264 research outputs found

    The Strategic Use of Blockchain and Information Technology in Financial Inclusion and Sectors

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    Information Technology, and more specifically Blockchain, has taken over many industries, changing their fundamentals in order to increase productivity and efficiency. The world is now moving into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which merges the tangible and intangible world in ways previously not known to man, such as biotechnology and other disruptive technologies. Changes happening nowadays have affected the requirements for labor and their productivity, profitability of data in general, and the strategic use of Blockchain and Information Technology (IT); meanwhile, there are fears that occur from simple changes. This paper aims to understand the literature revolving the strategic use of Blockchain and IT in the realm of economics - more specifically financial inclusion and institutions, with the possible extensions it poses. It has also examined Egypt\u27s situation in terms of financial inclusion and institutions within the jurisdiction of mobile phone penetration and usage of internet. All this then boils down into a brief policy recommendati

    Seasonal fluxes of phosphate across the sediment-water interface in Edku Lagoon, Egypt

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    AbstractEdku Lagoon is a shallow, brackish, coastal wetland located in the north-western part of the Nile Delta. It suffers from a high level of eutrophication, owing to the heavy load of nutrients, especially phosphorus. The purpose of this paper was to study the flux rates of organic and inorganic phosphorus across the sediment water interface in Edku Lagoon. Both the organic and inorganic phosphorus of surface sediments, pore water and their concentrations in the water just above the sediments were used to calculate the flux rates and to derive the geochemical models. These suggest that, at present, the flux of inorganic and organic phosphorus is from water to sediments via the sedimentation of inorganic particles and organic matter. The results show that phosphorus deposition to the sediments exceeds the rate of inorganic phosphorus release from the sediments to the water column. In a steady state, the rates of organic phosphorus release more or less match the rates of deposition. These reflect the imbalance (accumulation) of phosphorus in the geochemical cycle in the lagoon and its highly eutrophic status. Efforts to control the eutrophication of Edku Lagoon have focused on reducing the phosphorus input

    Acinetobacter baumannii extracted silver nanoparticles: A study on the characterization and antibacterial activity

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    Background: Antibiotic resistance is a worldwide problem, associated with increased mortality. Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles are promising solution. Aim: To improve the anti-microbial resistance using Acinetobacter baumannii  (A. baumannii) biosynthesized silver nitrate.Methods: Optimization of biosynthesis condition and characterization by Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (U-V-Vis) at a wavelength from 300 to 400 nm, ±1.67 nm. The Acinetobacter baumannii biosynthesized silver nitrate was examined using transmission electron microscope (TEM).  Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy was done to study the capping material, X-ray spectroscopy confirm silver nanoparticles synthesis with particle size match TEM measuring and testing its antibacterial effect was done. Results: The obtained U.V Spectroscopy and TEM characters of silver nitrate biosynthesized A.baumannii. Acinetobacter baumannii biosynthesized silver nitrate was obtained indicated. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was from 1-3 mg/ml against extreme drug resistance bacteria. the size of silver nanoparticles was found to be between 18 nm and 50 nm. The AgNPs were found to be stable for over 6 months at 37°C.The MIC for AgNPs formed from A. baumannii CFF was detected as 2.85 mg/ml, MBC (minimal bactericidal concentration) was 3 mg/ml for K. pneumonia, MIC was 1 mg/ml, MBC was 0.5 mg/ml for P. aeruginosa and MIC was 1.5 mg/ml and MBC was 1 mg/ml for A. baumannii isolates. Lethal concentration (LC) 50% was 60.584 ug/ml) assessed by Sulforhodamine-B assay on hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. Conclusion: Acinetobacter baumannii extracted silver nitrate has A promising antibacterial action that may help in solving the multidrug resistance bacteria

    دراسة تأثير العوامل البيئية على الشبابيک الجصية بالقباب األثرية قبة النجومي بأسوان نموذجا . A Study the Effect of Environmental Hazards on the Stucco Windows in Archaeological domes: Al-Nujoumi Dome at Aswan Case Study.

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    {AR} يتناول البحث الدراسة الآثارية وحالة الحفظ لمقبرة النجومي، والتى ترجع أصولها إلى الأسرة العلوية, حيث تقع هذه المقبرة في أسوان في الجهة الجنوبية من المقابر الفاطمية وبالقرب من المسلة الناقصة. ويطلق عليها مقبرة الجنود المصريين أو مقبرة توشكا، وإن بناء القبة كبناء تذكاري تم بأمر من الملك فاروق في عهده، ولكن المنامة نفسها ودفن الشهداء والمعركة التي حدثت في(1310ه) كانوا في هذا المكان الذي اختاره فاروق لبناء هذا المبني. وبالرغم من موقعها وقربها من المسلة الناقصة وهى خلفها مباشرةً. نجد أنه لا يعرفها الكثيرون من المتخصصين وحتي أهالي محافظة أسوان نفسها لا يعرفونها, و ظلت تعاني الإهمال لفترات إلا أنه في الوقت الحالي لاقت اهتماماً من المحافظة, ويستهدف البحث رصد أهم المخاطر التي تتعرض لها قبة النجومي، ومنها أنه في عام (2018م) اشتعلت الحرائق في حديقة المقبرة بسبب عدم إزالة الحشائش لفترات. كما يستهدف رصد ما يعاني منه المكان من عدم النظافة وإلقاء المخلفات, كما أن النوافذ الجصية بالقبة تعاني من الإهمال مما يؤدي إلى تكسير وفقد أجزاء، وتم فحص عينات من الشباك الجصي للتعرف علي حالة الجبس. ومن المخاطر المستمرة المياه الأرضية والتي تم تحليلها والتعرف علي عناصرها. وللفحوص تم استخدام طرق مثل الميكروسكوب الرقمي، والميكروسكوب الإلكتروني الماسح المزود بوحدة SEM-EDX لفحص عينات من الشبابيك، واستخدام ICP ( (Inductively Coupled plasm لتحليل المياه. وتبين من نتائج الفحص SEM- EDX وجود أملاح الكلوريدات والكبريتات بنسب عالية. وباستخدام Wireless USB Digital Microscope الميكرسكوب المحمول ظهر تراكم الاتسخات بين الزخارف وتدهور بلورات الجبس, أما تحليل المياه باستخدام جهازICP فقد أظهر تركيزات عناصر(Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cd, Ni, Pb, P)، وارتفاع معدلات الفسفور والحديد. {EN} This research presents the state of the Al-Nujomi Cemetery; Which traces its origins back to the Alawite family. This cemetery is located in Aswan. It is called the cemetery of the Egyptian soldiers or the tomb of Toshka, And the construction of the dome as a memorial building was done by order of King Farouk during his reign, but Manama itself and the burial of the martyrs and the battle that took place in (1310 AH) were in this place that Farouk chose to build this building . Despite its location and proximity to the missing obelisk, which is directly behind it? We find that many specialists do not know it, and even the people of Aswan Governorate itself do not know it. It has been neglected for periods, but at the present time it has received attention from the governorate. The research aims to monitor the most important risks to the Dome of Al-Nujumi, including that in the year (2018 AD) fires broke out in the garden of the cemetery due to the failure to remove the weeds for periods. The research also aims to monitor what the place suffers from uncleanness and dumping of waste. Also, the plaster windows in the dome suffer from neglect, which leads to cracking and missing parts. Samples of the plaster nets were examined to identify the condition of the stucco. One of the constant dangers is groundwater, which has been analyzed and its elements identified. For the examinations, methods such as: SEM-EDX and the use of ICP. The results of the SEM-EDX showed high levels of chloride and sulfate salts. using wireless USB digital microscopic accumulation of dirty between gypsum decorations. For water analysis using an ICP device, concentrations of elements such as (Fe, Zn, Cu,Cd, Ni, Pb, P) and high rates of phosphorus, iron and magnesiu

    Efficacy of Bioactive Glass Nanofibers Tested for Oral Mucosal Regeneration in Rabbits with Induced Diabetes

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    The healing of oral lesions that are associated with diabetes mellitus is a matter of great concern. Bioactive glass is a highly recommended bioceramic scaffold for bone and soft tissue regeneration. In this study, we aimed to assess the efficacy of a novel formula of bioactive glass nanofibers in enhancing oral mucosal wound regeneration in diabetes mellitus. Bioactive glass nanofibres (BGnf) of composition (1-2) mol% of B2O3, (68-69) mol% of SiO2, and (29-30) mol% of CaO were synthesized via the low-temperature sol-gel technique followed by mixing with polymer solution, then electrospinning of the glass sol to produce nanofibers, which were then subjected to heat treatment. X-Ray Diffraction analysis of the prepared nanofibers confirmed its amorphous nature. Microstructure of BGnf simulated that of the fibrin clot with cross-linked nanofibers having a varying range of diameter (500-900 nm). The in-vitro degradation profile of BGnf confirmed its high dissolution rate, which proved the glass bioactivity. Following fibers preparation and characterization, 12 healthy New Zealand male rabbits were successfully subjected to type I diabetic induction using a single dose of intravenous injection of alloxan monohydrate. Two weeks after diabetes confirmation, the rabbits were randomly divided into two groups (control and experimental groups). Bilateral elliptical oral mucosal defects of 10 x 3.5 mm were created in the maxillary mucobuccal fold of both groups. The defects of the experimental group were grafted with BGnf, while the other group of defects considered as a control group. Clinical, histological, and immune-histochemical assessment of both groups of wounds were performed after one, two and three weeks' time interval. The results of the clinical evaluation of BGnf treated defects showed complete wound closure with the absence of inflammation signs starting from one week postoperative. Control defects, on the other hand, showed an open wound with suppurative exudate. On histological and immunohistochemical level, the BGnf treated defects revealed increasing in cell activity and vascularization with the absence of inflammation signs starting from one week time interval, while the control defects showed signs of suppurative inflammation at one week time interval with diminished vascularization. The results advocated the suitability of BGnf as bioscaffold to be used in a wet environment as the oral cavity that is full of microorganisms and also for an immune-compromised condition as diabetes mellitus

    Fibromyalgia in Rheumatoid Patients, Depression and Cognitive Dysfunction

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    Aim of the work: To correlate relation between depression, cognitive dysfunction and fibromyalgia (FM) in rheumatoid patients. Patients and methods: The study was done on 60 patients, in 2 groups, Group A: Active, and Group B inactive patients. 9 were FM and 51 patients without FM Depression was diagnosed based on PHQ 9 depression scale test Cognitive function was assessed by MOCA test. Results: Mean scale of depression in FM 16.78 ± 6.38 while in patients free of FM are 12.27 ± 5.39 with statistically significant p value. Mean scale of cognitive dysfunction in patient with FM was 23.33 ± 3.87 while in patients without are 22.9 ± 4.51 without statistically significant p value. Conclusions: There is statistically significant correlation between depression and fibromyalgia and no statistically significant correlation between cognitive function and fibromyalgia

    Role of serum allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) in Egyptian type 2 diabetic patients

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    Background. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a powerful and independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The atherosclerosis process in diabetes is indistinguishable from that of the nondiabetic population, but it begins earlier and is often more extensive and more severe. AIF-1 promotes chemotaxis, spreading and migration of macrophages and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) which suggest a role of AIF-1 in the atherosclerotic plaque formation. Thus, this study determines the role of AIF-1 in the Egyptian type 2 diabetic patients. Results. The level of AIF-1 was significantly higher in the type 2 diabetic group when compared to the control group (p = 0.000). In type 2 diabetic patients group, there was a significant positive correlation between CIMT and AIF-1 (r = 0.468, p = 0.000). In addition to the positive correlation between CIMT and AIF-1, CIMT in regression model analysis was significantly positive contributing to the outcome variable (AIF-1) (p < 0.05), denoting the possible role of elevated serum AIF-1 level in atherosclerotic process with further studies on larger scale needed

    Synthesis and antitumor activity of novel pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine derivatives

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    A novel series of pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-3-carbonitriles substituted with 7-amino, 7-substituted amino and 5-substituted amino groups was synthesized. Some of the newly synthesized compounds were tested in vitro on human colon tumor cell line (HCT116). Compound 14a displayed the highest activity among the tested compounds with IC50 that equals to 0.0020 μM

    An evaluation of broad bean, Vicia faba, and whole wheat combinations for growth, development, and maintenance of rats

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    The purpose of this study was to compare growth, development, and maintenance of young and adult rats fed whole-wheat and broad-bean protein combinations. Criteria used to evaluate the nutritive value of the protein combinations for young animals included weight gain, protein efficiency ratio (PER), hemoglobin level, and liver copper and iron deposition. The length of the experimental period with the young rats was four weeks. Weight gain and apparent nitrogen retention were used to evaluate the test protein diets for adult animals over a one-week experimental period. Weight gains of young rats fed whole wheat as the only protein source were markedly lower than the weight gains of rats fed broad beans or whole-wheat and broadbean combinations