44 research outputs found


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    This study explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on educational institutions and their employees, focusing on School Financial Sustainability during the pandemic era. It investigates the influence of demographic variables, including educational background and geographic location, on employee attitudes towards financial sustainability strategies implemented by schools. A sample of 100 participants from Haryana, India, was surveyed and interviewed. The research employs frequency analysis and chi-square analysis to derive insights from the quantitative data, while demographic attributes are collected through structured questionnaires. Qualitative information is gathered from sources such as online articles, journals, books, and focus group discussions. The findings reveal that the pandemic strained school finances, affecting enrollment, technology expenses, and government funding. Employee experiences, influenced by demographic variables, played a crucial role in shaping their responses to financial strategies. Tailored support and resource allocation are essential to address diverse employee needs, ensuring resilience and equity for long-term financial sustainability in post-pandemic educational institutions

    Services Marketing: Challenges and Strategies

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    A service system is dynamic configuration of people technology organization and shared information that creates and delivers value between the provider and the customer through service. Service is any act or performance that one party offers to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in any ownership. Today almost every service organization is facing the marketing challenges in business environment due to the basic characteristics of services. This paper focuses on the concepts of services marketing in broad manner and identifies the major challenges of services marketing in today’s global market place

    Salaried Strata Investment Behavior Towards Financial Products-review and Prospects for Future Research

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    The financial surface of the globe at all times reveals a weirdly balanced impact of the public investment preferences, their understanding of the investment requirements, their anticipation of returns on their investments etc. Perhaps forecasting the growth of the business world would be crucial without an opposite comprehension of the investment behavior of the key part of the society called salaried class. This paper covers appraisal of various financial instruments like equity/stocks, term deposits in banks, kisan vikas patra, national savings certificate, insurance policies, mutual fund and converse the factors persuading investment decision process. The major factors influencing the financial investment behavior are demographic factors (like age, income, qualification, gender, etc.) and socio-economic factors (like family income, tax benefits, the safety of fund, risk inclination, return on investment). This study aims to serve a channel to the need for a comprehension of the financial objectives of the salaried class investors with that of their determined desire for the investment returns. Certainly, this information could unwrap the prospect of predicting even the future of Indian Economy itself besides, providing span to fine-tuning the investment prudence of the public towards progressive and fruitful choices for themselves and the nation

    Scope of Women Entrepreneurship in India

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    The growth and development of any country depends upon how well its resources, be it physical, financial or human, are put to use. Amongst these resources, the most vital are the human resources. It is these human resources who utilize other resources and contribute to development of the nation. Richness in material and financial resources will be insufficient if a nation lacks entrepreneurship amongst its people. The human resources of any country must possess enterprising spirit which is a pre requisite for growth. An entrepreneur not only earns his livelihood but also creates opportunities for others. Women form an essential part of the human resource of any country. They make a sustained effort towards the development of the country. The entrepreneurial scenario in India has changed over the years. India has witnessed a splurge in women entrepreneurs in the last decade. Overcoming the barriers of the patriarchal society existing in the country, women have come forward and proved that they too have the capabilities and innovative thinking to start their own business. This paper focuses on the rising trend of women entrepreneurship in India, the hurdles that they face and the initiatives taken by the government to support and encourage women in their endeavors. It also discusses some of the successful women entrepreneurs of India


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    Objective: Extraction and purification of Organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) enzyme from Brevundimonas diminuta and to study kinetic properties of the purified enzyme. Methods: The enzyme was extracted from bacteria and purified by using a combination of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography and the purity of an enzyme was checked by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The activity of the purified enzyme was monitored by enzyme assay and total protein content was determined by using Lowry's method. The kinetic properties of the enzyme were also studied. Results: A 72 kDa organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) enzyme was extracted and purified. The purified enzyme was homodimer and showed a single band on SDS-PAGE. The Michaelis constant (Km) and maximal velocity (Vmax) values of free OPH enzyme for methyl parathion as substrate was 285.71 μM and 50 μM/min respectively. At optimum pH (7.5) and incubation temperature (35°C), free enzyme showed maximum activity with incubation time of 8 min. Conclusion: The bacteria contain OPH enzyme with high potential to detoxify OP pesticides, attractive for bioremediation due to good pH & temperature conditions, were also useful in development of bio analytical techniques such as biosensors for OP pesticide detection

    Axial-vector charges of the spin 12+\frac{1}{2}^+ and spin 32+\frac{3}{2}^+ light and charmed baryons in the SU(4) chiral quark constituent model

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    Following the first clear evidence of the presence of intrinsic charm contribution in the proton, the axial-vector charges of the light and charmed baryons are investigated in the framework of SU(4)SU(4) chiral constituent quark model after including the explicit contributions from the uuˉu\bar u , ddˉd\bar d , ssˉs\bar s and ccˉc\bar c fluctuations. The axial-vector charges having physical significance correspond to the generators of the SU(4)SU(4) group with flavor singlet λ0\lambda^0, flavor isovector λ3\lambda^3, flavor hypercharge λ8\lambda^8 and flavor charmed λ15\lambda^{15} combinations of axial-vector current at zero momentum transfer. In contemplation to further understand the Q2Q^2 dependence of these charges, we have used the conventionally established dipole form of parametrization. The baryons considered here are the spin 12+\frac{1}{2}^+ and spin 32+\frac{3}{2}^+ multiplets decomposed further depending on the charm content of baryons.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures. To appear in The European Physical Journal Plu