different soil properties. The tree and shrub species included in the study were Senecio gigas Vatke, Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel., Dombeya torrida (J.F. Gmel.) P. Bamps, Buddleja polystachya Fres. and Chamaecytisus palmensis (Christ) Bisby and K. The first four are indigenous, while the last one is an exotic N-fixing species. The soil pH values under H. abyssinica and S. gigas were above 6.34 as compared to the soil pH values under C. palmensis, D. torrid and B. polystachya. Total N was slightly higher under H. abyssinica although not statistically different with the N content under other species. Organic C was higher under H. abyssinica than under B. polystachya. The variation for exchangeable K was more at 0-15 cm soil depth than at the 15-30 and 30-50 cm soil depths. The correlation between soil pH and total N as well as pH and organic C was positive in almost all the horizontal positions. Hagenia abyssinica, S. gigas and C. palmensis are some of the potential species that can be evaluated in different land-use systems of the high altitude areas to protect the loss of plant nutrients

    Clay minerals and selected ecological aspects of soils on Veli Brijun Island, Croatia

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    An academic cooperation agreement between the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) and the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Zagreb was established in September 2000. In the context of this agreement, the Institute of Forest Ecology of BOKU was asked to develop a sustainable concept for the continuation of the devastated arboretum at Brijuni. The arboretum was established in1987.The basic idea of the two initiators, Prof. Dr. Ž. Borzan and Prof. Dr. M. Vidaković, was to give a floristic general view on the Mediterranean flora as well as on trees and shrubs from completely different climatic zones of the world (BORZAN et al., 1993). Plants from various countries were chosen as examples to document the lively diplomatic activities of the former Yugoslavian President Tito. Costly facilities to maintain the arboretum, like paved pathways, water supply, a nursery and a house for employees and guests, were established. Due to warfare these investments were destroyed, the maintenance of the arboretum was neglected and furthermore completely abandoned. At present, the arboretum is in a poor condition. The fence isfull of holes, so that deer can enter the arboretum regularly and feed on tree seedlings. Many of the non-autochthonous plants died as a consequence of the Mediterranean climate and lack of care. The hypothes is of the ecological survey carried out by undergraduate student, Tomislav Erstić, was whether the general idea of the initiators of the arboretum could be sustainably continued, or whether an improved concept should be developed under the present ecological conditions with less maintenance efforts. Scientific soil research seemed to be a fundamental tool to prove these ecological hypotheses and was meant to support the elaborated concept. Data on mineralogical, physical, chemical and hydrological soil properties were collected and evaluated. Their ecological relevance was analyzed and served as fundament to the presented concept for the arboretum “Putevima Mira” (ERSTIĆ, 2005)

    Clay minerals and selected ecological aspects of soils on the island Veliki Brijun, Croatia

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    The archipelago Brijuni is located southwest of Pula, parallel to the peninsula of Istria. Veliki Brijun is the largest and most important island, where the major part of the cultural heritage and the most important new objects are situated. A well equipped arboretum with a costly infrastructure was established in 1987. The basic idea was to give a floristic overview on the Mediterranean flora as well as on trees and shrubs from completely different floristic areas from various countries as examples to document the lively diplomatic activities of the former Yugoslavian President Tito. Due to the war and abandoned care the arboretum is in a bad condition. An ecological survey was carried out by a diploma student to proof the hypothesis whether the general idea of the initiators of the arboretum is sustainable or whether an improved concept should be developed under the present ecological conditions with less maintenance efforts. Scientific soil research seemed to be a fundamental tool to answer these ecological hypotheses and was meant to support a new concept

    A preliminary study of the content and distribution of pesticide residues in soil samples from the Kathmandu valley, Nepal Estudio preliminar sobre el contenido y distribución de residuos de pesticidas en suelos del valle de Katmandú, Nepal Estudo preliminar sobre o teor e distribuição de resíduos de pesticidas em amostras de solos do vale de Kathmandu, Nepal

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    The increasing use of pesticides for agricultural production is causing soil pollution problems in different parts of Nepal. Uncontaminated agricultural soils are of great importance as they have a direct impact on food security and human health. The objective of this study was to investigate the quality and quantity of pesticides in soil samples from districts near the capital city of Kathmandu, from where fruit and vegetables are brought to the city for consumption. A questionnaire survey was carried out in four districts around Kathmandu city to investigate the types of pesticides that are most commonly used in these districts. A total of 15 soil samples were taken at a depth of 10 cm and four complete soil profiles were sampled at three different depths (10 cm, 30 cm and 50 cm) on the farms of those who were interviewed. A total of four replicates of each soil sample were extracted and analyzed. The pH, soil texture and organic carbon content of the soil samples were analyzed to understand the general soil characteristics. The QuEChERS method used for the analysis of food samples was modified and applied to the soil samples. An HPLC-MS/MS was used for the qualification and quantification of the pesticide residues in the soil samples. The questionnaire survey revealed that carbendazim, chlorpyrifos-methyl, parathion-methyl, imidacloprid, metalaxyl, dimethoate, omethoate and dichlorvos were the most commonly used pesticides in the area studied. The chemical analysis showed that soil samples from all the districts except Kathmandu city were contaminated with various pesticides. The soil samples collected at the depth of 10 cm were found to be contaminated with the fungicide carbendazim and the insecticide chlorpyrifos-methyl at rates of up to 0.038 mg kg-1 and the systemic insecticide imidacloprid was found at up to 0.016 mg kg-1. The study of soil samples taken at different depths (10 cm, 30 cm and 50 cm) showed that pesticides were homogenously distributed with soil depth. The recovery between 77.5-112%, linearity between 0.01 mg kg-l - 2 mg kg-l with correlation factors R2 higher than 0.99 and LOQ between 0.2 µg kg-1- 6.25 µg kg-l were found. Some samples were contaminated with parathion-methyl, a highly carcinogenic organophosphorous insecticide, even though these pesticides had already been banned. For the first time, this study provides information about soil contamination levels due to pesticides in Central Nepal and shows that further research and information campaigns for farmers are necessary.<br>El uso creciente de pesticidas para la producción agrícola está ocasionando problemas de contaminación de suelos en diferentes partes de Nepal. Los suelos agrícolas no contaminados son de gran importancia puesto que tienen un impacto directo sobre la seguridad alimentaria y la salud humana. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la calidad y cantidad de pesticidas en muestras de suelo de distintos distritos cercanos a la capital de Nepal, Katmandú, que abastecen de fruta y verdura a esta ciudad. Se llevó a cabo un cuestionario en cuatro distritos de los alrededores de Katmandú para evaluar los tipos de pesticidas de uso más común en ellos. Se tomaron 15 muestras de suelo a una profundidad de 10 cm y se muestrearon cuatro perfiles de suelos a tres profundidades distintas (10, 30 y 50 cm) en las granjas de las personas encuestadas. Se tomaron cuatro réplicas de cada muestra de suelo, analizando pH, textura y contenido en carbono orgánico. Para el análisis de las muestras de suelos se utilizó una modificación del método QuEChERS aplicado a alimentos y la caracterización y cuantificación de los residuos de pesticidas en suelos se llevó a cabo por HPLC-MS/MS. El cuestionario realizado reveló que los pesticidas más comunes utilizados en el área de estudio eran carbendazim, chlorpyrifos-methyl, parathion-methyl, imidacloprid, metalaxyl, dimethoate, omethoate y dichlorvos. El análisis químico mostró que todas las muestras de suelo de todos los distritos estaban contaminadas con varios pesticidas excepto las procedentes de la ciudad de Katmandú. Las muestras de suelo a 10 cm estaban contaminadas con el fungicida carbendazim y el insecticida chlorpyrifos-methyl en valores de hasta 0,038 mg kg-1. El insecticida sistemático imidacloprid se encontró en concentraciones de hasta 0,016 mg kg-1. El estudio realizado con suelos muestreados a varias profundidades (10, 30 y 50 cm) mostró que los pesticidas analizados estaban distribuidos homogéneamente a lo largo de todo el perfil. Se obtuvo una recuperación entre el 77,5% y 112%, con una linearidad entre 0,01 y 2 mg kg-1 con factores de correlación R2 superiores a 0,99 y un LOQ entre 0.2 µg kg-1 y 6.25 µg kg-1. Algunas muestras de suelo estaban contaminadas con parathion-methyl, un insecticida organofosforado con alto poder cancerígeno, a pesar de que su uso está prohibido. Este trabajo representa el primer estudio realizado sobre niveles de contaminación en suelos debidos a pesticidas en la zona de Nepal Central y muestra que son necesarios futuros estudios y campañas informativas para los agricultores de estas áreas.<br>A utilização crescente do uso de pesticidas em produção agricola tem conduzido a situações de poluição em diferentes zonas do Nepal. Os solos agrícolas não contaminados desempenham um importante papel uma vez que têm um impacto direto na segurança alimentar e saúde humana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a qualidade e quantidade de pesticidas em amostras de solo dos distritos vizinhos da capital, cidade de Kathmandu, locais onde têm origem as frutas e legumes consumidos na capital. Foi realizado um inquérito em quatro distritos em redor da cidade de Kathmandu para investigar os tipos de pesticidas que são mais comumente usados. Recolheu-se um total de 15 amostras de solo com uma profundidade de 10 cm e amostraram-se nas fazendas dos agricultores entrevistados quatro perfis de solo completos a três profundidades diferentes (10 cm, 30 cm e 50 cm). Extraíu-se e analisou-se um total de quatro repetições de cada amostra de solo. Determinou-se o pH, textura do solo e teor de carbono orgânico nas amostras de solo analisadas para uma melhor compreensão das características gerais do solo. O método QuEChERS utilizado para a análise de amostras de alimentos foi modificado e aplicado para a análise dos solos. Para a qualificação e quantificação dos resíduos de pesticidas nas amostras de solo usou-se a HPLC-MS/MS. O questionário revelou que o carbendazim, cloropirifos-metilo, paratião-metilo, imidacloprid, metalaxil, dimetoato, ometoato e diclorvos eram os pesticidas mais utilizados na área estudada. A análise química demonstrou que as amostras de solo de todos os distritos, exceto as da cidade de Kathmandu, estavam contaminadas com vários pesticidas. As amostras de solo recolhidas a uma profundidade de 10 cm apresentavam contaminação com o fungicida carbendazim e com o insecticida clorpirifos-metilo até valores de 0,038 mg kg-1 e com o inseticida sistémico imidaclopride até 0,016 mg kg-1. O estudo de amostras de solo a diferentes profundidades (10 cm, 30 cm e 50 cm) demonstrou que ocorreu uma distribuição homogénea dos pesticidas com a profundidade de solo. Foi encontrada uma recuperação entre 77,5-112%, linearidade entre 0,01 mg kg-1 - 2mg kg-1 com fatores de correlação R2 superiores a 0,99 e LOQ entre 0,2 µg kg-1 - 6,25 µg kg-1. Algumas amostras foram contaminadas com paratião-metilo, um inseticida organofosforado altamente cancerígeno, embora estes pesticidas já tenham sido retirados do mercado e proíbido o seu uso. Este estudo forneceu pela primeira vez informações sobre os níveis de contaminação do solo devido a pesticidas no Nepal Central e mostra a necessidade de uma investigação mais profunda bem como de realização de campanhas de informação junto dos agricultores