26 research outputs found

    Impact of the Content of Fatty Acids of Oral Fat Tolerance Tests on Postprandial Triglyceridemia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Whether the content of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) could differently influence postprandial triglycerides (TG) is unknown. We examined possible differences in the postprandial TG response to fat tolerance tests (FTTs), in which SFA or unsaturated fatty acids were used. Crossover clinical trials investigating the effects of FTTs containing SFA and unsaturated fats on postprandial triglyceridemia in databases from 1994 until 2016 were searched. Of 356 studies, 338 were excluded and 18 were considered. TG net incremental areas under the curve were calculated using time-points or changes from baseline. Pooled effects of standardized mean differences and I2 test were used. Results: In 12 studies, responses to SFA versus PUFA meals, and in 16 studies versus MUFA meals were compared. Over 4 hours, no differences between SFA and unsaturated fats were observed. Over 8 hours a lower response to PUFA (SMD −2.28; 95%CI −4.16, −0.41) and a trend to lower response to MUFA (SMD −0.89, 95%CI −1.82, 0.04) were detected. FTTs shorter than 8 hours may not be sufficient to differentiate postprandial TG after challenges with distinct fatty acids. Clinical significance of different postprandial TG responses on cardiovascular risk in the long-term deserves investigation

    Distinct breakfast patterns on satiety perception in individuals with weight excess

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Western dietary pattern predisposes to weight gain, insulin resistance and cardiometabolic diseases. Promoting satiety via modifications in diet composition could be useful to fight weight gain. Mediterranean diet which is recognized to be cardioprotective contains high fiber and unsaturated fat contents. We compared the effects of distinct breakfast patterns on satiety of individuals at cardiometabolic risk, and examined the correlation of satiety level after each breakfast intervention period with glucose parameters. Materials and methods: In this 10-week cross-over clinical trial, 54 individuals with weight excess were submitted to 2 types of 4-week isocaloric breakfasts (2-week washout), one typically Brazilian and a modified one, differing concerning fiber and types of fatty acids contents. Clinical data were collected before and after each breakfast. A satiety scale was applied at fasting and 10, 30 and 120' after breakfast consumption. Repeated measures ANOVA, Student t test or non-parametric correspondents were used; correlations were tested by Pearson or Spearman coefficients. Results: Anthropometric variations after breakfasts were not significant. Only after the modified breakfast, reduction in blood pressure levels was observed. The satiety level did not show significant variation across each period or between the breakfasts. Non-significant correlation between satiety and glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR values after each intervention period was observed. Conclusion: We conclude that different breakfast compositions do not alter satiety level, which is not correlated to glucose parameters in overweight individuals. Stronger modifications of daily meals might be necessary to differentiate satiety levels under distinct dietary patterns. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2016;60(4):333-4

    Distinct breakfast patterns on satiety perception in individuals with weight excess

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Western dietary pattern predisposes to weight gain, insulin resistance and cardiometabolic diseases. Promoting satiety via modifications in diet composition could be useful to fight weight gain. Mediterranean diet which is recognized to be cardioprotective contains high fiber and unsaturated fat contents. We compared the effects of distinct breakfast patterns on satiety of individuals at cardiometabolic risk, and examined the correlation of satiety level after each breakfast intervention period with glucose parameters. Materials and methods: In this 10-week cross-over clinical trial, 54 individuals with weight excess were submitted to 2 types of 4-week isocaloric breakfasts (2-week washout), one typically Brazilian and a modified one, differing concerning fiber and types of fatty acids contents. Clinical data were collected before and after each breakfast. A satiety scale was applied at fasting and 10, 30 and 120' after breakfast consumption. Repeated measures ANOVA, Student t test or non-parametric correspondents were used; correlations were tested by Pearson or Spearman coefficients. Results: Anthropometric variations after breakfasts were not significant. Only after the modified breakfast, reduction in blood pressure levels was observed. The satiety level did not show significant variation across each period or between the breakfasts. Non-significant correlation between satiety and glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR values after each intervention period was observed. Conclusion: We conclude that different breakfast compositions do not alter satiety level, which is not correlated to glucose parameters in overweight individuals. Stronger modifications of daily meals might be necessary to differentiate satiety levels under distinct dietary patterns

    Association of fruits and vegetables consumption and related-vitamins with inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in prediabetic individuals

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Dietary guidelines of 5 servings per day of fruits and vegetables (FV) offer a reasonable amount of vitamins to control organic processes, which may contribute to a favorable cardiometabolic profile. This study aimed at investigating whether the intake of the FV group as well as pro-vitamin A carotenoids and vitamins C and E were associated with circulating markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin resistance in Brazilians individuals at cardiometabolic risk.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud This cross-sectional study included 205 individuals screened for diabetes prevention program in a healthcare center from the School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, conducted in 2008. Possible associations of consumption of FV group, as well as pro-vitamin A carotenoids and vitamins C and E, with circulating markers of oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase – SOD and oxidized LDL – oxLDL), inflammation (C reactive protein, TNF-α and adiponectin) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were investigated. Pearson correlation coefficient, ANOVA and multiple linear regression were employed.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The sample (64.7% women) had a mean age of 54.1 ± 12.7 years and body mass index of 30.7 ± 5.7 kg/m2. Dietary, physical activity, anthropometric and laboratory data were obtained. Participants consumed a mean of 3.8 servings/day of FV; their FV intake was categorized into three groups: <2.5, 2.5-5.0 and >5.0 servings/day. Significant trends for lower waist circumference (103.4 ± 13.6 vs. 100.1 ± 12.2 vs. 98.2 ± 12.7 cm, p-trend <0.05) and higher adiponectin concentrations (10.4 ± 1.8 vs. 11.9 ± 1.9 vs. 13.6 ± 2.1 ng/mL, p-trend <0.05) were detected across categories. Associations between SOD concentrations (β 0.172 [0.110-0.688]) with FV consumption and between oxLDL concentrations with vitamins C (β -0.333 [−2.568 – -0.218]) and E (β -0.354 [−1.131– -0.110]) intakes, adjusted for age, gender, BMI, saturated fat intake, smoking and physical activity were found. Similar results were observed for the associations between oxLDL and FV intake, but significance disappeared adding adjustment for saturated fat, smoking and physical activity.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud Our data suggest that the intake of FV or selected vitamins may be useful for identifying the oxidative stress and inflammation involved in the genesis of cardiometabolic diseases and for motivating at-risk patients for changing dietary habits.This work was supported by a grant from The São Paulo Foundation for\ud Research Support – FAPESP and from Coordination for Improvement of\ud Graduate Personnel – CAPES (Brazil)

    Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado para população brasileira

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    El Índice de Calidad de la Dieta Revisado es un indicador de calidad de la dieta desarrollado cónsono con las recomendaciones nutricionales vigentes. Los datos dietéticos fueron provenientes del estudio de base poblacional Inquérito de Saúde e Alimentação (ISA - Pesquisa de Salud y Alimentación)-Capital-2003. El Índice contiene 12 componentes, siendo nueve fundamentados en los grupos de alimentos de la Guía Alimentaria Brasileña de 2006, cuyas porciones diarias son expresadas en densidad energética; dos nutrientes (sodio y grasa saturada); y Gord_AA (calorías provenientes de grasa sólida, alcohol y azúcar de adición). El Índice de Calidad de la Dieta Revisado propicia medir varios factores de riesgos dietéticos para enfermedades crónicas, permitiendo, simultáneamente, evaluar y monitorear la dieta en nivel individual o poblacional.O Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado é um indicador de qualidade da dieta desenvolvido consoante com as recomendações nutricionais vigentes. Os dados dietéticos foram provenientes do estudo de base-populacional, Inquérito de Saúde e Alimentação (ISA)-Capital-2003. O Índice contém 12 componentes, sendo nove fundamentados nos grupos de alimentos do Guia Alimentar Brasileiro de 2006, cujas porções diárias são expressas em densidade energética; dois nutrientes (sódio e gordura saturada); e Gord_AA (calorias provenientes de gordura sólida, álcool e açúcar de adição). O Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado propicia mensurar variados fatores de riscos dietéticos para doenças crônicas, permitindo, simultaneamente, avaliar e monitorar a dieta em nível individual ou populacional.The revised version of the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index is an indicator of dietary quality developed according to current nutritional recommendations. Dietary data were obtained from a population-based survey, the 2003 Inquérito de Saúde e Alimentação (ISA - Health and Diet Survey)-Capital. The Revised Index consists of 12 components: nine food groups included in the 2006 Brazilian Dietary Guidelines, in which daily portions are expressed in terms of energy density; two nutrients (sodium and saturated fats), and SoFAAS (calories from solid fat, alcohol and added sugar). The Revised Brazilian Healthy Eating Index allows for the measurement of dietary risk factors for chronic diseases, evaluating and monitoring the diet at both individual and population levels

    Realistic changes in monounsaturated fatty acids and soluble fibers are able to improve glucose metabolism

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background/objectives\ud Cardioprotective effects of Mediterranean-style diet have been shown. Instead of excluding foods, replacement or addition may facilitate compliance with impact on glucose metabolism of individuals at cardiometabolic risk. This study investigated the effect of changing selected nutrients intake on glucose metabolism during a lifestyle intervention tailored to living conditions of prediabetic Brazilians.\ud \ud \ud Subjects/methods\ud 183 prediabetic adults treated under the Brazilian public health system underwent an 18-month intervention on diet and physical activity. Dietary counseling focused on reducing saturated fat replaced by unsaturated fatty acids. Data were collected at baseline and after follow-up. ANOVA and multiple linear regression were used to test association of changes in nutrients intake with changes in plasma glucose.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Changes in fasting and 2-h plasma glucose but not in weight, HOMA-IR or C-reactive protein decreased after intervention across tertiles of MUFA changes (p-trend 0.017 and 0.024, respectively). Regression models showed that increase in MUFA intake was independently associated with reduction in fasting (β -1.475, p = 0.008) and 2-h plasma glucose (β -3.321, p = 0.007). Moreover, increase in soluble fibers intake was associated with decrease in fasting plasma glucose (β -1.579, p = 0.038). Adjustment for anthropometric measurements did not change the results but did after including change in insulin in the models.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Increases of MUFA and soluble fibers intakes promote benefits on glucose metabolism, independently of adiposity, during a realistic lifestyle intervention in at-risk individuals. Mechanisms mediating these processes may include mainly insulin sensitivity improvement.Research supported by FAPESP (# 07/55120-0)

    Brown fat triglyceride content is associated with cardiovascular risk markers in adults from a tropical region

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is regarded as an interesting potential target for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, and the detailed characterization of its structural and functional phenotype could enable an advance in these fields. Most studies evaluating BAT structure and function were performed in temperate climate regions, and we are yet to know how these findings apply to the 40% of the world's population living in tropical areas. Here, we used F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography - magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate BAT in 45 lean, overweight, and obese volunteers living in a tropical area in Southeast Brazil. We aimed at investigating the associations between BAT activity, volume, metabolic activity, and BAT content of triglycerides with adiposity and cardiovascular risk markers in a sample of adults living in a tropical area and we showed that BAT glucose uptake is not correlated with leanness; instead, BAT triglyceride content is correlated with visceral adiposity and markers of cardiovascular risk. This study expands knowledge regarding the structure and function of BAT in people living in tropical areas. In addition, we provide evidence that BAT triglyceride content could be an interesting marker of cardiovascular risk

    Brown fat triglyceride content is associated with cardiovascular risk markers in adults from a tropical region

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is regarded as an interesting potential target for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, and the detailed characterization of its structural and functional phenotype could enable an advance in these fields. Most studies evaluating BAT structure and function were performed in temperate climate regions, and we are yet to know how these findings apply to the 40% of the world’s population living in tropical areas. Here, we used 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography – magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate BAT in 45 lean, overweight, and obese volunteers living in a tropical area in Southeast Brazil. We aimed at investigating the associations between BAT activity, volume, metabolic activity, and BAT content of triglycerides with adiposity and cardiovascular risk markers in a sample of adults living in a tropical area and we showed that BAT glucose uptake is not correlated with leanness; instead, BAT triglyceride content is correlated with visceral adiposity and markers of cardiovascular risk. This study expands knowledge regarding the structure and function of BAT in people living in tropical areas. In addition, we provide evidence that BAT triglyceride content could be an interesting marker of cardiovascular risk

    Analysis of the relationship between diet quality and physical activity level and these with lipid profile and inflammatory status in individuals at high cardiometabolic risk

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    Introdução: Baixo nível de atividade física (AF) associado ao alto consumo energético contribuíram para transição nutricional no Brasil. Estilo de vida saudável reverte em benefícios cardiometabólicos. Considerando que estado inflamatório subclínico media os danos ao sistema cardiovascular, é possível que hábitos de vida saudáveis melhorem os fatores de risco, via atenuação da inflamação. Instrumentos padronizados para medir qualidade da dieta e AF estão disponíveis, mas não estudos locais avaliando a relação destes fatores entre si com base nestes instrumentos, ou examinando suas associações com estado inflamatório e perfil lipídico. Objetivos: Este estudo avaliou a associação entre a versão brasileira do Healthy Eating Index (B-HEI) e nível de AF e destes com marcadores inflamatórios, índice de resistência à insulina e variáveis lipídicas em indivíduos com alto risco cardiometabólico. Métodos: Nesta análise transversal foram incluídos 204 participantes (64,7 por cento mulheres; média de idade de 54,1 anos) de Estudo de Prevenção de Diabetes do CSEscola da FSP-USP, com pré-diabetes ou de síndrome metabólica sem diabetes. Foram realizados questionários e coletas de sangue. Foram utilizados três recordatórios alimentares de 24h para obtenção do B-HEI. O nível de AF foi medido pela versão longa do IPAQ, sendo determinada a AF no lazer, na locomoção, AF total e tempo de TV. Coeficiente de Spearman foi empregado para testar correlações. Para avaliar a relação entre o B-HEI e AF e dos tercis destas variáveis com marcadores inflamatórios e HOMA-IR foi usada ANOVA. Para avaliar associações independentes do B-HEI, tendo como variáveis dependentes parâmetros lipídicos, inflamatórios ou HOMA-IR, usou-se regressão linear múltipla e, para associações independentes da AF como as mesmas variáveis, usou-se regressão logística, sendo obtidos odds ratios (OR) e p de tendência. Resultados: Nos tercis do B-HEI, o nível de AF não diferiu; à medida que melhorava a qualidade da dieta houve tendência à redução do tempo de TV (21,4±11,6; 20,5±11,5; 16,8±10,4 h/sem; p=0,09). Na regressão linear, a circunferência abdominal associou-se inversamente aos escores de B-HEI, mantendo-se marginalmente significante após ajuste para idade e sexo. No mesmo modelo, proteína C reativa associou-se negativamente ao índice (p=0.02). Concentrações de adiponectina apresentaram significância marginal na análise sem ajustes (p=0.06). Estratificando-se indivíduos segundo a duração de AF na locomoção, lazer e total, indivíduos mais ativos (150 min/ sem) apresentaram menores medidas antropométricas, mas apenas para AF no lazer a tendência de redução foi significante. O perfil lipídico melhorou à medida que aumentou o nível de AF. Concentrações de interleucina-6 diminuíram com o aumento das durações de AF no lazer e total (p de tendência = 0,02 e 0,03, respectivamente), enquanto as de adiponectina tenderam a aumentar nos estratos mais ativos apenas para AF no lazer (p de tendência = 0,03). A tendência de hipercolesterolemia aumentou significantemente à medida que reduziu a duração de AF no lazer. Valores elevados da razão Apo B/Apo A foram inversamente associados com AF na locomoção, lazer e total. Foi observado aumento significante da OR de resistência à insulina entre categorias de AF no lazer (p de tendência = 0,04). Não foram observadas associações de qualquer domínio de AF com proteína C-reativa. Conclusões: Nossos dados não apoiam a hipótese de que boa qualidade da dieta e prática de AF estejam associadas. Reforçou-se a esperada associação de perfil cardiometabólico mais favorável com a prática de AF, mas não a da dieta de melhor qualidade medida pelo B-HEIBackground: Low physical activity (PA) level and high energy intake contributed to nutrition transition in Brazil. A healthy lifestyle reverts in cardiometabolic benefits. Considering that subclinical inflammatory status mediates damages to the cardiovascular system, healthy life habits may improve risk factors via attenuation of inflammation. Standardized tools to measure quality of diet and PA are available but not local studies assessing the relationship of these factors based on those tools, or examining their associations with inflammatory status and lipid profile. Objectives: This study evaluated the association between the Brazilian version of the Healthy Eating Index (B-HEI) and total, leisure and transportation PA level, and between those with inflammatory markers, insulin resistance index and lipids in individuals at high cardiometabolic risk. Methods: In this cross-sectional analysis, 204 participants (64.7 per cent women; mean age of 54.1 years) of the Study on Prevention of Diabetes from the FSP-USP School Health Center, with prediabetes or metabolic syndrome without diabetes were included. They were submitted to questionnaires and blood sample collections. 24-h food recalls were used to assess the B-HEI and PA was measured by the long version of the IPAQ. Spearman coefficient was employed to test correlations and ANOVA to analyze the association between the B-HEI and PA, and between the tertiles of these variables with inflammatory markers and HOMA-IR. Multiple linear regression was used to test independent associations of B-HEI, taking lipids, inflammatory markers and HOMA-IR as dependent variables. Logistic regression was used to test independent associations of PA with the same variables, and odds ratios (OR) and p for trend were obtained. Results: Across the B-HEI tertiles PA did not differ. However, as the quality of diet improves TV time decreases (21.4±11.6, 20.5±11.5, 16.8±10.4 h/week p=0.09). In linear regression analysis, abdominal circumference was inversely associated with BHEI, maintaining borderline significance after adjustment for age and sex. Creactive protein was shown to be inversely associated with the index (p=0.02). Adiponectin concentrations had borderline significance with B-HEI in crude analysis but not after adjustments (p=0.06). Stratifying according to the duration of transportation, leisure-time and total PA, the most active subset (150 min/week) showed lower anthropometric measurements, but only for leisure PA the tendency to decreasing values was significant. Lipid profile improved as PA levels increased. Interleukin-6 concentrations decreased as total and leisure PA increased (p for trend = 0.02 and 0.03, respectively), while adiponectin tended to increase in more active subsets only for PA at leisure time (p for trend = 0.03). Tendency for hypercholesterolemia increased significantly as leisure PA duration decreased. High Apo B/Apo A ratio was inversely associated with transportation, leisure and total PA. Significant increase in adjusted OR for insulin resistance from the category of highest to the lowest leisure PA was found (p for trend = 0.04) but statistical significance disappeared when adjusted for BMI. For increased C-reactive protein concentration, no significant association with any PA domain was observed. Conclusion: Our data do not support the hypothesis that good diet quality and PA practice were associated. The expected association of more favorable cardiometabolic profile with PA practice but not with better quality of diet was reinforce