1,499 research outputs found

    High on Habits

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    The neural circuits involved in learning and executing goal-directed actions, which are governed by action-outcome contingencies and sensitive to changes in the expected value of the outcome, have been shown to be different from those mediating habits, which are less dependent on action-outcome relations and changes in outcome value. Extended training, different reinforcement schedules, and substances of abuse have been shown to induce a shift from goal-directed performance to habitual performance. This shift can be beneficial in everyday life, but can also lead to loss of voluntary control and compulsive behavior, namely during drug seeking in addiction. Although the brain circuits underlying habit formation are becoming clearer, the molecular mechanisms underlying habit formation are still not understood. Here, we review a recent study where Hilario et al. (2007) established behavioral procedures to investigate habit formation in mice in order to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying habit formation. Using those procedures, and a combination of genetic and pharmacological tools, the authors showed that endocannabinoid signaling is critical for habit formation

    Integrated coastal management in Latin America : the ever new world

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    The advancement of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Latin American countries may vary from established programs to experimental phase implementation and even inexistence. This creates an opportunity for the development of new ideas and experiments, especially in the quite long stretches of littoral where no occupation has yet been planned or consolidated. However there are localized issues that need to be attended with certain degree of urgency, especially in coastal settings that have been urbanized, developed for industry and/or are situated around port facilities. Spain and Portugal implemented the marine and environmental policies of European Union and may be seen as models for public and private ICZM initiatives. These situations created opportunities and needs that are somehow reflected in dedicated scientific production, as well as in social impact and the related capacity building programs. We surveyed some key costal management journals to know how Latin American based academics are doing in their mission of creating, developing and discussing ICZM along our diverse shores stretching along all climatic zones. Capacity building programs and exchange networks were also scrutinized. Results suggest that the thematic participation in the major publication channels is modest and needs to improve in number and diversity of subjects bringing obvious benefits to the policy and decision makers. Capacity building programs are still in its infancy across the region. There are no, or very few, specialized educational programs to form practitioners and scientists at all academic levels. Training programs integrating countries around all aspects of ICZM are even scarcer. Coordinated actions, such as networks across the political borders are one of the many future needs we point out here as being the next frontier for thinkers and managers in the region.A Gestão Integrada da Zona Costeira (GIZC) nos países da América Latina se encontra em diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento, desde programas estabelecidos, passando por níveis experimentais e pela não-existência de iniciativas de GIZC em alguns casos. Isso cria uma predisposição para o desenvolvimento de novas ideias e experiências, especialmente nos longos trechos de litoral, nos quais a ocupação ainda não foi planejada e/ou consolidada. Há, no entanto, questões localizadas que precisam ser atendidas de imediato, especialmente em ambientes costeiros que já foram urbanizados, industrializados ou ainda que se desenvolveram em torno de instalações portuárias. Espanha e Portugal - agora sob a influência da União Europeia - permanecem como nossos modelos de iniciativas de GIZC, tanto públicas quanto privadas. Estas oportunidades e necessidades de alguma forma refletem na produção local científica e seu impacto internacional, bem como em nossos programas de capacitação para a gestão integrada. Nós examinamos publicações de importância para gestão costeira a fim de averiguar como acadêmicos latino-americanos cumprem a sua missão de criar, desenvolver e discutir a GIZC. Analisamos também programas de capacitação e redes estabelecidas. As revistas mais representativas para a comunidade acadêmica de GIZC e que vem sendo publicadas pelo menos nos últimos 30 anos, e que foram brevemente examinadas nesta revisão foram a Ocean and Coastal Management, Coastal Management, Journal of Coastal Research e Journal of Coastal Conservation. Com relação aos programas de capacitação para a GIZC levou-se em consideração estudos recentes que demonstram que a maioria dos temas tratados nos cursos de pós-graduação acadêmicos relacionados com a GIZC não estão diretamente relacionadas com a gestão, mas sim às ciências natural, ou da terra, ou ainda à descrição da dinâmica costeira e ou poluição. Com apoio da Rede Ibero Americana de Gestão Costeira Integrada pode-se chegar a listagem de diversas redes que atuam na América Latina, Espanha e Portugal e que se relacionam com o tema. Os resultados sugerem que a representação nos principais veículos de publicação é tímido e precisa melhorar em número e diversidade de assuntos. Melhorias na publicação científica poderia levar a uma melhor utilização dos temas para o benefício dos tomadores de decisão. A capacitação também ainda está pouco desenvolvida na região. Existem poucos cursos especializados para formar técnicos e cientistas sobre o tema em níveis elevados de educação, ou nível de pós-graduação. Os programas de treinamento em torno de todos os aspectos da GIZC são ainda mais raros. A tendência em se considerar a perspectiva de integração como uma soma de conhecimentos disciplinares, não necessariamente ligados, são apresentadas em iniciativas de capacitação e produção científica. Esta abordagem é considerada falha pois, estas disciplinas, a maior parte do tempo, não se inter-relacionam para fornecer uma perspectiva holística para a gestão. Ações coordenadas, tais como redes, que ultrapassam as fronteiras políticas são uma das muitas necessidades futuras destacadas aqui como sendo a próxima fronteira para os pensadores e gestores da região

    Interannual and Seasonal Variations in Estuarine Water Quality

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    Anthropic processes degrade quality of estuarine environments, resulting in a worrying form of water pollution. The objective of the study was to describe and discuss interannual and seasonal changes of water quality based on indicators monitored in Goiana River estuary, as well as identifying the main drivers of such changes. We considered three estuarine areas or habitats (upper estuary, middle estuary and lower estuary), and two seasons (dry and rainy) for anchoring sample design. The information collected for surface and bottom water include water temperature (°C), salinity, dissolved oxygen (mg L−1), saturation (%) and Secchi depth (cm) (n = 864). The monthly total rainfall (mm) was compiled from public database. Multivariate analyses highlight inter dependency among these parameters. Water quality was reduced in dry periods (including episodes of hypoxia), but generally increased toward the mouth of estuary. Rainfall is the most important factor in the renewal and maintenance waters of small tropical estuaries. Regions most sensitive to climate change where water resources are depleted and/or compromised should pay even more attention to upcoming changes in rainfall (seasonal) and climatic patterns in addition to better water management practices

    Organization of plastid genomes in the freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales (Rhodophyta)

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    Little is known about genome organization in members of the order Batrachospermales, and the infra-ordinal relationship remains unresolved. Plastid (cp) genomes of seven members of the freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales were sequenced, with the following aims: (i) to describe the characteristics of cp genomes and compare these with other red algal groups; (ii) to infer the phylogenetic relationships among these members to better understand the infra-ordinal classification. Cp genomes of Batrachospermales are large, with several cases of gene loss, they are gene-dense (high gene content for the genome size and short intergenic regions) and have highly conserved gene order. Phylogenetic analyses based on concatenated nucleotide genome data roughly supports the current taxonomic system for the order. Comparative analyses confirm data for members of the class Florideophyceae that cp genomes in Batrachospermales is highly conserved, with little variation in gene composition. However, relevant new features were revealed in our study: genome sizes in members of Batrachospermales are close to the lowest values reported for Florideophyceae; differences in cp genome size within the order are large in comparison with other orders (Ceramiales, Gelidiales, Gracilariales, Hildenbrandiales, and Nemaliales); and members of Batrachospermales have the lowest number of protein-coding genes among the Florideophyceae. In terms of gene loss, apcF, which encodes the allophycocyanin beta subunit, is absent in all sequenced taxa of Batrachospermales. We reinforce that the interordinal relationships between the freshwater orders Batrachospermales and Thoreales within the Nemaliophycidae is not well resolved due to limited taxon sampling

    The constant-velocity highly collimated outflows of the planetary nebula He 2-90

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    We present high-dispersion echelle spectroscopic observations and a narrow-band [N II] image of the remarkable jet-like features of He 2-90. They are detected in the echelle spectra in the H-alpha and [N II] lines but not in other nebular lines. The [N II]/H-alpha ratio is uniformly high, ~1. The observed kinematics reveals bipolar collimated outflows in the jet-like features and shows that the southeast (northwest) component expands towards (away from) the observer at a remarkably constant line-of-sight velocity, 26.0+-0.5 km/s. The observed expansion velocity and the opening angle of the jet-like features are used to estimate an inclination angle of ~5 degrees with respect to the sky plane and a space expansion velocity of ~290 km/s. The spectrum of the bright central nebula reveals a profusion of Fe lines and extended wings of the H-alpha line, similar to those seen in symbiotic stars and some young planetary nebulae that are presumed to host a mass-exchanging binary system. If this is the case for He 2-90, the constant velocity and direction of the jets require a very stable dynamic system against precession and warping.Comment: 8 pages (emulate ApJ), 5 figure, 1 tabl

    Dynamics of marine debris ingestion by profitable fishes along the estuarine ecocline

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    The dynamics of microfilament (<5 mm) ingestion were evaluated in three species of snooks. The ingestion of different colours and sizes of microfilaments were strongly associated with the spatio-temporal estuarine use and ontogenetic shifts of snooks. Their feeding ecology was also analysed to assess dietary relationships with patterns of contamination. All species were highly contaminated with microfilaments. The highest ingestion of microfilaments occurred in the adults, when fishes became the main prey item and also during the peak of fishing activities, in the rainy season. This suggests that trophic transfer, in addition to periods of high availability of microfilaments are important pathways for contamination. The ingestion of microfilaments of different colours and sizes was likely influenced by input sources. Blue microfilaments were frequently ingested, and appear to have both riverine and estuarine inputs, since they were ingested in all seasons and habitats. Purple and red microfilaments were more frequently ingested in the lower estuarine habitats. The length of microfilaments was also associated with environmental variability. Longer microfilaments were ingested in habitats with greater riverine influence, the opposite was observed for shorter microfilaments. Therefore, microfilament contamination in snooks are a consequence of their ecological patterns of estuarine uses through different seasons and life history stages


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    The available literature on marine debris and its impacts in the sub-Antarctic Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula and on the coasts of Antarctica was organized and interpreted here. A total of 98 documents covering from 1982 to 2010 were found and 95% had their full contents accessed. Seventy documents were on line scientific abstracts from the Commission on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The occurrence of marine debris in the Antarctic environment, fur seals entanglement in marine debris, interactions between seabirds and marine debris and long range transport of benthos on floating plastics were the main issues discussed. Fishing operations in the Southern Ocean were identified as the major source of marine debris, but according to the type of debris reported, plastics from lower latitudes may also cross the Polar Front (PF). Possible links between Antarctic and South America, the closest intercontinental connection, in relation to plastic marine debris pollution are highlighted. As reported for lower latitudinal gradients, plastic pollution is an important problem to the Antarctic environment. However, specific and detailed works are necessary since our current knowledge probably expose only a small part of the real problem. Concerning this sort of pollution in the Antarctic marine and coastal environments, we may be looking solely at the tip of iceberg.PLÁSTICOS   EN   EL   ECOSISTEMA   ANTÁRTICO:   ¿SERÁ   QUE   ESTAMOS   VIENDO SOLAMENTE LA PUNTA DEL ICEBERG?  En este trabajo fue organizada y interpretada la literatura científica relacionada con la presencia y los impactos de basura marina en islas sub-antárticas, en la Península Antártica y en la costa del continente Antártico. Fueron encontrados un total de 98 documentos, publicados entre 1982 e 2010, de los cuales se tuvo acceso a la totalidad del documento en el 95% de los casos. Setenta documentos son resúmenes científicos de la Comisión para la Conservación de los Recursos Marinos en la Antártica (CCAMLR, en inglés) disponibles para consulta en internet. La ocurrencia de basura marina en el ecosistema Antártico  (principalmente  en  playas  arenosas),  el  enredamiento  de  lobos  marinos  en  diferentes ítems de basura, interacciones (ingestión, enredamiento y ocurrencia de basura en áreas de nidificación) entre aves marinas y la basura, y el transporte de organismos bentónicos en plásticos flotantes fueron los asuntos más abordados en los documentos analizados. Operaciones de pesca en el Océano Atlántico Sur fueron identificadas como  la  mayor  fuente  de  basura  para  el  ambiente,  pero  plásticos  originados  en  menores  latitudes  también fueron  identificados,  indicando  transporte  a  través  del  Frente  Polar  (PF,  en  inglés). También  se  abordan  y se  discuten  en  este  trabajo,  posibles  links  entre  la Antártica  y América  del  Sul,  la  conexión  más  próxima intercontinental, en relación a la contaminación por plásticos. Como es reportado para gradientes latitudinales menores, la contaminación por plásticos es un problema relevante para el ecosistema Antártico. Sin embargo, estudios más específicos y detallados son necesarios ya que el conocimiento actual representa, probablemente, solo una pequeña parte del verdadero problema. En relación a este tipo de contaminación en los ambientes marinos y costeros del ecosistema Antártico, posiblemente estamos viendo solo la punta del iceberg. Palabras clave: Especies exóticas; A. gazella; Procellariiformes; hilos de nylon; fragmentos plásticos.PLÁSTICOS NO ECOSSISTEMA ANTÁRTICO: SERÁ QUE ESTAMOS VENDO SOMENTE A PONTA DO ICEBERG? A literatura científica relacionada à presença e aos impactos do lixo marinho em Ilhas Sub-Antárticas, na Península Antártica e na costa do continente Antártico foi organizada e interpretada neste trabalho. Um total de 98 documentos, publicados entre 1982 e 2010, foi encontrado e 95% tiveram seu conteúdo acessado integralmente. Setenta documentos são resumos científicos da Comissão para a Conservação dos Recursos Marinhos na Antártica (CCAMLR, em inglês) disponíveis para consulta na internet.  A ocorrência de lixo marinho no ecossistema Antártico (principalmente praias arenosas), o enredamento de lobos marinhos em itens do lixo, interações (ingestão, enredamento e ocorrência de lixo em áreas de nidificação) entre aves marinhas e o lixo, e o transporte de organismos bentônicos em plásticos flutuantes foram os assuntos mais abordados  nos  documentos  analisados.  Operações  de  pesca  no  Oceano  Atlântico  Sul  foram  identificadas como a maior fonte de lixo para o ambiente, mas plásticos originados em menores latitudes também foram identificados, indicando transporte através da Frente Polar (PF, em inglês). Possíveis links entre a Antárticae a América do Sul, a mais próxima conexão intercontinental, em relação à poluição por plásticos também estão destacados e discutidos neste trabalho. Como reportado para menores gradientes latitudinais, a poluição por plásticos é um problema relevante para o ecossistema Antártico. Entretanto, estudos mais específicos e detalhados são necessários já que o conhecimento atual representa, provavelmente, só uma pequena parte do verdadeiro problema. Em relação a este tipo de poluição nos ambientes marinhos e costeiros do ecossistema Antártico, nós estamos possivelmente vendo somente a ponta do iceberg. Palavras-chave: Espécies exóticas;  A. gazella; Procellariiformes; linhas de nylon; fragmentos plásticos

    Genetic comparison of sickle cell anaemia cohorts from Brazil and the United States reveals high levels of divergence

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    Genetic analysis of admixed populations raises special concerns with regard to study design and data processing, particularly to avoid population stratification biases. The point mutation responsible for sickle cell anaemia codes for a variant hemoglobin, sickle hemoglobin or HbS, whose presence drives the pathophysiology of disease. Here we propose to explore ancestry and population structure in a genome-wide study with particular emphasis on chromosome 11 in two SCA admixed cohorts obtained from urban populations of Brazil (Pernambuco and Sao Paulo) and the United States (Pennsylvania). Ancestry inference showed different proportions of European, African and American backgrounds in the composition of our samples. Brazilians were more admixed, had a lower African background (43% vs. 78% on the genomic level and 44% vs. 76% on chromosome 11) and presented a signature of positive selection and Iberian introgression in the HbS region, driving a high differentiation of this locus between the two cohorts. The genetic structures of the SCA cohorts from Brazil and US differ considerably on the genome-wide, chromosome 11 and HbS mutation locus levels9CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP8367/2011-1; 150398/2013-1; 304455/2012-1; 310938/2014-7; 305218/2017-48367/2011-1; 150398/2013-1; 304455/2012-1; 310938/2014-7; 305218/2017-42008/57441-0; 2014/00984-3; 2012/06438-5; 2015/13152-9; 2008/10596-