546 research outputs found

    Geostatistical Mapping of Outfall Plume Dispersion Data gathered with an autonomous underwater vehicle

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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the applicability of geostatistical modeling to obtain valuable information for assessing the environmental impact of sewage outfall discharges. The data set used was obtained in a monitoring campaign to S. Jacinto outfall, located off the Portuguese west coast near Aveiro region, using an AUV. The Matheron’s classical estimator was used the compute the experimental semivariogram which was fitted to three theoretical models: spherical, exponential and gaussian. The cross-validation procedure suggested the best semivariogram model and ordinary kriging was used to obtain the predictions of salinity at unknown locations. The generated map shows clearly the plume dispersion in the studied area, indicating that the effluent does not reach the near by beaches. Our study suggests that an optimal design for the AUV sampling trajectory from a geostatistical prediction point of view, can help to compute more precise predictions and hence to quantify more accurately dilution. Moreover, since accurate measurements of plume’s dilution are rare, these studies might be very helpful in the future for validation of dispersion models

    Lazzaro Cairati e la sua famiglia nella Milano sforzesca

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    Indagine ad ampio spettro sulla figura di un importante notaio di etĂ  sforzesca, sulle origini della famiglia Cairati e sul suo posizionamento nella societĂ  milanese dell'epoca

    YAST - Architettura .NET di sportello per transazioni bancarie

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    La relazione tratta della progettazione di un'architettura sviluppata in tecnologia .NET per la creazione di transazioni bancarie, e della struttura di queste ultime. Essendo questa nuova architettura destinata a sostituire quella attualmente in uso, creata in Visual Basic 6 e facente largo utilizzo della tecnologia COM, sono state inserite anche delle introduzioni a COM e al framework .NETope


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    This work describes the three-dimensional survey of "Ex Stazione Frigorifera Specializzata": initially used for agricultural storage, during the years it was allocated to different uses until the complete neglect. The historical relevance and the architectural heritage that this building represents has brought the start of a recent renovation project and functional restoration. In this regard it was necessary a global 3-D survey that was based on the application and integration of different geomatic methodologies (mainly terrestrial laser scanner, classical topography, and GNSS). The acquisitions of point clouds was performed using different laser scanners: with time of flight (TOF) and phase shift technologies for the distance measurements. The topographic reference network, needed for scans alignment in the same system, was measured with a total station. For the complete survey of the building, 122 scans were acquired and 346 targets were measured from 79 vertices of the reference network. Moreover, 3 vertices were measured with GNSS methodology in order to georeference the network. For the detail survey of machine room were executed 14 scans with 23 targets. The 3-D global model of the building have less than one centimeter of error in the alignment (for the machine room the error in alignment is not greater than 6 mm) and was used to extract products such as longitudinal and transversal sections, plans, architectural perspectives, virtual scans. A complete spatial knowledge of the building is obtained from the processed data, providing basic information for restoration project, structural analysis, industrial and architectural heritage valorization

    La rilevanza di una questione di legittimit\ue0 sul premio di maggioranza regionale fra "riscontro" del vizio, applicabilit\ue0 della norma ed influenza della decisione di costituzionalit\ue0

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    Lo scritto prende le mosse da un questione di costituzionalit\ue0 relativa al premio di maggioranza previsto dalla legge elettorale lombarda, in relazione al collegamento fra l\u2019elezione del Presidente e quella del Consiglio, in assenza di un livello minimo di consenso per le liste circoscrizionali nonch\ue9, in una determinata ipotesi, anche per il Presidente. Il profilo indagato \ue8 la nozione di rilevanza che la Corte costituzionale assume per dichiarare inammissibile la censura, nozione strettamente legata al \u201criscontro\u201d del vizio nella concreta vicenda elettorale, presupposto questo non sempre richiesto nella prassi. Il rigore processuale testimoniato dalla vicenda esaminata pu\uf2 trovare spiegazione nella peculiarit\ue0 della \u201cmateria\u201d coinvolta: la legislazione elettorale, la cui eventuale dichiarazione di incostituzionalit\ue0 incide su risultati ormai concretatisi, difficilmente revocabili se non al prezzo di porre in forse ulteriori principi costituzionali connessi alla manifestazione del voto popolare. Da qui una differenza sul modo di intendere la rilevanza, a seconda che essa riguardi una questione sorta in un giudizio di accertamento, come tale scollegato da una concreta vicenda elettorale, o piuttosto in un giudizio di annullamento dei relativi esiti, caso in cui il riscontro del vizio sembra assumere rilievo decisivo, ai fine di evitare che la rappresentanza venga alterata in virt\uf9 di profili di incostituzionalit\ue0 meramente potenziali, in concreto insussistenti

    Appropriation from the works of Nelson Leimer : a theoretical practical experience in early childhood education developed in PARFOR

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    It is through play that children develop sociability, make friends and exercise their full potential. Therefore, the act of playing, for children, is not a matter of pure fun but also of education, of socialization, of construction of a full development. Based on these principles, we will present in this article the result of a teaching proposal involving children of early childhood education in the discipline Stage in Visual Arts in the UNOCHAPECĂ“ University for the PARFOR mode, with the theme 'Appropriation from the works of Nelson Leirnerinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) in the Skeletal Muscle of Pig

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    Skeletal muscle growth represents one of the main economic traits in pig production. To gain a better understanding of expressions profile in pig muscle, serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) was performed in Longissimus dorsi of two pigs at 3 and 9 months of age. A total of 53,120 long tags were obtained and sequenced from the four muscle SAGE libraries, representing 17,902 different tags, or putative transcripts, 0.64% (+0.09) of which had a relative expression level higher than 1‰. Overall, a total of 218 tags were highly expressed and 31 had a frequency higher than 3‰. Functional characterisation of the expression profiles was performed using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes metabolic maps and 139 pathways were identified for swine skeletal muscle. Focal adhesion, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase signalling, oxidative phosphorylation, ribosomal proteins, regulation of actin cytoskeleton and insulin signalling pathways showed an abundance of genes greater than 1.5% of all the expressed transcripts. A comparison with human SAGE library indicated no statistical differences for the frequency of genes involved in these metabolic pathways

    Il trasferimento della questione nel giudizio in via principale fra continuit\ue0 precettiva, identit\ue0 di ratio ed uso distorto della legislazione

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    Il contributo affronta il problema del trasferimento delle questioni di costituzionalit\ue0 sullo ius superveniens nel giudizio di costituzionalit\ue0 in via principale. Oltre a porre in luce i consolidati presupposti dell\u2019istituto, sulla base della prassi della Corte costituzionale, si evidenzia come, in certi casi, esso sembri in qualche modo disattenderli, giustificandosi invece in una prospettiva di reazione ad un uso distorto della funzione legislativa, in quanto orientato a vanificare precedenti arresti giurisprudenziali, se non a congelare processi pendenti, pur di conseguire un risultato sostanziale gradito al soggetto resistente. Sotto altro profilo, \ue8 sottolineato il peso che l\u2019argomento finanziario pare rivestire, qualora il trasferimento sia funzionale all\u2019annullamento di norme regionali di spesa. Infine, si valutano le conseguenze di simile tecnica processuale su taluni principi cardine del processo, quali quello della domanda, del contraddittorio, della corrispondenza fra chiesto e pronunciato

    The sensory experiences in the work of HĂ©lio Oiticica : theory and practice

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    The art allows different reflections.artists have the freedom to express themselves using different languages and materials. Under this assumption we present with this article entitled “The sensory experiences in the work of Hélio Oiticica: Theory and Practice”, the result of a leaning and teaching proposal involving children of elementary school in the discipline of Visual Arts in Stage of Unochapecó — SCinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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