131 research outputs found

    Derivatization Does Not Influence Antimicrobial and Antifungal Activities of Applanoxidic Acids and Sterols from Ganoderma spp.

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    Abstract Applanoxidic acids and sterols, isolated from Ganoderma spp., were acetylated and/or methylated. The antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus and the antifungal activity against Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes of the derivatives were investigated by a microdilution method, and compared with those of the natural products. Both natural and modified compounds exhibited comparable antibacterial and antifungal activities in a range of 1.0 to > 2.0 mg/ml minimal inhibitory concentratio

    Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Aerial Parts of Plinia glomerata

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    Abstract The present work describes the antinociceptive properties and chemical composition of the aerial parts of Plinia glomerata (Myrtaceae). Both of the extracts evaluated, acetonic and methanolic, showed potent antinociceptive action, when analyzed against acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions in mice, with calculated ID50 (mg/kg, i. p.) values of 24.8 and 3.3, respectively. Through usual chromatographic techniques with an acetonic extract, the following compounds were obtained: 3,4,3′-trimethoxy flavellagic acid (1), 3,4,3′-trimethoxy flavellagic acid 4′-O-glucoside (3) and quercitrin (4), which were identified based on spectroscopic data. Compounds 1 (ID50 = 3.9 mg/kg, i. p., or 10.8 μmol/kg) and 3 (ID50 = 1.3 mg/kg or 2.5 μmol/kg) were notably more active than some well-known analgesic drugs used here for comparison

    Flavonoids, benzophenones and a new euphane derivative from Clusia columnaris Engl.

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    The polyisoprenylated benzophenones machuone and clusiachromene A have been isolated from the fruits of Clusia columnaris. The hexane extract of the young branches with leaves afforded a new euphane derivative, whose structure was elucidated by spectroscopic methods. On the contrary, the most polar EtOAc and ButOH extracts were constituted of flavonoid C-glucosides (isovitexin, vitexin and vitexin-2"-xyloside) and seven biflavonoids of the so-called Garcinia group. Dos frutos de Clusia columnaris foram isoladas as benzofenonas poliisopreniladas machuona e clusiacromeno A. Do extrato em hexano obtido de galhos e folhas novas, um novo triterpeno do tipo eufano foi isolado. Sua estrutura foi elucidada através de métodos espectroscópicos. Por outro lado, dos extratos mais polares - em acetato de etila e em butanol, foram isolados os flavonóides C-glicosilados isovitexina, vitexina e vitexina-2"-xilosídeo, além de sete bisflavonóides conhecidos como bisflavonóides do grupo da Garcinia

    Melia azedarach L. Fruit Extract as a potencial candidate in controlling the Neuraeschna Hagen, 1867 (Odonata: Aeshnidae), predominant predators for fish fingerlings

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    Odonata larvae in fishponds prey on fish fingerlings and decrease the profits from production. With the goal of eliminating these larvae from fishponds, large quantities of pesticides are applied. These products are toxic to fish and have unpredictable effects on the food chain. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the plant extract of fruits of Melia azedarach (CEE) and of methyl parathion (MP) adsorbed in silica in the control of Neuraeschna larvae (Odonata: Aeshnidae). The LC50-18h for CEE was 0.57 mg L-1, and for MP the LC50-12h was 0.17 mg L-1. Two compounds  with the highest concentration were isolated and identified from CEE, linoleic acid and melianone. The latter is a triterpene precursor of limonoids, compounds with insecticide properties. The substitution of synthetic pesticides for natural products is a path towards the sustainability of fish farming

    Prediction of Gas Chromatographic Retention Indices of Coumarins

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    Quantitative structure-retention relationships (QSRR) were used in this study to relate the chromatographic retention of different substituted coumarins to molecular structure. Different structural parameters were selected, such as topological, geometric, electronic, quantum-chemical and physico-chemical descriptors, in order to find an equation that fitted the chromatographic retention of these compounds. The method proposed by Dimov that classifies the descriptors in different groups in agreement with their values of correlation coefficients was analysed. Significant correlation equations were obtained with the following molecular descriptors: the total surface area (A T), the electrotopological state index (S(-o-)) of the oxygen in position 1 of coumarin, and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy (E HOMO), showing that the experimental retention, using stationary phases with low polarity, was related with the shape and electronic factors of the solutes. The models found have a good predictive ability as established by cross-validation r²cv values and thus, can be used to aid in the elucidation of the structure or the chromatographic retention of similar coumarins. O estudo de correlação entre estrutura-retenção (QSRR) foi usado para relacionar a retenção cromatográfica de diferentes cumarinas substituídas as suas características estruturais. Diferentes parâmetros estruturais foram selecionados tais como: descritores topológicos, geométricos, eletrônicos, químico-quânticos e físico-químicos para encontrar uma equação que melhor explique o comportamento cromatográfico destes compostos. O método proposto por Dimov que classifica os descritores em diferentes grupos de acordo com seus valores de coeficientes de correlação foi utilizado neste estudo. As melhores equações de correlação linear múltipla foram obtidas com os seguintes descritores: área total (A T), índice do estado eletrotopológico (S-O-) e orbital molecular ocupado de maior energia (E HOMO), mostrando que a retenção experimental, usando fase estacionária de baixa polaridade está relacionada principalmente com fatores relacionados a forma e também eletrônicos. Os modelos selecionados apresentaram uma boa predictabilidade, a qual foi estabelecida através dos valores do coeficiente de correlação de validação cruzada (r²cv). As equações encontradas podem ser utilizadas para auxiliar na elucidação da estrutura ou retenção cromatográfica de cumarinas similares às estudadas

    Atividade antimicrobiana do australato de metila de Ganoderma australe

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    In addition to nine known steroidal compounds, australic acid and the new methyl australate have been isolated from the Brazilian fungus Ganoderma australe. Both methyl australate and its corresponding acid were shown to be active against fungi and Gram-positive bacteria, the methyl ester being also active against Gram-negative bacteria. Do fungo brasileiro Ganoderma australe foram isolados o ácido austrálico e o novo composto australado de metila, além de outros 9 compostos já conhecidos. Tanto o australado de metila quanto o ácido correpondente foram ativos contra fungos e bactérias Gram-positivas, sendo o éster metílico ainda ativo contra bactérias Gram-negativas

    New 3,4-seco ent-kaurenes from Croton caracasana flowers

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    Two new 3,4-seco- ent-kaurenes, caracasine (1) and caracasine acid (2), were isolated from non-polar extracts of the flowers of Croton caracasana (Euphorbiaceae), together with six known terpenes, stigmasterol (4), stigmastenone (5), 2,6-dimethylocta-3,7-diene-2, 6-diol (6), spathulenol (7), caryophyllene oxide (8), and aromadendrene (9), and the flavonoid tribuloside (10). The chemical structures were determined by spectroscopic means and chemical correlations. All isolated compounds are being described for the first time for this species