2,818 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the quality and antioxidant capacity of woodland strawberry biotypes in Sicily

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    In Sicily, the woodland strawberry grows wild in forest glades in the Madonie and Nebrodi mountains and on Mount Etna. In this region, the main cultivated clone is Fragolina di Ribera, named after the towns where the crop originally developed. The cultivated woodland strawberry is different from its wild counterparts not only in vegetative vigour and size, but also in organoleptic quality. Fragolina di Ribera has always been described with sensory analysis as one of the best Sicilian berry. This study was carried out in Sicily and compared two June-bearing Fragaria vesca: Fragolina di Ribera and Fragolina di Maletto, and an everbearing variety Regina delle Valli, in order to determine the production, quality and nutraceutical characteristics of the fruit. Research results provided useful, more detailed information on those fruit compounds with nutritional and health benefits and the June-bearing Fragolina di Ribera was found not only to produce highly sweet, bright red fruits, but also fruits with high antioxidant capacity and high ascorbic acid, polyphenol and anthocyanin levels

    Revision of food composition tables used to estimate nutrient intake in Ecuador

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    Las tablas y bases de datos de composición de alimentos (TCA/BDCA) son herramientas de valoración dietética. Objetivo: identificar las diferentes TCA empleadas como instrumento para estimar ingesta de nutrientes en Ecuador. La recogida de información se realizó a través de informadores-clave, cuestionarios auto-administrados, complementadas con búsquedas webs institucionales. A las TCA/BDCA identificadas se realizó análisis de contenido sobre variables generales y metodológicas. TCA referidas: Ecuatoriana-1965 (70%), INCAP (60%), México (60%). Se reportaron 7 TCA y 3 BDCA, 8 Latinoamericanas y 2 Españolas. Una TCA elaborada por método-directo (ecuatoriana), 7 por método-indirecto, 2 sin-información. 6 TCA/BDCA definieron nutrientes, 9 refirieron valores (100g/ porción-comestible). Para realizar una correcta estimacion de ingesta, es necesario contar con una TCA ecuatoriana actualizada. Ecuatoriana-1965 presenta pocos alimentos analizados y, métodos analíticos no-actualizados. Las autoras aconsejan el uso de TCA-INCAP, dado que la lista de alimentos refleja similitud con alimentos ecuatorianos. Además INCAP dispone BDCA para incorporar recetas.Tables and food composition databases (FCT/FCDB) are tools used for dietetic evaluation. Objective: to identify different FCT used as an instrument to estimate the nutrient intake in Ecuador. The collection of data was made through key informants -self completed questionnaires-, supplemented with institutional web research. An analysis of content was performed to the identified FCT/FCDB by general and methodological variables. Referenced tables were: Ecuadorian-1965 (70%), INCAP (60%), México (60%). 7 FCT and 3 FCDB were reported, 8 from Latin America and 2 from Spain. One table was constructed by direct method (Ecuadorian-table), 7 by indirect, and 1 had no Information. 6 FCT/FCDB defined the nutrients, 9 expressed values per (100g/ edible portion). In order to asses a proper ingest in Ecuador, it is necessary to have an updated ecuadorian FCT, Ecuadorian-1965 shows few analyzed foods and, not updated analytic techniques. The authors recommend the usage of FCT-INCAP, due to its food list reflects similarities with ecuadorian foods. In addition, INCAP disposes of a FCDB in which ecuadorian recipes can be included

    Utilización de trigo de segunda en dietas para cerdos en crecimiento.

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    Se determinó el nivel óptimo de trigo de segunda en dietas para cerdos de raza Durac, Sandrace y mestizos Landrace pro Duroc, en crecimiento. Para ello, se utilizaron 50 cerdos destetos con un peos promedio inicial de 21.6 kg y controles cada 14 dias hasta completar un peso de 56 kilo, durante 56 dias. La dieta estaba constituida por trigo, maíz amarillo milido, torta de soya, harina de huesos, premezcla de vitaminas y minerales como suplemento, balanceada al 16 por ciento de proteina. Los mayores aumentos promedios diarios se obtuvieron con la dieta control a base de maíz, torta de soya y la dieta con 80 por ciento de trigo más lisina. La inclusión de trigo a niveles superiores al 40 por ciento redujo los aumentos de peso. La suplementación del 80 por ciento de trigo con 0.15 HCL-lisina mejoró la rata de crecimiento y la eficiencia alimenticia. La mejor eficiencia de utilización del alimento correspondió a la dieta con 80 por ciento de trigo más 0.15 HCL-lisina. Sin embargo no hubo diferencias estadísticas entre esta dieta y las otrasTrigo-Triticum aestiv

    A Mathematical Model For Evaluating Energy Consumptions In Life Cycle Assessment.

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    This paper takes up the ecobalance topic giving prominence to a calculation procedure of necessary energy consumptions for the production of a product in the different phases of a whole life cycle. Are used to identify all stages of the life cycle are determined and simplified formulas for the calculation of specific energy consumption. Is also examined a case where the components of the final product are up to 8. The model is valid for any type of product and through operations research (ie, placing constraints on the variables) you could get to optimal solutions minimizing the objective function

    Asociación entre Trastornos Óseos Degenerativos y Acumulación de Líquido en los Recesos de la Articulación Temporomandibular

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    ResumenEl Objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la asociación entre presencia de líquido intra-articular y alteraciones degenerativas en las ATM de pacientes adultos con diagnóstico clínico de Trastornos Temporomandibulares, por medio de diagnóstico imagenológico, antes de iniciar su tratamiento.Material y MétodoSe reclutaron 135 pacientes consecutivos (promedio de edad = 33,3 años) que clínicamente presentan disfunciones de las ATM y que fueron examinados por medio de Resonancia Magnética (RM) y Tomografía Computada (TC). Los criterios de exclusión fueron: pacientes menores de 16 años, pacientes mayores de 65 años, pacientes portadores de prótesis dentarias removibles, con enfermedades sistémicas como gota, Osteoartrosis sistémica, hiperlaxitud ligamentaria, malformaciones anatómicas, enfermedades quísticas, tumorales, historia de trauma o cirugía de las ATM. Todos los pacientes fueron examinados utilizando el resonador magnético [Phillips Intera 1,5 T, bobina Sense Flex S Dual] en las secuencias; sagital DP-T2-Spir, coronal DP y dinámico ECHO gradiente y también fueron examinados por medio de Tomografía Computada (TC), con cortes de volúmenes-axiales y volúmenes-coronales de 625um de espesor [BrightSpeed®ELITE, General Electric, Milwaukee, USA)] tanto a boca abierta como cerrada, bajo los siguientes parámetros: FOV: 16.0cms, Algoritmo Hueso, Filtro Edge A2 y Matriz 512x512 pxs]. Los estudios imagenológicos de las ATMs formaron los siguientes ocho grupos: Grupo A: Ausencia de líquido (L) en ATM Derecha con Alteración Degenerativa (AD); Grupo B: Presencia de Líquido en ATM Derecha con AD; Grupo C: Ausencia de Líquido en ATM Izquierda con AD; Grupo D: Presencia de L en ATM Izquierda con AD; Grupo E: Ausencia de AD y Ausencia de L en ATM Derecha; Grupo F: Ausencia de AD y Presencia de L en ATM Derecha; Grupo G: Ausencia de L en ATM Izquierda; Grupo H: Presencia de L y ausencia de AD en ATM Izquierda. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente con la prueba Chi2 (Systat v12.0).ResultadoGrupo A: n= 61; Grupo B: n= 64; Grupo C: n= 54; Grupo D: n= 53; Grupo E; n=12; Grupo F; n=13; Grupo G: n=8 y Grupo H: n=5.ConclusiónNo existe asociación entre la presencia de líquido intra-articular y Alteraciones Degenerativas de las superficies articulares en la ATM.AbstractThe Objective of the present study was to determine the association between articular space effusion and degenerative bone disease in adult TMJ with internal derangement, previous any treatment, by images diagnosis.Materials y MethodsWere recruited 135 consecutives patients (X=33.3 years) that presented TMJ dysfunction were examined using Magnetic Resonance (MRI) [Phillips Intera 1,5 T, Sense Flex S Dual Coil] in sequences; sagital DP-T2-Spir, coronal DP and dynamic ECHO gradient and using Computed Tomography (TC) by axial-volumes slices and coronal-volumes slices of 625um of width [BrightSpeed®ELITE, General Electric, Milwaukee, USA], with the patient in open mouth and closed mouth under the next parameters: FOV: 16.0cms, Bone Algorithm, Edge Filter A2 and Matrix 512x512 pxs. The exclusion criteria was: patients below 16 years and above 65 years of age, patients using removable dental prosthetics, patients that presented systemic disease such as Gout Disease, Osteoarthrosis and hipermobility, anatomic structural alterations, Quistic or Tumor disease and TMJ surgery. The TMJ images studies formed the following eight groups: Group A: Absence of effusion (L) in right TMJ with Degenerative Disease (AD); Group B: Presence of L in right TMJ with AD; Grupo C: Absence of L in left TMJ with AD; Group D: Presence of L in left TMJ with AD; Group E: Absence of AD and absence of L in right TMJ; Group F: Absence of AD and presence of L in right TMJ; Group G: Absence of L in left TMJ; Group H: Presence of L and absence of AD in left TMJ. Data were statistically analyzed by Chi2 (Systat v12.0).ResultsGroup A: n= 61; Group B: n= 64; Group C: n= 54; Group D: n= 53; Group E; n=12; Group F; n=13; Group G: n=8 y Group H: n=5.ConclusionNo association was found between Degenerative Bone Disease and Temporo mandibular Joint Articular Space Effusion in TMJ

    The acute effect of different intensity aerobic and resistance training exercise on the body image in adult women

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the acute effect of different intensity aerobic (AE) and resistance training (RT) exercises on BI in adult women. Participants were 62 adult women (19.47 ± 2.53 yr., range 18 a 33 yr.), who were randomly assigned to three sessions of either: 1) Control group, 2) Low-intensity AE, 3) High-intensity AE, 4) Low-intensity RT, or 5) High-intensity RT. Before and immediately following each experimental intervention, BI, body weight, and arm and leg circumferences were measured. Three familiarization sessions were performed every 7 days before the AE and RT experimental interventions. Also, 5-RM tests were performed one week before the RT experimental interventions. Data were analyzed using mixed 3-way ANOVA, mixed 4-way ANOVA, and post-hoc analysis. An acute effect of RT on BI was observed, regardless of the exercise intensity, women felt more muscular immediately following the RT session. Regardless of the exercise intensity, 30-min of acute RT exercise changed BI perception, contrary to 30 min AE

    The Zero-Removing Property and Lagrange-Type Interpolation Series

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    The classical Kramer sampling theorem, which provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas, can be formulated in a more general nonorthogonal setting. In this setting, a challenging problem is to characterize the situations when the obtained nonorthogonal sampling formulas can be expressed as Lagrange-type interpolation series. In this article a necessary and sufficient condition is given in terms of the zero removing property. Roughly speaking, this property concerns the stability of the sampled functions on removing a finite number of their zeros