126 research outputs found

    Tracing Linguistic Relations in Winning and Losing Sides of Explicit Opposing Groups

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    Linguistic relations in oral conversations present how opinions are constructed and developed in a restricted time. The relations bond ideas, arguments, thoughts, and feelings, re-shape them during a speech, and finally build knowledge out of all information provided in the conversation. Speakers share a common interest to discuss. It is expected that each speaker's reply includes duplicated forms of words from previous speakers. However, linguistic adaptation is observed and evolves in a more complex path than just transferring slightly modified versions of common concepts. A conversation aiming a benefit at the end shows an emergent cooperation inducing the adaptation. Not only cooperation, but also competition drives the adaptation or an opposite scenario and one can capture the dynamic process by tracking how the concepts are linguistically linked. To uncover salient complex dynamic events in verbal communications, we attempt to discover self-organized linguistic relations hidden in a conversation with explicitly stated winners and losers. We examine open access data of the United States Supreme Court. Our understanding is crucial in big data research to guide how transition states in opinion mining and decision-making should be modeled and how this required knowledge to guide the model should be pinpointed, by filtering large amount of data.Comment: Full paper, Proceedings of FLAIRS-2017 (30th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society), Special Track, Artificial Intelligence for Big Social Data Analysi

    Problems on Matchings and Independent Sets of a Graph

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    Let GG be a finite simple graph. For XV(G)X \subset V(G), the difference of XX, d(X):=XN(X)d(X) := |X| - |N (X)| where N(X)N(X) is the neighborhood of XX and max{d(X):XV(G)}\max \, \{d(X):X\subset V(G)\} is called the critical difference of GG. XX is called a critical set if d(X)d(X) equals the critical difference and ker(G)(G) is the intersection of all critical sets. It is known that ker(G)(G) is an independent (vertex) set of GG. diadem(G)(G) is the union of all critical independent sets. An independent set SS is an inclusion minimal set with d(S)>0d(S) > 0 if no proper subset of SS has positive difference. A graph GG is called K\"onig-Egerv\'ary if the sum of its independence number (α(G)\alpha (G)) and matching number (μ(G)\mu (G)) equals V(G)|V(G)|. It is known that bipartite graphs are K\"onig-Egerv\'ary. In this paper, we study independent sets with positive difference for which every proper subset has a smaller difference and prove a result conjectured by Levit and Mandrescu in 2013. The conjecture states that for any graph, the number of inclusion minimal sets SS with d(S)>0d(S) > 0 is at least the critical difference of the graph. We also give a short proof of the inequality |ker(G)+(G)| + |diadem(G)2α(G)(G)| \le 2\alpha (G) (proved by Short in 2016). A characterization of unicyclic non-K\"onig-Egerv\'ary graphs is also presented and a conjecture which states that for such a graph GG, the critical difference equals α(G)μ(G)\alpha (G) - \mu (G), is proved. We also make an observation about kerG)G) using Edmonds-Gallai Structure Theorem as a concluding remark.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Understanding protein diffusion on force-induced stretched DNA conformation

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    DNA morphology is subjected to environmental conditions and is closely coupled with its function. For example, DNA experiences stretching forces during several biological processes, including transcription and genome transactions, that significantly alter its conformation from that of B-DNA. Indeed, a well-defined 1.5 times extended conformation of dsDNA, known as Σ-DNA, has been reported in DNA complexes with proteins such as Rad51 and RecA. A striking feature in Σ-DNA is that the nucleobases are partitioned into triplets of three locally stacked bases separated by an empty rise gap of ∼5 Å. The functional role of such a DNA base triplet was hypothesized to be coupled with the ease of recognition of DNA bases by DNA-binding proteins (DBPs) and the physical origin of three letters (codon/anti-codon) in the genetic code. However, the underlying mechanism of base-triplet formation and the ease of DNA base-pair recognition by DBPs remain elusive. To investigate, here, we study the diffusion of a protein on a force-induced stretched DNA using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Upon pulling at the 3′ end of DNA by constant forces, DNA exhibits a conformational transition from B-DNA to a ladder-like S-DNA conformation via Σ-DNA intermediate. The resulting stretched DNA conformations exhibit non-uniform base-pair clusters such as doublets, triplets, and quadruplets, of which triplets are energetically more stable than others. We find that protein favors the triplet formation compared to its unbound form while interacting non-specifically along DNA, and the relative population of it governs the ruggedness of the protein–DNA binding energy landscape and enhances the efficiency of DNA base recognition. Furthermore, we analyze the translocation mechanism of a DBP under different force regimes and underscore the significance of triplet formation in regulating the facilitated diffusion of protein on DNA. Our study, thus, provides a plausible framework for understanding the structure–function relationship between triplet formation and base recognition by a DBP and helps to understand gene regulation in complex regulatory processes

    Mosquito larvicidal and antimicrobial activities of synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using mature fruit extract of Cestrum diurnum L.

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    592-599Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) were prepared using mature fruit extract of Cestrum diurnum L. (family: Solanaceae) as a reducing agent. The stabilized AgNPs were characterized by time-dependent UV–Vis Spectrophotometric analysis. The spherical/oval shape of the nanoparticle was confirmed by Transmission Electron Microscopy analysis with an average particle size of about 50 nm. The crystalline nature of the AgNPs was confirmed in the XRD spectrum by the characteristic Bragg peaks. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic analysis of AgNPs confirms the presence of several functional groups. AgNPs showed effective larvicidal activities against larval instars of Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in the laboratory bioassay. Synthesized AgNPs also showed good antibacterial activity against some fish pathogenic and human pathogenic bacteria which is evident from the inhibition zone diameter in the antibacterial bioassay experiment

    Utajony fosfaturyczny guz mezenchymalny kory kości udowej powodujący osteomalację onkogenną — problemy diagnostyczne i skutki kliniczne

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    Background: Tumor induced osteomalacia (TIO) are extremely rare paraneoplastic syndrome with less than 300 reported cases. This report highlights the pitfalls and challenges in diagnosing and localizing TIO in patients with refractory and resistant osteomalacia. Patient and methods: 41- year gentleman with 4-year history of musculoskeletal weakness and pathologic fractures presented in wheelchair bound incapacitated state of 1-year duration. Investigations were significant for severe hypophosphatemia, severe phosphaturia, normal serum calcium, reduced 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin-D, elevated ALP, elevated intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), and pseudo-fractures involving pelvis and bilateral femur. Whole body MRI and 99mTc methylene diphosphonate bone-scan were also normal. Whole body FDG-PET scan involving all 4 limbs revealed a small FDG avid lesion at lateral border of lower end of left femur (SUV max 3.9), which was well characterized on 3-dimensional CT reconstruction. Plasma C-terminal fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-23 was 698 RU/ mL (normal < 150 RU/ml). Wide surgical excision of the tumor was done. Histopathology confirmed mesenchymal tumor of mixed connective tissue variant. Serum phosphorous normalized post-surgery day-1. High dose oral calcium and vitamin-D was continued. FGF-23 normalized post surgery (73RU/ml). Physical strength improved significantly and now he is able to walk independently. Conclusion: TIO is frequently confused with normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism and vitamin-D resistant rickets/osteomalacia, which increases patient morbidity. Imaging for tumor localization should involve whole body from head to tip of digits, cause these tumors are notoriously small and frequently involve digits of hands and legs. Complete surgical removal of the localized tumor is key to good clinical outcomes.Wstęp: Osteomalacja wywołana obecnością guza (tumor-induced osteomalacia, TIO) to niezwykle rzadki zespół paraneoplastyczny. Opisano dotąd tylko niecałe 300 przypadków tego zespołu. W niniejszej pracy zwrócono uwagę na błędy i problemy przy diagnozowaniu i lokalizowaniu TIO u chorych z oporną na leczenie osteomalacją. Materiał i metody: W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego w wieku 41 lat, u którego od 4 lat występowały złamania patologiczne i osłabienie układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego prowadzące do niepełnosprawności, w wyniku czego chory od roku korzystał z wózka inwalidzkiego. W badaniach stwierdzono ciężką hipofosfatemię, ciężką fosfaturię, prawidłowe stężenie wapnia w surowicy, zmniejszo­ne stężenie witaminy 1,25-dihydroksy D, podwyższoną aktywność fosfatazy zasadowej, zwiększone stężenie parathormonu w postaci całkowitej cząsteczki (intact parathyroid hormone, iPTH) oraz złamania rzekome w obrębie miednicy i obu kości udowych. W badaniu MRI całego ciała oraz scyntygrafii kości z użyciem difosforanu metylenu znakowanego technetem 99mTc nie stwierdzono nieprawidłowości. W obrazie badania FDG-PET obejmującego wszystkie 4 kończyny zauważono niewielką zmianę o zwiększonym wychwycie FDG na bocznej powierzchni dolnego końca lewej kości udowej (SUV maks. 3,9), którą dobrze scharakteryzowano w trójwymiarowej rekon­strukcji CT. Stężenie C-końcowego peptydu czynnika wzrostu fibroblastów-23 (fibroblast growth factor-23, FGF-23) wynosiło 698 RU/ml (norma &lt; 150 RU/ml). Guz usunięto chirurgicznie z szerokim marginesem. W badaniu histopatologicznym potwierdzono rozpoznanie guza mezenchymalnego — wariant mieszanej tkanki łącznej. W pierwszym dniu po operacji stwierdzono normalizację stężenia fosforu w surowicy. Kontynuowano stosowanie dużych doustnych dawek wapnia i witaminy D. Również stężenie FGF-23 unormowało się po zabiegu (73 RU/ml). U chorego zwiększyła się siła fizycznej i obecnie może on chodzić samodzielnie. Wnioski: Osteomalacja wywołana obecnością guza (TIO) jest często mylona z normokalcemiczną nadczynnością przytarczyc i krzywicą/ osteomalacją oporną na leczenie witaminą D, co powoduje zwiększoną chorobowość pacjentów. Badania obrazowe w celu zlokalizowa­nia guza powinny obejmować całe ciało od czubka głowy po palce u stóp, ponieważ guzy te są zwykle małe i często umiejscawiają się w obrębie palców dłoni i stóp. Całkowite chirurgiczne usunięcie guza warunkuje uzyskanie dobrego efektu leczenia

    Adoption of Rational Farming Technology for Development of a Model for Exploring Sustainable Farming Practice in Farmer’s Field

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    The effectivity of Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology was critically evaluated as a model of Sustainable Farming Practice in farmers’ field using okra (variety : Shakti - F1 hybrid) as test crop. The stusy was conducted at Binuria village in Birbhum District of West Bengal during February to October (2013). The village is in close vicinity of Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan. The study area lies in 23.660 N and 87.630E at about 179 ft. above MSL, with level to nearly level landscape. The experiment was laid down as per randomized block design (RBD) with 7 treatments replicated 3 times. The treatments included local farming practice with chemical inputs, organic farming practice (Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology’ developed by Dr. P. Das Biswas, Founder, Inhana Biosciences, Kolkata) as well as integrated farming practice (combination of chemical and organic inputs for both soil and plant management). The most significant finding was that 100% reduction of chemical pesticide can be economically viable in the very first year with adoption of IRF Organic Package of Practice, under which 13.6% yield increase was recorded as compared to conventional farmer’s practice. Also when IRF was adopted for integrated cultivation model, higher yield as well as higher net income was obtained in comparison to conventional Farmer’s practice. Upto 144.5% higher Nitrogen Utilization efficiency and 32.8 % higher partial factor productivity was recorded under treatments with IRF Package. This higher response might be due to increased uptake and utilization of indigenous nutrients under the influence of high quality Novcom compost containing huge population (in order of 1016 c.f.u per gm moist compost) of self- generated microbes, which led to better nutrient (both macro and micro) mineralization in soil for plant uptake. This was also complimented by IRF Plant Management Package, which perhaps enhanced plant physiological functioning in terms of better N uptake and its utilization within plants

    Cu(II) and Gd(III) doped boehmite nanostructures: a comparative study of electrical property and thermal stability

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    The present article reports the effect of transition (Cu2+) and rare earth metal (Gd3+) ion doping on structural, microstructural and electrical properties of boehmite nanoparticles. Rietveld refinement is adopted here to refine the x-ray diffractograms for further analyzing the microstructural details and their alteration due to the incorporation of foreign cations. This is probably the first time when dielectric properties of these doped boehmite samples having been reported herein. These samples show remarkably high dielectric constant values which corroborate that doping enhances the microstrain values inside the orthorhombic structure and results in higher crystallographic defects. Enhancement in defect sites causes the augmentation of relative permittivity and ac conductivity. Temperature stability has also been enhanced significantly in our Cu-doped sample. The present study enables us to determine a relationship between crystalline deformation and electrical properties of nanomaterials which may be highly beneficial in fabricating cost-effective energy harvesting devices

    Investigation of optical and electrical properties of erbium-doped TiO2 thin films for photodetector applications

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    We have investigated the electrical and optical properties of erbium (Er3+) doped TiO2 thin films (Er:TiO2 TFs) grown by sol–gel technique on glass and silicon substrates. The samples were characterized by field emission gun–scanning electron microscopes (FEG–SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence (PL) and current–voltage measurement techniques. FEG–SEM and AFM images showed the morphological change in the structure of Er:TiO2 TFs and EDX analysis confirmed the Er3+ doped into TiO2 lattice. Broad PL emissions in visible and infrared regions were observed in undoped TiO2 samples and associated to different mechanisms due to the anatase and rutile phases. PL spectra revealed sharp peaks at 525 nm, 565 nm, 667 nm and 1.54 µm which are related to Er3+ emissions in Er:TiO2 samples. The undoped TiO2 and Er:TiO2 TFs based UV-photodetectors were fabricated, and various device parameters were investigated. The doped devices exhibit high photoresponse upon illuminating 350 nm UV light at 2 V bias with faster response time compared to undoped device