17 research outputs found

    A proteomic analysis of the statocyst endolymph in common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis): an assessment of acoustic trauma after exposure to sound

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    Here, the proteomic analysis of the endolymph was performed before and after sound exposure to assess the efects of exposure to low intensity, low frequency sounds on the statocyst endolymph of the Mediterranean common cuttlefsh (Sepia ofcinalis), determining changes in the protein composition of the statocyst endolymph immediately and 24h after sound exposure. Signifcant diferences in protein expression were observed, especially 24h after exposure. A total of 37 spots were signifcantly diferent in exposed specimens, 17 of which were mostly related to stress and cytoskeletal structure. Among the stress proteins eight spots corresponding to eight hemocyanin isoforms were under-expressed possible due to lower oxygen consumption. In addition, cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulin alpha chain and intermediate flament protein were also down-regulated after exposure. Thus, endolymph analysis in the context of acoustic stress allowed us to establish the efects at the proteome level and identify the proteins that are particularly sensitive to this type of trauma.Postprint (published version

    A proteomic analysis of the statocyst endolymph in common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis): an assessment of acoustic trauma after exposure to sound

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    Recent studies, both in laboratory and sea conditions, have demonstrated damage after sound exposure in the cephalopod statocyst sensory epithelium, which secretes endolymph protein. Here, the proteomic analysis of the endolymph was performed before and after sound exposure to assess the effects of exposure to low intensity, low frequency sounds on the statocyst endolymph of the Mediterranean common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), determining changes in the protein composition of the statocyst endolymph immediately and 24 h after sound exposure. Significant differences in protein expression were observed, especially 24 h after exposure. A total of 37 spots were significantly different in exposed specimens, 17 of which were mostly related to stress and cytoskeletal structure. Among the stress proteins eight spots corresponding to eight hemocyanin isoforms were under-expressed possible due to lower oxygen consumption. In addition, cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulin alpha chain and intermediate filament protein were also down-regulated after exposure. Thus, endolymph analysis in the context of acoustic stress allowed us to establish the effects at the proteome level and identify the proteins that are particularly sensitive to this type of trauma

    Evaluación del aprendizaje en asignaturas de máster con alumnos procedentes de diferentes grados.

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Se ha realizado un estudio comparativo del aprendizaje alcanzado por los alumnos de dos Másters oficiales en dos asignaturas de la misma área de conocimiento, en función de los estudios previos cursados por los alumnos y de otros factores. Las asignaturas estudiadas han sido: “Desarrollo y formulación de formas farmacéuticas” en el Máster oficial de Investigación, Desarrollo y Control de Medicamentos y “Nanotecnología farmacéutica” en el Máster oficial “Nanociencia y Nanotecnología”, durante los cursos académicos 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. Ambas asignaturas, de 5 ECTS, abarcan competencias relacionadas con la adquisición e integración de conocimientos, habilidades y aptitudes relacionados con la Farmacia Galénica..