269 research outputs found

    Tight Sum-of-Squares lower bounds for binary polynomial optimization problems

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    We give two results concerning the power of the Sum-of-Squares(SoS)/Lasserre hierarchy. For binary polynomial optimization problems of degree 2d2d and an odd number of variables nn, we prove that n+2d−12\frac{n+2d-1}{2} levels of the SoS/Lasserre hierarchy are necessary to provide the exact optimal value. This matches the recent upper bound result by Sakaue, Takeda, Kim and Ito. Additionally, we study a conjecture by Laurent, who considered the linear representation of a set with no integral points. She showed that the Sherali-Adams hierarchy requires nn levels to detect the empty integer hull, and conjectured that the SoS/Lasserre rank for the same problem is n−1n-1. We disprove this conjecture and derive lower and upper bounds for the rank

    Bi-Criteria and Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Matchings

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    In this work we study approximation algorithms for the \textit{Bounded Color Matching} problem (a.k.a. Restricted Matching problem) which is defined as follows: given a graph in which each edge ee has a color cec_e and a profit pe∈Q+p_e \in \mathbb{Q}^+, we want to compute a maximum (cardinality or profit) matching in which no more than wj∈Z+w_j \in \mathbb{Z}^+ edges of color cjc_j are present. This kind of problems, beside the theoretical interest on its own right, emerges in multi-fiber optical networking systems, where we interpret each unique wavelength that can travel through the fiber as a color class and we would like to establish communication between pairs of systems. We study approximation and bi-criteria algorithms for this problem which are based on linear programming techniques and, in particular, on polyhedral characterizations of the natural linear formulation of the problem. In our setting, we allow violations of the bounds wjw_j and we model our problem as a bi-criteria problem: we have two objectives to optimize namely (a) to maximize the profit (maximum matching) while (b) minimizing the violation of the color bounds. We prove how we can "beat" the integrality gap of the natural linear programming formulation of the problem by allowing only a slight violation of the color bounds. In particular, our main result is \textit{constant} approximation bounds for both criteria of the corresponding bi-criteria optimization problem

    Notes on Max Flow Time Minimization with Controllable Processing Times

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    In a scheduling problem with controllable processing times the job processing time can be compressed through incurring an additional cost. We consider the identical parallel machines max flow time minimization problem with controllable processing times. We address the preemptive and non-preemptive version of the problem. For the preemptive case, a linear programming formulation is presented which solves the problem optimally in polynomial time. For the non-preemptive problem it is shown that the First In First Out (FIFO) heuristic has a tight worst-case performance of 3−2/m, when jobs processing times and costs are set as in some optimal preemptive schedul

    The Feedback Arc Set Problem with Triangle Inequality is a Vertex Cover Problem

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    We consider the (precedence constrained) Minimum Feedback Arc Set problem with triangle inequalities on the weights, which finds important applications in problems of ranking with inconsistent information. We present a surprising structural insight showing that the problem is a special case of the minimum vertex cover in hypergraphs with edges of size at most 3. This result leads to combinatorial approximation algorithms for the problem and opens the road to studying the problem as a vertex cover problem

    Altimeter height measurement errors introduced by the presence of variable cloud and rain attenuation

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    It has recently been recognized that spatially inhomogeneous clouds and rain can substantially affect the height precision obtainable from a spaceborne radar altimeter system. Through computer simulation, it has been found that typical levels of cloud and rain intensities and associated spatial variabilities may degrade altimeter precision at 13.5 GHz and, in particular, cause severe degradation at 35 GHz. This degradation in precision is a result of radar signature distortion caused by variable attenuation over the beam limited altimeter footprint. Because attenuation effects increase with frequency, imprecision caused by them will significantly impact on the frequency selection of future altimeters. In this paper the degradation of altimeter precision introduced by idealized cloud and rain configurations as well as for a realistic rain configuration as measured with a ground based radar is examined
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