38 research outputs found

    A dinâmica do enriquecimento paulista no século XIX: das origens à diversificação do capital da família Lacerda Franco

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    ResumoO texto visa apreender a formação e diversificação da riqueza paulista durante o século XIX. A análise recai sobre os Lacerda Franco, importante família cujos membros principiaram economicamente em atividades de cunho interno (lavoura de mantimentos, criação e comércio de animais, produção de aguardente) nas terras próximas da vila de São Paulo e, posteriormente, migraram para o Oeste Paulista, tornando-se senhores de engenho e cafeicultores. Esse processo de enriquecimento aponta a formação de sociedades agrícolas, casa comissária e exportadora, indústria, banco, diversificando as formas de riqueza dentro do complexo exportador cafeeiro da segunda metade do XIX. O fio condutor do trabalho é a apreensão da dinâmica (movimento) desse processo, materializada, através da documentação da família e de suas empresas – o que diferencia o trabalho das análises correntes apoiadas de forma unívoca em inventários –, de suas estratégias econômicas, nas diferentes atividades que os enriqueceram e nas difusas formas de alocação do capital.</p

    La Real Sociedad Economica de Los amigos del Pais. Une source de l'histoire économique de Majorque au XVIIIe siècle

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    Monbeig Juliette P. La Real Sociedad Economica de Los amigos del Pais. Une source de l'histoire économique de Majorque au XVIIIe siècle. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 45, N°178, 1933. pp. 163-173

    De l'archipel oasien à l'eldorado pionnier au Sahara Algérien

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    International audienceSince the 1980s, the Biskra region in Algeria's Sahara has undergone rapid agricultural change leading to territorial transformation. Horticultural production under greenhouses, associated with a rapid expansion of date palm plantations, has led to a tangible agricultural boom that is constantly pushing the boundaries of agricultural production and constitutes a true pioneering fringe. To understand the pioneering logics at work, we propose to study the pioneer fringe through three fronts, namely land, water and infrastructure. First, we analyse each front separately in order to understand its logic. In a second step, through three illustrations, we show how these fronts interpenetrate, accelerate one another or, on the contrary, constrain the pioneer fringe. The analysis of the advance of the pioneering fringe has shown that it results from the interweaving of the three main fronts and each of these combines both the actions of the state and private initiative

    A construção de representações nacionais: os desenhos de Percy Lau na Revista Brasileira de Geografia e outras "visões iconográficas" do Brasil moderno

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    The disciplinary emergence of the human sciences, specially Geography and\ud Ethnology, has evolved, from the beginning of the century, alongside the formation of\ud photographic collections and other figurative series inscribed in the construction of internationally\ud comparable national representations, anchored on regionalism. In this article, Percy Laus\ud drawings for the series Types and Aspects of Brazil, in a section of the Revista Brasileira de\ud Geografia magazine from 1939 onwards, are compared to other iconographic views of\ud modern Brazil in this case the photographs by Frenchmen Pierre Monbeig and Marcel\ud Gautherot. A visual culture in the process of generalization is highlighted in the association of\ud images in correlated series, at a moment when both the solo journey and the act of\ud photographing ad become increasingly common and accessible practices. The convergence\ud of representations by one same generation invites us to detect in the mise-en-serie the visual\ud conventions and the documentary style parameters of one and the other, so that a synthesis of\ud the imagistic thought of the era is arrived at. The images evidence geographically coincident\ud figurative itineraries, resulting in representations that, by extension and repetition, become\ud icons. The types and aspects of Percy Laus series and the texts accompanying it are inscribed\ud within the Vidalian geography, one of the intellectual matrices of Brazilian geography, in its\ud moment of institutionalization, during the Estado Novo period. If history, travel and image\ud lean on comparativeness, weaving persistencies, appropriations, transformations and hybridisms\ud of the iconographic in all levels, then it constitutes a vast research program open to\ud interdisciplinary dialogue