5 research outputs found

    Efficacité des pièges à paraphéromone dans la protection des vergers de manguiers greffés contre les mouches des fruits au Togo

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    Les mouches de fruits en infestant les mangues greffĂ©es causent des pertes considĂ©rables et un manque Ă  gagner aux diffĂ©rents  acteurs en passant par les producteurs jusqu’aux consommateurs. Pour venir Ă  bout de ces insectes nuisibles, la pulvĂ©risation des insecticides chimiques de synthèse est gĂ©nĂ©ralement la solution la plus commune et de premier recours dans toutes les rĂ©gions du Togo. Mais cette mĂ©thode reste dangereuse pour la santĂ© humaine et environnementale et peu rentable Ă©conomiquement. Cette Ă©tude a pour objective de tester l’efficacitĂ© du piège Biofeed, une solution alternative, respectueuse de l’environnement et de la santĂ© de l’Homme. Trois vergers d’environ 1 ha pour les trois traitements (piège Biofeed, piège M3 et le control) ont Ă©tĂ© choisis dans chacune des cinq rĂ©gions du Togo. Les pièges ont Ă©tĂ© installĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©maturation des fruits Ă  une densitĂ© de 25 pièges/ha et sont suivis toutes les deux semaines jusqu’à la rĂ©colte finale en procĂ©dant aux Ă©chantillonnages des mangues pour l’évaluation du taux infestation et identification des espèces de mouche de fruits. Après la pose et le suivi des infestations, les pièges Biofeed se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s efficaces en rĂ©duisant sur le plan national les dĂ©gâts des mouches de fruits de 73,60% tandis que les pièges M3 n’ont entrainĂ© qu’une rĂ©ductionde 39,94%. Les vergers ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ©s de ces pièges ont connu des taux d’infestations faibles promettant une bonne rĂ©colte. L’incubation des mangues rĂ©coltĂ©es dans les vergers ont permis de recenser 4 genres de mouches de fruits (Bactrocera, Ceratitis, Dacus, Zeugodacus) et Bactrocera dorsalis est l’espèce la plus abondante retrouvĂ©e sur ce fruit d’importance Ă©conomique. Mots clĂ©s : Mouches de fruit, mangue greffĂ©e, piège Biofeed, piège M3.   English  title: Efficacy of parapheromone traps in the protection of grafted mango orchards against fruit flies in TogoFruit flies by infesting grafted mangoes cause considerable losses and loss of profit to the various actors range from producers to consumers. To control these pests, synthetic chemical insecticides use is generally the most common and first resort solution in all regions of Togo. But this method remains dangerous for human and environmental health. The objective of this study was to test the effecacy of Biofeed trap, an alternative solution that is environmentally friendly in comparison with a trap already used in the field (M3 traps based on food bait). Three orchards of about 1 ha for the 3 treatments (Biofeed trap, M3 trap and control) were chosen in each of the five regions of Togo. The traps were installed at the premature fruit maturity at a density of 25 traps / ha and were monitored every two weeks until the final harvest by sampling the mangoes for the assessment of the infestation rate and identification of fruits fly species. After setting traps and monitoring the infestations, Biofeed traps proved effective by reducing fruit fly damage by 73.60% nationally, while M3 traps by 39.94%. The orchards that benefited from these traps had low infestation rates that promissing a good harvest. Incubation of the mangoes harvested in the orchards have allowed to identify 4 genera of fruit flies (Bactrocera, Ceratitis,Dacus, Zeugodacus) and Bactrocera dorsalis is the most abundant species found on this economically important fruit.Keywords: Fruit flies, grafted mango, Biofeed and M3 traps

    Effect of the Essential Oil of Clausena anisata (Rutaceae) and Palm Kernel Vegetable Oil on Engorged Females of Three Species of Ixodidae Cattle Ticks

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    Improving and increasing livestock production system yield requires parasite control, especially ticks, which stifle the emergence of successful breeding units. Effective environmentally friendly and biological parasite control is urgently required. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the essential oil of Clausena anisata (Rutaceae) and of palm kernel vegetable oil compared to a reference chemical acaricide, flumethrin, on the biological parameters of the engorged females of three major tick species in the Maritime Region of Togo. The topical tests applied consisted respectively of depositing a drop of 75μL and 5μL of the crude extracts and their dilutions on the back of each female of Amblyomma variegatum, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus, and Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Ixodida: Ixodidae). Fifteen females and three replicates were tested, incubated at 28 ± 1°C, 85-95% RH, 12: 12 L:D, and were monitored daily. C. anisata caused 100% mortality in all engorged females and its 1/8 dilution destroyed 100% of eggs laid by A. variegatum. Palm kernel vegetable oil caused 100% mortality in female species of the genus Rhipicephalus (B.). Flumethrin was very toxic to ticks. Since Palm kernel vegetable oil has a significant toxicity, the two oils tested can be an alternative control of the studied ticks after additional studies