18 research outputs found

    Latent classes of eating disorders and addictions by sex: Implication of alexithymia and stressful life events in youths

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    Introduction: Eating disorders (EDs) and behavioural addictions show common psychological vulnerability factors such as alexithymia and stressful life events (SLE). This study aims, firstly, to explore the prevalence and latent profiles of participants based on their risk of suffering EDs, gambling disorder (GD), alcohol and/or drug abuse, and compulsive buying (CB) by sex. Secondly, it aimed to test whether alexithymia and having experienced SLE are associated with group membership. Methods: The sample was predominantly drawn from university students and social networks. It was composed of 352 young adults between 18 and 35 years old, of whom 77.8% were women and 22.2% men. Results: The results showed that the most prevalent disorders of the sample were alcohol, EDs, CB, drugs and GD, respectively. Moreover, latent class analyses were conducted based on the risk of suffering EDs or addictions by sex. Three main profiles were found: ‘Men with addictions’, ‘Healthy women’ and ‘Women with EDs’. Finally, differences in SLE and alexithymia levels were tested by latent classes. “Men with addictions” and “Women with EDs” had higher scores on alexithymia and SLE than the group of “Healthy women”. However, the group of “Women with EDs” (class 3) reported significantly higher levels of SLE and alexithymia than the other two groups. Discussion and conclusion: In conclusion, we discuss the possibility that some vulnerability factors operate generally and transdiagnostically in EDs and addictive disorders. The identification of clinical phenotypes could complement and deepen prediction, prevention and treatment research in clinical settings. The need to take sex and gender differences into account is reinforced.We thank the Spanish Ministry of Health for institutional support. The research was funded by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (PNSD; Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs; Ref: 2020I007). The funders played no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The research is also supported by a predoctoral grant for training university teachers from the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU20/03045) and a post-doctoral grant from the Basque Government

    Longitudinal changes in gambling, buying and materialism in adolescents: A population-based study

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    Gambling disorder, gambling-related cognitive biases, compulsive buying, and materialistic values lead to impaired functioning in important areas of life. The aims of the present longitudinal study are (1) to evaluate the change produced after one year in those mentioned variables and (2) to examine the gender role in these changes and to analyze the mediational mechanisms among the variables of the study. The sample was composed of 182 adolescents (103 females and 79 males) from secondary education Spanish institutions who completed self-administered questionnaires. Structural equation modeling has been used to explore associations between the different variables. Our results show significant decreases in compulsive buying, materialism, and cognitive biases related to gambling after one year. Gambling disorder severity was directly related to cognitive distortions of gambling and being a man. Compulsive buying was associated with older age and the female gender. Materialism was associated with compulsive buying and the male gender. In conclusion, gambling disorder, gambling-related cognitive biases, compulsive buying, and materialistic values change over time in different ways, according to gender. The understanding of gambling disorder and compulsive buying in adolescents could potentially lead to early prevention and treatment programs for the specific needs of gender and age

    Cyberbullying and Gambling Disorder: Associations with Emotion Regulation and Coping Strategies

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    The presence of unsuitable coping and emotion regulation strategies in young populations with gambling disorder (GD) and in those who have experienced cyberbullying victimization has been suggested. However, this association has not been explored in depth. In this study, our aim was to analyze individual differences in emotion regulation, coping strategies, and substance abuse in a clinical sample of adolescents and young adult patients with GD (n = 31) and in a community sample (n = 250). Furthermore, we aimed to examine the association between cyberbullying and GD. Participants were evaluated using the Cyberbullying Questionnaire-Victimization, the Canadian Adolescent Gambling Inventory, the Coping Strategies Inventory, the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test. Structural Equation Modeling was used to explore associations between these factors in a community sample and in a clinical group. In both groups, exposure to cyberbullying behaviors was positively associated with higher emotion dysregulation and the use of maladaptative coping styles. Our findings uphold that adolescents and young adults who were victims of cyberbullying show difficulties in emotion regulation and maladaptive coping strategies when trying to solve problems. The specific contribution of sex, age, gambling severity, emotion regulation, and coping strategies on cyberbullying severity is also discussed. Populations at vulnerable ages could potentially benefit from public prevention policies that target these risk factors

    La intolerancia a la incertidumbre, la tendencia a experimentar preocupaciones y el pesimismo como factores intervinientes en la relación entre la dependencia emocional y la violencia

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    People with emotional dependence present constant concerns about possible abandonment or betrayal by their partner. In this way, they implement a wide range of retention strategies aimed at covering the great need for control in the relationship. In addition, they feel dissatisfaction and frustration in the relationship since they feel they will never get what they want or expect from it. Therefore, the objectives of the study are aimed at analyzing the possible relationship between emotional dependence, intolerance to uncertainty, tendency to worry and pessimism. Also, the mediating role of these factors in the relationship between emotional dependence and permanence in violent relationships is verified due to the high prevalence of occurring jointly in the same relationship. A total of 258 people participated, 77.1% women and 22.9% men with ages ranging from 18 to 67 (M = 32.63; SD = 11.66). The results reflected positive relationships between emotional dependence, intolerance to uncertainty, tendency to worry and pessimism. Likewise, it is proven that emotional dependence leads to permanence in violent relationships through the factors mentioned.Las personas con dependencia emocional presentan preocupaciones constantes sobre el posible abandono o traición por parte de la pareja. De esta forma, ponen en marcha un gran abanico de estrategias retentivas dirigidas a cubrir la gran necesidad de controlar la relación. Además, sienten insatisfacción y frustración en la relación ya que sienten que nunca conseguirán lo que quieren o esperan de ella. Por esto, los objetivos del estudio se dirigen a analizar la posible relación entre la dependencia emocional, la intolerancia a la incertidumbre, la tendencia a las preocupaciones y el pesimismo. Asimismo, se comprueba el papel mediador de estos factores en la relación entre la dependencia emocional y la permanencia en relaciones de pareja violentas debido a la elevada prevalencia de darse conjuntamente en una misma relación. Participaron 258 personas, 77.1% mujeres y 22.9% hombres con edades que oscilaron entre los 18 y 67 años (M = 32.63; DT = 11.66). Los resultados reflejaron relaciones positivas entre la dependencia emocional, la intolerancia a la incertidumbre, la tendencia a las preocupaciones y el pesimismo. Igualmente, se comprueba que la dependencia emocional conduce a la permanencia en relaciones violentas a través de los factores mencionados

    Desarrollo y validación del cuestionario VREP (Violencia Recibida, Ejercida y Percibida) en las relaciones de pareja en adolescentes

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    La violencia en el noviazgo de parejas jóvenes y adolescentes presenta una elevada bidireccionalidad, resulta cada vez más frecuente y supone la antesala u origen de la violencia de parejas adultas. Su estudio resulta complejo, de ahí que no existan muchos instrumentos de evaluación y, algunos de los que existen, no incluyen, entre otros, la percepción de las conductas violentas por parte de las personas. Por ello, se ha creado un cuestionario con el objetivo de medir la violencia en la pareja, tanto la violencia recibida, ejercida, como la percepción de la misma. El cuestionario VREP incluye las escalas de violencia: Física, Sexual, Psicológica Humillación-Coerción, Psicológica Control-Celos y Psicológica Social. Un primer estudio con 286 jóvenes analizó las propiedades psicométricas preliminares. Como resultado se obtuvo una versión de 28 ítems. Un segundo estudio con 695 jóvenes analizó la estructura factorial, consistencia interna, validez de constructo y validez convergente de la versión definitiva. Los resultados mostraron que se trata de un instrumento idóneo, además de breve, adecuado psicométricamente para dar cuenta del constructo de sus dimensiones básicas.Dating violence during adolescence and with young people is highly two-way, increasingly frequent and the prelude or origin of adult dating violence. Because of the difficulty of the study, there are not many appropriate measures to evaluate dating violence in adolescents and some existing ones omit aspects such as the perception of violent behavior. Therefore, the study focuses on drawing up a questionnaire that measures violence that has been both received and imposed and how it is perceived in teen relationships. It has been created the questionnaire called VREP and it was designed, divided into: Physical, Sexual Psychological Humiliation-coercion, Jealousy-Control and Social. A first study with 286 young people analyzed the psychometric properties of the draft questionnaire. The final version consisted of 28 items. A second study with 695 young people analyzed the factorial structure, internal consistency, construct validity and convergent validity of the final version. The results have shown that this tool is suitable and, although brief, is psychometrically adequate to account for the construct of its basic dimensions

    Emotional dependence on the aggressive partner and its relationship to eating disorders

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    Artículo derivado de la obtención de datos para la realización de la Tesis Doctoral de Leticia Olave Porrúa titulada "Adicción al ejercicio físico y dismorfia muscular y complicaciones clínicas", defendida en el año 2022 con la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude y dirigida por Itziar Iruarrizaga. Se recogieron, y se siguen recogiendo cada año, datos de una muy amplia cantidad de variables.Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) son frecuentes en las familias con dificultades para fomentar la autonomía de sus miembros, pudiendo resultar un factor de riesgo a la hora de establecer relaciones de pareja dependientes. La dependencia emocional y la violencia de pareja se dan conjuntamente con elevada frecuencia. El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la relación y el papel predictivo de los TCA en la dependencia emocional, violencia recibida y dependencia emocional hacia la pareja agresora. Participaron 712 personas, 545 mujeres y 167 hombres, de entre 18 y 30 años (M= 21,32; DT= 2,94). Se encontró que las personas que puntuaban alto en TCA eran un grupo de riesgo en el desarrollo de la dependencia emocional, permanencia en relaciones violentas y desarrollo de ambas conjuntamente en una misma relación de pareja. En cuanto a las características asociadas con los TCA, la impulsividad se asoció con la violencia recibida y el miedo a la madurez, ineficacia, perfeccionismo, ascetismo e impulsividad se asociaron con la dependencia emocional en general y hacia la pareja agresora.Eating disorders are common in families with difficulties in promoting the autonomy of their members and may be a risk factor when establishing dependent relationships. Emotional dependence and partner violence occur together with a high frequency. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship and predictive role of eating disorders in emotional dependence, violence received and emotional dependence on the aggressor partner. The participants were 712 subjects, 545 women and 167 men, between 18 and 30 years of age (M= 21.32, SD= 2.94). It was found that individuals who scored high on eating disorders were a risk group in the development of emotional dependence, permanence in violent relationships, and the development of both together in the same relationship. As for the characteristics associated with eating disorders, impulsivity was associated with the violence received and fear of maturity, ineffectiveness, perfectionism, asceticism and impulsivity were associated with emotional dependence in general and towards the aggressor partner.Depto. de Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y LogopediaFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    Estilos de afrontamiento, esquemas disfuncionales y síntomas psicopatológicos relacionados con la dependencia emocional hacia la pareja agresora

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    Este artículo ha sido publicado íntegramente en inglés y en español con diferentes DOI. Artículo derivado de la obtención de datos para la realización de la Tesis Doctoral de Leticia Olave Porrúa titulada "Adicción al ejercicio físico y dismorfia muscular y complicaciones clínicas", defendida en el año 2022 con la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude y dirigida por Itziar Iruarrizaga. Se recogieron, y se siguen recogiendo cada año, datos de una muy amplia cantidad de variables.Coping styles, dysfunctional schemes and psychopathological symptoms could be factors of vulnerability that increase the probability that a person develops emotional dependence on an aggressive partner. Delimiting the risk factors is fundamental for its prevention and treatment. Consequently, the main objectives of the present study were to analyze the relationship between the above-mentioned factors, as well as the mediating role of the first three in the relationship between emotional dependence and received violence. The sample was made up of 657 women from the clinical and general population, with ages ranging from 18 to 66 years of age (M= 23.38, SD= 8.24). The results reflected the predominance of inadequate coping styles, such as desiderative thinking, social isolation and self-critical, psychopathological symptoms of depression, anxiety, interpersonal sensibility, obsession-compulsion and paranoid ideation, as well as abandonment and subjugation schemes. These factors also explained part of the relationship between emotional dependence and staying in violent relationships.Los estilos de afrontamiento, los esquemas disfuncionales y la sintomatología psicopatológica podrían resultar factores de vulnerabilidad que incrementan la probabilidad de que una persona desarrolle dependencia emocional hacia la pareja agresora. Delimitar los factores de riesgo es fundamental para su prevención y tratamiento. Consecuentemente, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivos principales analizar la relación entre los factores señalados, así como el papel mediador de los tres primeros en la relación entre la dependencia emocional y la violencia recibida. La muestra estuvo conformada por 657 mujeres procedentes de población clínica y general, con edades que oscilaron entre los 18 y 66 años (M= 23,38; DT= 8,24). Los resultados reflejaron la predominancia del empleo de estilos de afrontamiento inadecuados, tales como pensamiento desiderativo, aislamiento social y autocrítica, síntomas psicopatológicos de depresión, ansiedad, sensibilidad interpersonal, obsesión-compulsión e ideación paranoide, así como esquemas de abandono y subyugación. Asimismo, estos factores explicaron una parte de la relación entre la dependencia emocional y la permanencia en relaciones violentas.Fundación Jesús de Gangoiti BarreraDepto. de Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y LogopediaFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    El papel del apego y de los esquemas esquemas inadaptados tempranos en la conducta impulsiva de adolescentes

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    Artículo derivado de la Tesis Doctoral de María Dolores Chávez-Vera titulada "Estructuras psicológicas tempranas, impulsividad, adicciones a sustancias y comportamentales en adolescentes y jóvenes de Ecuador", defendida en el año 2018 con la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude y dirigida por Itziar Iruarrizaga. Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico en el que se recogieron datos de una muy amplia cantidad de variables.Introducción/objetivo: Son escasos los estudios que abordan la relación entre el apego y la impulsividad en la adolescencia. Por ello, los objetivos del estudio han sido estudiar la relación entre el apego, las estructuras inadaptadas tempranas y la impulsividad, así como comprobar el papel predictivo de los dos primeros sobre la impulsividad. Por último, se estudia el papel mediador de los esquemas inadaptados tempranos en la relación entre el apego y la impulsividad. Métodos: La muestra es de 1533 adolescentes de Ecuador (826 hombres y 707 mujeres), con edades entre los 14 y 18 años (M = 15.76, DT = 1.25). Se emplearon los siguientes cuestionarios para medir las variables de estudio: CaMir-R, YSQ-S3, BIS 11. Resultados: Los resultados reflejan como la seguridad, el valor a la autoridad parental, la permisividad parental, la autosuficiencia y rencor contra los padres, el traumatismo infantil y el esquema negatividad/ pesimismo predicen la conducta impulsiva. Asimismo, se confirma el papel mediador de los esquemas inadaptados tempranos. Conclusiones: El conocimiento del papel que cumplen los esquemas inadaptados tempranos y los estilos de apego como factores de riesgo o vulnerabilidad implicados en el establecimiento de la conducta impulsiva resulta de gran utilidad de cara a implementar estrategias preventivas y un enfoque terapéutico adecuado.Resumen Introducción/objetivo: Son escasos los estudios que abordan la relación entre el apego y la impulsividad en la adolescencia. Por ello, los objetivos del estudio han sido estudiar la relación entre el apego, las estructuras inadaptadas tempranas y la impulsividad, así como comprobar el papel predictivo de los dos primeros sobre la impulsividad. Por último, se estudia el papel mediador de los esquemas inadaptados tempranos en la relación entre el apego y la impulsividad. Método: La muestra es de 1533 adolescentes de Ecuador (826 hombres y 707 mujeres), con edades entre los 14 y 18 años (M = 15.76, DT = 1.25). Se emplearon los siguientes cuestionarios para medir las variables de estudio: CaMir-R, YSQ-S3, BIS 11. Resultados: Los resultados reflejan como la seguridad, el valor a la autoridad parental, la permisividad parental, la autosuficiencia y rencor contra los padres, el traumatismo infantil y el esquema negatividad/pesimismo predicen la conducta impulsiva. Asimismo, se confirma el papel mediador de los esquemas inadaptados tempranos. Conclusiones: El conocimiento del papel que cumplen los esquemas inadaptados tempranos y los estilos de apego como factores de riesgo o vulnerabilidad implicados en el establecimiento de la conducta impulsiva resulta de gran utilidad de cara a implementar estrategias preventivas y un enfoque terapéutico adecuado.Depto. de Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y LogopediaFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    Emotional regulation and body dissatisfaction: the mediating role of anger in young adult women

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    Artículo derivado de la obtención de datos para la realización de la Tesis Doctoral de Leticia Olave Porrúa titulada "Adicción al ejercicio físico y dismorfia muscular y complicaciones clínicas", defendida en el año 2022 con la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude y dirigida por Itziar Iruarrizaga. Se recogieron, y se siguen recogiendo cada año, datos de una muy amplia cantidad de variables.Introduction: Emotion regulation difficulties have an important role in the presence of negative self-image. These problems in the self-regulation of emotion could lead to negative emotional processes (such as anger) that can lead to body dissatisfaction. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine emotion regulation difficulties than can negatively impact self-image and to understand if anger acts as mediator in the relationship between emotion regulation and body dissatisfaction. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out comprising 565 young adult women aged 18–30 years. The participants were administered the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2 (STAXI-2), and the Body Dissatisfaction dimension of the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2). The proposed hypotheses were tested by path analysis in MPlus 8.0. Results: The results indicated that anger had a positive significant effect on body dissatisfaction as well as the non-acceptance of emotional responses, the lack of emotional awareness, and the lack of emotional clarity. Of all the dimensions of emotional regulation difficulties, impulse control difficulty was the dimension which had a positive significant indirect effect on body dissatisfaction explained by increased anger. Discussion: The present study suggests the importance of emotion regulation in the prevention of body dissatisfaction. Impulse control difficulty may be the key emotion regulation emotion in explaining the increments of anger that lead to body dissatisfaction. Among young adults, the promotion of positive body image can be promoted by helping this population to self-regulate their anger impulses.Depto. de Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y LogopediaFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    7th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA 2022) June 20–22, 2022, Nottingham, United Kingdom

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    Artículo derivado de la Tesis Doctoral de María Dolores Chávez Vera titulada "Estructuras psicológicas tempranas, impulsividad, adicciones a sustancias y comportamentales en adolescentes y jóvenes de Ecuador", defendida en el año 2018 con la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude y dirigida por Itziar Iruarrizaga. Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico en el que se recogieron datos de una muy amplia cantidad de variables.Compulsive buying, despite not being included in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 manuals as a type of non-substance addiction, is considered a behavioural addiction by several experts. This problem has been linked to impulsivity, which is related to emotional dependence and attachment styles. Differences in the prevalence of compulsive buying between men and women have generated much interest, but findings do not always point in the same direction. Aims: this study aims to analyse the differences in attachment, emotional dependence, impulsivity and compulsive buying between men and women; to analyse the model by which all these variables are related; and to test whether or not this model is different for men and women. Method: a non-clinical sample of 1,500 adolescents, half male and half female, living in South America was collected. After informed consent was given to the parents and/or legal guardians of the adolescents, the participants filled in the questionnaires in paper format. Results: the model initially proposed was confirmed. Despite finding differences between males and females in terms of levels of emotional dependence, impulsivity, compulsive buying and attachment, the way these variables interact does not change depending on gender. Conclusions: these results are very useful to implement better treatments aimed at mitigating or coping with compulsive buying, as well as to prevent this problem.Depto. de Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y LogopediaFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu