44 research outputs found

    Study of Algal Communities from Water Intake Gurghiu

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    In this study were identified 124 taxa, which belong to 5 phylla. Most of the species found are diatoms, because the time of water replacement in the pond that  formed, is at maximum one day, an eu planktonic community does not exist. In all the samples benthic species were numerous. Algae are used to to assess water quality, along with physical-chemical parameters. The results indicates a water of good or very good quality. In this study both maximum development peaks were observed and a seasonal dynamics was monitored

    Mallomonas acaroides Perty emend. Ivanov bloom in the Calcescu subalpine lake of the Pagang Mountains, Romania

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    Mallomonas acaroides Perty emend. Ivanov bloom in the Calcescu subalpine lake of the Parang Mountains, Romania. Plankton samples collected in autumn 1992 from the glacial Calcescu Lake, located at an altitude of 1924 m in the Parang Mountains, southern Carpathians, revealed an unexpected bloom of Mallomonas acaroides var. acaroides. according to TEM observations the population was very uniform, exhibited individuals with elongated, ellipsoidal to almost cylindrical cells bearing all over their surface outstandingly long, slender bristles, with helmet shaped tips. Bristles lacking helmet shaped tips, with gradually tapering distal ends and recurved proximal teeth were also present, but very rare. Most individuals possessed very thin, poorly silicified, imbricated scales, mostly without or with rudimentary meshwork on the shield. This is the first record of such Mallomonas bloom in a Romanian alpine lake, very similar with that documented by Kristiansen in a Bulgarian mountain lake

    Silica-scaled chrysophytes from Hungary

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    Adatok a Baláta-tó algaflórájához

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    Halász (1943) és Uherkovich (1978) 177 faj előfordulását közölte a Baláta-tóból. 1991-ben, valamint 1995-1996-ban végzett vizsgálataink során további 137 taxon került elő, melyek közül számos faj egyúttal Magyarország flórájára nézve is új. A flóra különösen gazdag Desmidiales és Synurophyceae fajokban. A talált fajok egy része kizárólag savas vizekben, lápokon fordul elő, mások kevésbé specializáltak, sőt néhány alkalikus, hipertróf vizekből is előkerül. Mindezek alapján a Baláta-tó átmeneti lápnak minősíthető. Vizsgálataink megerősítik Boros (1924) századeleji megállapítását, amely szerint a Baláta-tó és a Rétyi Nyír (Erdély, Kovászna megye) között igen nagy a florisztuikai hasonlóság

    Metal-induced abnormalities in diatom girdle bands

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    P. 1-14There have been a number of studies that described a serial of type of teratology occurring in different diatom taxa and that highlight the relation between metal concentration and diatom deformities, but this subject still remain not deeply understood. The present study refers to the effect of metal pollution on the diatom Achnanthidium minutissimum s.l. by describing a new form of teratology. The samples were collected in a mine area, Rosia Montana, from Romania. We observed that, exposed to environmental stress, the frustule of diatom cells appeared altered in several ways, with abnormal forms occurring in different diatom species that presented deformed valve outlines, modifications of the raphe canal system, irregular striation or mixed teratologies. In a particular sampling location where A. minutissimum s.l. was identified as the dominant species, 20.53% of the individuals presented an unreported type of deformity. This kind of teratology affects the cingulum, the valvocopula more exactly, by becoming markedly undulat

    HArMoNICS: High-Assurance Microgrid Network Infrastructure Case Study

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    Modern Intelligent Infrastructures (II) are highly complex, interconnected systems that are now emerging. For instance, II can integrate technologies and processes to provide citizens with faster services and better goods. An average II can include many technologies, e.g., Cloud applications and IoT devices, under different environments, e.g., industry 4.0 production plants and smart buildings. Although II bring concrete benefits to all of these contexts, they also carry security concerns. Reasoning about threats and security exposures that might affect II is non trivial. This is only partially due to their inherent complexity. As a matter of fact, real II are typically in charge of some critical operations that cannot be interrupted or compromised for experimental purposes. An alternative solution is to rely on digital replicas which can provide a good trade off between realism and usability. These assets represent a strategic and highly demanded resource for the security community. In this paper we present HArMoNICS, a case study infrastructure meant to provide a playground for security experts interested in II security. HArMoNICS revolves around a digital replica of a real Smart Polygeneration Microgrid (SPM) located in Italy. Although most of the components are based on or inspired to the real system, HArMoNICS has been enriched with further security-relevant features. As a result, the case study includes vertical uses cases focusing on specific security topics. Security researchers can use it to assess the effectiveness of new methodologies, to carry out security training activities, or even to extend it with new elements

    Relations Between River Chemistry and Its Phytoplankton. Case Study - TimiȘ River (Banat, Romania)

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    Legături între chimia râului şi fitoplanctonul acestuia. Studiu de caz - râul Timiş