3,645 research outputs found

    A musculoskeletal model of low grade connective tissue inflammation in patients with thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO): the WOMED concept of lateral tension and its general implications in disease

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    BACKGROUND: Low level connective tissue inflammation has been proposed to play a role in thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO). The aim of this study was to investigate this postulate by a musculoskeletal approach together with biochemical parameters. METHODS: 13 patients with TAO and 16 controls were examined. Erythrocyte levels of Zn, Cu, Ca(2+), Mg, and Fe were determined. The musculoskeletal evaluation included observational data on body posture with emphasis on the orbit-head region. The angular foot position in the frontal plane was quantified following gait observation. The axial orientation of the legs and feet was evaluated in an unloaded supine position. Functional propioceptive tests based on stretch stimuli were done by using foot inversion and foot rotation. RESULTS: Alterations in the control group included neck tilt in 3 cases, asymmetrical foot angle during gait in 2, and a reaction to foot inversion in 5 cases. TAO patients presented facial asymmetry with displaced eye fissure inclination (mean 9.1°) as well as tilted head-on-neck position (mean 5.7°). A further asymmetry feature was external rotation of the legs and feet (mean 27°). Both foot inversion as well as foot rotation induced a condition of neuromuscular deficit. This condition could be regulated by gentle acupressure either on the lateral abdomen or the lateral ankle at the acupuncture points gall bladder 26 or bladder 62, respectively. In 5 patients, foot rotation produced a phenomenon of moving toes in the contra lateral foot. In addition foot rotation was accompanied by an audible tendon snapping. Lower erythrocyte Zn levels and altered correlations between Ca(2)(+), Mg, and Fe were found in TAO. CONCLUSION: This whole body observational study has revealed axial deviations and body asymmetry as well as the phenomenon of moving toes in TAO. The most common finding was an arch-like displacement of the body, i.e. eccentric position, with foot inversion and head tilt to the contra lateral side and tendon snapping. We propose that eccentric muscle action over time can be the basis for a low grade inflammatory condition. The general implications of this model and its relations to Zn and Se will be discussed

    Evaluation of Applied Kinesiology meridian techniques by means of surface electromyography (sEMG): demonstration of the regulatory influence of antique acupuncture points

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of Applied Kinesiology techniques based on manual muscle tests relies on the relationship between muscles and acupuncture meridians. Applied Kinesiology detects body dysfunctions based on changes in muscle tone. Muscle tonification or inhibition within the test setting can be achieved with selected acupoints. These acupoints belong to either the same meridian or related meridians. The aim of this study is to analyze muscle sedation and tonification by means of surface electromyography.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Manual muscle tests were carried out using standard Applied Kinesiology (AK) techniques. The investigation included basic AK procedures such as sedation and tonification with specific acupoints. The sedation and tonification acupoints were selected from related meridians according to the Five Elements. The tonification effect of these acupoints was also tested while interfering effects were induced by manual stimulation of scars. The effects of selective neural therapy, i.e. individually tested and selected anesthetic agent, for the treatment of scars were also studied. The characteristics of muscle action were documented by surface electromyographys (sEMG).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The sEMG data showed a diminution of signal intensity when sedation was used. Graded sedation resulted in a graded diminution of signal amplitude. Graded increase in signal amplitude was observed when antique acupuncture points were used for tonification. The tactile stretch stimulus of scars localized in meridian-independent places produced diminution of signal intensity on a reference muscle, similar to sedation. These changes, however, were not corrected by tonification acupoints. Correction of these interferences was achieved by lesion specific neural therapy with local anesthetics.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We demonstrated the central working principles, i.e. sedation and tonification, of Applied Kinesiology through the use of specific acupoints that have an influence on manual muscle tests. Sedation decreases RMS signal in sEMG, whereas tonification increases it. Interfering stimuli from scars were corrected by selective neural therapy.</p

    Thyroid Sonography in 3D with Emphasis on Perfusion

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    The role of magnesium and thyroid function in early pregnancy after in-vitro fertilization (IVF): New aspects in endocrine physiology

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    AbstractBackgroundThe initiation of a pregnancy is a process that requires adequate energetic support. Recent observations at our Institution suggest a central role of magnesium in this situation. The aim of this study was to evaluate magnesium, zinc, selenium and thyroid function as well as anti-Müllerian hormone in early pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization as compared to spontaneous successful pregnancies.ResultsA successful outcome of pregnancy after IVF treatment was associated with 2 parameters: higher levels of anti-Müllerian hormone as well as higher levels of magnesium in the pre-stimulation blood sample. These two parameters, however, showed no correlation. Spontaneous pregnancies as well as pregnancies after IVF show a fall of magnesium levels at 2–3 weeks of gestation. This drop of magnesium concentration is larger following IVF as compared to spontaneous pregnancies. Parallel to these changes TSH levels showed an increase in early IVF-pregnancy. At this time point we also observed a positive correlation between fT4 and TSH. This was not observed in spontaneous pregnancies. Thyroid antibodies showed no correlation to outcomes.ConclusionsIn connection with the initiation of pregnancy following ovarian stimulation dynamic changes of magnesium and TSH levels can be observed. A positive correlation was found between fT4 and TSH in IVF pregnancies. In spontaneous pregnancies smaller increases of TSH levels are related to higher magnesium levels.General significanceWe propose that magnesium plays a role in early pregnancy as well as in pregnancy success independently from anti-Müllerian hormone. Neither thyroid hormones nor thyroid antibodies were related to outcome

    The plastic Industry in Bogotá: A strategic study facing the challenges in global contamination growth

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    El presente artículo de investigación tiene como propósito definir cuál debe ser la postura estratégica de la industria del plástico en Bogotá, frente a los desafíos en el aumento en la contaminación global. Para esto se empleó una metodología cualitativa, de carácter exploratoria-descriptiva, que combina el uso de herramientas como la matriz DOFA, el análisis PESTEL y de las cinco fuerzas competitivas de Porter, así como la categorización de la información resultante en la matriz que integra la tipología de estrategias de Porter y de Miles, Snow, Meyer y otros autores. Con la investigación, se llega a la principal conclusión de adoptar como estrategia que mejor se adecua a este sector defender del mercado actual enfatizando en la diferenciación de productos.This investigative article has as purpose to define which should be the strategic posture of the plastic industry in Bogotá, facing the challenges in the global contamination growth. For that, it was used an exploratory-descriptive, qualitative methodology, that combines the use of certain tools such as the SWOT matrix, the PESTEL analysis and the five competitive forces by Porter, as well as the categorization of the resulting information in the matrix that integrates the strategy typology made up by Porter, and Miles, Snow, Meyer and other authors. With the investigation, its principal conclusion is to adopt as strategy that suits better to this sector, to defend the current market emphasizing in product differentiation

    Impacto de la dolarización sobre el crecimiento económico en el Ecuador

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    The following work seeks to prove if dollarization had an effect on economic growth in Ecuador. To achieve this we analyze variables such as GDP, FDI, inflation and oil prices, in two similar periods of Ecuador's history with high oil prices and economic growth. The first of these will be from 1976 to 1986 and the second from 2006 to 2016. An analysis of the data will be carried out in order to see if the economy performed better in the period of dollarization...En el presente trabajo se busca investigar si la dolarización tuvo un efecto sobre el crecimiento económico en el Ecuador. Para lograr esto se analizarán variables como el PIB, IED, inflación y los precios de petróleo, en dos periodos similares de la historia del Ecuador, ya que se tenían altos precios de petróleo y crecimiento económico. El primero de estos será de 1976 a 1986 y el segundo del 2006 al 2016. Se llevará a cabo un análisis de los datos obtenido con el fin de ver si la economía tuvo un mejor desempeño en el periodo de la dolarización..

    Desarrollo didáctico de las nociones de "coherencia" y "cohesión" y su aplicación a los estudios de traducción

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    El presente artículo pretende revisar desde un punto de vista teórico y didáctico las nociones de coherencia y de cohesión, así como su relación con otros conceptos cercanos, como son los de discurso y texto. Así, partiremos desde una aproximación lingüística a estos conceptos para finalizar en la utilidad que ambos tienen como herramienta de análisis lingüístico no sólo en la comprensión de un texto origen, sino también en la producción de un texto meta

    Análisis de la diversidad genética del capulí (Prunus Serotina), en la región andina del Ecuador, utilizando marcadores moleculares AFLP

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    The Capulí (Prunus serotina) is a tetraploid species of the family Rosaceae, native from North America, but also present in Central America and throughout the Andean alley of South American. The species is widely distributed in the Ecuadorian highlands. Capulí has great ethnobotanic importance in the region, mainly for its fruit, much appreciated by very fond of the inhabitants of the ecuadorian highlands, but also for its timber. A first analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in capulí was carried out by Guadalupe et al. (2015). The main results were the finding of a moderate level of genetic diversity (He = 0.71), and a slight genetic differentiation between subpopulations from the southern provinces (Cañar and Azuay) and those of the center and north of the country. The present research contributed with additional information regarding the level of genetic diversity of the ecuadorian capulí (Prunus serotina) and its population structure. Through the use of AFLP molecular markers, 80 capuli accessions from 8 provinces of the Ecuadorian highlands were characterized molecularly: Carchi, Tulcán, Imbabura, Tungurahua, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Cañar and Azuay. Five combinations of AFLP primers were tested, of which three were polymorphic and showed clear and reproducible signals on acrylamide gels. The results of this study reveal a low level of genetic diversity (uHe = 0.284) for capuli, a characteristic finding of non-endemic related species subject to partial domestication events (Xu et al, 2006). Furthermore, population structure analyzes do not show a genetic differentiation by provinces (Nei values: 0.018 to 0.069), so there is no clear evidence of population structure. However, it was shown that the province of Cañar (located furthest south) exhibits a greater genetic differentiation with respect to other provinces analyzed. The use of SSR and AFLP molecular markers, give a first overview of the current state of genetic diversity of P. serotina in Ecuador. Further anthropological, economic and evolutionary information of the species is required, to support the hypotheses develop in both studies.El capulí (Prunus serotina) es una especie tetraploide de la familia Rosaceae, originaria de Norteamérica, presente también en Centroamérica y el callejón interandino suramericano. La especie está distribuida ampliamente en la sierra ecuatoriana. El capulí tiene una gran importancia etnobotánica en la región, ya que su fruto es muy apetecido por los habitantes de la sierra, así también por su madera. Un primer análisis de diversidad genética y estructura poblacional en capulí fue realizado por Guadalupe y colaboradores (2015). Los principales resultados fueron el hallazgo de un moderado nivel de diversidad genética (He= 0.71), y una sutil diferenciación genética entre las provincias sureñas (Cañar y Azuay) y aquellas del centro-norte. La presente investigación contribuyó con información adicional respecto al nivel de diversidad genética del capulí (Prunus Serotina) y su estructura poblacional. Mediante el uso de marcadores moleculares tipo AFLP, se caracterizó molecularmente 80 accesiones de capulí de 8 provincias de la Sierra ecuatoriana: Carchi, Tulcán, Imbabura, Tungurahua, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Cañar y Azuay. Se probó 5 combinaciones de primers AFLP, de los cuales 3 fueron polimórficos y presentaron señales claras y reproducibles en geles de acrilamida. Los resultados de este estudio develan un bajo nivel de diversidad genética (uHe=0.284) para el capulí, hallazgo característico de especies emparentadas no endémicas sujetas a eventos parciales de domesticación (Xu et al, 2006). Los análisis de estructura poblacional no muestran una diferenciación por provincias (valores de Nei: 0.018 a 0.069), por lo que no hay evidencia clara de estructura en la población. Sin embargo, se evidenció que la provincia de Cañar muestra una mayor diferenciación genética con respecto al resto de provincias analizadas. La utilización de los marcadores moleculares SSR y AFLP, dan un primer panorama del estado actual de la diversidad genética de Prunus serotina en el Ecuador. Se requiere información antropológica, económica y evolutiva de la especie, para sustentar las hipótesis planteadas en ambos estudios

    Admisibilidad de la prueba de referencia a la luz de la ley 1652 de 2013

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    Este trabajo de indagación, exploración y búsqueda es tendiente a realizar un análisis teórico investigativo y así establecer si es admisible en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, específicamente en el procedimiento penal, la prueba de referencia a la que hace alusión la Ley 1652 de 2013. Advirtiéndose que dicha aplicabilidad tendrá cabida exclusivamente tratándose de delitos contra la libertad y formación sexuales en donde obren como victimas menores de edad. Surgiendo así el debate si la misma se considera inconstitucional, atentaría contra los principios legales y vulneraria Derechos Fundamentales; siendo pertinente analizar su admisibilidad en un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho.Este trabajo de indagación, exploración y búsqueda es tendiente a realizar un análisis teórico investigativo y así establecer si es admisible en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, específicamente en el procedimiento penal, la prueba de referencia a la que hace alusión la Ley 1652 de 2013. Advirtiéndose que dicha aplicabilidad tendrá cabida exclusivamente tratándose de delitos contra la libertad y formación sexuales en donde obren como victimas menores de edad. Surgiendo así el debate si la misma se considera inconstitucional, atentaría contra los principios legales y vulneraria Derechos Fundamentales; siendo pertinente analizar su admisibilidad en un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho.Este trabajo de indagación, exploración y búsqueda es tendiente a realizar un análisis teórico investigativo y así establecer si es admisible en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, específicamente en el procedimiento penal, la prueba de referencia a la que hace alusión la Ley 1652 de 2013. Advirtiéndose que dicha aplicabilidad tendrá cabida exclusivamente tratándose de delitos contra la libertad y formación sexuales en donde obren como victimas menores de edad. Surgiendo así el debate si la misma se considera inconstitucional, atentaría contra los principios legales y vulneraria Derechos Fundamentales; siendo pertinente analizar su admisibilidad en un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho