178 research outputs found

    German Post-war Social Policies against the Background of the Beveridge Plan

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    Flight from Reality: Hitler as Party Leader and Dictator in the Third Reich

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    Critique of Hitler-centristic interpretations of the Nazi regime and exploration of the circumstances behind political events and decisions of the Third Reich

    La décomposition de la bourgeoisie à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle

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    Ce qui fait la teneur propre de l’époque bourgeoise, par quelles voies le concept de bourgeoisie – qui à l’origine désigne, dans la stratification féodale, la population urbaine non soumise au lien féodal – devient une catégorie idéal-typique englobant comportement social, mentalité, formes de vie et styles culturels, aucune méthode systématique ne saurait nous aider à le déterminer. Si l’on ne se contente pas de voir dans la bourgeoisie la couche intermédiaire – au sens technique – qui exist..

    La décomposition de la bourgeoisie à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle

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    Ce qui fait la teneur propre de l’époque bourgeoise, par quelles voies le concept de bourgeoisie – qui à l’origine désigne, dans la stratification féodale, la population urbaine non soumise au lien féodal – devient une catégorie idéal-typique englobant comportement social, mentalité, formes de vie et styles culturels, aucune méthode systématique ne saurait nous aider à le déterminer. Si l’on ne se contente pas de voir dans la bourgeoisie la couche intermédiaire – au sens technique – qui exist..

    Alterations of Na, K and Rb concentrations in Mycenaean pottery and a proposed explanation using X-ray diffraction

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    One of the most important reference groups for Mycenaean pottery is the Mycenae/Berbati (MB). In several studies, a second group has been identified (MBKR). The chemical compositions were similar to MB, but with important differences in the Na, K and Rb contents. The present study suggests that these differences are due to selective alteration and contamination processes that are indirectly determined by the original firing temperature. Therefore, groups MB and MBKR should be considered as a single reference group

    Characterization of Maltese pottery of the Late Neolithic, Bronze Age and Punic Period by neutron activation analysis

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    A set of 41 samples from Tas-Silg, Malta, has been analysed by neutron activation. It contained nine ware groups formed by visual examination covering the Late Neolithic, Bronze Age and Punic Periods (c. 3000–218 BC). Despite this diversity and long time range, seven of these ware groups, including the ‘Thermi Ware’, all have a similar chemical composition and, therefore, have been made from the same clay. This points most probably to a local origin. One group from the Punic Period, containing only Bricky Red cooking ware, is chemically separate and represents a second distinct pattern probably assignable to a local production. Five amphora sherds also from the Punic Period, and consisting of a micaceous fabric, all have different chemical characteristics and are probably imports from overseas production sites of unknown location.peer-reviewe

    A contribution to the study of post-depositional alterations of pottery using TL dating analysis

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    In luminescence dating, the potassium concentration significantly contributes to the dose rate value in the age estimation. Within this study, fine-grain thermoluminescence dating has been applied on sherds of calcareous pottery of known age, excavated at a Roman site in Mallorca, Spain. For those of the samples that showed signs of severe potassium leaching, according to chemical and mineralogical examination, the thermoluminescence analysis provided overestimated dates. By using the known archaeological age of the samples, a corrected dose rate value can be estimated which provides the potassium concentration averaged for the burial period. Finally, a step-like model can then be used to estimate the fraction of the burial period after which most of the alteration effects took place
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